#but i'll get to things once supper's cooked and eaten !
s1v0n1 · 1 year
"Southern Belle" kirishima pt.1
an: ok so i was raised southern and I'm a country girl (no not THAT kind of country girl- no homophobia or any of that shit) but i realized with every self insert fanfic or one-shot I've read never had any of that in it. So I'm changing that!
He had met you at a farmers market, cus you know our boy shops local and loves making friends. Usually, once or twice a week, you take your spare veggies that you can't eat by yourself and sell them, this week you had far too many hull peas come up so you set up shop. It had been pretty good today, hull peas can be eaten but a lot of people use them as seeds for the fall season. Seeing as it was the butt end of October, people were taking all they could get, but don't get it twisted, you had other stuff. You always had way too much corn and tomatoes left over at the end of the week, you could only eat so much of the same stuff over and over.
A lot was sold, but there was still enough for another day so you kept the sign up as you packed up. The sun was setting and other vendors carried their products off, waving and bidding you a good night.
"Jeez, almost sold out of those purple things?" You heard a kind voice after setting a box of tomatoes in your trunk. "The hull peas? Nah I got way more at home, tryna get 'em gone b'fore they rot". He took a couple in his hand and grabbed a small plastic bag from the stall you were closing up. "How much for five?" you looked up, praying to God he wasn't gonna use his card. "Two fifty, but I'm only takin cash right now, my card reader is already packed up. I'll be here tomorrow mornin' if cards all ya got" "Oh- I got a five, you can keep the change." You looked at him for a second, you could use that for a moon pie on the way home- why not. "Alright, sounds good", he hands you the five and smiles. Shoot- he's pretty, "my name's y/n, I'll be here tomorrow if ya need anythin' else" "haven't had fresh corn in a while, the canned stuff is getting expensive too, could you same me some? Same time tomorrow night?" Oh Lord. "How many you want?" "2 or 3, probably cook some for supper and save the rest" "seeya then" you smiled and closed your trunk.
The sun was gone and the fireflies were out and about in the garden. You pulled into the drive and unpacked for the night. The farm dogs buzzed around your feet as you carried everything in, trying not to trip. The night was normal, some supper, feeding the dogs and a good night's sleep all by 9 o'clock. But he was on your mind, no one around here had bright hair like his, you'd never seen him before and this was no tourist stop, you lived in rural-small-town-middle-of-nowhere, so maybe he was kin to someone round here. You weren't sure, but he was definitely a city boy, the kind of boy your grandpa would call a city-slicker, but you were curious nonetheless.
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mcrtiniblues-blog · 5 years
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