#but i got iain on the brain rn
ellies-enrichment · 1 month
BESTIE, I AM HAVING THE TIME OF MY LIFE GOING THROUGH WITH YOU AS WELL! 🤠🤠🤠 And honestly, it's been much needed. What I do for work is.... Hard to explain, but it's got me tied up and my schedule is very inconsistent and unpredictable. Aka I can't plan ANYTHING and I have no time for irl friends. 🫠 So having the flexibility of experiencing ✨this✨ is... It's special. ❤️🫂❤️
Honestly, it's not a matter of "if," but "when" I accidentally come off nonny... My brain is so scrambled, I don't know what day it is most of the time which is very problematic. 💀 But as our beloved Fearne said in ExU, "Time is a weird soup," and BOY HOWDY, does that ✨vibe✨ with how it's been going. 😵‍💫
That thing I told L with your post? Yeah, I made myself distraught over it so I had to make her suffer too. 🤠 When you finish the series, I'll make sure to bring that post back around to you just so you can hurt within context. 🤠🤠🤠
You spending 20mins talking about PHILINDA with L is so VALID tho. Like I told her, I'm not one for romance. It's just not my thing... But for the first time in my life, those two dorks fried my brain and served it up on a silver platter to me, and I'm saying thank you. 😭🤮💀 They're such a well written pair, and they are my parents... As well as Skye's parents. 🤠
Your "Coulson is missing his daughter again" and L coming in with the steel chair "AoS in a nutshell" 💀💀💀
Dude, Iain plays Fitz with SUCH EMOTION and it's just 🤌🏻😘👌🏻🤌🏻 Fitz getting upset (and I'm talking UPSET UPSET as you will see as time goes on) makes me want to smack my head against the corner of a wall to try and forget the pain he gives me. INSANE BEHAVIOR and he does such a FANTASTIC job. 😭
But HEY! YOU FINISHED SEASON 1!!!!! 🎉🥳🎉 LETS GOOOOOO DAWG!!!! 🤠🤠🤠 L has told me you already have at least one meme idea for s1? We're on the right track. The further you go into this series, the more memes you're gonna dig up in your brain. I PROMISE. 🤠 *I can't wait for you to get to s7. 🤭
-aos anon🫂
it's killing me to not make memes rn im being so well behaved bc i wanna make foreshadowing referencing but also i MAY just start making memes for season 1 and then for every episode i watch moving forward
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ifwehadamonkey · 4 years
you ever start crying thinking about how blue iain's eyes are or is it just me
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(Thank you @writersramble37 for tagging me!)
Rules: Tag 9 people you want to get to know better or catch up with. Or tag however many you want.
Favorite color: Purple for sure
Last song: Force of Nature by Bea Miller from a Spotify playlist the talented @mickey-henry made for me <3
Currently reading: Y'all my TBR stack is ridiculous rn. I did just finish "the truth of you" by iain s. thomas the other night.
Last movie: The Martian, it never gets old. Last movie I watched online was Encanto and last one in the theaters was Black Widow.
Sweet, savory or spicy? Savory then sweet.
Currently working on: I've got a series I need to finish called "Rescue" that is only 6 of like maybe 9 parts in. I love it but I gotta fix my brain and get my creative mojo back.
I’m tagging no one but literally anyone who sees this is invited to play <3
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