#but i also wanna brush up on German coz losing fluency is so fucking annoying
mwagneto · 2 years
Ur like Mr. Worldwide except instead ur Mr. Europewide or smth, big props for knowing so many languages!
LMFAOO thank u😭 luckily spanish is useful in a lot of places too but I'm not fluent in that yet but i rly wanna start something different like something slavic to diversify the grammar coz the ones i know are soo similar... i can also read greek but I don't. want to study greek. and i used to study te reo when i was like 12 and rly obsessed with aotearoa (which i still am) and i started that again so that's something? but i rly wanna learn mandarin too but that's impossible without proper classes.... tldr AAAAAA (das me yelling)
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