#but i also am such a sucker for bros-to-lovers that i couldn't resist him and carter
jake-marshall · 9 months
[Fic] Blessed Are Those
New fic ahoy! TItle: Blessed Are Those Rating: M Ships: Carter/Trent, Claire/The Kappa, Carter & Harvest Goddess, Carter & May, other romantic relationships mentioned in notes Word Chapter Count: 24.5k, 4 chapters; complete. Summary:
Carter and Trent don't often have the opportunity to spend time together alone, but a rainy Spring day gives them that chance - before it's interrupted by Claire, and the unspeakable transgression that is weighing on her soul.
Surely the Harvest Goddess will forgive her. But as for Carter? He is but a man, after all, and therefore prone to the anger, jealousy and bitterness that comes with being human.
Struggling to accept that this mere farmer can wed a deity while he can not, he sequesters himself both emotionally and physically from the rest of Mineral Town, including Trent. Only through an epiphany brought about by divine intervention (and a handful of mushrooms) does Carter realize being a righteous man does not mean he must also be a lonely one.
Please mind the tags and the author's note at the beginning!!
>>Read "Blessed are Those" on ao3<<
(Notes and rambling under the cut)
(This is all a sort of rehash of my end author's notes but yeah) So my Writing Project for the month of August turned out to be what was originally planned to be a silly one-shot, that instead grew to a 24.5k monstrosity that let me sift through my religious trauma a bit and flex a bit of writing muscle re: relationship communication and non-graphic sex scenes.
This was also going to be way darker and fucky in re: Claire's role, lol, but I did not expect Carter and Trent to end up cute and almost, even, wholesome, thus steering the fic in a more mild and introspective direction (although lbr they're still pretty shady in this, its just not as focused on as I initially intended). I enjoyed considering Carter's possible background, too. He's so funny to me, I can't even say how much I like him versus how much he just cracks me up, but he makes an excellent conduit for me to pour my religious trauma into lol.
I'm not gonna sit here and pretend more than maybe 5 people are interested enough in Trent/Carter as a ship to read a fic this long about them but I am insanely proud of this fic both in the content and my technical writing, and hope if you do give this a chance that you enjoy the journey as much as I did.
Big thanks to @yorunoangel for being the one to inspire the path this took and being my rubber duck as I worked through it, and also thanks to @owls-den for letting me yell about the Boys as well as our bishie Fish Husband. Who knows, maybe there will be some Claire/Kappa in the future set in this universe. :p
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