#but i Did do it in the warm red-and-blue lines theme i have goin. the qpr Is there. they love each other
Rock Bottom
Joe Liebgott x OC
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*Rated T for language and adult themes. (5,471 words)
“Have you guys seen that new girl?” Frank Perconte asked as he squeezed into a small seat along the dining table bench.
“What new girl?” Bill Guarnere asked through a bite of food.
“The new intelligence girl,” Frank said as means of explanation.
“She’s an intelligence officer?” Joe Liebgott asked.
“I heard she was with the OSS before this,” Pat Christensen added.
“I don’t think intelligence officer,” Frank pushed the food around on his plate, “but apparently she speaks like 20 languages.”
“No,” Joe said doubtfully, “no way, that’s so many.”
“Who knows? Once you know one language it’s easier to pick up others,” David Webster said.
Joe shot him an annoyed look.
“I think she’s from the Bronx too, Web.”
“Well hey, there ya go! There’s so many languages going around in the Bronx, she probably picked them up there. It’s so much easier to learn languages when you’re young ya-“
“Where’d you get all this info?” Bill cut David off.
“Luz.” Frank was barely intelligible with his mouth full.
“Hm,” Bill grunted. The information was likely true coming from George Luz, the kid had a way of finding things out.
Their formal introduction to the newest G-2 recruit occurred the next day prior to starting their classroom instruction. The men hadn’t expected the classroom time. They knew the forecast had predicted rain but they didn’t dare to hope Sobel would let them off just because of “a little water”. However, by eleven, the early morning drizzle had grown into a downpour that even Sobel didn’t want to be caught in. He relinquished his company to the instruction of basic compass and map reading.
“Gentleman,” Sobel addressed them dryly, his hands folded behind his back, “before we get started, I would like to introduce you to the newest member of the intelligence general staff.”
The men were gathered in a large tent propped up by recently constructed whitewood. Beside Sobel stood a woman dressed neatly in an army issued pencil skirt, jacket and tie.
“This is Valerie Marchetti, she will be working with the intelligence office as a linguist.”
“Told ya she knew like 20 languages,” Frank whispered to Joe.
“Italian!” Bill nudged Johnny Martin.
“Please make every effort to make her feel welcome,” Sobel finished unenthusiastically, “Alright, let's get started. Radio men, follow Ms. Marchetti.”
“Lucky!” Floyd Talbert clapped George on the shoulder as he stood up. George winked at him with a grin.
“So, what’s she like?” Floyd asked as they headed back to the barracks.
“Aw she’s an angel,” George enthused, “so sweet, and she knows her stuff too!”
“You’d think anyone that pretty was an angel, Luz,” Frank said.
“That,” George said, “is because angels are beautiful.”
But George wasn’t the only one over the moon to have a woman among them. All of the Toccoa men were eager for any chance to ogle Valerie. They were oversexed and grateful to have a beautiful woman in their midst, if only for the hope of earning a smile. Most of the men were limited in their interactions with her seeing as she was part of the intelligence general staff but somehow Bill really got to know her, and by extension, Johnny Martin did too. They became a trio on nights out. Bill jumping from group to group, socializing with all the men while the more mellow Johnny posted up at a table with Valerie.
“Does she actually know 20 languages?” Shifty asked Bill innocently.
“Nah, not actually twenty, but she knows quite a few. She’s damn smart!” Bill said taking a long drink of his beer.
“What languages does she know?” Joe asked.
“Italian, her pa’s Italian. Polish ‘cuz of her ma. Yiddish and I think her German’s okay too,” Bill listed.
Joe nodded thoughtfully, “not bad,” he admitted. “Not gonna be any use to us if we go to Japan though.”
Bill shrugged, “who knows where we’re goin’, they got her here for a reason.”
“Was she posted somewhere else before this?” Moe Alley asked.
“She was a code breaker! Can you believe that? So smart,” Bill shook his head in awe.
“Ya sound like you’re in love there, Bill,” Joe teased.
“God damn right, I love that girl. She’s great!”
Joe chuckled, she was a good looking dame that was for sure. Just his type: curvaceous, dark hair and warm eyes. He admired her just as much as every other guy in the bar. There were plenty of local women around, some of who Joe had gotten to know quite well, but there was something about that army pencil skirt that just did it for Joe.
“She gotta fella?” Joe heard himself asking.
“Why? You interested Joe?” Bill asked.
Joe shrugged, “just curious.”
Bill looked over his shoulder where Valerie sat smiling, her full lips painted a rich red. “I don’t think so, but I’ll tell ya what Joe, she’s not any ol’ dame. She’s a spicy one that’s for sure. She’ll tell you what’s what.”
Yeah, Joe found that out for himself the first time he experienced classroom instruction with Valerie Marchetti.
“Well, actually we’d actually refer to this group as the Allgemeine SS,” Valerie said.
“Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke is German Equipment factories so I don’t-“ Joe defended.
“Well yes, but it’s important to know that this is an armaments division under the SS, Allgemeine SS.”  
“Are you sure? You said yourself you aren’t fluent in German, are you sure you’re translating-“
“Yes. I don’t speak fluent German but I know these terms and I know the organization of the SS. You would do well to listen to me, I know what I’m talking about.” Valerie snapped.
“Okay, calm down,” Joe threw his hands up.
Valerie sniffed at his gaslighting before spinning on her heel and walking away. After that it was game over, nothing about her was attractive to Joe any longer; not her silky, dark curls, not her full red lips, not the way the dark lines on her hose travelled seductively up her leg. He decided she was more trouble than she was worth.
A cheer rose up from the dart boards that Friday night where Bill, Johnny, and Bull were playing darts with Valerie. She was wearing trousers that night, which Joe found rather flattering. But he caught himself as his gaze travelled down from her waist, and quickly looked away.
“Okay, if I make this last one, drinks are on me.” Valerie bit her lip in concentration.
“Well now I kinda want you to win,” Bill said jovially.
“Ah!” The men around her cheered again as the dart hit another bullseye.
“Damn, how do you do it?” asked Don Malarkey in awe.
Valeria smiled coyly and shrugged. “Who needs a drink?” she asked to the men gathered.
“Nah, you can’t possibly cover all the drinks here,” Bill held up his hand in protest, a cigarette burning between his fingers.
“Don’t worry about it Bill, I pretty much owe everyone in here a drink anyways after the way they all tripped over themselves to buy me a drink when I first got here.”
The men sung her praises all the way up to the bar where Valerie instructed the tender to pour everyone in proximity a beer and to put it on her tab. She had come up right where Joe had been standing with Moe. Valerie glanced down at his nearly empty glass, “you need a beer Joe?” she asked.
“No thanks, still workin’ on this one.” Joe held up his glass.
“James?” Valerie asked Moe. He nodded appreciatively and accepted the drink even though his original glass held more than Joes.
“You sure Joe?” Valerie asked in a sing song voice. It grated on Joe’s nerves.
“I’m good, thank you though Valerie.” His dark eyes met hers. The piercing darkness of them sent a shiver down her spine and she abruptly looked away, blushing.
Joe was walking back from the latrine later that night when he heard some voices out in the dark, in the direction of HQ. The tone of the two male voices that carried on the air made Joe stand to alert. The speakers weren’t too loud, but there was a forcefulness to them. Then the voice of an agitated female broke through. A coldness rushed into Joe blood. He rushed towards the noise. He came upon two F company men who were walking on either side of Valerie. They were walking fast, the pace clearly set by Valerie who sped forward. The men kept in step with with her all while trying to box her in between their bodies.
“Hey!” Joe snapped, stopping them in their course, “what the hell is going on here?”
Joe looked at Valerie, a chilling look in her eyes: fear.
The men hardly seemed bothered by Joe’s presence. “We’re just making sure this young lady gets back to her quarters safely,” one said.
“Are you?” Joe asked, “do you even know her?”
“Sure we do,” the other said arrogantly, “mind your business pal.”
“Val, you know these guys?” Joe asked. Even with adrenaline coursing through his body he winced internally at his use of her nickname. He wasn’t familiar with her like that, why did he call her Val in that moment?
“Don’t worry about it Joe, I can take care of myself,” she said firmly, “I’m just right here,” she turned towards the main HQ building where she was posted up with the other few females. The men made to follow her into the darkness. Although it was only yards away, there were too many spots of darkness for Joe to feel comfortable letting those men follow her all the way up to her doorstep. Joe stepped in front of them, giving Valerie the time and space to disappear into the fold of the night.
“What’s your problem man?” one of the men snarled.
“It’s late, you’re just gonna have to accept you struck out tonight,” Joe sneered back.
The other man, who was significantly larger than Joe, took a menacing step forward. “She your girl or something?” he asked with narrow eyes.
“She’s no ones girl,” Joe said, and he turned away to head back to his barracks.
“Hey, you should’ve stayed out of it, guy.” Then Joe felt a hand on his collar spin him around before a fist made contact with his eye.
“Do you know what guys from F company?” Edward Tipper asked as he took in the blue and blackness that was beginning to come out around Joe’s eye socket.
Joe shrugged into his breakfast, “whatever, I’m not worried about it.”
“Those bastards,” Moe said, “we oughta give them what they deserve.”
“I said I’m not worried about it,” Joe said, “will you drop it?” His friends reluctantly sat back.
It was then Joe noticed Valerie standing a few feet away, a breakfast tray clutched in her hands. She was staring mournfully at the injuries he incurred. As soon as his eyes met hers she quickly walked to the table where Johnny sat, taking a place beside him and disappearing behind the figures of the Easy Company men she loved. Not Joe, he was not part of that group.
“Joe,” Valerie came up behind him as he was bussing his tray. He turned around to face her. Bags hung under her eyes but her signature red lipstick was applied flawlessly.
“Yeah?” he asked impassively.
“Um, I..” she hesitated, taking in his appearance. His jacket was unbuttoned, revealing his PT shirt. His dog tags hung heavy around his lean neck. His cheek bones were sharp, the top of the left one was split just slightly below where the blueness had spread to fill his entire eye socket. Valerie winced looking at him.
“I just want to say I appreciate you checking in on me last night,” Valerie began.
“Don’t mention,” Joe flicked his hand dismissively and began to walk away.
“But you didn’t need to, I feel bad, you’re eye, I would’ve been fine-“
Joe looked at her like she was crazy, “Valerie I saw how you looked last night, you knew it wasn’t goin’ in a good direction.”
“I was almost back to my quarters, I would’ve been fine,” she insisted.
Joe let out a sharp laugh, “why were you alone anyway? Walking in the dark?”
“It’s none of your business,” Valerie said.
“Wow, this is a hell of a thank you, Val,” Joe winced. Damn it, why did he keep using that nickname?
Valerie wrinkled her own nose in discomfort, “well thank you, but next time I got myself.”
“Valerie I wasn’t going to just leave you there!”

“You don’t need to worry about me! I can take care of myself,” she doubled down.
“God damn it, would you get over yourself?” Joe snapped. Valerie reeled back in momentary shock.
“Get over myself?”
“Those guys were trouble! We both know it!”
“Get over myself? What do you mean? You don’t trust me-“
“I don’t even know you, I would’ve done the same for any girl-“ 
“So because I’m a girl you don’t trust me to take care of myself?”
“It was two against one.” 
“I’m a soldier same as you and you were prepared to take them on-“
“Don’t be ignorant, it’s diff-“
“Ignorant? Who’s calling who ignorant?”
“See, you just think you’re so much better than every-“
“I have to be better than everyone! I have to work twice as hard as everyone here!”
“In your cozy little intelligence office? Yeah, sure, try doing the stuff we have to do.”
“I have to train too! I’m strong!”
 “But not strong enough to-“
“I am strong enough!”
“Look what those bastards did to me, you don’t think they would’ve done the same to you?”
“Well, maybe not, because like you said I’m just a girl.”
“Yeah well let me tell you that’s exactly why they could’ve done worse.”
“Do you just assume the worst of your compatriots?”
 “Do you not? How dumb are you? I thought you were from the city!”

“You know what, just stay out of it next time Liebgott. I don’t want you getting injured on my behalf.” Valerie stormed away angrily.
“You’re welcome!”Joe shouted after her defiantly. “God damn it,” he cursed under his breath. He kicked a trash bin nearly kicking it over, “fuck this.”
Joe was still heated later that night when he finally retired to the barracks.
“Tough day, Joe?” Bull asked. A cigar hung from his mouth as he unlaced his boots.
“Little bit,” Joe eased down on his bed. His face throbbed where he had been hit. Bull looked up at him thoughtfully, “everything alright now?” he asked cryptically.
“All good, Bull,” Joe lay back on his cot exhaling.
“Not all good,” John Martin was suddenly standing over him, “you were fighting with Valerie?”
“Not really, it’s fine,” Joe draped an arm over his eyes, trying to block out the little light that filled their canvas living quarters.
“It better be, I heard you two shouting at each other earlier. What’d you do to deserve that?”
Joe sat up, “I didn’t do anything!”
John crossed his arms and eyed Joe suspiciously, “well, if she’s after you you probably deserve it.” He stalked off and Joe fell back onto his bed.
“She’s a tough one that Valerie,” Bull said.
“So I’ve heard,” Joe muttered.
“No shit from nobody,” Bull continued.
“You gotta point, Bull?” Joe snapped glaring at the guy in the bunk next to him.
Bull chewed on his cigar, carefully considering what he was going to say next, “it was good of you to look out for her. You did the right thing, Joe.”
Joe hadn’t expected that. He nodded at Bull then rolled over in his bunk. He didn’t know how much Bull knew, or what exactly he had heard through the grapevine, but Bull’s words meant more than he thought the would. Finally a little acknowledgment for preventing the crime he had seen coming. No matter how tough she was, there’s no stopping that when two men decide they’re going to do it.
Joe slid his arm under his pillow, trying to get comfortable. That’s when his hand grazed something hard and rectangular. From underneath his pillow he pulled out a chocolate bar. Wrapped around it, fastened with twine, was a note. In neat cursive were the words: You were right. Thank you for your help.
Joe couldn’t help but smile a little bit. Who the fuck was this woman.
She was a goddamn rule following narc when she wanted to be, that’s who she was. Joe and Moe may or may not have snuck out of the base one Tuesday night and gotten pissed at a nearby bar. They were too drunk to be cautious when they stumbled back onto base, their arms around each other, singing.
Valerie was walking along the well lit path to the women’s latrine when she ran into them.
“What are you guys doing?” she hissed confronting them.
“Hello sweetheart,” Moe slurred with a grin.
“Valerie!” Joe said enthusiastically, “wow thank you for the Hershey bar.”
Valerie flushed bright red, “you guys are being so loud! You’re going to get in trouble.” She looked them up and down, “how drunk are you?”
 “Not drunk at all,” Moe shook his head.
Valerie wrinkled her nose, “sure smells like you are.”
“That’s rude Valerie,” Joe said jokingly.
“Yeah well you guys are going to get all of Easy in trouble tomorrow if you show up hungover.”
“We’ll be fine!” Moe waved his hand, “don’t worry about us, doll.”
“It’s not you I’m worried about,” Valerie said sharply, “its the rest of the company you’re screwin’ over. Goodnight!” she walked off shaking her head.
“What a bitch,” Moe said off-handedly.
“She’s not a bitch,” Joe immediately snapped.
Moe swayed in place, grinning stupidly at his friend. “Whoa there, you’re not in love with her now too are you?”
Joe rolled his eyes and the men stumbled back to their barracks, now a little quieter.
He would never admit it after the way Valerie had confronted them, but waking up the next day was rough. Joe was determined to keep it together just to spite Valerie. He had muscled through the morning and was hoping for a moment of respite at lunch. But to his great misfortune, tuna casserole was being served. Joe’s stomach churned as he looked down into his plate. He was hungry but he was sure that the final remains of alcohol digesting inside of him would not be happy to share his stomach with this meal.
As he contemplated whether to eat or not, Joe felt eyes on him. He looked up to see Valerie’s sympathetic face from across the mess hall. She smiled at him tenderly at him and he immediately felt pathetic in her eyes. A irrational sense of anger flared up in him and he stabbed at the casserole with his fork. He brought a first big bite into his mouth all while maintaining eye contact with Valerie. The sympathetic smile dropped from her face as she watched his performance. She narrowed her eyes, her lip curling in disgust at his juvenile defiance.
After the meal ended she came up to him, her tray as empty as his was.
“Feeling alright, Joe?” she asked as sweet as syrup.
Perspiration was beginning to form on his forehead. He was not feeling alright, in fact he felt rather clammy. Moe had done the wise thing and only eaten his buttered bread. Joe was seriously regretting not doing the same.
“Feelin’ great, how’re you feeling, Valerie?” he asked obstinately.
“I’m feeling great too,” she said smugly, because she was, and he clearly was not even if he wasn’t admitting it. “Enjoy the rest of the day!” She sashayed off.
Luckily, the mess hall was mostly empty because as soon as she was out of sight, Joe dived for a nearby trashcan and regurgitated the lunch he had just consumed.
“Better out than in,” Moe said as means of comfort, looking equally washed up.
By the end of the week Joe was ready to go out again. Just as it happens to all young men, the short term memory of how he felt after a night of binge drinking had left him by that Saturday night. Having secured and successfully retained their weekend passes, Joe and his friends bought tickets to the dance that Saturday evening.
The majority of Easy Company had the same idea and they, along with the other companies of the 101st airborne, filled the local dance hall. Joe was having a pretty good time. Beer was flowing, the band was hopping, and there was an endless supply of beautiful women to dance with. Joe was taking a break from the dance floor when he spotted Valerie spinning across the room in the arms of a dark haired gentleman from another company.
“Look at her,” Edward said appreciatively from next to Joe.
“Who?” Joe asked, pretending not to know who his friend was referring to.
“I know you don’t like her much, but Valerie, she is a looker,” Edward whistled.
Joe scowled but allowed himself a moment to check Valerie out. She wore a slightly-outdated red belted dress. Little white flowers peppered the fabric from the hem to the shoulders where the cinched neckline generously revealed her delicate collarbones.
Joe cleared his throat, “yeah, but there’s lots of good lookin’ broads around tonight.”
Edward just shrugged and downed the rest of his beer before setting out for the dance floor again. Joe did his best to avoid Valerie. He distracted himself with drinks, jokes, and other beautiful women. Despite his best efforts Joe still found himself looking across the low lit dance floor directly into Valerie’s eyes when a version of Mood Indigo came on.
It wasn’t Valerie in his arms, it was another woman. A woman he hadn’t known long enough to truly enjoy the moody slow dance with. Valerie was in the arms of the same guy she’d been with all night and she did look like she was enjoying the dance. Joe realized she was enjoying it a lot more than he wanted her to be.
The glance they had shared had been brief, she had broken it off quickly to nestle her cheek against her fellas shoulder. But that short moment had stirred something in Joe. In the dark golden light of the numerous high-hanging light bulbs Valerie’s eyes had looked like melted amber. The shadows that flickered across the hall softened her face, giving it an ethereal look. She was breathtaking and Joe wanted to be the one with his arm around her waist. He wanted to be the one she leaned her cheek against. He felt an overwhelming unreasonable hatred for this random man he didn’t know simply because he was the one who held Valerie so close.
Once the song ended, Joe politely bid goodbye to his partner and made a beeline for Valerie. She stood talking to her partner and a few other guys Joe didn’t recognize. He approached their group stiffly, his hands in his pockets. Everyone looked surprised at his arrival, especially Valerie, who was obligated to introduce him considering she was the only one who really knew him.
After a quick nod to the group Joe said, “Valerie can I talk to you?” Valerie’s brow furrowed in confusion but she politely excused herself. Joe lead her to an unoccupied side of the room near the door.
“Is something wrong?” Valerie asked, a fresh glass of champagne clutched in her perfectly manicured hands. Joe had no clue as to what he had wanted to say to her or what exactly he wanted from her. His goal had simply been to remove her from that man’s presence. In all honesty, he had no plan because he was confused on how exactly he considered her; was she a friend? An enemy? Or just another beautiful woman?
“Well, I just wanted to give you the option to dance with me,” he hesitated, watching her face for a reaction, “or one of the other Easy guys,” he added.
“Um, I’m alright, thank you, I’ve been happy dancing with-“ she gestured back at her partner.
“That guy? Psh,” Joe said dismissively, “guys a cement mixer, don’t you wanna dance with someone good?”
Red rose up in Valerie’s cheeks, “who? Like you?” she asked.
Joe shrugged, “anyone’s better than that fool.”
“You don’t even know him, Joe.”
Fair point, Joe thought, but he didn’t like the guy. “I can tell he’s a dip, just look at him!” Joe laughed.
“This is a really terrible way of asking me to dance with you!”
“Hey, I’m doin’ you a favor.”
“Me a favor? Could you be more full of yourself?”
“Me full of myself? What about you little miss perfect. I’m not the one walking around acting like you know everything.”
“I know more than you!” “See there you go, why do you gotta go around putting people down?���
“No one seems to have a problem with me except you!” Valerie shot back.
“Take it outside lovebirds,” an intoxicated private said as he passed them.
His interruption killed the argument between them. Instead they just stood glaring at each other, dark brown eyes meeting golden ones. 

Finally, Joe said, “come on, let’s dance.”
“You wish!” Valerie stomped on his foot.
Joe swallowed his curse, “fuck,” he said in a strangled a voice. Valerie turned to stalk away but Joe grabbed her elbow.
“Get off of me,” she hissed, trying her best not to make more of a scene than they already had.
“Come on.” Joe pulled her out the nearest door, throwing them both into the cool Georgian night. Now engulfed by darkness they were really free to fight it out.
“What the fuck was that for?” he demanded.
“Who do you think you are?” she shot back. “Interrupting my evening for what? Just to invite me on a pity dance? I don’t need your pity, I was enjoying myself quite a bit tonight until you started all this!” She threw her hands up in frustration. Some of the champagne from the glass still in her hand spilled over the side, onto her hand. “Ugh,” she exclaimed. She wiped her hand angrily on her dress.
Jealousy stabbed through Joe’s chest at her words. She had been enjoying herself with that guy. “What’s so special about that guy anyways? Didn’t you just meet him tonight?” he sneered.
Valerie opened her mouth to speak, then stopped. She closed it, examining him. A devilish smirk crossed her face, “oh is this what it’s about Joe? You jealous?”

Yes. “No!” he said, “I just don’t know why you’re all moony over this guy. This is a social, not something you bring a date to.”
“I don’t believe you.”
“Don’t believe me about what? This isn’t a place for dates? Not usually-”
“That you’re not jealous! What’s your problem Joe? If you’re interested in me just be a man and tell me.”
“Typical, you thinking that everyone has got to be in love with you.”
“Then tell me why you’re being so rude tonight! Either you’re jealous or you hate me.” Was there a third option? Because Joe felt like he was somewhere in between. He definitely didn’t like Valerie. She got under his skin like no one else. At the same time, there was a magnetism about her that kept drawing him in. Those eyes, those lips, even that temper. He wanted to grab her and kiss her just to shut her up.
“And if you hated me you wouldn’t be bothering with all this!” 
Joe was barely even listening to her at this point.
He could feel his blood pumping; the adrenaline and anger mixing together to create a roar in ears that made it impossible to comprehend everything she was saying. He knew he was going to do it even as he counseled himself against it. He surprised himself with his sudden movement; he snatched her waist and pulled her into a hard kiss.
Immediately, she pushed him away. “What the hell!” she threw the remainder of her champagne in his face. Cooly, Joe wiped the liquid off his face with the sleeve.
“You told me to tell you!”
“Not like that!”
He stood glaring at her. She glared back, her now empty glass hanging pointlessly from her hand. There was nothing but silence between them, and the chirp of insects in the night sky. The faint sounds from the festivities inside filtered out but Joe and Valerie were completely in their own world, in a standoff.
Then suddenly, mutually, something shifted between them. Flaring rage turned to lust. Simultaneously they lunged for each other. Joe wrapped one arm around her waist, the other hungrily snaking up her thigh. Valerie’s fingers twisted in his hair, tugging at the thick, dark tendrils. He bit down on her lip as she pulled on his hair. Their kisses were messy and hungry; all the pent up anger and tension that had built up between them expressed in an intimate power struggle as they moved to devour each other.
“You drive me crazy,” Joe pulled away for breath.
Her lipstick was completely gone, its last traces staining her swollen mouth red. “I can’t stand you,” she retorted. He kissed her again, tangling her hand in her hair. Their pace slowed from the previous feverish speed to something more sensual without losing its fervor. Joe had her pressed against the building wall. His hands cupped her her jaw and slid down her throat. His mind was muddled with his detestation for this woman and the aching physical desire that was taking over him. She must have felt similarly as one hand pushed against his pelvis, as if warding him off, while the other dug fingernails into the nape of neck, forcing him in closer.
Once again they surfaced for air, this time taking time to really look at each other. The sound of their panting filled the space around them as her eyes searched his for some explanation.
“What’re we doing, Joe?” her voice was oddly vulnerable. Joe traced her jaw with a calloused thumb.
“I don’t know.” He pushed away from her and ran a hand through his tousled hair. Cold air entered the space where their bodies were previously connected. It sent a shiver through Valerie. “I don’t know,” Joe repeated.
He stepped back even further into the dark, his hand on his hips. He kicked a rock on the ground.
“You don’t like me,” Valerie said with the slight intonation of a question. Joe sucked his teeth. “And,” she continued slowly, “I don’t know if I like you.”
“I don’t know how I feel about you,” Joe said.
Valerie crossed her arms, her eyes bore into him. She was waiting for him to say something else, to offer a but. But it never came.
After a few unbearable minutes of silence she finally said, “I’m going back inside, Joe.” The patch of darkness he stood in was filled with a momentary field of light as she opened the door. Then, she was gone and Joe was alone in the darkness.
Joe did his best to avoid Valerie after that, but he felt her golden eyes on him in the mess hall. He wanted to provide her with answers, to tell her how he was feeling, but he didn’t know. He told himself there was a nothing to like about her - she was a pretentious kiss ass who seemed to have every guy wrapped around her finger. But he saw through her - he wasn’t going to fall for her like everyone else had.
Yet, she consumed his thoughts. All the pieces of love and hate swirled in his mind as he desperately tried to conceive a clear way to explain how he was feeling. He didn’t like her, but he might be falling in love with her. But even if he had realized this sooner, it still came too late.
In a matter of weeks she was stepping out with the dark haired guy she had hit it off with that night. He was a boring, strait laced guy, or at least that’s what Joe had gathered from Bill. The guys dullness was obvious. From what Joe witnessed, there was no fire between them. Not that it was his place to care, he reminded himself. Every time Joe saw them together he avoided her gaze. He knew he would see that look that was begging him to step in, to step up and interrupt this course she was on. But, as long as she was with this guy Joe had an excuse not to love her.
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The Treatment of Captain Syverson- Chapter 7: Non-Productive Time
Pairing: Captain “Sy” Syverson x OFC (Shane Benton)
Summary: On a slow afternoon, Shane remembers a couple of fun evenings with Sy, and can’t help but start texting him…he turns out to be a bad influence.
Don’t want spoilers? Click me first to catch up!
Word Count: 2.3k
Warnings:  Language, mature themes, a steamy scene that bumps up against the line of smut/not smut…it looks like smuttish is, in fact, a thing, (see what I did there? Toss a high five to your fic writer for the paraphrased Witcher quote in these here notes! lol! Sorry, i’m tired...and in a weird mood tonight...) so, anyway, using that. I love it. 
Author’s Note: This chapter was about half done before I even started SI1 and SI2! So that’s why it’s come along so quickly in the wake of them. It could also mean that there are some continuity issues…I found a couple during the re-write of the first part, and more when I was proofing, so it should be good, but…fair warning, one or more could have escaped me! Also, let me know if the text convo is hard to follow. I’ll try to reconfigure it to be more clear. It seemed to me like context was enough, and they’d had text convos before, and no one said anything…this one’s longer by about 300%, though, so…feedback and constructive criticism is always welcome and appreciated!
Disclaimer: Unfortunately for me, Henry is not mine, le sigh, and all mention of him, his characters, any characters from his films, or his precious doggy, Kal, are strictly for transformative and recreational use. I neither ask for, nor accept payment for the work I post on Tumblr or AO3. Unbeta’d because this is for fun and escapism.
Hope I’m not forgetting anyone! If you want to be notified when I post a new chapter or work, I’ll be happy to add you to my tag list! Stricken blogs are getting personal messages from me when a new chapter is uploaded because Tumblr’s faulty tagging system will not stand in the way of me delivering what the people want!(?) lol! (Although…their lackadaisical notification system might…sorry for that. I have no control. lol!)
Time seemed to pass slowly when Shane wasn’t with Sy. When they weren’t having dinner together, or doing their typical date thing. She thought about their second date. One of the bars in town, chosen for its above average bar food but mostly, it’s pool tables. The warning he’d given her via text had made her laugh:
We’re goin’ to Cade’s for apps and pool, if that's okay. As gorgeous as you looked in that blue dress you wore last night, I recommend jeans and a T-shirt for tonight, okay?
She took his suggestion. A simple black tee, because she was a food klutz from hell, layered over a red camisole, and her favorite jeans. It showed off her dainty arrow necklace well.
While they played, they drank beer and talked about life, getting deeper into things than they could at therapy sessions.
“Dad split when I was about ten, I guess. Mom did her best with her only son, but she sent me to my grandpa’s a lot when she was working or just…needing her own time. He’d been an army man. Fought in Korea. His dad was in World War II. It felt like…I don’t know, this pull, like I was meant to join up.”
“Destiny?” She asked. A dreamy tone overtook him when he talked about his family and his now former career.
“I guess. Never though too much of all that before.”
They smiled at one another. Knowing.
“What was he like? Your grandpa?”
“Oh, Pap was the best. He was a mechanic in the service and so he could get anything hummin, ya know? We fixed up and built motors for all kinds a’ shit. My first car was a ‘67 Shelby Mustang with the fast back all because when I was about 14, he found most of one at a salvage yard and basically rescued it from the crusher. Got it for about nothin’. For two years we collected parts and did body work on that thing. And by the time I turned sixteen, it was the most beautiful, show-ready Kerry green machine you ever seen.”
“One of my favorite cars! I’d love to see pictures!”
“I’ve still got ‘er.” He grinned. “When Pap died, it got…hard for me to drive her, ya know? So…special occasions only now. And he left me his truck, which he’d just bought brand new while I was on my first tour. That F150 crew cab we came here in, with all the bells 'n whistles. I couldn’t let such a fine automobile go to waste.” He grinned.
“You’re such a gear head.” She chuckled.
“Hey, you may be glad about that when you need somebody to get your own motor humming.” He teased back at her, bending over the table to take his shot and sinking it deftly. He said they would only play for fun, but he was still winning this round…which she didn’t think was that fun.
“Okay, I deserved that.”
“The shot, or the innuendo?” He asked to clarify.
“Yes.” They laughed. He eventually did miss, making it her turn.
"Ya know, I'm disappointed in this date, Shane." He baited.
"How come?" she asked, a bit hurt.
"A guy only asks a girl to play pool with him so he can show her how to shoot…and you already know."
It was true. She'd played a lot growing up and even a bit as she got older. She and her siblings loved billiards. Her whole family, really. And although she was no professional, she wasn't half bad for an amateur.
"What do you mean?" she asked innocently, sizing up the table for her next shot, but knowing with a fair amount of certainty what he was implying.
"You know. I wanted to get all close to ya. Show ya how to grip that cue in your hand. How to stand, bent at the hip, where to eyeball your shot from." he smiled. "All that shit ya see in movies that makes the girl all nervous and excited that the guy's touchin' on her. Pressed up against her."
Shane grinned, picked up the small, blue cube of chalk and rolled the concave side over the tip of her cue…she had no need to do so, most people didn't, really…but she made herself look really sexy doing it and asked Sy, "Is that right? Well, I guess you'll have to find another way to get your cheap thrills, because this girl has been known to run a table." She bent over the green felt seductively, the angle at which she did so displaying her décolletage in his direction just enough to tantalize him into licking his lips. She took her shot at the 10 ball, but sunk the 8 instead, losing her the game…damn. She shouldn't have gotten cocky.
"Run it where, sunshine? Into the ground? Off a cliff?" he laughed as she stomped over and began to poke him mercilessly in the ribs.
"Come on, Minnesota Fats. Let's pay the tab and find something a little cozier to do."
"Oka--wait, did you just call me fat?" he was incredulous. She laughed.
"Oh my God, you thought YOU were gonna teach ME about billiards…Minnesota Fats is like the most famous pool player of ever. I am not calling you fat."
"You messin' with me?" he squinted.
"Sy, google it. I promise. I would never call you fat. You're… my sexy man bear."
"Technically a bear is a fat animal." he sulked.
"Why don't you tell that to one when it's chasing you down to make a meal of ya!" Shane laughed. "Come on. Remember? I think I mentioned something about… finding another way for you to get cheap thrills. Lets explore that, shall we?" she whispered into his ear. He dropped some bills on their table nearby to more than cover their food and beer, and they hauled ass into the night.
They had definitely been exploring. In the two weeks since they'd been given the green light to see each other outside of therapy--the day Sy basically handed Shane's boss her own ass--they'd spent most evenings with each other, unless Shane had a particularly late evening at work or an early day the next day. A few nights, they had been together so late, that just staying over seemed the most reasonable option. But they had both agreed to take things slowly with the physical stuff. It had been a long time since either of them had been in a relationship, and given their patient/therapist situation, waiting a while for the sex had seemed like a good idea…on paper. On the sofa had been a different story.
One day last week, she'd had to make an early night of things, and stood up from his couch, but was pulled back down to straddle his lap.
"Hold on a minute, sunshine. Why don't you gimme a proper goodbye before ya go, hmm?" he held her so close to him at every curve of their bodies, like the pieces of a puzzle snapping flush together. His kisses were deep and agonizing, his beard gently brushing her mouth, teasing her with its uncommon softness. She returned the ardor, squeezing him in every way she could.
She couldn't contain the desire pooling at her center, especially when he clearly couldn't contain his, either, straining against his shorts, pressing against her so deliciously, right where she needed him. She didn't hold back. And he was nothing if not encouraging to her endeavor.
"That feels so good, baby. You're so warm. Mmm." he whispered as he nipped at her ear and bit at her neck. She hadn't intended to, but she felt herself slipping over the edge, into pure euphoria and gripped at his hair, still rather short, though growing out from the mandated buzz. The length made him even more sensitive and when she ran her hands up his neck and over the back of his head, the result was like an electric current straight to his manhood. His body tensed as his release followed hers seconds later.
"Fuck." he said. "I'm sorry."
"What for?" she was truly confused.
"For losin' it like a teenager." he sighed and laid his head against the back of his couch in surrender…an unfamiliar sight, Shane was certain.
"Don't worry about it. I mean…it's not quite how I pictured our first time, but--"
"Oh, hell no. This doesn't count as a TIME, sunshine. This is batting practice. A warm up.”
"Ooh, you and your baseball references again. I told you, I need to leave, Sy. You can't get me worked up with that kinda dirty talk." she kissed his cheek, and stood. "Walk me out?"
He did. And they stood holding one another in the dark, leaned up against her Explorer, Sy's back against the door, Shane's cheek on his bare, hairy chest, and the turning of the earth all but forgotten.
She had to stop thinking about him. About their dates and the time they'd spent together. But her schedule had fallen apart for the day due to a nasty storm that had blown in, she had no more education to work on for now, and she could only clean and organize her treatment room and desk so thoroughly.
She guessed…the secretaries knew she was available if need be…and she was salaried…what was the harm in texting Sy? She'd stayed late and came in early and overworked herself in general so much for this clinic. She could justify a bit of downtime.
Hey! Whatcha doin?
Just did some exercises that my super hot PT gave me! *winky face emoji*
Uh-Oh, should I be jealous?
Mmm, hard to say, sunshine. I guess it'll depend on which one of you sleeps with me first. *devil emoji*
Smart money is on the one who’s already let you get to second base…and basically third, even though…does it count if it’s basically because of a dare. Induced by Jack Daniels?
I think it counts if you came…*smirk emoji*
Damn those skilled fingers and Tennessee whiskey.
What can I say. I told ya I knew how to get a motor humming. *cool guy emoji*
You certainly do. No doubt about that.
So how's your day goin', sunshine?
Eh, everyone's cancelled on me. I have no one until 4:00, and I have nothing to do until then. I've decided to see it as a blessing and text my favorite fella.
And when he didn't respond, you resorted to me? *smirk emoji*
Hey you know that you have no competition for my affection other than like, my dad…and Chris Evans. Lol
Your dad, I'm sure I couldn't compete with if I tried, from what you've told me. Chris…well, I'm a REAL captain, not some guy jumpin' around in tights.
Mmmm, shame. I bet you'd look good in a getup like that. *heart eyes emoji*
You think so?
Yup! *American flag emoji*
You wanna be my Black Widow?
I mean…I've already basically got a costume…*embarrassed monkey emoji*
*several lines of big eye emojis*
Yeah, a few Halloweens ago…I was Romanoff. Now you know. I'm a total nerd.
I'm a nerd, too, sunshine. Serious nerd.
How am I just finding out about this? There's next to no merch at your place, and you never wear typical nerd shirts…*skeptical face emoji*
You haven't seen my whole place…*wink emoji*
What, are you telling me you have Batman bedsheets? *lol emoji*
Oh, it's much…much worse than that. The bedroom is pretty neutral, but…I have a…kind of rec room in the basement that is basically nerd central.
Oh. Em. Gee. I can't WAIT to see that, Sy!!! And how dare you hold out on me!!!
Well, I mean, I didn't wanna lay out all my cards right off the bat. I'm playing the long game.
Ah, so, when do I get to see this nerd trap?
Come on over, sunshine. *smiley face*
I said, I've got a patient at 4:00.
Everyone's cancelled on you. Can't you cancel on them for once?
Not unless I'm violently ill do I ever have any patients cancelled on my behalf.
So…say you're violently ill and come see me. *shrugging man emoji*
I dunno, Sy…
I got stuff to make that soup you like…
She had made it clear to him how much she loved soup, especially a good creamy potato soup, and on one of their dates, he'd had her over and there was a big pot of the stuff on his stove, made from scratch. She'd never had better, and he almost got lucky that night…and I mean…he still got a little lucky. He cooked for her AND cleaned up, AND let her pick the movie that night. She still picked an action movie, because she wasn't really a romance movie type, overall. Even so. Could she leave him hanging?
She opened her thread with Heather in her messenger app on her laptop.
Heather, is there anyone who could take my last patient, Mr. Lopez?
Looks like Cheri has a cancel around that time. Need me to move him?
If you could. I'm not feeling well.
Are you pregnant?
Omg, every fucking time. Why when anything is amiss in a woman's life must it be pregnancy?! And why is it okay to ask that question?! Ugh! She loved Heather like a sister, and it probably was just a joke, but uuuuuugh!
Yes…yes I am. *eye roll emoji* I've got a killer headache that's making me queasy. I'll email Susan. Thanks.
You bet. Tell Sy I said hi. *wink emoji*
Shut up.
After a quick and concise email to her boss, she picked her phone back up. One unread message.
You there, sunshine?
She simply replied,
Get that soup ready, Captain, I'm on my way.
Up Next: Chapter Eight: Heat/Ice
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