#but he's not needlessly cruel to the people closest to him without cause
fortheloveofexy · 4 months
it's a pet peeve of mine when ppl frame Andrew as hating Aaron and being needlessly cruel to him... bc while yes, their relationship is fractured and strained, Andrew genuinely cares about his brother and wants the best for him, he just doesn't know how to show that in a normal way.
like he might not know how to express it in a healthy manner but Andrew LOVES Aaron, like he truly just wants Aaron to be healthy and safe. It's like, his whole Thing. Aaron is one of the most important people in his life. Andrew wants him around. He'd do anything to protect him.
I guarantee Andrew wants to be emotionally close to Aaron too, he just doesn't have the tools to do that and the thought of letting someone in terrifies him. He also has no concept of what a healthy sibling relationship looks like, so he has no frame of reference to work from.
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brokenjardaantech · 3 years
a road not taken
Fandom: star trek (2009)
pairing: nero/ayel
Leya returns from his most recent trial dazed and overwhelmed. It is Ŏ’ŗên's job to comfort his bondmate.
other tags: griefing/mourning, hurt/comfort
ao3 link
Ŏ’ŗên knows something is wrong as soon as his bondmate reappears sitting on the edge of their shared bed. Not because of the silence - that he is used to since the fateful day when his other half miraculously survived the unsurvivable; not because of the frailness - that he is also used to since the day they first met; nor because of the change of the colour of his soulmate’s eyes - that he expects after another trial from beings he is too four-dimensional and mortal to comprehend. But the impenetrable wall he runs into when he taps into their bond - that is something they have not had between them since the day he nearly lost Leya, the price of blocking themselves from each other’s mind too high for them to even try again. Not having access to their bond doesn’t mean that he can’t deduce his bondmate’s emotions from other tells, however, and he knows that right now, the love of his life is overwhelmed with them and therefore is not ready to talk about them yet, so he does what he has learnt from decades of experience that sends his message clearly without resorting to words: press his chest against Leya’s back, wrap his arms around his (painfully thin, boney, narrow) shoulders, and press a kiss with his lips on the pointed tip of his ear. 
I’m here for you.
Leya turns his head so that they can exchange a proper kiss with their lips and their fingers. I know. But I’m not ready yet.
One more brush of two fingers against two fingers. A firm squeeze on his waist. I’ll be there whenever you’re ready.
His bondmate pulls away from their embrace and walks away, his skin as pale as the oversized white sleep robe he is wearing, presumably back to the room where his nest is, his own space where he can forget the outside world and rest and think properly. He will be out after a few hours usually.
Ŏ’ŗên realises he must take the initiative when the situation doesn’t get better after days of waiting for his bondmate to open up. Whenever the wall between their joined minds wobble, strong waves of sadness washes over the bond, and it is obvious starting from the second day that Leya is not okay at all. Still, he lets him be for a few more days, taking care of their children, tending to the farm, checking on the situation in the rest of the galaxy, while his bondmate hopefully recovers and processes whatever he saw during the trial. On the sixth day he breaches the silence, unwilling to see his other half dwell on his sorrows for any longer: it is not healthy for all of them. 
He finds him on the deck at the back of the house overlooking seemingly-endless hills of different kinds of fruit and blue wheat, the setting sun ruining the world in a fiery hue that he cannot help but find nostalgic; it reminds him of the days in their academy years where they spent their free time sitting in the grass at the waterfront as their eyes were fixed on the glistening sea. They didn’t realise that they were in love back then; they do now. 
There is no response from his bondmate and neither does he expect one, although Leya does clutch the large stuffed toy Ŏ’ŗên gifted him all those years ago closer towards his chest and does not protest when Ŏ’ŗên scooped him up so that he can sit on his lap instead. A kiss on the tip of his ear, a nuzzle against his neck where his scent is the strongest, a firm squeeze around his waist. He deflates.
‘Did you pass?’ is the first question asked. Always start from the simplest, most mundane things.
‘Pending,’ is Leya’s response, a low murmur that would have been lost to the breeze brushing their skin had both of them not been Vulcanoids. ‘I try not to think about it too much.’
‘I broke a rule.’
‘What rule?’
‘What were you supposed to do?’
‘I -’ his voice wobbles. ‘We were supposed to observe our counterparts in three different parallel universes and report back.’
‘Which three did you choose?’
‘The first one was easy enough. I checked on us in the mirror universe.’
‘How are they?’
‘Doing well. They have secured victory over the Empire with the help of my cousin’s counterpart. Their child will grow up in peace.’
‘That’s good to hear. How about the second one?’
His bondmate doesn’t answer immediately and instead wiggles in his lap until he is completely plastered against him with the stuffed toy squished between their chests. ‘The ones my cousin killed. The ones who started all this. The ones who never got to go home.’
He tightens his arms around him. Among all the choices he could make… ‘What about them?’
‘You and your sister were not related in any means and were bondmates. You were going to have a child until a supernova destroyed ch’Rihan. I was your second-in-command on a mining vessel. We were captured by the Klingons not long after we came into this timeline and spent two and a half decades on a penal colony. We escaped in the end but… you know how it went.’
And he does. Starfleet used their newest starship to defeat the terrorist who committed genocide on the Vulcan people, the Captain, the hero behind the Narada’s neutralisation too humble to want their name announced to the general public - at least, that is the official story that is taught in both the Federation and the Republic. In reality, though… ‘Was it what you expected to see?’
‘My cousin did not lie to me, if that is what you are asking.’ He buries his face in the crook of his neck. ‘It did not make it any easier. Do you wish to know?’
‘That version of us never bonded properly, but the link is there. My cousin killed me first right in front of your eyes and exploited the pain it caused the other you, made you beg for the mercy of death. They… They were happy - overjoyed, even - to help.’
‘Do you think it’s a good thing?’
A shake of his head. ‘Killing our counterparts is the only way to save the galaxy from endless war. My cousin might have done the right thing then, but it was also one of their major steps towards…’ his grip on his shirt tightens, ‘whatever they are right now. Call me a coward or soft-hearted if you wish to, but I do think my cousin was being needlessly cruel. They had the choice of eliminating the threat and moving on or continuing to dwell on it; they chose the latter, they chose to bring even more pain and suffering to the galaxy.’ A deep breath. ‘They became the very thing they had sworn to destroy.’
They let themselves drift for a while. His bondmate has allowed the wall to crumble on its own some time during their talk, and they both bask in the bond between them, Leya drifting between his usual sensitive senses and a light doze, Ŏ’ŗên witnessing the first hint of stars in the sky as the sun descends further and further down the horizon and hearing the faint rustle of their children turning in their sleep from within the house. He will have to wake them up soon, he thinks, but for now his focus is solely on his bondmate.
A sharp pain from the other side of the bond jolts him from his thoughts, the emotion both familiar and distant - familiar because it is not something one can let go of easily, distant because he has not experienced it for a long time. The pain of mourning. Leya is trembling in his arms and the shoulder he is leaning on is wet. 
He is crying.
Ŏ’ŗên pushes a wave meant to comfort through their bond hoping to at least calm his bondmate down, but all it does this time is make the sadness return in even stronger waves, and he would have shed a few tears had he had human ancestry like Leya. He receives flashes of images and bursts of sensations, all of them too blurry and short for him to distinguish anything of use; he has to ease himself from his bondmate’s mind to preserve his sanity.
‘I’m sorry,’ Leya says as he leans away and furiously rubs his knuckles against his face in an attempt to wipe his tears off. Ŏ’ŗên brushes his hands away and does it for him, his fingers brushing against his bondmate’s qui’lari to initiate a shallow meld and dragging him away from whatever vision that is plaguing him. ‘I screwed it all up - I lost control of myself -’
Ŏ’ŗên shushes him. ‘What did you do?’
‘I -’ an exhale. ‘The last timeline I visited. It was the closest to the one we’re living in,’ Ŏ’ŗên can feel him clinging onto their bond, grounding Leya against whatever he is reminded of. His eyes are wide. ‘Until I died.’
With so many brushes with death, Ŏ’ŗên isn’t surprised that his bondmate’s counterpart in a parallel universe wasn’t as lucky. ‘What happened?’
Leya shivers from a non-existent cold as Ŏ’ŗên feels age-old memories resurface from the depths of his bondmates mind, one of snow-capped, looming mountains and wind strong enough to rattle entire houses: whatever he encountered during his trial, it made Leya think of his childhood. ‘In that universe,’ he swallows, ‘my cousin never came to take me away. I died cold and starving never to have left the valley.’
Ŏ’ŗên senses that there is some more going on, therefore he merely rubs his bondmate’s thigh through the thin fabric of his sleeping robe. 
‘Our counterparts in that universe… They were like us. T’hy’la. Two halves of the same soul. The other you never got to meet me, but he knew that something was missing. There was a giant gap in his mind where the other me should be, and it only grew wider with each passing year.
‘No one believed him when he told the others that there was a void in his mind, that the void was causing him endless pain and confusion. He spent years searching for whatever he could to lessen the pain knowing that he probably would never be able to uproot the ache - writing, serving the Republic, lovers whom he had thought were the shape of the missing pieces - but he got… disappointed, I suppose, and eventually he seemed to have given up. That was when he finally found someone who would perform a mind meld with him, and it was also after this meld that he was told that he had a bondmate, one who had died long before they met. He learnt that the wound would never heal; he would have to live the rest of his life always yearning for someone who no longer exists.’
Ŏ’ŗên holds him closer. ‘What a terrible thing to learn about.’
Leya wipes his eyes. ‘It was a relief for him, though,’ he places his hand on Ŏ’ŗên’s on his thigh, their fingers hooking together in a chaste kiss automatically and not letting go. ‘I guess… That was what made him accept the truth. As much as a closure he was allowed to have. He mourned the other me even though they never met each other, spent his days thinking of “what-if”s and drowning himself in imaginary scenarios where he could be happy with a bondmate with their katra so intertwined that others have difficulties distinguishing the two from each other, let himself feel the loss properly without anyone telling him that his pain wasn’t real. I watched him become a happier man.’ A deep breath. A shudder. ‘Then I watched him make preparations.’
‘What preparations?’
‘To…’ his grip on Ŏ’ŗên’s hand is almost painful. Leya’s side of the bond twists in turmoil. ‘To join the other me. At least, that was what he was thinking of when he wrote his final letter to his family and friends. I - I watched him inject himself with a hypospray and lie down in his bed for sleep just like any other day. He looked so relieved even though he’s so lonely that I - I -’ He heaves. The first sob breaks out from his throat, a high-pitched sound followed by a cascade of tears that goes straight into Ŏ’ŗên’s hears like a dagger, and his hands get slapped away when he tries to help. ‘I couldn’t, Ŏ’ŗên, I couldn’t let him go like this. No one deserves to die alone. I knew it was against the rules, but I - I made myself known.’ A particularly furious wipe, ‘Stepped into that universe with a corporeal form and went through the door to where the other you was. He - he thought I was his bondmate, here to take him away to where they could live together happily ever after.’ His voice breaks, and Ŏ’ŗên gently pats his back as Leya coughs and chokes on his own tears. ‘Please don’t be angry with me.’
Is that why his love is feeling so conflicted? That he broke a rule to comfort a dying man? ‘Never, my love, you know it,’ Ŏ’ŗên promises.
Leya calms down by a slight bit after that and a deep breath. But this time, instead of talking, he intertwines their fingers together on both hands and brings their foreheads together, initiating a meld that, to Ŏ’ŗên, feels as real as any other reality, the background of a setting sun disappearing alongside the endless rows of crops, the contrast between the chill of the evening and his bondmate’s body heat gone and replaced by the feeling of being in a strangely familiar body, and he knows that Leya is sharing his memories with him, that he is experiencing what is before his eyes right now in the way his soulmate did. His vision is blurry with tears - something he, as a full Vulcanoid, would never do in real life, but he can still distinguish the vague, faded outline of scattered pieces of furniture marking that only one person lives in there and they rarely, if at all, bring guests to their home. His legs, tired from pushing his newfound powers to their limits and awkwardly thin and knobbly like puberty never quite left him, creaks with each step forward towards the thick curtains framing a bed too narrow for two. There is an empty hypospray on the bedside table. He feels himself lift his hand and part the curtain, and, in a flow of plain fabric, he is no longer Leya, no longer experiencing the memory as Leya himself, and instead is standing with his back against the wall next to the bedside table, watching his bondmate stand very still and quiet and stare at the figure on the bed, a stray tear escaping the socket of his eye and dripping onto equally plain sheets. 
Other-Ŏ’ŗên’s eyes catch the figure watching over him. His lips tremble as if he wants to speak, but in the end only a small, choked sound rises from his throat. ‘Love?’ he breathes.
Leya slowly sits down on the bed and holds Other-Ŏ’ŗên’s hand, his insignificant weight barely making a dip in the mattress. ‘I’m here,’ he says, and he presses a kiss on the back of Other-Ŏ’ŗên’s (oh so bony and thin) hand, tears straining translucent skin wet and leaving tracks on his face. Other-Ŏ’ŗên’s lips twitch. ‘I’m here to take you away. We’ll be together.’
‘I -’ Other-Ŏ’ŗên swallows. ‘You must think lowly of me, wasting my life -’
Leya places a finger on Other-Ŏ’ŗên’s lips to silence him. ‘I do not wish to see you in pain,’ his voice trembles slightly. He intertwines his and Other-Ŏ’ŗên’s fingers together, an intimate gesture only reserved for the closest of lovers, but Ŏ’ŗên finds himself feeling… nothing at all, really, apart from his heart aching and threatening to burst at the same time from the scene before him and his affection towards his bondmate. ‘Sleep now, love,’ he hears his bondmate say to his counterpart before pressing a kiss with his lips onto Other-Ŏ’ŗên’s brow, and he knows that Leya is copying him then: this is how Ŏ’ŗên puts him to sleep when he has trouble doing so by himself. ‘I will be here when you wake up,’ he breathes into Other-Ŏ’ŗên’s skin. ‘Sleep well.’
A small smile appears on Other-Ŏ’ŗên’s face as his eyes slip shut. A few more shallow breaths. 
Stillness comes right after.
Leya pulls his hand away from Other-Ŏ’ŗên’s slack fingers and slowly turns his overflowing eyes towards his actual bondmate, and the memory dissolves into a fog quickly blown away to bring both of them back to the deck, the hills of crops, the setting sun. It is at this moment that Ŏ’ŗên realises that he is holding his bondmate’s hands uncomfortably tight in his grip, so he lets go and cups Leya’s cheeks instead, his thumb wiping his tears away. ‘My Wheaty,’ he says, finally understanding what happened. So this is why the pain feels so familiar. ‘No one deserves to die alone. In the last moments of my counterpart’s life, you gave him hope, gave him peace. He died knowing that he was loved and his t’hy’la will be with him forever.’
‘But Ŏ’ŗên, what if there is no other side?’ Leya’s hands fly to his face. ‘Elements, what if the other side is not what I promised him to be? What will the other you become? What if -’ his chest heaves - ‘What if the other me isn’t there when I promised that he will never be alone again? I would have given a man hope and - and shattered it! All because I couldn’t control myself!’
He is trembling and breathing heavily by the last word, angry tears rolling down his already-puffy eyes, and Ŏ’ŗên knows that he has to do something to remedy what can spiral off into an uncontrollable outburst. Sliding his arms underneath his bondmate’s thighs, he hoists him up without any warning, Leya wrapping his knobbly limbs around his torso instinctively and holding on for dear life with his face buried in Ŏ’ŗên’s shoulder, and he takes them both indoors back into their shared bedroom and throws his bondmate onto the pile of blankets and pillows which absorbs all the impact and makes Leya sink into it instead of letting him bounce. Before he can react, Ŏ’ŗên slams himself on top of his bondmate with his arms at Leya’s eye level so that he is the only thing Leya can see, smell, feel. A long, deep breath, and Leya places his hand on Ŏ’ŗên’s chest to signify that he is ready, rolling them over so that he is lying half on top of Ŏ’ŗên with his head on his chest. 
Ŏ’ŗên kisses the top of his bondmate’s head. ‘My counterpart died in peace. You did what you could to relieve his pain and gave him peace when he was near his end, and that’s…’ he trails off.
‘All that matters,’ Leya finishes for him, and his voice breaks as his face scrunches up. He buries his face in the crook of Ŏ’ŗên’s neck, tears staining skin wet and soaking fabric, but Ŏ’ŗên can sense from their bond that his bondmate is feeling much better now, the sharp pain fading into a dull throbbing that will likely continue for some time before Leya finds himself distracted by other matters - that is how he dealt with grief before, and Ŏ’ŗên doubts that it will change this time.
He had no one, Leya’s voice suddenly echoes in his mind. He had cut off his family a long time ago. They couldn’t stand the thought of not being able to help with his pain, and he loved them so much that he couldn’t bear to let them know he gave up his life for a long-dead person he had never met. He will be remembered by the void he created in his family and friends’ life, not for who he really was.
But we do, Ŏ’ŗên replies. We remember him.
But what if I forget? It is inevitable given my position between this universe and the extra-dimensional world. One day I will process knowledge too much for my brain to handle, and I will be forced to discard some of it. Memories of our children. Of your counterpart. Of us growing up together. Of you. I might forget them one day and…
You won’t.
But -
You are mortal, Wheaty, Leya, my love, Ŏ’ŗên gives his shoulders a squeeze. ‘There will be a finite end for you and me. I promise.’
It is an empty one, he knows. He is not the one who can jump across universes unscathed. He is not the one who can live in between dimensions. He is not the one alive only because he is bounded to a higher dimension. Elements, he doesn’t even believe in an afterlife in the sense that there is a new world for him to explore and live in after he leaves this world, but he knows, from what Leya told him many times before, that every single person, every single act, every single change - all of them leave a unique imprint in the universe waiting for the right person to discover and learn from. Maybe this is enough to leave a mark in the unending river of spacetime. Maybe they will tell their children about it, someday, when they grow up and start to develop their own powers. Maybe they will join their counterparts afterwards, who knows? It’s not like he can look into the future.
Thank you.
Oops. Didn’t mean for you to hear that.
In any case.
And look at what it made me into.
What, the most wonderful bondmate a Rihannsu can ask for?
Leya thumps his fist lightly on Ŏ’ŗên’s shoulder. You are insufferable.
I love you.
Leya sighs as fondness bleeds through the bond. And I you.
Their minds suddenly become much busier and conscious. Their children are awake.
Dinner? Ŏ’ŗên asks everyone.
The cascade of sleepy yes’s brings a smile to his face.
i wrote this mostly to kick myself to finally spitting out this ficverse, so if anyone is interested in more of it please do let me know. i’ll write more.
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fisheofviolence · 4 years
characters 6 and 9 with questions 6, 9, and 15? ewe
Character 6 is Izan! 
Introduction: another gen2 uwu Izan is actually close friends with Avery. He isn't a child of any of the first generation characters, but he has grown up with one of their kids (Arvid, who is also now his boyfriend). He is on friendly terms with most of the gen2 kids, actually. Izan is a paper nerd. He likes having notebooks, reading books, making origami, etc. He loves pandas, and he has an interest in coding, but he lacks confidence to learn.
Question 6: What was your oc’s relationship with their parents like? If they didn’t have any parents/didn’t know them, who in their life was the closest to a parent to them? His mother died when he was 11, but he had a good relationship with her before that. He has a good relationship with his father as well. They have gotten a little closer after Izan's mother died, but his father has less time to spend with Izan lately. Other parental figures in his life is his step mother, and Arvid's parents. He has a horrible relationship with his step mother. She is needlessly cruel to him sometimes, and Izan is too scared to stand up to her or tell his father. He has a really good relationship with all three of Arvid's parents. 
Question 9: How easily does your oc make friends? Do they have difficulty talking to new people? Why? Izan rarely has any difficulty talking to new people. He's optimistic, and he's a people pleaser. People are often drawn to him and want to befriend him. He has a few friends outside of his main circle, but he isn't as close to them as he is with his main three friends. Izan navigates social situations easily, and sometimes will guide his friend group through social situations just because he knows it comes more natural to him. 
Question 15: What is your oc’s favourite time of day? Why is this? Do they have a daily practice during this time? Morning. When he sees Arvid for the first time of the day, and he gets to see the brief flash of excitement on his face. The good morning's mean a lot more to Izan than Arvid probably realizes. 
Character 9 is Adrien!!! 
Introduction: lives on Kartoffel. Adrien is a rave boy at heart. He discovered his interest in edm when he was on Earth with Amanda to round up the humans For Plot Purposes. One of Adrien's coworkers is also his kidnapper (Danny). he was kidnapped when he was 9 and separated from Jess. He's mostly like, an assassin? But really his job description is "do whatever the Hari tells you to do as quickly as possible without drawing any attention to yourself." Oh, he also lives with Danny. Also, he believes that Jess is dead, so he hasn't seen her since they were separated. 
Question 6: What was your oc’s relationship with their parents like? If they didn’t have any parents/didn’t know them, who in their life was the closest to a parent to them? His mother died when he was too young to remember. He also doesn't remember too much about his father, because he was mostly raised by Jess. He had a step mother for like, a year before he was kidnapped and thought she was a bitch (which was pretty accurate). Jess was the closest thing to a positive parental figure in his life. He was really close to her. He was still pretty young, but he depended on her for most of his needs and wants, so functioning without her was really hard. Danny also served as a parent figure to him, sadly. He taught him independence and how to protect himself. Most importantly, Danny taught him how to do his job, and how to do his job well. 
Question 9: How easily does your oc make friends? Do they have difficulty talking to new people? Why? Oh man. Adrien has a difficult time talking to people. When meeting new people, he usually freezes up and is unable to think of appropriate responses quickly enough. He also will miss social cues frequently. He found it was better to just not respond at all. He didn't bother trying to make friends before story events, mostly because of Danny's influence on him. This changes when he meets Amanda and Tuesday, and they slowly start to guide him through how to actually have a conversation with someone you don't know
Question 15: What is your oc’s favourite time of day? Why is this? Do they have a daily practice during this time? Early morning, before most people are awake. He likes to think during this time, while the world is still mostly silent. It's also good for him to be up that early cause he takes forever to get ready for the day
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socksual-innuendos · 5 years
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So I was tagged by @yesjejunus for this and I’m doing a joint interview with Emi and Cam because why not. Art is also by yesjejunus
What is your name?
E: Who’s askin? C: Camila, and that's my sister Emilia.
How old are you?
E: Old enough to be your mother. Who’s askin?? C: 48, but I don’t really feel it. 
What do you look like?
E: Oh, good, I have jokes for this. ‘Why not just check my mug shot’ or 'Who is this interview for, the blind?’ oh! How about ‘use your damn eyes’?
C: Oh, ugh...well I use to have black hair and my skin wasn’t so...the way that it is, haha. Can we please move to the next question?
Where are you from? Where do you live now?
C: Mexico! I don’t remember much of it, actually. I mean I do but not enough of one place. We moved around a lot and most of it just looked like the wastes here. I don’t remember being told when we had made it into America, I don’t think it really clicked until we were half way through Arizona. We still moved around once we made it into the States and up until a few months ago we didn’t have a home. But we sort of do now! Right Em?
E: Yeah, we’ll see.
What was your childhood like?
E: Just like everyone else’s in some ways. Good at times, shitty at times, getting into way too much trouble at times. Heh, you know, the usual kid stuff and more.
C: Even when papa was around we still stayed with host families. Emi and Abuelita always seemed to be out doing something, mostly work I think, not that I could ever join them. When I was real little I would get sick so much. Papa wouldn’t let me out unsupervised, but he did trust Emi to take me places. Once he was gone things got a lot more strict. I think the host families didn’t want to chance me getting hurt or more sick. Abuelita agreed with them, but Emi would sneak me out and we’d play. 
What groups are you friendly with? Are you allied with any factions?
E: I’m friendly with plenty, whether or not they’re friendly with me is their problem. I guess the Chairmen are fine with me, BAH! I know the Omertas have it out for me, and if those damn pretentious White Chode Society fucks didn’t make a steak as good as they do they’d be a hole in the ground. Who else is there? No one that matters I guess-- Wait, those Boomers might be batshit but they know how to have a party! 
C: Oh! I’d like to think I’m friends with the Chairmen, but they’re really just my employers. Swank is nice, a bit of a flirt but he’s like that with everyone. Tommy is sweet too! He can be tough during practice but I can’t fault him for that. Although Emi doesn’t really like them I love the White Glove Society! They really make you feel like royalty-- And their spa is amazing. There’s nowhere like it in the world I swear. I just really enjoy their casino....Um, other than that I don’t really know any other factions. The Kings are funny, but Emi doesn’t really want me in Freeside without her or Cass or Arcade. She also says I am absolutely not to go near Gomorrah. I’ll admit I’m curious but it doesn’t really seem like a place you’d want to wear open toed shoes, you know?
Tell me about your best friend.
E: Only got Camila and Raul, really. Arcade’s good, a bit too idealistic for his age but whatever keeps you goin. Cass is pretty independent, but it’s part of why I like her. 
C: I have so many now! There’s Veronica, she’s probably the closest I’m to, oh and Sarah. I love my sister dearly but she was never into girlish things. But I have those two now! And they love doing all that stuff. Swank gives me a hard time when he comes around The Aces, but it’s all in good fun. Arcade is teaching me how to do computers, and it’s really helping with the Vault hotel. He’s a bit prickly but he still wants to teach me. I really do love them! I know she’s pretty defensive about our living space but I’m glad Emilia includes them in the 38, this place gets too big and lonely without people. 
Do you have a family? Tell me about them!
E: Cam’s all I need. And Raul’s here now. The others are nice to have around but...Family’s special. 
C: There use to be more of us...I never knew mom but Emi’s told me of her. Xiomara was my abuelita’s name, and my papa was around only when I was little. Then there was-- well, it’s not my place to say. Oh, but I have Raul now too. And Veronica, and Arcade, n Cass, Boone....they count. To me they do. 
What about a partner or partners?
E: Nope. Don’t need one. Not in that sense anyway. I don’t mind having regular lovers, but I don’t get attached like that. Friends suit me just fine. 
C: Not for me no. I mean I haven’t really thought of anyone like that...I haven’t really had the chance to. I mean I’ve thought about it before but nothing serious and definitely not at anyone in particular. I think it would be nice...but I’m just not sure. 
Who are your enemies, and why?
E: Enemies? Now why would anyone want to be enemies with me, I am nothing short of a delight. Although, I will say the Garrets’ opinions of me vary with how hefty my tab is. 
C: I really hope I don’t have enemies. I just got friends! One thing at a time please.
Have you ever heard of The Brotherhood of Steel? What do you think about them?
E: Brotherhood of Kiss My Ass! Don’t get me wrong, they have cool shit and I love their archives but as long as New Vegas is what it is and as long as they do how they do, I hate them. 
C: Veronica’s told me a lot about them. Aside from the obvious, um, flaws, they sound interesting. I know Emi loves history stuff...This seems really complicated...
What about The Enclave?
E: Never heard of ‘em.
C: The who now?
How do you feel about Super Mutants?
C: I haven’t had the chance to properly meet any. Emi says some are like us and that others are just mindless and violent. We had heard about Jacobstown, that’s part of the reason we’re up here actually. Apparently its a home for the mutated. It sounded like a good idea at first-- it certainly was a smart one but...I like Vegas.
E: Tough sonsofbitches. They have no right being as fast as they are. Clumsy in close combat though. 
What’s the craziest fight you’ve ever been in?
E: Well, it wasn’t the craziest but I did get in a scuff with a mark’s security guard on top of a building. We ended up rolling off, and when I tried grappling my leg had tangled in my climbing cable-- That’s what fucked up my knee-- I ended up hitting the side of the building, having the wind knocked out of me, and then alerted the rest of the security team of an intruder when I broke a window to get back inside. Trying to get out of there with a dislocated knee was probably one of the best and worst adrenaline rushes I’ve had. 
C: Once Rosa and I had a really big miscommunication. I think that was the first time we ever got legitimately mad at each other. She ran off too cool down but I got worried and ah-- Um, things turned out fine, thankfully. Yeah.
Have you ever fought a Deathclaw?
E: Several, actually. Wait-- Ha! Actually, ask Arcade about this, I’m sure he’d love to tell you the story. 
C: Heavens no! I haven’t even seen one outside of pictures. They look terrifying, and Emilia says they’re very territorial and very aggressive. Hopefully I never have to. Although, Emi has said if I’ve ever wanted to see one we could go to the Thorn but animal fights? That seems needlessly cruel.
Do you like fighting?
E: Hell yeah! 
C: I don’t have the energy for conflict. I’d much rather talk it out, like adults. [Camila glares at Emilia]
What’s your weapon of choice?
E: Depends on the job. I love my sniper rifle, but sometimes a trick shot doesn’t have the right flair to it. It’s really about reading the situation and seeing whats available. Sure, you can blast someone’s brains out 2,000 meters away but where’s the fun in distance if no one knows how far it really is. Now, making a big deal out of a target, there’s the fun. You have to personalize each kill, let the mark and the world how premeditated it was. No, it didn’t have to be that complicated, but it was and someone put the effort in. That’s the sort of thing that let’s people know you’re better than them. 
C: I suppose a mic. I’m not really trained in anything, and I don’t really have a preference towards a weapon? Emi really should teach me but last time I brought it up...I’ll ask Raul.
How do you survive? Your wits, your charm, your skills, brute force, some combination? (a.k.a. what’s your S.P.E.C.I.A.L?)
E: It’s all skill baby. I give a prayer and Lord willing I succeed. That and a quick wit is all I need. (S5, P9, E6, C7, I6, A10, L0)
C: I mostly relied on Emilia to survive. Things have been complicated in the past, but she did what she needed to do. I try to be as polite and accommodating as I can though, at the very least people leave you alone if you’re not causing trouble. I got a job at the Vault 21 hotel! It doesn’t get as busy as the other places on the Strip, but it’s still something!  (S2, P6, E3, C10, I6, A3, L9)
Have you ever been in a vault? What do you think about them?
C: I work at a Vault! Sort of. It’s a hotel now and it’s been mostly destroyed....Sarah’s a bit afraid to be open about it, given how ‘gracious’ Mr. House was, but from what she said it was much more homey when she was little. She’s also told me about Vault life. I guess growing up underground really makes the concept easier huh? I hate being cooped up, but a roof always over her suits her just fine. ‘Though, I guess if the Vaults are as big as she says they were there would be plenty to do inside but...still...
E: I’ve been in a lot. It’s...humbling. All of them have their own unique story and connections to the old world. Reading about some of these people, their lives, their struggles? It’s like looking into other worlds. The dangers out in the wastes are one thing, its nature of man’s sin or the world’s design, but in the Vaults? It can be paradise or tailored evil. When man plays God, everyone suffers. But I suppose they were use to that kind of living. It is life, no? Just like out here. But even then, most of the time Vaults were safe. For those who first stepped out, they left that and saw nothing but, well, this. I can't imagine not having been able to grow up out here. It's shaped me, made me strong, and I can survive because of it. I don't lament my life being hard, like I said it's made me who I am, but I can't help but put myself in their shoes. Having to learn all this after a life in a Vault? That is a cruelty on its own.
How do you beat all the radiation around here? Has it affected you?
C: Well, you can see how it’s effected me. I’m just like any other ghoul I guess. Oh...I don’t think I’ll ever be ready for when my skin really starts to come off. Oh-- Ah! One good thing I suppose! I no longer get sick. I mean, I still get the fatigue and pain but I don’t get colds like I use to. That alone lets me do more than I could when I was a kid. Bright sides, right?
E: I don’t have an extra arm yet, so I don’t think its effected me much. I try to keep radaway on me though, it always has it’s uses. 
What’s your favorite wasteland critter?
C: Oh I love bloatflies! They’d kind of ugly, but also sort of cute? Just like me!
E: I’ll admit I have a certain fondness for our nightstalker Sawyer. There’s intelligence behind those eyes...well, some semblance of it anyway. Still, she’s here for a reason. Although...they’re not very common up here-- actually I don’t think I’ve seen any up here, but frogs. I really really love frogs. 
What’s your least favorite wasteland critter?
C: RADROACHES. I don’t see too many creatures thankfully but these manage to get everywhere and I hate it!
E: Centaurs are some unholy creation of man and should be purged from this life and the next. They and feral ghouls...I say a prayer for them before I pull the trigger. Whomever they were before they didn’t deserve that.
How do you feel about robots?
E: They’re fine for the most part. Just bits and bobs that can sometimes have a personality, although I’ve seen some being used to cheat death. Those ones are abominations. 
C: Yesman! Oh I love him. Ah, I’ve met other robots before too but I never got to know them well. Vegas doesn’t seem to have much aside from securitrons, though.  
How many caps do you have on you right now?
C: A lot more than what we--
E: That is absolutely none of their business!
Nuka Cola or Sunset Sarsaparilla?
E: Sarsaparilla, easily. 
C: Emi just says that because nuka give her hives!
Do you do chems?
C: Emi made me swear never to touch Med-X. She told me it’s stronger than the stuff we use but nowhere near worth the addiction. I’ve seen some of what she means, so I don’t plan on breaking that promise. Colitas are just fine for me. 
E: Some of ‘em yeah. Mostly for work though. Heh, I even make my own brand of kick in the ass. Yeah...Flake’ll get you through just about anything. The high’s crazy but the crash is insane. I mostly prefer the natural stuff. Peyote comes in handy when I need a good bit of life insight.
Do you ever think about the Pre-War world?
E: A lot actually. It’s quite interesting, they lived a lot differently than us but at the same time not. It’s funny to see how routine human nature is. 
C: Sometimes. Emi still brings back old world books that she finds and I read them when I feel like it. The one’s with photographs are nice. A snapshot in time, as Emi says. She certainly finds them more interesting than I do. 
What’s your deepest regret? What would you do differently?
C: I was very insistent one night, and I wish I hadn’t been. Things would have been different if I had just stayed in bed.  
E: Ha! You are asking an assassin what their biggest regret it. There is nothing, I assure you. 
What’s your biggest achievement? Or what do you hope to achieve?
C: I got a job! I have a home, I have friends. I’m...normal. Ha!
E: Ah hell, give me a minute to think of the nastiest bastard I’ve ever ‘in’directly put into power...
What do you want for the future? For yourself? Your friends? The world?
E: I’m getting old, I don’t need a future. And I’m just one person, the world will go on when I’m dead. Cam though, she’s got what? Centuries? That’s a long fuckin time to think about. Raul’s tried to tell me what it’s like but it just feels-- It just doesn’t click. No way in hell I’m making it that long. I just have to figure some way of making this place as secure as possible for Camila.
C: I just want to be independent! I love Emi dearly but she’s a bit much at times. Especially now...and I’m scared I won’t be able to do a lot on my own once she’s gone. Vegas is good for me. I have friends here and there’s jobs that I can manage. Even if Emi wants to move again, I’m staying. I have to. I have a future here, I can see it. 
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ramajmedia · 5 years
Everybody Loves Raymond: 10 Of The Worst Things Marie Has Ever Done
Marie Barone was one of the most significant focal points of Everybody Loves Raymond and there's no denying that the long-running comedy series would have never been as iconic as it was without her domineering antics.
Since the writers of the sitcom routinely derived the events on the show from things that actually happened to them in their personal and family lives. Many of the characters were inspired by actual people, Marie included.
RELATED: Everybody Loves Raymond: 10 Storylines That Were Never Resolved
Marie Barone was undoubtedly iconic, and that was largely because of the many, many questionable and highly manipulative things that she did. Let's take a look at some of the most infamous.
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Robert had a tough life throughout the course of Everybody Loves Raymond. This phenomenon was the source of comedy countless times, with Robert complaining about how everyone favors Raymond - especially their mother.
Robert was right; Marie favored Raymond at every opportunity and it was obvious to everyone. In any given situation, Marie would waste no time sticking up for Raymond, taking his side, or simply defending him to the point of ridiculousness.
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In a Season 2 episode titled "Marie's Meatballs," Marie appears to have a change of heart and generously agrees to teach Debra how to make her famous meatballs. This decision was a significant change from the fact that Marie typically made a career of making fun of Debra's cooking. Marie finally giving in and teaching Debra some of her best cooking tricks seemed suspicious right away.
Ultimately, Debra's meatballs are a failure; even though she did everything Marie said, her version of the beloved dish had a "weird taste." It's not until later in the episode when Debra discovers that she was actually sabotaged by Marie, who disguised a bottle of tarragon as a bottle of basil.
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Marie has always been portrayed as being a needlessly critical person. It's not a stretch to say that she makes multiple offensive comments in every episode of Everybody Loves Raymond, and while most of Marie's remarks are directed at Debra, she pretty much judges everyone (except Raymond, usually).
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Marie is everyone's harshest critic, but the same rules do not apply when it comes to self-reflection.
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Considering Marie's personality, it's no surprise that she is the type of person who can be quite two-faced. Marie's friends make sporadic appearances throughout the series, and Lee and Stan appear most frequently.
On the surface, Marie acts like she adores her dear friends. But when Lee and Stan aren't around, Marie's true thoughts come out. As Raymond puts it, "Ma, you don't like Lee and Stan."
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This iconic moment came from the pilot episode of Everybody Loves Raymond. The joke was inspired by an experience that one of the writers actually had, and has since become one of the most famous running gags on the series.
RELATED: Everybody Loves Raymond: The 10 Worst Things Raymond Has Ever Done
In the episode, Ray gifts Marie and Frank with a one-year membership to the Fruit Of The Month Club. A plentiful basket of pears arrive at the door, and this sparks utter chaos in the Barone household. Marie completely loses it over the fact that there's "too much fruit in the house," and the moment was so infamous that it was brought up several times throughout the series.
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Marie Barone certainly thinks highly of herself. Not only is she extremely judgemental and critical of others  - especially those who are closest to her - but Marie is usually hard-pressed to find any flaws in herself. She takes pride in being an excellent chef and keeping a clean house.
Marie has also been known to rarely own up to her actions and almost never apologize. When she does apologize - especially if it's to Debra - it's always a big deal.
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Not only did Marie incessantly favor Raymond, but she also pampered him to the point of ridiculousness. Marie caters to Raymond's every need, which did not benefit her son in any way, causing him to grow up to be quite lazy and immature, always expecting Debra to pamper him in the same way.
This is most hilariously highlighted in the episode where Raymond "accidentally" tells Debra that he wishes she was more like Marie. This prompts Robert to bring Raymond a giant cardboard cutout of Marie in a wedding dress because Raymond "wishes he married his mother." Being a mommy's boy definitely does not look good on Raymond.
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Marie and Debra's relationship is extremely significant in Everybody Loves Raymond. The show primarily hinges on this complex yet hilarious dynamic. The series focuses a lot on relationships with in-laws and portrays Frank and Marie as the stereotypical "nightmare in-laws". At times, the show reveals that Marie's constant judgments and criticisms really get to Debra, who sometimes would just prefer to work things out with her mother-in-law, rather than fighting constantly. Marie doesn't seem to be on the same page, though, as she clearly enjoys causing drama and tension.
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In one episode ("Call Me Mom"), Debra attempts to call Marie "mom," to which Marie initially reacts terribly. It's simple things like this that makes it pretty cruel of Marie to mercilessly pick on Debra.
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The Season 5 episode "Wallpaper" would quickly become one of Everybody Loves Raymond's most unforgettable. The plot of this episode revolved around Marie accidentally backing Frank's car right into Raymond's house.
This obviously causes major damage, leaving Ray and Debra with a lot of repairing to do and no front door. Marie's infamous car crash quickly became one of the most iconic moments of the entire series, as the scene is completely hilarious and shocking. This was undoubtedly Marie's most exceptional "slip-up".
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Amy and Robert's wedding was destined to be a disaster from the beginning, primarily because of Amy's brother, Peter, and his cruel antics to foil the ceremony. Ultimately, though, it wasn't Peter who ended up making the wedding an infamous event, as Marie beat him to it.
When the minister marrying Amy and Robert asks if anyone has any objections to the nuptials, Marie shocks everyone by standing up and speaking her mind. She begs Robert not to marry Amy if he doesn't truly want to, and although her heart seems to be in the right place, she utterly humiliates everyone and of course, it is up to Raymond to later save the day.
NEXT: Early 2000s Sitcoms Which Defined That Era Of TV
source https://screenrant.com/everybody-loves-raymond-worst-things-marie-done/
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