#but god funniest bio i rver read
skitskatdacat63 · 6 months
This is obscure history stuff but, I need to talk abt it so you must deal.
So I was reading about the first Habsburg emperor, Frederick III, and oh my god, it seriously read like a comedy. He had the longest rule of any Holy Roman Emperor, right? So im like wahhhhh he must be a pretty good ruler. And granted, he was pretty pragamatic, and would try and make treaties instead of starting conflicts. But the hilarious thing is that he basically succeeded by just outliving all of his adversaries. His strategy was basically "alright, let's see what happens." And it always just worked out for him????
Every single time I started thinking "uh oh this isn't going to work out for him," whoever was in his way would just die??? And not even in a way that involved him, literally just happenstance. First, he becomes the head of the family after two fortuitous deaths. Oh he's having a conflict over land in Austria? Boom his main opponent happens to get assassinated for a completely different reason, and Frederick III is there to reap the inheritance rewards. Oh, the kid he's the guardian of, who happens to be the heir to the Austrian throne, dies of illness? Well, don't worry, Frederick III is there to be the new heir. While trying to sort out the Bohemian throne, one of the potential candidates just uh dies midway through. Okay. Oh, Frederick III's brother is challenging his rule? Well, he just dies suddenly, leaving Frederick III's rule unchallenged, yay! Uh oh, the guy challenging him for the throne of Austria is actually winning rn??? Don't you worry because he just ends up dying suddenly halfway through.
I'm not saying he never made any good decisions or wasn't clever, but so many of his successes just panned out bcs all the people opposing him just died randomly 😭 Truly the most 15th Century narrative ever
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