#but funnygummy is so adorable to!
kookydoodleky · 30 days
A Happy Ending✨
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sm-baby · 1 month
**leans in** Well now that you've seen the second episode (finally lmaoo)...how do you feel about 'funnygummy'? (pomni x gummigoo)
Obligatory ur allowed to like the ship even if I dont, etc. etc.
No thank you! Its the same discomfort as button blossom with how much its been pushed by fans! TwT
Ive had friends in their AUs get asked if gummy was gonna be Pomni's love interest and I??? 😭😭😭 HE WASNT EVEN HER LOVE INTEREST IN THE SHOW???
Ive legit been so worried to open my inbox again and all its gonna be was funnygummy TwT so yeah, Ill probably be blocking the tag.
I adore them so much,,, i love their friendship so much.. and I don't want to dislike Gummy because I dislike the ship! I LOVE GUMMI!! HES SO!! AGHHH WELL WRITTEN!!! I LIKE GUMMIGOO!! SOMEONE SHOULD BUY A GUMMI PLUSHY AND A POMNI PLUSHY AND HAVE THEM REUNITE AND HAVE HAPPY FUN TIMES!!
I like them as friends... Strong platonic friendships are my favorites.. im aroace and Im just so happy that Pomni has (HAD 😭😭😭) a friend
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