#but before those clowns started their circus majority of poll was for yes
bas-writes · 1 month
Someone got so triggered that I'm considering making some extra money (or rather by that their unsolicited advice wasn't met with a ritual buttlicking on my side ¯\_(ツ)_/¯) that they ran to rant on me on their blog, to rant how bad making money on hobbies is because capitalism, #eaththerich, and endangering community...I guess?
Vile me, looking on semi-empty stomach at 5.54pln left on my account week before next payment, wondering how I can squeeze a few bucks extra because through next few months when I have even more medical treatment spendings.
Vile me, being a writer. Maybe it would be forgiven to me if I were a craft maker or artist. After all, no one says a word on merch or art commission, or fanzines... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Anyway, if making money on fics is too much of a "black market" for you & you don't like seeing your favorite writers struggling, many of them have a ko-fi! So do I! Tips are legal, safe, and make everyone happy! ❤
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