#but as nodt cosplay comes first
irlkisukeurahara · 1 year
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Byakuya Kuchiki (9/10/22)
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imminentinertia · 2 years
Finally had time to sit down with KPTSWT aka Eurovision On Steroids, and first of all what the FUCK was wrong with the subtitles and why wasn't that shit cleaned up and why was a Windows XP?!? menu showing up at the bottom all the time.
Muttering and squealing under the cut
Through some careful skipping, fully aware that my paid 270 minutes wouldn't be enough for all of it otherwise, I got all the way to the end and I'm very grateful nobody in the cast knows how to do the Macarena (I do question that choice of song, but Gasolina was great fun).
The Minor Family was amazing but I'm still reeling from Ta being sent on stage to fucking MISIRLOU. Jesus Christ.
Also somebody should tell Pond about Nine Inch Nails before the next KPTS stage production.
I actually adored the Sailor Moon skit, but now I need bts with Bas practicing heels. Actually I loved all the bizarre "someone had a terrible cosplay idea and everyone rolled with it" bits.
Slot Machine was pretty great, including fanboy Mile, even though their music isn't really my cup of tea, Nodt was bloody ADORABLE playing the grand piano, I've come to really wish I liked sweet pop so I could enjoy Jeff more (gorgeous voice), but since I'm musically the sort of person who only actually liked the Minor Family song selection (MISIRLOU! Jesus) there is little hope for me.
Oh, and the strip part. Oh. Oh. That's where the steroids hit the Eurovision muscles. Not particularly my cup of tea, but. Oh.
Also finally saw Bible's wrist tattoo clearly enough to read it. Show your thighs next time, sweetie, I want to see those tattoos properly as well.
So it was fun! I'm a little concerned about my willingness to fork out for anything KinnPorsche (only barely managed to not get a shopping service to buy a shirt for me), but hey, if it can get me more Be On Cloud productions...
Let's have some Bible to round it off (btw I should have counted the floor body rolls)
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