#but also the other ninja deserve some bond with the gremlin
cyclondoojay · 2 months
a very dear headcanon to me in 3
yeah yeah okay okay all you want
rgb siblings is very cute and all that, but you can't change my mind about Lloyd seeing Jay and Nya as parentals figures. no. no you can't.
this is my religion and i belive in the jaya parents for lloyd and I'll take this hc to my death bed.
like one time, when Lloyd was still a child, but also after some time from "child's play" (don't really remember if this was the name of that episode, but you get it) and so around Nya's age, he called Nya mom by accident, and she was like "omg how you just called me-" (and if you think about her growing without one is even better) and then she was like the most Lloyd had spend his time with on the bounty, so for me it make so much sense, but keep listening.
yesterday i read this really cute oneshot where jay comforted lloyd and had some cute time together and then this really grow strongly on me (sorry i can't remember the name but it was really good and cute i can't.. but it was like arin & agentwalker bonding and then younglloyd & youngjay also bonding) (<- i really recommend it, it's on Ao3) anyway- (after a brother) he sees jay, with the years going on, more and more like a father
(cuz the brother role for him is mostly occupied by kai ofc)
anyway, also jaya was the firt couple that lloyd has seen and grow with even before pixane, and don't even get me start with when they broke up and lloyd was really sad for like the first months, hoping that they could go back together again (and when he sees them after all that trauma called "skybound" although some years had passed, he was happy that they were back again)
and yeah, you think now that he is all grown up, and everything, he changed his mind? I'll answer that for you
even if Lloyd did not call jaya dad or mom, he still sees them as, metaphorically talking, parents, and when he really need like a motherly hug or a fatherly talk he goes to them, and absolutely love and feels a child again when the three of them are together (even if it doesn't seem so from like Motm, but trust me, I'm like this to. like from my face it seems like am bored, but inside am so happy while doing something that i like, it's simply called teenage life... or trauma in their case)
anyway, i don't really remember anymore what i wanted to say, but I'll conclude saying that when Nya and Jay fights over something, Lloyd's "sad" too, or when they go out on a date or just act like a married couple he's just so happy. Let's talk seriously now, they're the first couple he's met since he was like 10 and he subconsciously associates them as second parents, so it's obvious that sometimes he feels like he's their child when he's with them.
(also don't totally saying that now his couple standards got better after skybound and ALSO after seabound... let's pretend all that harumi and lloyd stuff doesn't exist in this)
i know, you don't even know anymore why you reading this, and i don't even know what to write anymore, but if want to end this post well, i had to..
(its a really big SPOILER for DR2 Pt1 so read at your own risk)
now Kai isn't there again, but even before, they hadn't seen Jay, so now Lloyd is alone with her mother Nya (and also the others yeah but) and this means that his "parents" and brother aren't there for him (again) and i can't wait any longer for all the oooh so lovely angst- HELP ME)
okay, finally I'm done. thank for listening to... this.
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taddymason · 5 months
Hi again Taddy,
I can’t stop thinking about your Jay dad au 😅 and in one of your asks you said that Kaida introduces Jay to the Starfarer comics. That got me thinking, how would Lloyd react to seeing Jay bond with Kaida??? Would it make him reminisce over when he was being raised by Jay and the other’s. Would he think about he and Jay aren’t as close as they were when he was younger? Especially since Jay and Lloyd don’t interact much as the seasons progress???
I'm a firm believer Lloyd and Jay deserve more screentime! They barely interact in the new seasons and should be gremlins together!
While their relationship is obviously different from Jay and Kaida's because with him Jay acts more like an older brother than a father, there are several parallels I like to make with both characters. Like it was Jay who taught Lloyd the lesson of learning to control and guide his power and then he does the same thing again with Kaida.
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Of course, Lloyd and Kaida's elements are not the same, as one has to do with create pure energy and the other with controlling souls, but I like the idea that Jay might be able to teach them both since all three possess elements that are quite wild and unpredictable so they require absolute control to dominate them.
In DR, Lloyd would initially feel frustrated and sad that his brother not only does not want to interact with them, but he also has no interest in returning to his old life. It's not the same as when he tried to get Zane to remember him in S11 because this time it's not that Jay is being controlled or possessed, he simply can't and won't remember them due to his denial of the past.
And obviously things are much more complicated because Kaida is there too and Lloyd knows what it's like to hold on to the only family you have. So it's not as simple as telling them that they can trust them. So Lightning Pin they are going to have some friction with each other (particularly the whole thing about Jay and Kaida having a habit of believing that killing is the only way to get rid of an enemy in contrast to Lloyd who believes that all life is valuable)
But yeah, I am going to touch a lot on the topic of how each ninja reacts to Kaida's presence, but especially Lloyd since his reaction as a leader and he is the only one on the team who sees Jay as his older brother (while the others see him as his younger brother) is going to be very interesting
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