#but also I MEAN dedue why are you holding the broken pen why not get him a new one
dimiclaudeblaigan · 8 months
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I love this because I can literally figure out in my head exactly what happened.
Things got heated, people were arguing and talking over each other, it was getting loud and nobody could hear anyone anyway so it was all pointless bickering that nobody actually understood in the middle of all the noise, Dimitri was getting aggravated and... the pen snapped.
Everyone paused, froze and looked at him. He took a few seconds to stare blankly. Then his expression completely changed to sorrow. He liked that pen. He'd been doing so well holding a pen, he was on a roll, he was so sure he'd get through just one more council without snapping a pen... and the sad little pen was now half in his hand and half on his hand.
He sighed very sadly because he failed to get through it without losing another poor pen that had so much life left. So much left to write. So many notes to take.
At least the room was silent and people could have a normal council conversation again.
But he was still sad about his pen. Yet another sacrifice, and for what? It will need a proper burial, he supposed.
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