#but after this i might just start establishing gender neutral sie
spacecrows Β· 1 year
(Okay, so I'm almost halfway through Translation State and I just... why do these three make me feel so much?! I need someone to talk to about this but no one in my life is reading it (yet), so, welp, here we go)
There is just something about the way Reet just lives his life feeling like there is something so deeply wrong with him & like he never fits in with anyone & how he admires Enae for hir social skills (we love a neurodivergent king)
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While Enae (my child adult) - for whom it was a necessity to grow these antennae to feel out everyone's moods before they even enter the room and to act accordingly - is maybe just a little too good at keeping hir cards close to hir chest and fitting in and acting in precisely the way others expect of hir... (although sie's learning and growing and all that, but that's a whole different post)
But Enae doesn't seem to mind Reet's mannerisms and actually appreciates him being unable to do anything but speak his mind
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and we don't get much of Reet's reaction here but just- my heart πŸ˜­πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«πŸ˜–πŸ’ž (screaming, crying, throwing up, etc)
[*insert "I've only had Enae, Reet and Qven for 1 week, but if anything happened to them I would kill everyone in this room and then myself" meme here* *side eyes AL who surely wouldn't dream of harming any of my children*]
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