#but I'm so anxious I can't string more than three sentences together
So, the season finale has a warning for moderate sexual references. That could of course refer to anything and anyone, but … *puts ot3 tinhat on*
(no nudity, although according to their rating system, Jamie's butt didn't count as nudity, so …)
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red-rose-9072 · 4 years
Hi there! I'm still new to Tumblr and this is my first fic here. Note I am still a rookie at this , so my grammar kinda sucks and I did this at like 11 at night when I should be sleeping. Hope you enjoy this!❤️💜
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The audience was full of life , chanting the K/DA fanchant over and over again until it became like a song to her. Light sticks flashed in an ocean of colours , illuminating the stage with bright light that became one with the small silver dots in the sky.
She was nervous...
Maybe all in one? Who wouldn't be?
Ahri was sitting on one of the chairs in the backstage lounge , her hair and make up done and now she just had to wait for the girls to get ready and start the show. She has done many shows and live performances , but this one feels ... Different.
Ahri cast her blue gaze to Kai'sa , the young dancer was stretching and warming her muscles up for the performance. Her hair tied into a high ponytail and her crystal wings floating behind her back. Ahri loved watching her dance , Kai'sa looks like a graceful butterfly when she is dancing and her wings hover behind her in every move. Like she was in another world , in her own world when she hears the music and dances her heart out.
Akali was talking to Evelyyn on the couch opposite her , both seemed deep in conversation to know the fox was looking at them. Akali , the youngest (and cutest) member of K/DA somehow was an acception to Evelyyn. Eve was the diva of the group , the girl who doesn't take no for an answer , who likes to make fans drop dead when she walks by. But under all that , she is Evelyyn , the warm hearted friend who helped her when she was a soloist and the group's unnie.
Akali and Eve get along with eachother pretty well , the fandom is crazy over them. When Akali joined K/DA , Evelyyn immediately started treating her like she was her baby.
Ahri smiled softly at the two , Eve being a softie to their maknae was something that can melt anyone's heart. She remembers when she was young like Akali , full of wonder , ambition , pride and excitement. Always eager to show off her skills to other artists and dazzling others with her talent and beauty. The difference was that Akali had three older members to look up to , while Ahri had to peruse her dreams on her own.
There was a small giggle coming from across the room , so Ahri looked at the source of the giggle and saw Seraphine. The blue haired girl was talking to the make-up artist , smiling sweetly and blushing when the make-up artist complemented her. Seraphine was so young , yet held so much talent and so much potential. Blades immediately fell in love with her , Ahri often sees Tweets of fans completing Seraphine. However , not many fans agree with the Chinese singer , saying that she should song Korean and not Chinese because K/DA was a Kpop group.
Ahri advised Seraphine to ignore those comments and look at the positive ones. I mean , Chinese in a Korean song isn't that bad (right?).
Ahri saw her younger self in Seraphine. She has never felt this close to a fan before , and Seraphine was a huge fan of Ahri , once she came to visit her and the songstress and to quickly stash all her posters and drawings of Ahri under her bed. She found it cute , how she gets flustered when Ahri would talk to her or simply touch her.
She was snapped back to reality when Kai'sa sat next to her. "Daydreaming?", The dancer asked. Ahri shook her head and cleared her throat like a profession. "No , just simply looking at my band mates", she said. Kai'sa gave her a smile and patted her back , she than gave a content sigh. "Blades sound beautiful when they say our fanchant , don't they?", She asked. Ahri nodded , feeling her heart spring in joy at how happy they sounded.
"You seem nervous darling , something wrong?", came Evelynn's voice. Ahri sighed and her shoulders tenses up , she looked at the amber eyed singer. "How did you know?", she asked to which Eve chuckled. She than pointed to her crystal tail that was curled up besides her. "Your tail is all twitchy , like a fox worrying about loosing its prey", she said. Ahri groaned and silently cursed Eve for knowing her so well , how was she that good?
Akali sat up and leaned over so her elbows where resting on her legs and her back hunched , azure eyes meeting hers. "It's ok to feel nervous , unnie. From a leader's point of view , I worry whether my band mates will give a stunning performance or trip on their own feet".
"Huh? Your a leader?"
"True Damage , hello?"
"Oh yea , forgot about that , haha"
Akali smiled and giggled , her eyes crinkling. "Nah , it's ok. A lot of people still sees me as K/DA's small and cute baby , ignoring the fact that I lead my own group", Akali said. Evelyyn wrapped her arms around her waist. "Aw , but you're too small to be leader", Evelynn joked and Akali lightly hit her arm. "Yah! I'm taller than Ekko! Kid can't even reach the top shelf".
Ahri rolled her eyes. "Neither can you", she said and Kai'sa threw her head back to laugh , that weird laugh that everyone has grown used to by now.
Seraphine made her way to them , Ahri patted the spot next to her and she sat next to her. Ahri smiled and let her tail rest on her lap , Sera's cheeks tinted a bright pink and she couldn't help but giggle at her. "Your so cute", she teased and Seraphine pouted.
"Five more minutes than were live , ladies!"
Now the butterflies was fluttering madly in her stomach. She has never felt so nervous before , only that time when she debuted. If her past self could look at her now , she would wonder how she made here.
"I'm nervous , you guys?", Seraphine asked. Kai'sa nodded in agreement while Akali waves her off. "Nervous? Never heard of her", she said with swag. Eve rose her brow at the rapper before shrugging. Ahri sighed and fiddled with her fingers , ok , she got this. No , they got this. K/DA has got this.
• • •
"I'll show you what I'm made of
rise to the occasion
got fears but I face them , oh , oh..."
Ahri sang her song over her mic , smiling in happiness at how she saw the happy faces and how they sand along with her. Some mumbling gibberish when the Korean parts came , but she was too happy to care about their pronunciation.
The rest of the group was dancing around and having fun while jamming to her song , Evelynn and Seraphine adding vocals here and there , while Kai'sa and Akali danced together. Smiling , laughing , singing along and having fun.
When the song came to an end , the audience cheered and K/DA hurried to the centre. Ahri gave a friendly wave to Blades and started talking over the mic. "First of all , I would like to thank all of you for coming to our show. It means the world to us , to have our fans all in one place to listen to our songs and sing along. I am also very grateful for all the hard work the staff has put in this performance , and for all the love and support we received even in POP/STARS era". The audience cheered and several 'awws' could be heard.
Ahri than held Kai'sa's hand , who was he closest to her , and smiled at her group. "Secondly , I would like to thank my band mates for being here with me. All my life , I've been chasing my dream on my own , but now I have four amazing sisters to share the spotlight with me. You taught me so much , and I've learnt a lot from you. As a leader , I am so proud of all of you".
The audience went wild when Akali hugged Ahri from behind and Kai'sa wiped her eyes. Evelynn smiled and embraced the gumiho and soon Seraphine joined in and Kai'sa too , trying to control her tears. Ahri would have cried too , those sentences didn't seem enough to her , but to them it was more than enough. It was everything.
Ahri laughed and turned to Eve , a smirk on her lips. "Any messages to Blades?".
"Don't let anybody with bad eyebrows tell you look ugly", she said. There was a string of laughter and applauses , Akali leaned into the mic with a goofy smile on her face. "And if anybody says K/DA or Blades sucks , tell them to fu-", Kai'sa covered Akali's mouth before she could curse live at their performance. Akali shrugged , not looking guilty.
Ahri smiled and turned back to the audience. A sea of smiling faces and lights. "From us K/DA , thank you for attending our show. Keep shining my stars and we love you all!". She said and she blew a kiss to the audience.
This where she belonged. With her members and her fans underneath the stars , and for once , she felt like she finally accomplished her dream. But it was far from done.
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Chapter 4 - Disappearing One
Toronto Ontario Canada, January 31 1972
"But John this is crazy... there's got to be some way to explain this,"
"Cathy, just relax. Andrea's  fine see? She's in her playpen, no harm done,"
"But I swear she wasn't there a second ago,"
The sound of my mother's voice filled with worry, echo throughout the living room as my father desperately tries to explain just where I've been for the last 8 minutes. If there was a way that I could explain with actual words, since I can't quite make out full sentences yet, I would just tell my mother that I was only just upstairs but 1 year before this current time.
Yes, I know it probably sounds crazy, and completely confusing so allow me to explain.
Ever since I can remember, which is pretty far back mind you, I've somehow been able to slip through time. I still can't quite put my finger on what actually causes me to do so but it's usually only for just a few minutes. As I got older, the length of time that I would slip increased from just a few minutes, hours to eventually days and weeks, even years.
Now I know what you're thinking... "How does one slip through time?"
It should be easy to explain the process but really, unless you've experienced it yourself it's hard to explain just exactly what happens. At first it feels like the most euphoric sensation you can think of. Like you're purely at peace with yourself, like nothing else in the world means anything anymore. Then it changes to nausea and dizziness like you just drank a 40 of Jack Daniels so fast it could make your head spin. Then, just like that, everything goes black and suddenly I'm somewhere else, naked and alone, trying to find clothes, shelter anything to protect myself.
When I was younger and I would time slip, most of the time I would just end up somewhere else in the house only it could be either 30 minutes before, or as far back as actually seeing my mother pregnant with me.
Yes I have gone back in time and met myself before. It's not a regular occurrence mind you, but It's pretty much how I taught myself to pick locks when I needed to and find the right places to hide if I so happened to end up in the middle of a sticky situation. Most of the time I was alright though. Most people, when they see a naked girl on the street, they try to help as much as they can rather than the opposite so for that I'm thankful.
Now I know most people would think "Well how the hell does that happen? What about the grandfather effect, the butterfly effect and all the other effects of nature that rule against the fact that you can go back in time?"
Well to tell you the truth, I don't know. It's not something I can explain. I can only say that I've only ever been able to travel as far back within my own life time. I can't go back and see the amazing symphonies that Beethoven wrote nor, go back as far to stop World War 2.
Meeting a your future self is something that's amazing and strange at the same time. Every time it would happen, my younger self always knew it was my older self. My older self knew not to tell my younger self about the future, but gave me useful tools like lock picking so that I could protect myself. I was very careful at not disrupting anything that could alter my future for the worse. And... like I said, it was very few and far between that I met up with myself anyways.
"Cathy, I think you're just imagining it,"
"John, I know what I saw. I set Andrea in her playpen turned around to grab her bottle and when I turned back she was gone,"
My father then walks over to me, his boots thudding against the hardwood floor. He picks me up, brushing a few curls out of my face while I smile at him and he places a kiss on my little forehead. Leaning into him, I giggle, resting my head on his shoulder, my little fingers playing with the shaggy curls of his dark golden hair that rest just at his shoulders, and that familiar smell of Aqua Velva after shave filling my nostrils with delight.
"What were you up to baby girl?"
His deep voice vibrates through my little frame and all I could manage was a giggle.
"Daaaady," I manage with my little voice and he chuckles placing another kiss on my forehead.
I think for the most part, my father was in denial of the whole thing. I know it frightened him to no end at the fact that his only daughter disappears for moments at a time, with no explanation and no reasoning and then re-appears as if nothing had ever taken place.
He sets me back down in my playpen and I continue on with playing with my little stuffies without a care in the world.
"John, I think we should take her to see Dr. Fresno... maybe he can figure out what going on,"
"Cathy, she's still so young, she's only 2 years old, I don't even know if a neurologist is going to even see anything wrong,"
"Are you kidding? John, it's been happening more frequent than you realize... but wait, you're hardly ever here with us so it makes sense why you're in such denial over it,"
Oh the inevitable arguing. They argue over everything and it always seems that my father is the one to blame. My mother always bringing up the fact that he was never home, that he was always on the road travelling with his band Steel Gates - a sort of Black Sabbath/MC5 hybrid- playing bars and clubs never bringing in any real money. I for one love my father's music. It's so real and the way he can play, I swear he was like the next Tony Iommi.
"Ok well, I gotta head out here and meet the guys at The Edge... are you meeting me later on?" My father says walking away from me and towards my mother, who just stands there with her arms crossed.
"No, I have Andrea to look after,"
"I told you, you can bring her... you know she loves it when she's around the band,"
She just stands there and glances back at me with her arms still crossed, reluctant to even say goodbye to him, even if it's just for a few hours. 
With that, he hesitates for a moment, as I laugh and giggle playing with my little furry friends, then leans in to place a kiss on my mother's temple though she still doesn't look at him. He then turns and grabs his leather jacket, slipping it on as his boots thud against the hardwood floor.
"Ok, well I'll be home later on tonight," His voice deep as he heads out the door, leaving my mother watching me as I play.
Toronto Ontario Canada, June 13 1976
"Ok sweetie, now place your fingers here, here and... here,"
"Like this daddy?" I ask looking at the fret board of my amber burst VOS guitar with a white pick guard, my dark little curls falling in my face.
"Uh huh, now strum,"
I scrunch up my face as I try to hold the strings down with my fingers, my father sitting across from me with his own Cherry Burst Gibson SG across his lap, reaching over and helping me place my fingers where they should be. I start to strum and the oddest sound emits from the amp but once I'm able to adjust my fingers perfectly, the beautiful distortion bellows through the amp.
"Yea... alright now put them all together... like this," My father smiles as he starts to play the three chords in succession like he showed me and I follow along with him as we play together.
I had been learning to play guitar from my father for the last few months since we discovered that music seems to calm the time slip episodes down. My mother insisted that we see Dr. Fresno to see just what exactly is causing the time slips and though my father reluctantly agreed to, he did eventually see that it was a good thing that I was seen by a neurologist.
I've been diagnosed with a neurological disorder - time displacency -not an actually medical term I know but there's never been a case quite like mine before. After some testing, Dr. Fresno discovered that it's a relation to epilepsy but is also triggered by a multitude of emotions, especially if I feel stressed or anxious. It can happen either consciously or subconsciously and when it does, a seizure will take place inside my brain at the exact moment, somehow causing a time slip. At first, the doctor did prescribe medication - the type that helps with epileptic seizures - but that was no use. I was still time slipping. Possibly even worse than before.
Nothing seemed to really work until one day I was in my father's studio  - I was 5 years old at the time -and I walked up to Cherry Burst Gibson SG, and started to play with the strings while it sat on the stand. I've always loved his Cherry Burst Gibson and when he noticed just how attached I became to that guitar, he got me one of my own for my 6th birthday - well not a Gibson but it looked exactly like one - so that I could practice with him. He was amazed at how quickly I was learning Chords and strumming for only being 6 years old.
"...ok now change... good... now D...." He smiles as he watches me keep up with him though I keep my eyes glued to my fingers making sure I was changing to the right chord properly. Then he starts to improvise on his own, playing a little solo part while I continue to strum and I look up at him and laugh.
"Wait daddy wait... I wanna do that," I giggle and he smiles at me.
"Alright sweetie go ahead..." He chuckles and I attempt to try to improvise but everything sounds completely out of tune. I scrunch my face up again and stop but my father continues to urge me on.
"I'm not really good at that," I say and he chuckles a little.
"Andrea it's alright... just keep going, you'll get it," He smiles at me. We continue to play, with him teaching me some more and after a little while I hear my mother come down the stairs.
"Andrea, your lunch is ready," She calls and I set my guitar down back on it's stand beside me.
"You coming with me daddy?" I ask.
"No sweetie, you go on ahead, I've got to work on some stuff down here," He says sweetly as he sets his guitar back down on it's stand.
"Ok... um... can I come back down when I'm done?" I ask.
"Of course you can sweetie, you know that," He chuckles and pulls me into him and starts tickling me. I begin to laugh and squeal as he laughs as well, then eventually letting me go but not before placing a kiss on the top of my head.
"I love you daddy,"
"I love you too baby," 
Toronto Ontario Canada,  May 15 1985
"Damn it John, I can't do this with you anymore! I told you this is it! You need to leave!"
"Babe - "
"Don't 'Babe' me. It's done! It's over now just get the hell outta here!"
It was the middle of the night and I wake from my sleep hearing voices coming from downstairs. I push the covers off me and quietly get out of bed, rubbing my eyes to rid the sleep as my dark curls fall down around me. Once I reach the hallway, I can hear my mother screaming at my father from the front door.  As much as you think you get used to hearing your parents fight, you never really do. This time though, it was different.
"Cathy just hear me out ok? It was nothing, it meant nothing - "
"No! Don't fucking touch me! I want you outta here! Just get the fuck outta here!"
I quietly sit myself down on the top of the staircase as I listen to their fight. Even though I was still half asleep, I could feel this strange feeling deep inside my chest. I could hear my father pleading with my mother but she was not giving in. There were so many times before when they fought, that I just brushed it off, not letting it affect me. They were never terribly mean to each other, such as calling each other names or anything from what I  remember, but this time like I said, was different. My mom was just letting it all out calling him everything that you could think of and it makes me wonder just what he did to make her so angry. If he did anything at all.
The strange feeling in my chest grew as he continued to plead with her but she still wouldn't give in. Moments later I hear the front door slam and my mother quietly crying. She then appears at the bottom of the stairs and as she takes a few steps she sees me sitting at the top.
"Andrea, what... what are you doing?" She asks looking away wiping away a tear. I say nothing as she looks back up at me.
"I'm sorry you... heard all that... I didn't mean to - "
"Don't mom, just don't," I say trying to hold my tears back, though I'm not sure why I'm feeling like I need to cry in the first place.
"Andrea - "
She starts but I rise from the stairs and turn to make my way back to my room.
"Andrea honey..." She says as I hear her voice breaking while she attempts to hold back her tears.
"Don't! Just leave me alone," I say, still not recognizing my own voice, hearing myself begin to cry as I hear my mother following behind me. I've never felt like this after they've argued. I've always been able to push the feeling away. Shoving it down into the pit of my stomach and only release it when I play my guitar that my father gave me. This time it's different. I can feel my chest tighten and it feels like I can't breathe.
"Andrea - "
"Go away!" I exclaim and slam my bedroom door leaving her outside in the hallway. As much as I try to will this feeling away, I can feel it growing.
Why? What is this? Why does this hurt so much?
As I feel my heart begin to pick up pace, I close my eyes, standing in the middle of my dark bedroom surrounded with posters of Black Sabbath, Aerosmith, Ramones, and Motorhead, I start to feel euphoric, almost like an adrenaline rush, then completely at peace, then suddenly I feel dizzy and nauseous, like I'm about to vomit.
"Oh god," I exhale and suddenly there's a quick flash of light and everything goes completely black.
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I'd Take A Bullet For You- Yoonmin Social Media AU
When the truck pulled up to an old, beat up building, Jimin was plain out confused and concerned. Why would the enemy be in such an old building, in the middle of town, where everyone could see them? Jimin was use to the ware house he woke up in, but then a large, fancy mansion. To be honest, Yoongi was more obvious than anyone else out there.
Jimin was broke out of his trance when he felt Taehyung elbow his gently, catching him off guard. When he looked up at Taehyung, his blood ran cold.
Taehyung was wearing such a wide grin on his lips, a bright, almost giddy smile that he looked almost psychotic. A smile that showed pure excitement and adrenaline.
"Aren't you excited, Chim? We get to watch the boss in action! It's also your first time watching the boss use his power," Taehyung beamed as he bounced in his seat.
Jimin couldn't say he was excited at the slightest. He was more anxious and the dread was weighting down heavy on his shoulders. Couldn't Yoongi just get a new dog and call it good? It's just a dog after all.
"That dog is probably the only reason why Yoongi is still here with us."
The simple sentence knocked the wind out of poor Jimin's lungs. What did Taehyung mean? The baddest man alive is alive because of a damn poodle? There really isn't no way.
"There is no way, Taehyung. I love you, but I can't believe it. That man has killed countless people and hasn't even batted an eyelash," Jimin's breath came out shaky as he continued on. "He is a blood thirsty man. No dog could tame a man like that."
The truck when silent, a silence that made the air feel heavy. The silence that made even the baddest men out there fidget in their seat. The silence was a piercings thing and it was making Jimin anxious.
"Taehyung I'm sorry-," Jimim couldn't even finish his sentence before Taehyung cut him off.
"You don't have to like Yoongi. I know you two didn't start off the greatest, but Yoongi is a good man. He protects the one he loves and he kills the ones who threaten them. It will take some time for you to see the real Yoongi, so just give it some time."
Jimin was awestruck by Taehyung's love for the mafia leader. He seemed so happy to even mention the mafia's leaders name, but was even more esthetic to even be in the same room as him. The love Taehyung showed for the mafia leader had Jimin taken aback.
When the truck's lights dimmed, Taehyung started for his door. The rattling of his sniper on his back and the many knifes that littered his belt made Jimin shutter.
"Yoongi will be waiting outside. The trucks will stay here while you four are inside. Now," Jin huffed as he eyed the four in the truck. "Be careful. I can only heal so many. I don't want to operate on a dead body now. You three." Jin looked back at Taehyung, Jimin, and Jeongguk, his eyes full of worry. "You're very young. You may be young, but you're not invincible. Caution is key. Now out, Yoongi is waiting."
The three nodded their heads before the four scrambled out of the truck, Namjoon stealing a quick kiss from Jin before he slipped away. Jimin could have sworn he saw a dust of pink across Jin's cheeks and a small smile.
When the group finally gathered, Jimin was a shaking mess. The intense stare from Yoongi made him sick to his stomach. The sharp, piercing scowl made everything fuzzy.
"Here is the mission: Kill everyone and get my fucking dog back. If you get into trouble, yell for help. We will be paired into two, I will go by myself. Namjoon and the Dove, Taehyung and Jeongguk, and Sangwoo and Hoseok. Don't disappoint me now. I don't want to blast this building down with just a simple energy blast, that would be boring." Yoongi let out a scoff before he turned towards the building.
The air suddenly became heavy with magic energy, a feeling Jimin would probably never get use to. When Yoongi turned to Jeongguk and gestured Jeongguk towards him, Jimin couldn't say he wasn't confused. He was even more confused when Yoongi walked over towards a large boulder and touched it, a light finger brush against the rough surface.
Jeongguk then proceeded to pick up the large boulder as if it weighted nothing, Jimin's mouth dropping open with pure shock and amazement. Then, Jeongguk threw the boulder into the air before he balled his hand into a fist. When the boulder fell down to eyes view, Jeongguk laid one blow on the boulder, the thing shattering into thousands of little rocks.
Taehyung blew Jeongguk a encouraging whistle before he sent him a wink, Jeongguk's face flush with embarrassment. Yoongi nodded his head at Jeongguk before he brought his arms into the air, his hands out in display as the thousands of rocks hovered in the air, Yoongi's brow pinched together as he considerated on the building in front of him.
Everyone waited anxiously before Yoongi threw his arms out, the rocks flying at a speed that seemed to be farther than light itself. The rocks embedded into the old building, the sound of glass shattering, bricks breaking, and a loud alarm filled the night air.
Without as so much as a warning, Yoongi took off to the building. Jimin watched as the mad man jump over broken glass and bricks, his moves smooth, but sloppy.
When Jimin felt a tug at his shirt, he found himself running into the building, Namjoon's hand wrapped around his small wrist. Everything came crashing down when they entered the building, dead, bloody bodies littered the floor. Jimin choked back a screamed as they made their way further into the building.
"I'm going to fucking die. I'm going to die."
Most feared man in Seoul, South Korea bit off a little more than he could chew. With the police hot on his trail, Min Yoongi could only do one thing: Kill all his men, burn the building down, and relocate. With Min Yoongi "dead", he is given the chance to slip amongst the shadows of Seoul and build up his once unstoppable army of blood thirsty thieves, criminals, and murders.
Jimin was a sweet, caring, kind young adult when he first met Min Yoongi. It was a simple bump of the shoulders and a string of apologies before the other could open his mouth. A simple "sorry," was exchanged before they parted ways.
The second time Jimin ran into Yoongi was in a dance studio, Jimin practicing his heart out; while the other watched.
The third time Jimin ran into Yoongi was the day Jimin dreaded. With the most feared mafia leader standing in front of him, things chanced for Jimin. Jimin was now a puppet for a man he couldn't even side eye without receiving a harsh punishment.
Will Jimin plan an escape plan, or will he find love in a cold, blood thirsty bastard?
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