#but I still found a team of reinhardt bow!lyn Gunnthra and a dancer cancer to deal with
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Originally I was going to draw my entire TT team, but Nowi and Elise were too busy grinding SP. They’ll be getting short-changed for now until they complain.
Anyways, I think the TT are where I find the strangest pairing set-ups to destroy maps. Siegbert’s attack tactic works wonders on both Julia and Nowi, and Julia’s breath of life 6 stack keeps Siegbert alive for all five maps while Elise is busy.
I think these two might get along considering Siegbert reminds me of a sheltered version of Seliph. Having him interact with Julia, who unlike him went through absolute terror in her game, dear lord, would act as a good foil for the both of them. 
...Although someone did point out this Siegbert possibly comes from the HoF story from Fates, in which case they can bond over their mutual trials. Now if you excuse me, I’m going to cackle creepily in the background as they destroy the trials.
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