vandbaerer · 2 years
spots to kiss / accepting ! 
35. a kiss on the space between shoulder blades. (dj & bridgette!)
DJ had been rubbing his neck and stretching his arms over his head ever since his arrival. It had caught Bridgette’s attention that there was something that was off. He had probably gone a bit too hard at it in the gym, which she could understand — even the strongest
“Lie down,” Bridgette gently offered, allowing her hands to slip onto his back when he followed her request. Letting them slip up and down his back, she searched for any knots she could find, attempting to gently rub them out. With plenty of experience from her surfer days, she knew how to work around it — knowing the areas that were connected to each other.
“Don’t worry, you’ll be as good as new again.” Leaning down, she placed a tender kiss in-between the space of his shoulder blades, before resuming her work.
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saranghacs · 2 years
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Dio un salto hacia donde se encontraba Kaoru, saliendo de la nada cómo si hubiera estado acechando todo el día y esperando el momento indicado; y la verdad era que sí, así era.—¡Kaoru~! Debiste mirar tu cara.—decía mientras se reía, disfrutando de incluso la más mínima sorpresa que pudiera sacar de la otra.—Estoy seguro de que me has extrañado, ¿cierto? Te has aburrido sin mi.—le dio una sonrisa en complicidad, aunque de cómplices no tuvieran nada. / @burglarlotus​
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xheartpages · 2 years
In honor of SPOTIFY WRAPPED,  send me a number 1-100 and I’ll write you a starter based on the song. | 96 ( @burglarlotus​ / aether )
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“I think i’m loosing my mind....” | myself - bazzi
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formdiffered · 3 years
@burglarlotus asked: “I glow ’cause I know what my worth is” || *hands u chel bcs i love my new encanto verse for her*
“Really now?”
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Camilo recognized the girl... though the Madrigal’s knew basically everyone in town. But he knew Dolores was at least kinda friends with her, so it was probably in his best interests to not cause her too many problems. While she couldn’t cause the damage their mother could, he sure didn’t want to deal with his sister’s upset either. “Care to share with the class?”
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galaxietm · 2 years
          @burglarlotus​ / i told u this was happening so like 
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      “SO WHAT PART OF ‘I PINKY-PROMISED YOU’ DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND, PETER?”  The blonde let out a strangled sigh, reaching out to lightly tug on the boy’s ear. A frown was on her face and Winry’s eyes narrowed. Childhood friend or not, she wouldn’t hold back. She had always made it a point to stay honest to him, after all.  “You can’t handle everything yourself! The day we talked about your identity and what it meant for our relationship, I promised you that I would be there by your side no matter what. You can’t keep putting everything on your shoulders, alone Peter.” 
      after a few moments of silence, her eyes softened and Winry released his ear (not that she was holding onto it that tightly) before taking his hand into hers. She lightly squeezed his hand and smiled at him.  “Besides, we’re a part of a team. I’m sure any of them would be more than happy to help. If you won’t let me help, let one of them help.” 
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stasammenarchive · 3 years
@burglarlotus​  || ❤’d for an isabela one liner
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     “ if you’ve come to annoy me, you’re wasting your time, chel.    i’m too busy getting ready for the celebrations tonight to deal with you. ”
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juviepunk-a · 3 years
HALLOWEEN THEMED SENTENCE PROMPTS ( accepting !! ) II  “Stop using the Dracula accent, it’s not cute.” || gwen made me do it II @burglarlotus
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“whatever,” duncan shrugs, rolling his eyes. “don’t get your panties in a twist just because you can’t even do the accent.”
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xuchiwa · 2 years
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 @burglarlotus​ asked: Do you want some of this ? || will
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“I’m good.”
Night had already fallen; cloaking the forest in darkness save for the fire that was blazing in the middle of their makeshift campsite. Sasuke’s back was propped against one of the trees off to the side of the tiny clearing, leaning his head back almost wearily against the trunk. He felt exhausted from a day of extensive traveling --- but he’d sooner die than allow any of it to showcase over his exterior.
“-- Eat. I’ll take first watch.” Eyes trailed over Will, ignoring the offered food before he’s staring past the fire and into the dancing shadows that lingered in the darkness. He wasn’t stupid nor was he trying to starve himself --- he’d eat later on. She might as well get her fill now.
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briteain · 3 years
✒️ france FRANCE
Dated July 17, 2021
Dear François,
    I cannot tell whether this letter will be sent, or will it join the numerous others in my living room fireplace.  If you are reading this, then I suppose I have finally decided not to be a coward any longer.
    As you know, I am terrible at handling social situations that require putting feelings into words.  That is why I am choosing to put them on paper instead.  This way I can avoid the all too familiar situation of losing my courage.  Despite my attempts, I could not bring myself to tell you this in person, and for that I apologise.
   The truth is that I am hopelessly in love with you.  I have been for the longest time.  You understand me on a level that I cannot fully grasp.  It is you, and it has always been you who holds my heart more delicately than anyone else, even with all its terrible flaws.
    Either way, do not worry if you happen to not return these feelings.  That is an option I have made my peace with.  I simply need to get this weight off my chest.  At the very least, I won't have to look back and regret never taking action.  Even if it took me couple of hundred years to do so.
    Can you tell my hand was shaking as I wrote this?  How silly.
Yours truly,
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SEND ✒️ TO RECEIVE A LETTER FROM MY MUSE  //  @burglarlotus​
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stcries-a · 3 years
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   it’d been a while since the prince had ventured out of his own domain.  with the once looming threat of the calamity,  it was hard to go into the wilderness without someone to protect you;  or even simply not going at all.   but now that the danger was well behind them,  the zora was enjoying the outside world   ( warm sun soaking in through red scales. )
even more so,  he was enjoying the company of the hylian that made this freedom possible.  who better to spend time with than someone who had crossed every corner of these fields?
❝  ah,  the weather is simply divine today!  where do you suppose we venture off to this time?  i’m curious to see the places you’ve been too.  ❞
@burglarlotus​,  starter call.
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      “And this is why you don’t get any cake. Also, how in the world did you get into my house? Shoo! Shoo!”
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xheartpages · 3 years
In honor of SPOTIFY WRAPPED,  send me a number 1-100 and I’ll write you a starter based on the song. | 20 ( @burglarlotus​ )
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“A girl told me that ‘a man that could dance could possibly get down with the tool in his pants.” | wobble - v.i.c.
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weavingroses-a · 2 years
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“ — of course I’m happy in here. it has ... history! “ there had been many days, and there still was, if mirabel was truly honest of herself, where envy was had towards her family. all with rooms unique to their powers and personality, larger than even the house itself, but the nursery had its charms. anyone could totally see that. “ sure, sometimes it feels a little small but I get a great view. “
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goofymuses · 3 years
“So this is the Fearless Seven?” Aurora tried not to giggle as she looked at Arthur’s group of friends. Oh there wasn’t anything laughable about them. They were just so... Cute!
She feared saying this might bruise some egos, though. Boys preferred to be called things like dashing, she supposed...
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“It’s lovely to meet you all! And to welcome you as my honored guests. My name is Aurora, but my friends call me Rose.”
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galaxietm · 3 years
          @burglarlotus​ / starter for kagami from hana 😘  
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      "HEY, I KNOW YOU SAID NOT TO WORRY too much about you, but you'll be okay, right? You'll remember to eat and get enough of rest?"   Blue eyes looked over the taller boy sitting next to her as Hana spoke. Her hand held onto his and she let out a long breath. Really; what’s probably the second hardest part about him going back to America is not being able to call or text him as easily. The time difference would be difficult to adjust to at first; 17 hours is a huge difference! But they wanted to try to make it work.
      “I know there’s still a week until you leave, but I want to be sure! Besides, Tetsuya would tell me if you didn’t.”   Hana lightly teased; smiling as she reached up to mess up his hair. She didn’t want to bring the mood down; while she knew he how excited he was to chase his dream, she also knew how down he was feeling about leaving everyone behind to return to America. How down he felt leaving her behind; but she instead had smiled at him and told him to go after his dream, she’d support him. Here they are now; sitting on a bench after he played a practice match with Kuroko. Just spending some time together while they still could. 
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      “ He’ll probably tell you how much I worry, but it’s not like you didn’t know that already. I’m sure he’d say something like ‘how could you, Kagami’ with that one look on his face and everything.”   Hana teased. She even went so far as to try a joking impression of Kuroko, flat voice and all. As she chuckled, she lightly squeezed his hand and smiled up at Kagami.   “But it’s okay. You know I’ll be here rooting for you, Taiga. I promised you I’d support you after all.”
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bearmaiden · 3 years
Harrowing chills pricked her like a needle once she'd realized she'd been wed to Ping, one of the suitors. The pain stung over and over until she fell helplessly numb to the agony. Despair engulfed her whole; hysteria-filled dread entangled her mind in twisting, suffocating ivy. Her society's unforgiving cruelty sieged her heart in the form of a harsh glacial shell encasing her body; frigid horror etched unto her features.
Once initial shock subsided, the archeress was able to process her thoughts more clearly. Ebbs and flows of outraged vexation overcome her, rivaling hellfires alike. How dare they? How dare her mother, her father, the clans, her society, Ping... How dare they all make this decision for her, ridding her of her freedom??
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Ill-tempered indignation tautly etched, wind-tossed curls bounced with the force of her steps as she scavenged around the castle halls, looking for him. When sapphire orbs fell unto his figure, she clenched her fists, knuckles white.
❛ HEY ! ❜ She yelled, gaining a few shocked glances from the maids who were still tending to their duties.
She’s a tornado rushing towards him, meeting his eyes as soon as they're within arms length of one another. She spoke, then, her voice dripping with hatred.
❛ Let me tell you something, Ping. I am NO wife o' yers. I will ne'er be the wife of a man. And NOBODY gets tae force this unto me. Especially not you. I WILL have my freedom, and I'll not have you stand in my way. ❜
/ @burglarlotus / Mulan Ping {CLOSED}
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