#btw am i the only one who expected waaaay more scenes between just the two of them in the present day?? idk i'm looking forward to opinions
mobius-m-mobius · 9 months
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#brb telling detective Aziraphale everything I know
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aqvarius · 5 years
5memorable moments and 5 guys you came to love?
[5] memorable moments:
1. shinobu narita from serendipity next door throwing a fucking fit because mc saw something personal of his while he literally was snooping through her personal work bag basically every day and making shitty, uncalled-for comments about it all the time
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you just called YOURSELF insensitive you dickweed!!!!!! 
2. issei telling mc to kill him. i couldn’t believe he actually did that. i thought kor mc was going to battle through her conflict between love and revenge internally but when he told her to do it, i thought my heart was going to stop. i think this is not only one of the most memorable but what i probably consider to be one of the greatest voltage moments
3. when lute from akd actually dies. this is the one and only voltage moment that actually had me sobbing in real life. i make a lot of jokes about crying over voltage routes and guys. but when lute’s heart stopped beating i was actually a mess. i remember having to take a half hour break to actually weep into my pillow because i just couldn’t bear it. maybe i was premenstrual or in a particularly weak mental state? no idea, but that one scene really wrecked me in that moment
4. kaga’s colourless dream/nightmare of mc’s death when he takes a bullet for her. we rarely see kaga express how important his mc is for him, but this really cemented that she is everything to him. to see the meaning of her in his life, the responsibility he also feels to her family, the fact that he’ll do anything and change anything just to have her back, in such a poetic way felt so poignant, especially on the back of what happened in adversaries when kaga had to choose chasing the perp over saving mc who was bleeding out. when i think of kaga’s love for his mc, it’s this scene which i think captures it the best. 
5. hue ripping the stars out of his one remaining eye to save his love again/goddess mc making her decision between being with hue or saving humanity/mc going back in time and promising hue they’ll find each other in the future. i can’t pick between these three incredible hue x mc moments so i’m just gonna bundle them together as memorable hue moments. (oh!! also when mc finally remembers hue in the lake!!) these three moments i think are the pinnacle of what i consider to be voltage’s most fated romance. these moments are what make hue x mc my forever otp, because these two are each other’s past, present and future and they were never meant to be with anyone else. anyway hue should have been scm’s title character because he and mc are the canon scm couple and i WILL fight anyone who says otherwise.
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(edited to add links to the aforementioned hue moments because of COURSE i had to have screenshotted and posted them on my blog haha)
6. BONUS when ayumu and mc finally have sex for the first time. the anticipation had been building up for so long and then to have that whole agonising ‘error’ and misunderstanding happen before they finally did the deed really made it so significant when they do finally have sex. i think this may probably be the most touching and momentous sex scene in any voltage route.  
[5] guys you came to love:
1. ayumu shinonome: if you scroll waaaay far back to some of my earliest hlitf tagged posts, you may remember this time when i was saying i was afraid to play him because he seemed too twisted (btw this is because i was/am still suffering from shinobu-induced trauma) and i didn’t wanna spend money buying all his routes hahaha (tea, you fool!!!). luckily @effloresensemn ​ talked me out of it and he’s definitely someone who i have come to absolutely ADORE. talking about this mushroom with @gamerjanice ​ and @world-a-to-z ​ is probably one of my favourite things to do on tumblr haha.
2. takeshi yuno: i mean i was definitely interested in him from the start and then i really started to fall for him about midway through his MS. but i think it was his later seasons where i came to love him more than ever. he and his mc go through so much together. i once said that take’s routes put a thousand tons of emotional burden on you and i really think that is what makes their relationship so great. they’ve been together through all the ups and (so, so many) downs and it just makes their relationship (and my love for him) so much stronger because of all the difficulties. 
3. chikage: this dude is… both so hard and so easy to love. sometimes i’m like oh chikage why you so tsun but then he’ll just do something ridiculously cute or suddenly be really straightforward about something embarrassing and i’ll be like whAT???? you’re too shy to hold my hand in public but you’ll sacrifice your life to save me? or comment on my ass??? i love love love chikage so much even though he’s prickly as a cactus but i just have to share one of my favourite moments which is when mc gained some weight and was trying to wear a weighted vest under her clothes to lose the weight and she fell off a boat and was drowning and chikage, who hates getting wet and didn’t even wanna ride this boat, dived in to save her. and then this exchange happened:
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you can read the whole convo here ughhh it’s so great
4. kazuomi shido: i wasn’t expecting to like kazuomi as much as i do because i really thought he was just gonna be generic oresama type. but i’d definitely say he’s more of the kyohei type than the leon type, if that makes sense. i thought yuzuru was going to be My Guy in masquerade kiss but actually i think i like kazuomi more (although i prefer yuzuru’s mc cause she’s better at her job haha). he’s just… fun? but he’s so clever, and i love that he challenges his mc and kinda toys with her and lets her do her own thing rather than just commanding/ordering her around. also when i found out about his past and his love for crowded/frenetic places i think that’s when i really felt a stronger connection to him because i feel really similarly myself. 
5. hiro sarashina: i’m actually surprised that i ended up liking him because honestly i don’t really go for the genki guys and at that time @hikarunohana and i had this thing going where we were just hating on sora from msb who i thought would hiro would be really similar to lol but yeah i was kinda surprised that i actually ended up loving hiro because he’s surprisingly(?) reliable and attractive. 
thanks for the ask!
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