#broke: dante stopping lucius because he's turned good
seeyounexttime · 1 year
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play us out Roundabout!  💃 🕺
of course I had to make a JoJo reference -- Dante’s English VA is Dio’s!!
So like, real shit, pretty much nothing of what we see of Dante's thoughts, words or actions is congruent with Lucius's plans...
Lucius calls himself "savior of the world."
Dante says "If you're calling me evil though, I take that as a compliment"
Dante straight-up laughs and says that Yami is "going to open up a world that's far more magnificent!!" which is "A world crawling with devils. A place that will brim over with every sort of malice." – and Dante is "really looking forward to this!!"
Lucius's mission "For the sake of true peace, a peace without sadness or hatred, war or discrimination." Where he'll "repair all humans" and "make them into fortunate people who are equal in every respect."
Dante meanwhile "Animals have no malice. It's the supreme emotion, one that only humans developed! You must have felt it yourself. Anger. Hatred. Revenge. Destruction! The power of malice!! When you unleash your darkest emotions... that's when you're most human. Evil is the true shape of humanity."
and he repeatedly thanks and compliments Yami for making him feel new malice and jealousy
When Lucius grabs Sister Lily he says "Let me show you a human who is truly happy." Which apparently to him means brainwashing and paladinizing them.
Lucius calls Asta a flaw and wants to eliminate him.
Dante is apparently amused by Asta and says:
"Even if our ranks are different, we're both possessed by devils. We should be able to see eye to eye."
When Asta rejects Dante's ideas, Dante goes "I guess there's no choice. I'll wake up your true feelings for you" and stabs Gauche. In Dante's undeniably fucked-up view, he's doing Asta a favor
He's happy when Asta goes berserk, even saying "Now that's what makes you human!!!"
And as Asta is losing it, he says "I wanted to get your story... but you're out of control, and I guess now isn't the time."
He apparently genuinely wanted to have a chat with Asta. It's true that Dante beats Asta up, but as we see later, Dante could've done so much worse to him. He could've ripped him apart if he actually felt like it. Arguably, that beating was Dante going easy on Asta. Not only that, when Dante is asking Yami how he acquired "so many people with such unique magic" the panel shows Vanessa, Grey and berserk Asta.
I guess he was going to take all of them with him? I don't think Dante is as...interested in Asta the way he is with Yami but he does seem keen on bringing Asta to the dark side [insert "don't you want to go ape shit" meme here]
(also I've actually seen quite a bit of art where Dante adopts Asta 😁)
And then to top it off, Dante's moment of... dare I say... vulnerability with Yami. "I was bored. Tired of everything. Nothing... satisfied my malice." If you look at the page...
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–this apparently includes the freaking coup and killing the king. Dante already had devil power at that time, but he still wasn't happy...
Either there's an actual rift between Dante and Lucius, or one of them came along later than some of you would like to believe.
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