isaaccecilbryant · 1 month
The Late Arrival || Closed Starter for @broadswordandpistol
Isaac look at the entrance to the village, framed beautifully by cherry blossom forests on either side. It was perfect beyond words, already soothing him after his long trek here.
Alvin had written to him, inviting him to enjoy the festivities here and as Isaac had nothing else calling his attention he decided to make the journey out. He was glad that the just the sight of the village made it worth it.
...But why did everything smell faintly of...fish? No, shark???
Now, where's the big guy in question...
"Alvin!" Isaac spotted him at last, waving a hand over his head to catch the mercenary's attention.
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talesofourworlds · 1 month
@broadswordandpistol liked for a Spring Festitales starter!
"Hey! Alvin!"
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Complete with her absolutely adorable Hootle mask she'd been given, Rinwell looked like she was having a good time. They hadn't gotten to hang out at the festival as of yet, but when she'd seen him as she navigated around the different booths and games she thought it made sense to stop and say hi. It would have been rude not to, after all. She approached, a big smile on her face.
"I was wondering if I'd see you again this year," Rinwell said. "How've you been doing? You played any of the games or tried any of the food around the booths yet?" Just based on the fact she had little remnants of brownie on her, it was pretty clear Rinwell had been by Genis's booth at least once.
Then she noticed his hoodie. Gold eyes flickered with curiosity, and she tilted her head a bit.
"Is that hoodie new? It looks good."
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ednaeflowers · 1 month
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She stares, and stares, and keeps staring. He must be human because it doesn't seem like he notices her, so Edna gives him a flat look before calmly closing her umbrella to brandish it like a sword. Whoever he is, he's tall and he seems so awfully immersed in that poster that he's clearly blocking her way, and did she forget to mention that he's tall? How is she supposed to navigate herself in this unknown place when this unknown giant is blocking the only path? Really, people these days.
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She swings forward, smacking him on the arm.
❛  Ugh, what is so fascinating about this caricature that you're blocking the road—  ❜ Brown hair, brown eyes, brown outfit... Wow. How creative. ❛  —Brownie McBrown?  ❜
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intelligenceunseen · 5 months
Poor Judgement and Snide Remarks
@broadswordandpistol Continued from X
"Jay," he said amiably. The other man's body language flagged a couple of warnings. They were the kind that any man with a reputation like Jay described would go along with that package. Alvin didn't think it was an issue. He took the man's hand with a nod. "The name's Alvin. I also go by 'little buddy,' 'big fat liar,' and 'tattlejerk', depending on who you talk to. Nice to meet you. What brings you 'round these parts?"
'Little, sure,' the young man thought as he decidedly looked up at the vaguely taller man. Still, he was cordial enough. But that could very likely be a ploy.
The feel of someone's handshake often spoke volumes about them. Jay noted that the man wore gloves...but what purpose they might serve had yet to be seen. And the very faint twitch of hesitation in the way Alvin reached out led Jay to believe that there was a possibility his right hand was not his dominant hand.
Well at least he had some sense of humor. After the firm handshake, Jay returned his hand to his pocket and mulled over some of the offered names that Alvin gave.
"Ah, I wanted to take in the scenery. I don't find myself out this way as often as I'd like." Jay didn't allow himself more than a quick glance down and back up. "When intriguing situations come to pass, I can't possibly let them slip by."
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forgottenluck · 1 month
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@broadswordandpistol semi-plotted sort of starter for Festitales2024 (lets wing Koun being facinated by FUCKIN COLORS)
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To be honest, Koun was rather stunned with the world around him. He'd always been color blind, he knew he had been. It came with what he was, since he was a kitsune, a fox. It came with the territory....and he'd never really noticed.
How do you even notice something you never had to begin with?
To him...it was just that the world was a little bland. Blues were pretty vivid....at least he thought it was blue. He'd been told it was blue. But most other colors were....bland.
So now? Now.....the world was so bright. So vivid. He...he didn't know what the names of all these colors were anymore. What was red? Pink? Green? Blue?
He didn't know. He didn't know anything anymore.
So there he was, sitting off to the side, wide eyed and stareing at everything he could.
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ofstarsandskies · 1 month
@broadswordandpistol to balance out your lowkey sad mask post--
Hm, people were giving him (or rather, his mask) some odd looks ever since he swapped with Julius. He'd admit, the glow effect was unique, but ignore that and it looked kinda similar to the others.
Still, for the time being, he'd prop his mask off to the side so he wasn't fumbling around thanks to the ant-sized eye holes.
"Oh, Alvin! Did you pick up a mask earlier?" He couldn't see one on him, but maybe he tucked it away for now. "I picked a Lulu one, but I traded with Nii-san while he's working the stand. We had a few customers spot the glow from the kitchen and get creeped out..."
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However the reason, he happily showed off his black-and-yellow glowing horned oni mask. "Does mine make me look cool and dangerous like my brother?"
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Yuan realized belatedly that he’d left the Niflheim tome on the table in the interrogation room, and he gave half a second’s thought to going back for it. He decided against it--time was of the essence, Alvin’s comfort was not. Glancing surreptitiously around to be sure no one was in earshot, he brought his fingers to his cheek and hissed,
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“Evacuate. Alert. Secure. Hostage taken.”
Botta would have to extrapolate from that.
The scene in Yggdrasill’s throne room was not good. A handful of angels. A pair of Renegade foot soldiers and their bleeding captain. Pronyma, Spirits, of course it was her--highest-ranking Grand Cardinal, fancied herself a Seraph when she thought they weren’t paying attention. She was always eager to hunt Renegades for Yggdrasill. Yuan hoped, when the truth inevitably came to light someday, that he would have the pleasure of separating her head from her shoulders. She had killed a lot of good men.
But his main concern wasn’t Pronyma--it was the light-haired, dark-eyed woman seated delicately--precariously--in a chair, with Yggdrasill studying her like she was an interesting flower he’d never seen before.
Attending angels? Three times a day? Emotional support? Bullshit. Mithos wasn’t equipped to handle a situation like this without Martel’s assistance, and Yggdrasill knew nothing of care. Those three bleeding Renegades did. If he could spin it right, he could perhaps spare them Yggdrasill’s wrath, and keep Leticia’s delicate mental health in good stead a bit longer.
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“You sent for me?” he half-asked. “What in the hell is going on?”
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pastelfates · 5 months
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◌・❀➵ @broadswordandpistol ➵“Hey, Sunny, I brought those poranges and napples you wanted. …. What’s going on in here?”
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◌・❀➵ It wasn't every day that she found herself in the world of others that she knew, much less enjoyed the company of. So, she was a bit ecstatic at the opportunity to take a family vacation. Well, it was a vacation for everyone except Mana who had been on an investigation spree. And after buying a nice townhouse for the sisters to stay in she'd had gone to acquire some groceries.
Truthfully, if things had gone to her plan, the angel would've found a way to invite him over after they had all settled in. But it'd probably be more annoying to track him down then to allow a chance encounter to go to waste.
Perhaps she had gotten to ahead of herself? Thinking that whatever mess Lumeris had made while she was out would be able to be dealt with before the other arrived with the fruit... That dog was a handful if Astri wasn't around. "I'm not the one who fixes chair legs so please bear with me...:" she wonders how such a small dog can cause this much destruction in the span of an hour... Never mind, he's just like his owner.
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The culprit in question is being cute in the corner, it is up to Alvin if he'd like to pet a puppo.
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femmefang · 1 year
I Hardly Recognize You
This was not the first time Presa had found herself walking along in an unknown land without explanation. Even before the First, fate had ever followed at her heels. Always in the right place at the right time--where she was most needed. 
She had long since set aside the belief it was coincidence.
The arid air and heat reminded her of Thanalan. Monsters dotted the landscape, some minding their own business, others not. Those that confused Presa with prey found themselves easily dispatched by her blade and magicks. 
The who or what that had called her to this world did not immediately introduce itself, choosing instead to remain an enigma. 
Information would be her first priority then. 
On the horizon was a settlement nestled between two sheer cliffs. As Presa approached, the buildings carved into the stone and colorful banners drifting lazily in the afternoon air came into view. A stone bridge hung over a river cutting a path between the cliffs, connecting one half of the settlement to the other. 
Presa stopped a local near the town entrance and asked for the name of the settlement. Xian Du was the answer given. The local openly stared at her tail and ears, but quickly shuffled away without inquiring. Puzzled, Presa glanced around at the other inhabitants of Xian Du. Everywhere she looked, the inhabitants all appeared to be hyurs, and she became acutely aware of the eyes upon her.      
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The people acted as though they had never seen a miqo’te before, which possibly meant trouble for her. At least in the First the world had a miqo’te equivalent so she did not stand out so.
Better gather intel and move on quickly.
The bridge offered the best vantage point for what lay above and below it. Presa made her way to the structure, carefully maintaining a steady gait and calm body language to avoid additional notice. 
It was a shame really. The weather was warm and lovely. A breeze ruffled her cropped hair against her neck, a sensation she was still adjusting to after her recent haircut. The gold trim on her void blue exarchic coat caught the sunlight and glinted against the stone as she neared. The view from the bridge was stunning and invited her to linger despite not knowing where in the Fourteen Shards she was. 
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unmeiame · 4 months
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broadswordandpistol asked: ❛ did you miss me? ❜ he asks, with a wink and a grin.
||~ Teepo was floating by herside as she looked to the side for a moment, being stuck in this city alone was a bit nerve wreaking for her.
She hugged Teepo close to her chest for comfort. Though she did her best to remeber what he said. "Ill be right back stay put and you know what to do if a stranger approaches you." Elize took a deep breath as she closed her eyes and counted backward from 10.
Suddenly Teepo spoke up. "Hey Eli.. do you think Mr. Alvin is ok.. did he leave us here when he gets back im gonna give the biggest nom he's ever seen for worrying you."
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Elize shook her head. "Alvin is our freind he would never abandon us teepo. Also you cant just keep noming on people, some people really dont like that and it's not polite." Teepo sighed. "It's not like I eat them... it just one nom." Elize shook her head."No Not even just one nom."
Suddenly the two stopped talking as both the talking doll and elize turned around to noticed Alvin and what he said. Elize features lit up as she huggedteepo closer however he worst fear came true Teepo wiggled free before noming alvins head as he does. "Teepo!" Elize Squeaked before trying to pry him off of Alvin.
Teepo finally let go and humphed, "Hmmph that's what you get for worrying eli." Elize rushed over to Alvin, "Mr. Alvin are you ok, I-I'm so sorry teepo didn't hurt you did he? .. I told him not too!"
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sentofight · 5 months
☆ Put this star into the inbox of your favorite blogs. It's time to spread positivity!!!!
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ooc. eyy thank you! i'll humbly accept the star despite not properly attending this blog for a while. and slam dunk the star to my mutuals because you deserve the galaxy for sticking with me.
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unprompted | @broadswordandpistol
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isaaccecilbryant · 5 months
☆ Put this star into the inbox of your favorite blogs. It's time to spread positivity!!!!
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((Thank you Jiiiiii <3 you're a favourite of mine too <3 thanks for spreading positivity around~))
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talesofourworlds · 1 month
@broadswordandpistol continued from here!
"Mmhmm," Elize answered, smiling and trying not to giggle too loudly at the sight of Alvin pulling Teepo off of him. "It was a shorter day, since we have some big tests coming up. They said they wanted to let us have some more time for studying if we need it."
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"It's a lot of stuff to remember!" Teepo chimed in, wiggling in Alvin's hands. He looked happy despite having been pulled off Alvin's head. That was a relief as far as Elize was concerned. "But Elize is working super hard!"
Well, Elize thought she was working pretty hard anyway. School had been a lot to adjust to after everything. But she wanted to work hard at it while she had the chance. If Jude could do it, then she could! Still, she let a small laugh escape her after a moment and closed the distance between herself and Alvin.
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"What about you, Alvin? How have you been?"
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mana-master · 1 year
My sister was Kidnapped.
Genis checked his notes- a filthy scribbled piece of paper- to determine this was indeed the office. The police told him to get lost… probably because they were paid off by the guys who took her. Without their help he had to look into other help, and so he had gone from one PI office to the next as they knew he couldn’t afford the rates. But what was he supposed to do? This was Raine, his sister, his only family! He had to try. Trembling, the small boy knocks on the door and enters the building. “He-hello? I need help.”
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intelligenceunseen · 5 months
✘ "So, who are you, again?"
Muse must tell the truth for 10 questions | accepting | 1/10
The young man's eyes narrowed and a smirk crawled across his face.
"Oh I've been called many things."
There was a slight tilt to his head and a shuffling as Jay kept his hands firmly in the pocket of his sweatshirt.
"Problem, menace, insufferable. Take your pick." Jay slowly withdrew his right hand and extended it forward. "You may call me Jay."
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ninthcompanion · 1 year
☻ *
[ @broadswordandpistol | Munday-questions "How do you rp" edition | Accepting ]
☻: Which genres do you find the easiest to play? (angst, fluff, smut, etc.)
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((Honestly? Crack. Short humour rps are easiest for me. Especially with Kratos (because of his slightly sarcastic sense of humour and chronic resting bitch face)
That said, I'm definitely a multi-paragraph, descriptive rper and I love longer plots too. I like variety!))
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