#bro think he seigi no mikata
neomedievalist · 1 year
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you gotta be trolling
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askdacast · 6 years
Headcanons about the SEIGI NO MIKATA MAKOTO YOSHIO! Because I got tagged by @johnny-writes
-He does a lot for his classmates - it’s part of what perpetuated his obsession with heroism pre-Crossroad. Taking down notes, helping out with homework, fixing model kits, and he’s undoubtedly defended a person or two from bullies/general jerks. He has a hard time saying no or restraining himself from helping someone. Even after the traumatic events of The Crossroad, he still tries to help whoever he can, just without talking about his heroism. His self-confidence is still very low.
-At the start of The Crossroad, he still thought he was in a dream. Even when he realized he was actually in Gensokyo, he didn’t know how else to react except keep doing the hero thing. A lot of his recklessness and shouting about being a hero was an act to cover up his growing confusion, fears and frustrations until he finally snapped. The true villain of the story took great advantage of this and he’s still very ashamed of himself.
-Fixing model kits
-Watching old favorites (chiefly Gurren Lagann, Medabots, and the original Clannad)
-Brewing I N F I N I T E T E A
-His older sister (closest in the family, gets each other out of trouble)
-Alyss (‘blood’ sister, possibly his best friend)
-Hal (eventually; starts out thinking he’s a dick, grows to see him as a bro)
-Amaya (owes her a lot, possible crush)
-Vil (owes him a lot, cool old mentor)
-Doktor (helped him when he was depressed)
-???? (His Hero)
-The entirety of The Crossroad
-His three-year depressive rut following The Crossroad
(Well believe me he has a lot, but for the sake of brevity)
-Repeating his mistakes
-Being wrong/too stupid to understand something
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deathdesu · 6 years
character: D i o
BUT OF COURSE…. thanks for asking! 
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang
If I hadn’t been made aware that the art book calls him an ikemen type, I would have had no idea he was supposed to be hot. I can see how he is (pretty eyes, a tall blonde, a strong voice) but the circus clothes are pretty bad, braids objectively bad even though I kinda like them in a viking-y way, and the curves in his lips always made me think he looked a bit like a frog or maybe a cat.  Doesn’t stop me from drawing sexy art of him tho lol. 
hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff
Good now I can publicly explain why I made him Gryffindor on my recent chart. First of all I think it would be really pigeonholing him to put him in Slytherin. “There are dark wizards in every house” as they say. In Dio ending, he tells Phi and Sigma that he’s like a superhero - and in Japanese, the word he used was “seigi no mikata” aka Ally of Justice, showing that he would view himself the way a Gryffindor does. He’s far more brash than he is ever cunning and he’s ruled by his emotions a lot of the time. It simply looks off since he’s a cultist who’s worshipping a Slytherin. As such, Peter Pettigrew is a really good example of the type of Gryffindor Dio is.   
best quality: He’s the most quotable character in the game by a country mile, and his presence in the various routes is just as bombastic. (pun intended.) Dio ending itself is incredibly memorable just for the sheer surprise of his backstory. Who would ever expect that the circus guy dropping F-bombs all the time was a religious nut? Just imagine this guy having a quiet boring church life most of the time and then really cutting loose for his infiltration projects. No wonder he did a swear so many times. He’s hilarious.  worst quality:  I’m kinkshaming his planet fetish- ok that’s jokey, but do I really have to spell it out? What an asshole. There really isn’t anything that you could say is Low Even For Him, he’ll do it all ship them with: Well the most popular pairing for him is Dio/Luna, which is a pairing that I get and that I accept. It’s not ideal for me though, I’m more inclined to think Luna deserves better. My favorite person to ship Dio with requires some finagling to get around the crossover timelines, but it’s Dio/Mira. They’re about even in terms of being terrible so they’d deserve to put up with each other, they’ve both got connections to Brother which could put them in contact or at least be fun and mysterious, and I know for a fact they’d find each other entertaining. Dio is a lot like Eric but worse (so while this isn’t my opinion necessarily, anyone that thinks Eric deserves better than Mira, this ship could also be for you, I recommend Carlos/Eric as a side for your Dio/Mira) …Meanwhile Dio is attracted to “feisty women” perhaps someone who is like Alice but worse. As a note, I definitely think Dio would be attracted to Alice but also I would never ship Dio/Alice, why would you when Alice/Clover is right there. Plus they have a more direct reason not to bang when he or another Myrmidon may have killed her father, yikes.  There are other parallels between them, like making animal metaphors, wearing red and dying of asphyxiation in a pod (like two peas!! Romantic!!!!!!) but this section is already embarrassingly 3x times longer than the others so just trust me that they’re a good match and let’s move on. The direction this ship goes could be all sorts of things depending on how it was set up in the first place… I’d probably be happy with anything? Something like a hatemance would be tasty, though when I RP or draw it, I do tend to make it more positive, piranhas schooling together or whatever. It’s good shipping for if you’re more interested in exploring their villainy than rehabilitation, though I firmly believe they both would be capable of reaching the latter with just eachother as well, it would just take some time and positioning. Maybe copious use of Mira’s willingness to challenge her own beliefs to inspire change in Dio’s zealot approach, or another way, Dio wanting to become better when Mira may not be able to understand his feelings otherwise. 
brotp them with: I think Dio just needs to outsource to ZTD entirely because Carlos would be the nice respectful Gryffindor senpai he never knew he wanted. Like I just think way too much of him in this kind of crossover terms because of my main ship for him. However in canon, hmm. Luna would still be very, very good for him even if it wasn’t necessarily romantic. I also see him trying to bro it up with Sigma and I actually have no problem with that. Like Dio, Sigma and Phi all becoming weird friends after Dio tourguided them around the moon in his ending would be highly legit.  …I also have this RP bromance of Lenga’s Dio with my 707 from Mystic Messenger that works out because guess who already has life experience with a crazy cultist bro. needs to stay away from: NO ONE. SOONER OR LATER, EVERYBODY PUTS UP WITH DIO. I don’t make the rules
misc. thoughts:    no, I’ve already said too much
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