#bringing my bs from my multi muse
shadowcovcn · 1 year
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Indie multi-muse RP blog written by Ace- mainly featuring supernatural and horror muses from media such as WWDITS, The Addams Family, and Stranger Things.
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This blog is a pretty chill private corner on permanent semi-hiatus. While highly selective I am open to new interactions. This blog is primarily iconless and plot-heavy. That said, I’m more than happy to do improvised threads if we have a rapport. 
>> EXPLORING THEMES OF: generational trauma // survivors guilt // found family // soulmates // eternal life // power as an addiction // not all demons come from hell // made monsters
>> AFFILIATES: @harringtontm ( Steve Harrington ) // @hargrovetm ( Billy Hargrove ) // @munsontm ( Eddie Munson ) // @thagantm ( Tommy Hagan ) // @trickstercaptain ( Jack Sparrow ) // @musecraft ( Nadja of Antipaxos, Carlisle Cullen, Morticia Addams), @008tm ( Kali Prasad ), @therelentless ( Nandor the Relentless ).
>> LINKS: carrd. || memes || promo
>> CREDITS: frcknbats (promo, pinned, & header); jayneedits (graphics psd); musecraft (ask banners)
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This blog is multi-verse with each verse having a semi-fixed timeline. This means that there is continuity within threads. If something happens to your muse in one thread it may impact later interactions and plots.
In this a similar vein, I prefer exclusivity. However, I don't expect it to be mutual and will always approach my partner before adding you. I simply prefer not to interact with more than one of each muse. On rare occasions, at my own discretion, I'll break away from this and have two mains.
This blog has two main verses. One is a supernatural universe that combines mixed media (spn, wwdits, twilight, etc) and original lore. The other is a historical fiction pirate verse which pulls from PoTC, OFMD, and BS. I don't currently have a comprehensive pages on my lore for either, however, everyone is encouraged to ask questions.
Shipping tends to depend on the muse. Some muses are in open relationships, unattached, or engage in polyamory while others are single ship. Any ships that do happen are based off chemistry. Whether or not a ship is canon means very little to me.
If you bring drama onto my I will smite you. I don't care who was mean to who. I don't care if you think they were toxic or rude. I'm here to be chill, not see people frothing at the mouth all over my dash.
Minor godmodding is allowed/encouraged to progress threads. Otherwise, please keep to typical tumblr etiquette.
There will be potentially triggering content on this blog. Be aware that, for the most part, I DO NOT tag triggers. Anything with excessive gore, sexual content, etc will be tagged with nsft.
Hi! I'm Ace, 25+, and use whatever pronouns fit your fancy. I've been roleplaying since 2010 and have primarily been active in the PoTC fandom. When not here you may find me on thecodekeeper.
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The Addams Family
Gomez Addams / by request / single ship / page
Kabuto Yakushi / by request / single ship / page
Our Flag Means Death
Edward Teach / by request / selective shipping / page
Pirates of the Caribbean
Buttons / by request / single ship / page
Frenchie / by request / selective shipping / page
Jim Jimenez / by request / multi-ship / page
Roach / by request / multi-ship / page
Adam Brannigan, nee Teague (oc) / by request / single ship / page
Christophe Julien de Rapier / by request / closed shipping / page
Edward Teague / primary / multi-ship / blog
William Turner Sr / secondary / multi-ship / page
Dean Winchester / primary / multi-ship / page
Gavin MacLeod / secondary / single-ship / page
Rowena MacLeod / primary / multi-ship / page
Stranger Things
Axel Gustavson / secondary / multi-ship / page
Carol Perkins / secondary / duel ship / blog
Jeremy Russek (oc) / secondary / multi-ship / page
Max Mayfield / by request / single ship / blog
What We Do In The Shadows
Laszlo Cravensworth / primary / single ship ( open relationship ) / page
Baron Afanas / primary / multi-ship / page
Abraham Van Helsing / secondary / multi-ship / page
A Song of Ice and Fire
Then Greyjoy / testing / ?? / page
Harry Potter
Tom Riddle Jr / closed / single ship / page
Barty Crouch Jr / testing / ?? / page
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dupliciity · 2 years
give this post a LIKE for me to write a starter for you based off of my LIKED SPOTIFY SONGS. i will shuffle my liked playlist and write the starter based on (or using the lyrics of) the first song that pops up!! length will vary!! 
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very-poggies · 2 years
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Hi, I’m Hebby! I’m in my 30s, my pronouns are they/them. I like to think of myself as pretty friendly and patient, but I’ve seen a lot of BS in my years RPing on this webbed site, so here’s some rules!
1. This blog is 21+ ONLY because I don’t want to write with immature people or minors. A lot of my characters swear and speak explicitly. I’ll tag whatever triggers necessary, but I won’t always censor my characters.
3. If you can’t separate fiction from reality and can’t understand nuanced takes, PLEASE do not follow or interact with me. Writing is a chance to explore all kinds of things, and I don’t want anyone embroiled in anti crap. It's exhausting.
4. 90% of the art used on this blog was drawn by me, the rest was giftart. Please don’t use my icons or my art without explicit, current permission from me.
actual RP stuff:
4. I RP mostly on discord, but I wanted to have a place for these characters to actually use their icons. Limited icons.
5. This blog will have fandom OCs and muses from a lot of different fandoms, including (but not limited to): Undertale, Sonic the Hedgehog, Arcane, Hazbin Hotel, Wander Over Yonder, Warframe, Rick and Morty.
6. Do NOT godmode my characters or metagame information yours shouldn’t know. That’s rude.
7. I write a combination of short para and long para, I am pretty lenient about this stuff. It’s a hobby. You don’t have to match length, though I may be picky about responses I have muse for.
8. IC =/= OOC, I don’t use my characters as mouthpieces, even if we sometimes have similar views. If I have a problem with you or an issue I need to bring you, I will bring it to you in private.
9. PLEASE don’t reblog my drabbles!! Or my headcanon posts. This is a roleplay blog, not a fandom blog. If it doesn’t say ‘okay to reblog’ then don’t reblog it!!!
10. In regards to shipping, all my characters are adults. I’m not really sure any of them are open to be shipped with, due to all kinds of factors, but I am very encouraging of platonic relationships. Please, please. FRIENDS.
11. I am an impulse roleplayer, that means I reply or I don’t sometimes. Teehee. I will also unfollow for any reason, and I will not tell you why. For my own sanity’s sake.
12. My characters all vary in many ways, some are more likely to use offensive language than others. Particularly SnapZ, who speaks without a filter and is known to say some ableist slurs. Things will be tagged accordingly.
13. OH BTW I LOVE BEING MULTI-FANDOM FRIENDLY!!! that’s my bread and butter, dawg. All of my characters THRIVE on talking to characters from different canons. That’s how they made most of their friends. please befriend Moss. please. blease,
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halfmourn-blog · 5 years
independent & private Alucard /  Adrian Fahrenheit Țepeș #halfmourn
There will be spoilers here. You have been warned.
Section I.
Before I go into anything else, I have one major rule; don’t like me? Block & move on. I’m tired of drama, of petty bs, & I’m tired of vague blogging. I’m here to have fun, just as you are. So please, I keep to myself & my friends, I ask you to do the same.
My trigger list is as follows: - spiders, real life only - needles, any kind - smut to a large extent, any other nsfw is okay
Secondly, I am of age, having turned 21 on July 3rd, 2019. Pretty much any NSFW is okay with me, save heavy gore & large degrees of smut. What do I mean by that? If every other thread you do is smut, it is highly unlikely I will follow. I am slightly sex-repulsed, mostly by visuals ( more specifically, gifs ).
Memes relating to headcanons and world building are open for everyone to send. In fact, I welcome them! 
Please do not reblog my drabbles, as they are important to my portrayal, & mine alone. The exception to this is if your muse is mentioned in the post. 
As always, don’t powerplay or godmode. That’s rude & disrespectful to your partners.
Section II.
Multi-verse, tentatively multi-ship.
For my own comfort, I would much prefer if those who follow this blog are 18 or older. I’m wanting to take a darker turn in my writing, & some of the content from here on out, I do not feel comfortable having minors see.
Section III.
Please, please, please, for my comfort, & the comfort of all your followers, tag your NSFW. I don’t care if it’s under a read more. Tag it.
There will not be anything remotely close to smut on this blog, for my own comfort.
I am mutuals only. This means, if you like a starter call, send an in character meme, or reblog my opens & we are not mutuals, I can & will block you if you’re a repeat offender. Once & twice, I shall give warnings. Three times, I will softblock for my comfort.
Section IV.
Do not, I repeat, do not send me hate mail. It gets you nowhere with me, & I will sooner block your IP than answer it. Constructive critique is very welcome, but not senseless hate.
Do not follow / unfollow / refollow to get my attention. That’s one of the fastest ways to get yourself blocked.
Similarly, I tend to soft block if I have no interest in writing with someone, or they’ve done something to make me uncomfortable. Do not refollow me after, as I will hard block you.
I’m sorry, but if you’re posting a lot of self-deprecating things, I will unfollow. These make me very, very uncomfortable, & I come here for a release. If you post a lot of drama without cause, I will unfollow. If you bring your argument with someone public without just cause, I will unfollow.
I will also unfollow after an extended period of absence ( two weeks to a month ) without a hiatus notice. If you ever come back, give me a little nudge, & I’ll refollow!
If you like a particular ask reply, please turn it into a thread, in a new post. This isn’t really a rule, more of a request, & isn’t to keep a tidy dash. It does cause anxiety for me, as these posts are harder to keep cut and clean.
Section V.
While I am open to all characters, I require you have an easy to find biography about your original character. & that does not mean just gender, sexuality, height & weight. I mean a fleshed out bio. If I’m writing with an original character, I’d like to know what to expect.
Section VI.
& finally, you may call me Eirwyn. I’m a twenty-one year old nerd who uses they / them and he / him pronouns, & have been on Tumblr off & on for some time. My other blogs you’re more than welcome to ask for the urls of.
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