butchdykekondraki · 26 days
ok i make like a lot of non-serious and kind of jokily worded posts about hating bright AND shaw but. genuinely if you cant put down the self insert of an actual, literal, groomer then i think you are a metric cunt and i have literally no sympathy for you if you lose friends because of that. i don't care how popular bright was, or how much of a comfort their character was for you, that is a groomers self insert and i do not want to fucking hear about him or have him anywhere near me. ok thats all thank you.
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reality-blender · 2 months
I feel like nows a good time to state that this blog will not be the host to any Brightcourse. If anyone brings it here, they will get blocked.
That being said, we use rewrites on our main account, and we have many 963/amulet holder fictives, including some Brights, a Shaw, and multiple rewrites. We do not condone harrassment of people on either side due to the argument sometimes turning into an identity issue which can target fictives and kins, but do believe the boundaries of everyone should be followed simply out of respect.
We do not care who interacts with us here or on our main, but do not bring discourse and keep in mind do interact with rewrite authors on our main quite a lot.
This will be the only time we say anything on the subject, I just wanted to talk about it before something happens.
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butchdykekondraki · 26 days
guys im gonna level with you i dont think you should be making fanart of a guys self insert that they used to groom people. i think thats bad actually
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butchdykekondraki · 21 days
need some of you to realize that while dr bright is a cornerstone of early scp fandom history that does not inherently mean that that character needs to still be used due to their importance and rather is just a haunting reminder of how fucking easy it is to get away with weird shit so long as you can hide it behind the idea of "playing a character"
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butchdykekondraki · 2 months
can i be controversial for a second and say that despite everything ab did i dont think they shouldve removed the list of everything dr bright is not allowed to do. like i fucking despise ab and bright with every inch of my being but that was quite literally history. honestly im just glad there's at least backups of it on other sites but. damn. .:-/
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butchdykekondraki · 7 days
hey if you're gonna ask me "why its so bad" to still be an active fan of a character used to participate in the grooming and sexual exploitation of both adults and actual literal children then i cannot stress enough that you are not someone i want around me as a victim of similar actions, and you should probably take a big step back and consider the fact that you are actively participating in the endorsement of someone who, and i cannot stress this enough, groomed multiple people into sending them sexually explicit photos and messages in order to boost their reputation and be given mod privileges.
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butchdykekondraki · 1 month
I’m not well versed in SCP community drama at all, but I AM curious, so if you don’t mind; what’s up with Dr. Bright’s Whole Existence?
oh boy okay. bright is/was a very vocal part of scp lore, being featured in countless tales and scps alike, eventually having his own little list of sorts entitled "the things dr bright is not allowed to do". the character itself, dubbed jack bright (or just character bright), is most notable for being the most recognizable character besides a couple others (clef, kondraki, etc) that people saw from the scp fandom. he had his own little cult-like following in and of himself that was almost separate from the main-line scp fandom as a whole. eventually his creator, admin bright, was outed for being an abuser who used their influence over their cult-like following to solicit nudes and etc from primarily minors or people who were freshly 18, mostly using their power as a scp wikidot mod(? iirc) to get those things in exchange for site access (? again, iirc. the entire admin bright ordeal was poorly documented in the beginning and after more stuff came out it only got more poorly documented). after this (almost) everyone collectively decided to ignore and/or get rid of character bright, who was later replaced with elias shaw. eventually, in a now hated on move, djkaktus, a former(?????) wikidot mod completely wiped "the things dr bright is not allowed to do" off of the wikidot in an effort to scrub jacks existence away. all in all, it was an entire shitshow and everyone has pretty much collectively decided to move away from any mention of jack bright and instead most people have rewrites of 963/bright (<- elias shaw being the more popular one on the main-site, but others like dr myriad (created by mattastr0phic) are fairly popular in their own rights off-site. commonly you'll just see shaw, but i'd be remiss not to mention myriad bc she's a pretty big staple in the 963 rewrite community)
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butchdykekondraki · 26 days
if youre still posting bright in the year of our fucking lord 2024 im going to just assume you are either willfully ignorant to why thats bad or understand why thats bad and dont care. and either way im going to hit you with my car
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butchdykekondraki · 2 months
anyway bright was never a good character you guys just are obsessed with characters whose one single personality trait is being chaotic for the sake of being chaotic
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butchdykekondraki · 2 months
WARUM plattformieren die leute immer noch diese verdammte missbräuchliche schlampe wie… lies den raum babe jeder hasst ihm UND DICH!!
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butchdykekondraki · 2 months
jedes mal wenn ich einen adminb verteidiger sehe sind sie komisch gegenüber minderjährigen und das ist einfach so. wie. man könnte meinen dass die leute dieses muster früher erkennen würden aber. irgendwie haben sie es nicht getan. das macht mich ehrlich gesagt ein bisschen verrückt
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butchdykekondraki · 3 months
ehrlich gesagt mochte ich ab und jack nie. deshalb ist es so seltsam zu sehen wie leute versuchen die verwendung ihres charakters zu verteidigen, du weißt? jack war für mich immer nur gruselig deshalb habe ich mich sowieso nie auf ihn eingelassen. jedes mal wenn ich leute sehe die verwendung von jack als charakter verteidigen kommt es mir so vor als würden sie ausreden finden um einen charakter zu verwenden zu dem sie sich hingezogen fühlen. es ist so seltsam .:-/
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butchdykekondraki · 3 months
i have No clue abt what shit take on bright sparked the talk on dash but im just completely enthralled on what could even possibly be so bad as to elicit this amount of hate
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butchdykekondraki · 3 months
brightcourse pissed us off so much we literally sat up straight just to continue bitching. this is the one good thing bright has contributed to the world
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