#briar vc: if i fuck up ur foot u cannot cry
destisea-a Β· 1 month
with briar this close, his body pressed to his, sunday almost forgets that they shouldn't be more than just confidants and coworkers. yet in the vacant room, save for them, who would tell them otherwise? he leans close to speak softly to the slightly shorter halovian, perhaps still afraid someone might overhear them, and the spell would be broken. "well, you've got me now, my magpie. lead the way."
music plays from a corner of the room, a gentle melody, one that encourages something just as gentle as it's notes are. step by easy step, focus split between his own heels- and the one who's hand rests in his. who leans close enough to speak against his ear. this is reality; he well and truly cannot see, there is no dream to help him see. no crutch to lean on, trusting that sunday will ensure he doesn't pull them into a chair or a shelf or---
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" if i step on your feet, you'd better not complain. " only half joking. he doesn't lead in dance for a reason. metal heels tapping heavily against the floor, as he picks up on the next rise in tune. the motion delicate, and careful-- it's easy to get lost in this sort of thing. so he demands trust, trust he finds himself effortlessly placing in sunday as much as it is being placed in him. ah... thank goodness they're somewhere quite and alone. where propriety and face count for very little. it gives him the boost he needs to maintain good tempo and rhythm.Β to enjoy it without fear of someone seeing, or a slew of questions. it'd certainly sour the mood hm?
and perhaps. one day, when he can see properly-- he will be able to lead with more confidence. dance is a wonderful thing. he doesn't sing, but he plays; he lets himself feel music more than he can ever express it with his voice.
so lost in it then, that briar narrowly misses a trip, pulling himself closer. hand at sunday's back gripping his jacket. a smooth enough transition, and not as awkward as he thought it was bound to be. their difference in height isn't substantial.
" want to continue? " head cocking far to one side, his hands still kept on the other. fingers curling a bit tighter around his hand. " willing to push off our obligations so you can waste time like this? very irresponsible of you~ "
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