#breast implant doctors in indore
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Breast Lift Surgery in Indore | Body Shaping Clinic in Indore
Transform and rejuvenate with Breast Lift Surgery in Indore. Our expert surgeons offer personalised solutions to enhance your confidence and restore youthful contours. Experience compassionate care and achieve your aesthetic goals with us.
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mohakivf · 6 months
Explaining Why IVF is an Safe and Effective Procedure 
IVF stands for In Vitro Fertilization, and it is a procedure used to help couples conceive when they are unable to do so naturally. It involves collecting eggs from the female partner and fertilizing them with sperm in a laboratory setting. The resulting embryos are then transferred back into the uterus of the woman where hopefully one will implant and result in pregnancy. This process has helped many couples who have struggled with infertility issues become parents, giving them hope for their future family plans.
Why IVF?  
IVF is a procedure that has been used for many years to help couples who are struggling with infertility. It involves retrieving eggs from the female partner and fertilizing them in a laboratory setting, then implanting them into the uterus of the female partner or surrogate mother. The benefits of this procedure include higher success rates than other fertility treatments, increased control over timing and conception, as well as improved chances of having multiple children at once. For these reasons, more people are turning to IVF as an option when trying to conceive.
Complications in IVF treatment 
complications during pregnancy can undergo this ivf treatment process. Some of them are:IVF treatment can be a difficult process and it is not without its complications. The most common complication associated with IVF treatments are ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, which occurs when the ovaries become over stimulated during the hormone therapy used to stimulate egg production. Other possible risks include infection of the uterus or fallopian tubes, increased risk of ectopic pregnancy, and potential for multiple births. It’s important to discuss all these potential risks with your doctor before beginning any fertility treatments.
Unexplained infertility- where the cause of infertility is undetected
Absence of fallopian tubes- due to some reason if it was surgically removed or due to a severe problem if it was eliminated.
Male factor infertility- low sperm count or other problems
Abnormal ovulation- a disorder in the ovulation process of a woman can be a problem
Blocked or damaged fallopian tubes- if the fallopian tubes have been cut and tied or blocked due to some medical reasons
Genetic disorder- for some people, the genetic factor of infertility plays a dominant role. 
Side effects caused by IVF treatment: -
There are medicinal side effects that might cause discomfort:
Breast tenderness
Mood swings
Bleeding and infection
Multiple birth 
Premature birth 
Ovarian cancer 
Birth defect 
Ectopic pregnancy 
In the IVF process, there are certain risks involved. Although most of these risks can be minimized with proper medical care and monitored treatments, there is still a chance that something could go wrong and the patient may suffer from side effects such as infections or damage to body organs. This potential risk should always be considered before taking an IVF treatment step by step in order to guarantee satisfactory results while reducing any unwanted repercussions. Furthermore, it's important for patients to inform themselves of all possible alternatives prior to consulting their doctor due to different cases requiring different approaches according to individual conditions.
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IVF treatment and their Steps :-
The IVF process involves several steps. First, the patient will undergo a series of tests to determine if they are eligible for treatment. After that, medications and hormones may be prescribed to stimulate egg production in the ovaries. Then, eggs are retrieved from the woman's body through a procedure called oocyte retrieval. Next, sperm is collected from either partner or donor and combined with the eggs in a laboratory setting to create embryos. Finally, one or more embryos can be transferred into the uterus where it has potential to implant and grow into a baby.
Stages of IVF  :- 
Doctors consultation: 
The first step In IVF treatment is to consult with a doctor. During this consultation, the doctor will discuss your medical history and any existing conditions you may have that could affect fertility. They will also provide information on the various types of treatments available and explain how each one works. Your doctor can help determine which option would be best for you based on your individual needs. After consulting with a doctor, other steps such as hormone testing, egg retrieval, fertilization, embryo transfer, and implantation must take place before pregnancy can occur.
Egg harvest  
One of the steps in IVF treatment is egg harvest. This involves a doctor retrieving eggs from the woman’s ovaries using an ultrasound-guided needle and then fertilizing them with sperm in a laboratory setting. The resulting embryos are then placed back into the uterus, where they can hopefully implant and develop normally. Egg harvesting is usually done under sedation or general anesthesia to ensure that it is as comfortable for the patient as possible.
IVF treatment is a process that involves several steps to help couples conceive. The first step of the process is fertilization, which occurs when an egg and sperm are combined in a laboratory setting. This allows doctors to assess the quality of both eggs and sperm before they are implanted into the uterus. After fertilization has taken place, embryos can be transferred back into the woman’s body for implantation or frozen for future use if needed. Doctors may also perform genetic testing on embryos prior to transfer in order to identify any potential abnormalities or diseases that could affect their development.
Embryo culture 
This process begins with the collection and fertilization of eggs in a laboratory setting. Once the embryos are created, they are placed into an incubator where they can be monitored for growth and development over several days. During this time, doctors will assess the quality of each embryo to determine which ones should be transferred back into the uterus for implantation. Embryo culture helps ensure that only healthy embryos are implanted so that pregnancy rates remain high.
Embryo transfer 
Embryo transfer is a step in the IVF process that involves transferring embryos from an incubator to the uterus. This procedure is done after fertilization and embryo development has occurred, usually three or five days later. The goal of this procedure is to increase the chances of pregnancy by increasing the number of viable embryos available for implantation into the uterus. During this process, doctors will carefully monitor each embryo's progress and select only those with high potential for successful implantation.
Delivering the good news of a successful IVF step process is always an exciting moment. After months or even years of trying, it can be overwhelming to finally get the positive result that you have been hoping for. The joy and relief felt when hearing this news is indescribable and will stay with those involved forever. It’s a special moment in time that marks the start of something new and wonderful – parenthood!
In conclusion, IVF treatment is a viable option for couples who are struggling to conceive naturally. It can be an expensive and time-consuming process but it has helped many families achieve their dream of having children. The success rate of the procedure varies depending on factors such as age, lifestyle choices, and medical history. However, with advances in technology and research being conducted every day, the chances of successful IVF treatments continue to increase.
Contact Us - 
Website - https://mohakivf.com
Contact Number - 78980-47572
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drgeetikapaliwal · 1 year
Breast augmentation surgery
The surgery of breast augmentation is used to increase the size or alter the contour of the breasts.
Breast augmentation with breast implants is one of the most well-liked cosmetic surgeries available. There are alternatives to suit all types of aesthetic aspirations, which is why hundreds of thousands of women choose to have breast augmentation.
Breast implants are frequently used during breast augmentation surgeries. Breast size and form can be altered to be larger and more symmetrical using breast implants. There are two types of breast implants: silicone and saline. Although they are inserted empty and filled with saline, or a saltwater solution, saline implants are composed of silicone. The silicone gel-filled implants are inserted. Breast implants come in a variety of forms, dimensions, and materials.
Will I benefit from breast implants?
Do they need to be silicone or saline?
How much observation is required following surgery?
These are typical inquiries people have when thinking about breast implants.
The breast specialist doctor in indore
Dr. Geetika Paliwalprovides the information below to assist consumers in making educated decisions regarding the use of breast implants.
Following breast augmentation surgeries, many women report significantly higher feelings of satisfaction and self-confidence, as well as being incredibly delighted with the outcomes of their operations.
How is a breast augmentation operation carried out?
Most likely, you'll require a general anaesthetic. The implants will either be placed behind the bulky chest muscle beneath the breast or between the breast tissue and the muscle after the surgeon makes a cut down the side of the breast.
There are various ways to perform the surgery, and each one affects how quickly you recover. Additionally, there are several implant types. Saline implants feel more sterile than silicone implants, according to some women. If there is any leaking, saline implants are less problematic than silicone implants.
What can I expect after having breast implants?
Read about what to pack if you think you'll spend a few days in the hospital. A day or two will pass before the tubes that drain blood and other fluid from your chest are removed. Your chest will be swollen and bruised, and it will take a week or two for those symptoms to go away. You will, regrettably, experience pain and agony. To help, you might be prescribed painkillers.
Until your breasts heal, you'll probably need to wear additional support for a few weeks. You may need this much time to return to normal, so plan on taking some time off of work and more time as needed.
Consult a board-certified plastic surgeon (Best Female doctor in Indore)  Dr. Geetika Paliwal if you want to find out more about the specifics of breast augmentation.
To arrange a private consultation, get in touch with us at our Indore office.
Dr. Geetika Paliwal
Sukriti clinic,
+91 992 666 3943
+91 702 402 3943
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trehaan · 4 years
Mtf gender change surgery in indore
Male to female transformation surgery in indore is peroformed by dr sumeet jaiswal in indore he is the experience doctor in indore
The procedure of gender change surgery from male to female include
1. Meet the phycologist and take the certificate or its type of approval
2.meet the physiatrist and take the certificate it's again the type of approval for surgery
In case of male to female sexreassingment surgery from male to female you will need to meet two doctor to get the certificate after that experts doctor can perform the gender change surgery
3. You have to meet now to the endocrinologist doctor
SO that you can start your hormone replacement therpay
Cost of hrt is not fix you have to meet to the doctor and he will take some of test and than he will prescribe the Medici
Changes in your body if you start taking female hormone
When a biological male begins taking estrogen, changes include both a reduction in male sexual characteristics and an increase in female characteristics.
Changes to the body include:
Breast development
Loss of erection
Shrinkage of testicles
Decreased acne
Decreased facial and body hair
Decreased muscle mass and strength
Softer and smoother skin
Slowing of balding
Redistribution of fat from abdomen to the hips, thighs, and buttocks
Behavioral changes include:
Decreased sex drive
Mood swings
When Are the Effects of Hormone Therapy Noticed?
The feminizing effects of estrogen and the masculinizing effects of testosterone may appear after the first couple of doses, although it may be several years before a person is satisfactorily transitioned. This is especially true of breast development
4. Sex change surgery
5. Breast implant surgery
6. lasser hair removal
7. voice change surgery
9. Name and gender change in all documents
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Period or Pregnancy Symptoms? Difference
From nature, Women is bestowed with beauty, charm, elegance and attractive physic, but the same nature also cursed this wonderful creature with some hash things such as menstrual cycle, pregnancy pain, and breast issues. Pregnancy gives the worst pain out of it. Girls fear from pregnancy they have too XD, but it is the thing to fear if you are not married. The similarities between period and pregnancy often boosts fear for them. Don’t worry! We will not give you pregnancy care tips, in this blog we will just find a difference between the two: -
·         Abdominal or pelvic cramps
·         Water retention (bloating)
·         Headache and fatigue
·         Breast tenderness
·         Mood swings and irritability
·         Pimples / acne outbreaks
·         Food cravings
The severity of these symptoms are different for every woman, and often fluctuate throughout a woman’s life. Symptoms may even vary from one cycle to the next. Many women find it helpful to track their menstrual cycle and period symptoms in order to identify a pattern. This is also useful if you are trying to conceive because you can identify the times of the month that you will be ovulating, and therefore have the highest probability of conception.
Early Pregnancy Symptoms:
· Implantation Bleeding (Spotting) and Cramps: These symptoms occur as the zygote attaches to the uterine wall. When implantation occurs, blood vessels in the uterine wall are often ruptured, causing the bleeding. While this can feel similar to the start of a woman’s period, the flow tends to be much lighter. Additionally, the blood tends to vary in colour from a woman’s typical cycle, typically appearing more pink or dark brown, almost rust colored.
· Nausea and Vomiting: While morning sickness tends not to rear its ugly head until a month or two into a pregnancy, some women may experience these symptoms shortly after implantation. Morning sickness may last throughout the duration of the pregnancy, or it may dissipate after the first trimester.
 · Vaginal Discharge: Aside from bleeding, some women will notice a white, milky discharge. This is caused by the increased cell production and thickening of the lining in the uterus, and can last throughout the pregnancy.
 · Tiredness and Fatigue: This is a very common early pregnancy symptom because the levels of progesterone in your blood spikes and can cause sleepiness. Progesterone helps maintain the pregnancy, and contributes to the growth of the breast’s milk-producing glands. These symptoms can be noticed as early as one week after conception.
 ·         Breast Tenderness: Similar to period symptoms, the hormonal changes associated with pregnancy can make the breasts tender and painful.
 · Frequent Urination: This is an interesting symptom that is caused by the increase blood circulating in a pregnant woman’s body. Since it is the kidneys’ job to process the blood, the extra fluid by-products end up in your bladder. This will continue throughout the pregnancy, and likely worsen in the later trimesters as the growing baby can put pressure directly on the bladder.
 · Elevated body Temperature: An elevated core body temperature is another side effect of the increased blood flow during pregnancy. The body’s metabolism is increased, increasing blood flow to the skin, thereby raising the body’s temperature.
· Food Cravings or Aversions: Both developing food cravings and suddenly noticing a strong distaste for your favorite foods can happen early in your pregnancy. While food cravings are sometimes experienced during menstruation, food aversions are very uncommon.
You can find the best gynaecologist doctor in indore.
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carewomen · 4 years
Boost Your Fertility: Ovulation Calculator, Pregnancy Planning and More
Understanding Your Monthly Cycle :- Understanding your menstrual cycle can help increase your chances of conceiving, if you desire to become pregnant. The menstrual cycle begins with the first day of menstrual bleeding (the menstrual period). The body releases hormones that encourage maturation of eggs inside follicles of the ovaries. From the 2nd to 14th day of the cycle, these same hormones cause the lining of the uterus to thicken and prepare for implantation of a fertilized egg. These events are referred to as the follicular stage of the menstrual cycle.
What Happens During Ovulation:- Ovulation, or the release of an egg, usually occurs between the 11th and 21st day of the cycle. Ovulation is triggered by a surge in levels of the hormone luteinizing hormone (LH). The cervical mucus changes in consistency and becomes slippery, like egg whites, to facilitate the progress of sperm toward the egg. The average length of the menstrual cycle is 28 to 32 days.
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It's All About Timing :- At birth, females have about 1 to 2 million eggs. Over a woman’s lifetime, only 300 to 400 of them will be released through ovulation. Typically, one egg is released with every menstrual cycle. After release, the egg travels into the Fallopian tube and toward the uterus. Eggs can live about 12 to 24 hours after release, and sperm can live for 3 to 5 days. Knowing when you are due to ovulate can therefore help you plan sex with your partner for the times when you are most likely to conceive.
Tracking When You’re Most Fertile :- Chances for pregnancy are usually best when sexual intercourse occurs 1 to 2 days before you ovulate. You can try to predict this time by counting backwards for 14 days from when you expect your next period, if you have a regular 28 day cycle. You should try to have sex every other day (such as on days 12 and 14) around the time you expect to ovulate. Having sex daily can reduce a man’s sperm count. If your cycle is longer or shorter, you can use an online ovulation calculator to help predict your day of ovulation.
Tracking Ovulation by Temperature :-  After ovulation, the empty follicle (called the corpus luteum) produces the hormone progesterone to help prepare the lining of the uterus for pregnancy. The release of progesterone causes an increase in the body temperature. Checking your basal body temperature every morning before getting out of bed is one way to try to determine when ovulation occurs. The thermometer used for this test costs about $10 at drugstores, so the test is inexpensive. However, it’s not as accurate as other ovulation tests.
Predicting Ovulation by Hormone :- Home ovulation kits (ranging from $20 to $50) measure the hormone LH in the urine. The surge in LH is the trigger of ovulation, so this measurement can help identify the day of ovulation. Some kits allow for daily testing, and they are about 99% accurate.
The Last Phase of Your Monthly Cycle:- Progesterone released in the second half of the menstrual cycle prepares the uterine lining for pregnancy. If this does not occur, the egg disintegrates and progesterone levels fall. About 12 to 16 days later, tissues from the lining of the uterus are expelled as menstrual bleeding. This usually takes 3 to 7 days, and then the cycle begins again.
How to Boost Ovulation :- Increasing research suggests that environmental influences may decrease fertility. Leading a healthy lifestyle may improve your chances of getting pregnant. This includes eating folic acid-rich foods, avoiding alcohol and caffeine, maintaining a healthy weight, and consuming more organic fruits and vegetables.
Weight Does Affect Fertility :- Women whose body mass index (BMI) was above normal took twice as long to conceive as those with a normal BMI in one study. Weight loss for those who are overweight can improve both fertility and pregnancy outcomes. Even a 5% to 10% weight loss can improve ovulation and pregnancy rates. Obesity in men can also cause low testosterone levels, which can be a cause of infertility.
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Age Affects Conception Success :- A woman's age also affects her chances of getting pregnant. For example, a healthy 30 year old woman has about a 20% chance of getting pregnant each month. This chance drops to 5% for a healthy 40 year old women. According to experts, a woman under age 35 who has been trying to conceive unsuccessfully for a year should discuss the condition with her doctor. A woman over 35 years of age should seek medical advice after 6 months of trying to conceive.
Fertility Declines in Older Men, Too :-  In contrast to women, there is no maximum age at which a man is unable to father a child. However, a man’s sperm count and motility of sperm both decrease with age. Men over age 45 have been shown to take longer to achieve a pregnancy when trying to conceive. You may wish to discuss with your doctor ways to enhance your chances for conception if your partner is older.
How Men Can Boost Fertility:- Some lifestyle modifications may be able to boost male fertility, like maintaining a healthy weight, managing stress, and avoiding tobacco and alcohol use. Eating a diet high in zinc (meats, whole grains, eggs, and seafood), vitamin E, and selenium (meats, seafood, mushrooms, Brazil nuts, and cereals) may also help. Keeping the testicles cool can improve male fertility; hot tubs, hot baths, and saunas can all reduce sperm count.
Infertility Treatments:-  A thorough evaluation is the first step in managing infertility, since there are so many potential causes. Treatments can include fertility drugs to stimulate ovulation and assisted reproductive technologies like in vitro fertilization (IVF). IVF involves removal of eggs from the ovaries, fertilizing them with partner sperm, and then inserting them back into the woman’s uterus.
How Home Pregnancy Tests Work :- Home urine pregnancy tests can often tell if you're pregnant as early as five days before your expected period. These are based on detecting the “pregnancy hormone” or human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) that is produced after implantation of a fertilized egg. If you test too early, you may get a false negative result, so you should repeat the test if you suspect you are pregnant. A blood test at the doctor's office can provide even more accurate results.
Five Early Signs of Pregnancy:-
Five early signs of pregnancy include: 
a missed menstrual period,
feeling easily tired,
feeling nauseous in the morning or at other times,
needing to urinate frequently, and
tenderness and enlargement of the breasts.
Are you search for the Best fertility hospital in Indore? If yes so come at Care Womens Centre Indore,  because Care Womens Centre is one of the Best fertility hospitals and IVF centers in Indore. Where on Dr. Shweta Kaul Jha is one of the Best IVF Specialist in Indore, You can find all infertility treatments At Affordable Costs. We at Care Womens Centre Indore provide you best quality IVF treatment with a high success rate at affordable price. Our goal is to make your parenting dreams come true. Book an appointment today call now +918889016663 and more information  https://www.carewomenscentre.com/ 
Request an Appointment / General Inquiry :- https://www.carewomenscentre.com/appointment/request-call-back/
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To More Post:- Endometriosis
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Cosmetic Surgery- Things to know beforehand
Cosmetic surgery is not a new trend. Instead, the facelifts, nose jobs, breast reduction, and breast implants have been a prevalent phenomenon among females in many countries, including the developing ones. Today, the profession and practice of cosmetic surgery are well established.  
Cosmetic surgery is a form of plastic surgery aimed at enhancing the appearance of a person. The process also leads to boost self-esteem and confidence in oneself. Cosmetic surgery procedures, techniques, and principles are entirely focused on enhancing the appearance of a person. They tend to improve aesthetics, symmetry, and proportion of bodily features. Cosmetic surgery can be performed on all areas of the head, neck, and body. Number plastic surgeons in Indore specialize in providing cosmetic surgery services which include:
·       Facial Contouring: Rhinoplasty, Improvement of chin and cheek
·       Facial Rejuvenation: Facelift, Eyelid Lift, Neck Lift, Eyebrow Lift
·       Breast Enhancement: Augmentation, Lift, Reduction
·       Body Contouring: Tummy Tuck, Liposuction, Gynecomastia Treatment
·       Skin Rejuvenation: Laser Resurfacing, Filler Treatments
Appropriate Candidates for Cosmetic Surgery
·       If one is healthy, have sensible expectations, and understand the risks of the treatment then he/she may be a good candidate for cosmetic surgery.
·       One may not be a good candidate for cosmetic surgery if he/she has serious health problems such as diabetes, high blood pressure, a bleeding disorder, heart disease, or depression.
·       Being massively overweight or involved in habits like smoking and could restrict you from having cosmetic surgery.
Things to Consider Before Heading for a Cosmetic Surgery
·       What are the categorical attributes of my appearance that I opt to revamp?
·       Is this a good time for cosmetic surgery in my life?
·       What are my intentions to modify the way I look?
·       I am ready to handle the risks if any in the process?
·       Have I verbalized about my concerns and questions openly with my doctor?
·       What aspects of my routine would be majorly affected?
What to Expect?
The most paramount factor in deciding whether to have cosmetic surgery is to have a definite understanding of what is going to occur before, during and after the procedure. Many physical characteristics can be prosperously changed, while others cannot. Additionally, some of the procedures might not last forever. Like, if you do not opt for the surgery at the right age then might the result may not be effective as expected. Thus, contemplating the right time to go for cosmetic surgery is very crucial.
Practical Benefits of Cosmetic Surgery
Cosmetic surgery can provide patients with many practical advantages such as:
·       Fosters healthy well being
·       Boosts Confidence
·       Builds better mental health
·       Emboldens Long-term Change
Hence, cosmetic surgery is often a personal choice. Consider these advantages when making your decision. If you’re still making your choice, talking to a skilled plastic cosmetic surgeon in Indore would be the right option to serve your purpose well.  
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drgeetikapaliwal · 1 year
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Breast augmentation surgery
The breast specialist doctor in indore
Dr. Geetika Paliwalprovides the information below to assist consumers in making educated decisions regarding the use of breast implants.
Consult a board-certified plastic surgeon (Best Female doctor in Indore)  Dr. Geetika Paliwal if you want to find out more about the specifics of breast augmentation.
To arrange a private consultation, get in touch with us at our Indore office.
Dr. Geetika Paliwal
Sukriti clinic,
+91 992 666 3943
+91 702 402 3943
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