#both w gregory and w each other
mechieonu · 2 years
ok listen. security breach au BUT instead of staying only w freddy, gregory has to stay w the glamrocks depending on the hour (& who's down for the count) and they all come together for the ending
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hearts401 · 9 months
"how can they be ur fav duo if you dont think theyd get along" well listen to me dear friend that is the point
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that-ari-blogger · 5 months
The Gospel Of Elphaba
In May 1900, the George M. Hill Company published The Wonderful Wizard Of Oz, a book written by L. Frank Baum and illustrated by W. W. Denslow. That book captured the imagination of its audience enough to get sequels and one of the most dangerous film adaptations to make of all time.
The book was about good and evil, and featured a stereotypical medicine journey about a child trying to return home. It discussed personal growth and childhood fantasy and is generally a good book, even with the elements that haven't aged as well (again, it was published in 1900).
But then, in 1995, Gregory Maguire wrote Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West, a fanfiction that takes a very different approach on the story. This book discusses the same themes, but from a different angle. Now things are complicated.
Enter Wicked, the musical, which dissects the themes even further, and uses its opening song, No One Mourns The Wicked to tear apart the idea of good and evil in the original book.
Let me explain.
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I wasn't joking in the title of this post. No One Mourns The Wicked (NOMtW) and the musical as a whole do act as a gospel. Which is fascinating.
Now, I am not Christian, but I do have experience with the faith from a scholarly perspective and from growing up in a heavily Christian culture. As such, while I will treat the faith with the respect befitting any living religion, my perspective on it is that of an outsider looking in, so I cannot be considered a definitive source on Christianity.
The word "Gospel" comes from a few different sources, most notably "godspell" according to etymonline.com, which means "good spell" or "good message" or, if you really stretch the thesaurus, "good news."
The gospel of mark literally opens with "the beginning of the gospel of Jesus..." (English Standard Version) or "the beginning of the good news about Jesus..." (New International Version). So, the word is interchangeable.
And would you look at that, the opening words of NOMtW are:
"Good news, she's dead".
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The song is deliberately drawing comparison between Elphaba and the Biblical Messiah, specifically with the defining act. Jesus' most famous act was his death, and the same is true for Elphaba. But both characters have more to their story than the surface level ideal, notably their perspective that people should be kind to each other, and that was why they were "killed". Also, neither of the two stay dead for very long.
But there is more to the similarity than just some neat little references, specifically in how they differ. And that might be contradictory, but it really isn't. Opposites are similar in how they relate specifically to each other. A thing can only be the opposite of something else, it can't be the opposite on its own.
NOMtW actively asks the question: "Was it actually good news?" Specifically in relation to Elphaba. Wicked is told from the perspective of Elphaba, and it frames her death as a tragedy. So NOMtW gives the audience the setup for that story.
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"No one mourns the wicked!"
"No one cries they won't return!"
"No one lays a lily on their grave!"
Voiceplay has a phenomenal A cappella Medley for the Wicked musical that I highly recommend you check out.
These lines serve to build into the tragedy itself, they make you feel sad for the deceased person. But the anger with which they are said gives a different vibe. Suddenly, these become warnings, don't be wicked or else.
Fun fact: I was in a high school production of this musical, as a chorus member, and I was given the line about the lily. The director told to deliver the line as a threat to the audience, which reframes the meaning a bit, doesn't it? The chorus is telling you not to empathise with the Wicked Witch of the West.
And interestingly, that's who she is in this song. The name "Elphaba" isn't mentioned once. She is the Wicked Witch. That's who the audience thinks she is, and that's who the chorus thinks she is. The citizens of oz become the audience surrogates.
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Glinda, the good witch, then begins to argue with the chorus. Her melodic voice contrasts with the spite of the Ozians, and that translates into her lyrics.
The conflict here is to confuse the audience, I think. It is to ask them who they think they should be agreeing with here. And when the chorus echos Glinda's words, they change them. Those last three lines become:
"And goodness knows,
the Wicked's lives are lonely.
Goodness knows,
The Wicked die alone.
It just shows when you're Wicked,
You're left only
On your own."
What is truth in this world? Can even that be trusted? That's what the musical as a whole seeks to answer, as well as what consequences that has on the real world.
"Nothing grows for the Wicked
They reap only
What they've sown"
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"Are people born Wicked? Or do they have wickedness thrust upon them? After all, she had a father. She had a mother, as so many do"
I have put some of the above quote in bold, and that is because it is a fantastic question to ask in a story about good and evil. In the original book and subsequent film, the Wicked Witch of the West is evil because she does evil things. She tries to kill Dorothy on multiple occasions, so she is evil, right?
Here, Glinda asks a simple question: "Why did the witch do that?" And this part of the song becomes spoken instead of sung, to really emphasise the point.
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But Glinda also tries to humanise Elphaba here, she had a mother and a father. This reminds me of another humanising moment, but not from the bible this time.
"Hath not a Jew eyes? hath not a Jew hands, organs, dimensions, senses, affections, passions? ... If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh? if you poison us, do we not die? And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge?"
This is from Act 3 Scene 1 of William Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice, written in the 1590s. And it features Shylock, the outcast of the plot, appealing to a collection of people that he is in fact, just as human as them. He tries to convince them that the outsider is worth respect just as much as any other, and that his actions have motivations just as much as any other.
In that story, the appeal has no effect, and in Wicked, written 400 years later, I can't say it is any different.
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The moment with the mysterious lover is important because it is yet another specific divergence from the biblical story. It turns out to be the Wizard, a man from another world, who comes to see the mother of the protagonist. But the divinity is removed, and that's a key element here. Elphaba isn't a one-to-one Jesus figure, she's had all of the intrinsic morality taken away and replaced with being green.
Elphaba is othered because of a physical alteration caused by elements she has no control over. She is outcast from even her family because of her appearance. I will talk in another post about what being green means in story, but for now, it is most certainly not heavenly, instead being linked with the garden of Eden with the snake and the apple.
That apple is a neat connection to the vial that the wizard offers Elphaba's mother, once again reframing the story. Now the Wizard gets aligned with the snake, making Elphaba the antichrist? This metaphor goes buck wild if you look too far into it.
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Final Thoughts
I have a love for Wicked, to the point where it is one of those formative stories for me. The music is fun and as I grew up, I realised that I empathised with more characters than I was entirely comfortable with.
If this is the first of my posts you have read, I do analysis of storytelling. This will be a series on Wicked as a whole, specifically delving into the songs and what they say about the musical's themes. Next week, I will take a look at The Wizard And I, so stick around if that interests you.
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marshslovedone · 10 days
Can you do Gregory/Christophe/Reader sfw, please?
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Poly relationship w/ Gregory & Christophe headcanons
CW: smoking
OKAYYY so you met gregory first, and it was at the school play!!
You only went to the school play because your friend was in it and she wanted you to see it
So when you went you thought you would be sitting alone until a blonde boy sat next to you,,
Out of all the seats in the auditorium he sits next to YOU which kinda annoyed you
Then he started to talk to you during the play which made you agitated
“So, do you like plays?”
“I don’t think I’ve seen you around are you new?”
“My my you’re gorgeous..”
“Shut up!”
That’s what set your buttons off, you got up and left the auditorium texting your friend a sorry and that you left early because of someone
Gregory followed you out trying to apologize but you didn’t budge to talk to him and just kept walking and left the schools campus
The next day at school you were stopped by gregory expect he had a rose for you, he apologized to you numerous times and said he wanted to be your friend but didn’t know how to start a convo
You ended up forgiving him :3
You and gregory started to become close, turns out you two had like 4 classes together so you guys would just walk with each other
Then one day at lunch when you were walking over to the table where u and gregory always sat at, a big beefy man sat next to him
You were a little confused at first but then gregory introduced you to him!!
“Y/N! Meet my friend, Christophe! A childhood friend of mine”
“Oh! Nice to meet you christophe!!”
He just grunted back as a hello as he lit a cigarette, which confused you since the campus doesn’t allow smoking
But you didn’t care, you were happy that you’re meeting one of Gregory’s childhood friends
After that day you three became inseparable!! Gregory and christophe protect you all the time
They sometimes are late to class because they walk you to your class
They also started to become more romantic to you by being you food, gifts more, light kisses on your forehead or head, cuddling, etc
Then one day gregory and Christophe wanted to tell you something at lunch
“So what is it?”
“Me and christophe were thinking and..would you be willing to date us both? We’ve both had a crush on you for awhile now..”
“Wait I thought the three of us were already are dating?”
Well this is awkward,, you just looked confused as gregory and christophe looked at each other with a flustered look
The three of you then talked about it and come to the conclusion that the three of you are official NOW dating
The three of you basically still act the same just with romantic aspects <3
Like you kissing christophe on the lips more
Gregory hugging you from behind and kissing your next
Gregory and christophe kissing behind the school
uhm who wrote that…anyway! you guys do one on one dates or a group date :3
Christophe always pays for you and gregory!!
“oh here is my card—“
“Don’t worry about it, baby, i got it”
christophe has a huge soft spot for you and gregory it’s so cute
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mydarllinglover · 11 months
Alone || In A Kingdom Not So Far Away
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"No! No way in hell." Gregory responded, when Rick had shared that they were going to fight back, against the Saviours. "That was not the deal. You people swore you could take the Saviours out and you failed. So any arrangement we had is now done, null and void, all right? We aren't trade partners, we aren't friends, and we never met."
"But we have." Natalia replied. "We saved your life."
"Nope. We don't know each other." He corrected. Sitting in his chair. "I owe you nothing. In fact, you owe me for taking in the refugees, at great personal risk."
"Oh, you were very brave staying in here while Maggie and Sasha saved this place. Your courage was inspiring." Jesus sassed, his arms folded across his chest.
"Hey, don't you work for me?" Gregory asked him. "Aren't we friends?"
"Gregory, we already started this." Rick jumped in.
"You started it."
"We did. And we're gonna win."
"These are killers."
"Is this how you want to live? Under their thumb, killing your people?" Rick asked him.
"S-Sometimes we don't get to choose what our lives look like. Sometimes, Ricky, you have to count the blessings you have."
"How many people can we spare?" Maggie stepped forward. "How many people her can fight?"
"We?" Gregory scoffed. "I don't even know how many people we have Margaret. And does it even matter? I mean-- w-w-what are you gonna do? Start a platoon of sorghum farmers? 'Cause that's what we got. They grow things. They're not gonna want to fight."
"You're wrong." Tara spoke up, she was stood at the back of the room with Daryl and Natalia. "When people have the chance to do the right thing they usually step up. I mean, people just..."
"L-let me stop you before you break into song, okay?" He cleared his throat. "And by the way who would train all this cannon fodder?"
"I will."
"Give me a week."
"Me." Sasha, Rosita and Natalia all responded.
"Rhetorical okay?"
"Wrong. You scared, pathetic weasel of a man, hiding in your office, petrified of your own shadow, the people of Hilltop are not weak, you are, if you want to waste away, acting as a slave to the Saviours, fine by me, go ahead, but we're not gonna let your people go down with you, I will personally turn all these people into fighters, if I have to." Natalia stepped forward, glaring at the man.
"Sorry honey, I never quite caught your name." Gregory told her.
"Well, Natalia, I don't wanna know. I never want to hear another word about any of it ever. You're lucky I'm letting you here."
Daryl grabbed a hold of his wife, pulling her back with Tara, as she was about to lunge at the old man.
"Would we be better off without the Saviours, yes or no?" Rick intervened.
"Yeah. Sure. Okay" He shrugged.
"So, what will you do to fix the problem?" Michonne stepped up.
"I didn't say we had a problem. You did. And what happens outside of my purview is outside of my purview."
"What the hell man. You're either with us or you ain't." Daryl told him. "You're sitting there talking out of both sides of your mouth."
"Well, I... I think I've made my position very clear. And I want to thank all of you for not being here today and not having this meeting with me, or... or being seen on your way out. In other words, go out the back."
They headed out the room, Daryl had his fingers in the loops of Natalia's jeans as he pushed her forwards, though it didn't stop her from kicking one of the fancy chairs over, she didn't care at all if she looked childish.
"Walking ballsack." Rosita commented.
"Wanna knock that idiot's teeth out." Sasha said.
"Yeah, well, we don't need him anyway." Daryl decided.
"Yeah, that's right. 'Cause we have Maggie and Sasha and Jesus here." Rick agreed.
"And, Enid." Maggie added when a door opened, Enid walking into the house.
"What's wrong?" Sasha asked her.
"Nothing. Just..." She let out a chuckle. "Come outside."
They left the house, seeing that the people of Hilltop gathered around.
"What's going on?" Maggie asked.
"Hey. So, if you don't remember, I'm Bertie." One of the women said. "And I owe my life to you all, twice over. A bunch of us do. Enid says that you want Gregory to get us to fight the Saviours with you. Is that true?"
"Yes." Maggie nodded.
"Do you think we can win, that we really could beat them?" Bertie asked. "Us?"
"I do."
"Enid says you could show us the way. I'm ready."
"Me too."
"Let's do this."
"Let's do it."
"I'm in."
The people of Hilltop volunteered.
"It's a start." Michonne said, as the group walked away from the house.
"We'll get more." Sasha told her.
"It still won't be enough." Rosita commented.
"No, it won't."
"It's gonna have to do." Natalia said.
"Well, we find the right stuff, then maybe we don't need the numbers. Blow 'em up, burn 'em to the ground."
"You said there weren't just soldiers with the Saviours, that there were workers there. People didn't have a choice." Tara told Daryl.
"We gotta win."
"We have to. People like the Saviours don't get to live." Natalia agreed. "If they're there, they made a choice."
"We need more hands, another group. Negan has outposts. The geography, the distance works against us. We gotta get back." Rick said. "If they come looking for Daryl and Natalia, we need to be there."
"You don't have to get back." Jesus stopped them, causing the group to turn around, to face him. "Not yet. It's one of theirs, long range. We can listen in, keep track of them." He held up a radio.
"So, if we're not going back, what are we doing, then?" Michonne asked.
"I think it's time we introduced you to Ezekiel. King Ezekiel."
"King?" Rick repeated the word everyone was stuck on.
The group loaded up in a mini-van, Rick driving, Jesus in the passenger seat.
The car was cramped, Carl, Sasha and Tara were seated in the back, whilst Michonne, Rosita, Daryl and Natalia were sat in the middle, Natalia on Daryl's lap, considering there were no other seats.
"Hey, Natalia, have I ever mentioned that I can read palms." Michonne told her.
"No, I don't think so." Natalia was clueless to her intentions.
"Yeah, I'm really good, go on, pass me your left hand, I'll see what lies ahead for your future."
"Hope it's winning a war." Daryl scoffed.
Natalia handed out her left hand, momentarily forgetting what was on her ring finger.
"Ha, I knew it!" Michonne said in victory, snatching at her hand before she could hide.
"Woah! You're married?" Rosita asked, looking over.
Rick turned in his seat, looking over before turning back to the road.
"Is it to... Neg-"
"No!" Natalia cut her off, as Daryl's arm tightened around her. "God no, don't ever say that to me again."
"Who then?" Sasha asked.
"Are y'all seriously that dumb?" Natalia asked.
All eyes turned to the man she was sat on.
She grabbed his left hand, showing it off.
"Wait, you guys are together?" Tara asked, Natalia forgot that she had been away the whole time throughout their relationship, letting it sink in how little time it had actually been. "About time."
"I'm gonna get Father Gabriel to officiate it when we get back." Natalia shared. "Speaking of which, what day is it?" She dug in her pocket for the handwritten marriage certificate.
"April 22nd." Michonne answered. "Do you want to explain?"
"Nah, don't need to, just accept it." Daryl replied.
"We are, but this is like a massive thing, when did it even happen?" Rick asked from the front, glancing at the couple in the rear view mirror.
"Last night. After we got to the Hilltop" Natalia answered. "Sorry, didn't know we were in an interview."
"Well, I'll be the first to say it, then, congratulations, Nat and Daryl." Jesus told them.
"Thank you, Jesus, means a lot, we'll invite you to the ceremony." Natalia said, as Daryl shook the mans hand, before looking at his wife.
"We ain't having no ceremony."
"Its where we're gonna get drunk, and get the papers legalised by the priest, idiot."
"In that case, congrats Nat and Daryl on getting hitched." Tara said from the back, putting out her fist for the couple to bump with theirs, which they did.
"Happy for you guys." Carl smiled.
"Thanks kid." Daryl nodded at him, as Natalia reached over, kissing his cheek.
"Yeah, guess you guys weren't having fun after all." Rosita teased.
"Congrats." Sasha nodded, she smiled, but it wasn't all the way there.
"Thank you guys, glad to know that some people are happy for me, for us." Natalia cleared her throat.
"Do you mean me? Nat, I'm mad that you didn't tell me earlier, I had to find out for myself." Michonne turned to her.
"Mad at me? It was kind of a in the moment decision, we didn't really plan it, I'm sorry. Besides, it's one of my several steps in my revenge program." She was only half joking, Daryl understood this, but he knew that she loved him and did want to marry him for real, he was also heavily aware of how petty the woman was.
"Your middle names Isabelle?" Michonne looked at the marriage certificate. "I know nothing about you."
"You know all there is that you need to know about me." Natalia told her.
"We're here." Jesus cut the conversation off, pointing ahead at the rundown building, that was being overthrown by flora.
Rick stopped the car, him and Jesus getting out.
"It's called the kingdom?" Rick asked.
Daryl opened the door, giving everyone in the confided space some fresh air.
"Yeah." Jesus confirmed. "I didn't name it."
"How much farther?"
"Well, technically, we're already here." Jesus told him. "I mean, we're always here, but here we are, at the Kingdom. Well, its outer edge."
"Hey, what the hell we waitin' on?" Daryl asked out the open door, as Natalia stretched her legs.
"Waiting for them." Jesus pointed ahead.
Two men on horses approached them, they were wearing, what looked like baseball gear to protect themselves.
"Who dares to trespass on the sovereign land of the- Oh, shit. Jesus, is that you?" One of the men asked.
Jesus waved at them.
"Are these guys for real?" Natalia whispered to the people in the car.
"Shut up." Michonne replied as she also got out the car.
"Who are all these people. Paul?" The other man asked.
"Hi, Richard." Jesus greeted him. "Nice to see you."
"It's good to see you, too." Richard responded. "Your friends, who are they?"
"This is Rick Grimes. He's the leader of a like-minded community. These are some of his people. We would like to request an audience with King Ezekiel."
Richard got off his horse, a gun was in his hand as he walked over to them.
"Get out of the car." He looked at the three other people still in there, which they did. "You say they're a like-minded community. Like-minded how?"
"We live, we trade, we fight the dead. Sometimes others."
He seemed to get the memo.
"Line up." He told the group.
"Okay. This is a waste of time." Daryl concluded. "Come on, lets go."
Daryl walked back to the car, but the others gathered.
"Maybe you're right." Richard said. "The King is a busy man. We don't usually allow a pack of strangers to waltz through our door."
"A pack?" Natalia repeated, she wasn't some animal.
"We want to make the world less dangerous" Michonne took over. "And we are all here to show the King how serious we are about that."
"The car stays outside. You gotta hand over your guns." Richard told him.
"We only have two." Rick replied, Natalia didn't even have any weapons, which she was still annoyed about, they were still under possession at the Sanctuary.
Rick and Carl handed over their guns.
"Okay." Richard nodded, taking the guns. "Follow me."
He led them towards the Kingdom, Richard and Jesus walked together, talking, the others couldn't clearly hear what they were saying.
The Kingdom was far more than what Natalia was expecting.
It was a whole community, more than what Alexandria was. Plants and gardens were everywhere, men, women and children walking around the place carefree or working, and their buildings were huge.
"They have the numbers." Michonne pointed out.
"But can they fight?" Rosita asked an very important question.
"Oh, they can fight" Jesus told her.
"Maybe." Daryl said.
"Is that a baby goat?" Natalia gasped, looking at a small gathering of animals.
"Morgan?" Tara spotted the man, catching everyone's attention.
He was stood with Richard, before noticing them, heading over.
"Hey." He smiled, hugging the woman.
"How do you know each other?" Richard asked when Sasha hugged Morgan, no one else bothered to.
"We go back to the start." Rick answered.
"Well, the King is ready to see you."
The group followed into the building, Daryl and Natalia were at the end of the group.
"Did you find Carol?" Rick asked Morgan.
"I did, yeah."
"What do you mean?" Natalia asked, did the woman go missing?
"Where is she, is she okay?" Daryl stepped in.
"She was here, and then she left." Morgan told the couple. "You know, she wasn't too happy, me following her. She wanted to get away from us, from everyone. But when I found her, she was shot. It was just a graze. I got her back here. They got doctors. They're good."
"Was it them?"
"It was." He nodded. "She had crossed with some of them, and one of them followed her, tried to kill her, but I stopped him. I killed him. I had to."
"Good." Natalia folded her arms. "They don't get to live, none of them do."
"That's right." Rick nodded.
"Carol was here. She got help. Now she's gone." Morgan told them.
Natalia's jaw dropped when they walked into the auditorium.
"That's a- That's a fucking tiger, there's a tiger." She hissed, hitting Daryl's arm as the others stared.
"Staring right at it, stop hitting me, girl." He told her, as she linked her arm with his, using him as a human shield if need be.
"Jesus!" A man sat on top of a throne said, in a booming voice. "It pleases me to see you, old friend."
"It pleases him, indeed!" A man on his right said.
"Jerry." King Ezekiel side eyed the man. "Tell me, what news do you bring good King Ezekiel? Are these new allies you've brought me?"
"Indeed, they are, Your Majesty." He turned to the group. "This is... Oh, right. I forgot to mention that..."
"Tiger." Natalia repeated in an hoarse voice, cracking at the word, pulling Daryl closer to her as she looked over his shoulder, her fingernails digging into her skin, when the tiger let out a roar.
"This is Rick Grimes, the leader of Alexandria." Jesus introduced as they walked closer. "And these are some of his people."
"I welcome you all to the Kingdom, good travellers. Now, what brings you to our fair land? Why do you seek an audience with the King?"
Daryl pulled Natalia to stand in one of the rows of chairs.
"Ezekiel. King Ezekiel." Rick corrected himself. "Alexandria, The Hilltop, and the Kingdom, all there of our communities have something in common. We all serve the Saviours. Alexandria already fought them once, and we won. We thought we took out the threat, but we didn't know then what we know now. We only beat one outpost. We've been told you have a deal with them, that you know them. Then you know they rule through violence and fear."
King Ezekiel looked towards Jesus.
"Your Majesty, I only told them of the..."
"Our deal with the Saviours is not known among my people." The king cut him off. "For good cause. We made you a party to that secret when you told us of the Hilltop's own travails, but we did not expect you to share..."
"We can help each other."
"Don't interrupt the King." Jerry told Jesus.
"We brought you into our confidence. Why did you break it?"
"Because I want you to hear Rick's plans."
The King looked back at their leader.
"And what plans have you, Rick Grimes of Alexandria?"
"We came to ask the Kingdom, to ask you, to join us in fighting the Saviours, fighting for freedom for all of us." Rick told him.
"What you are asking is very serious."
"Several of our people, good people, were killed by the Saviours, brutally." Michonne stepped forward.
"Who?" Morgan asked.
"Abraham." Rosita answered. "And Glenn. Spencer, Olivia. Eugene was taken. They took Daryl and Natalia. They escaped. Every second the both of them are out here, they're a target."
Natalia leant her head on her husbands back, removing her nails from his arms and wrapping them around his waist as they listened to the woman.
"You gonna say you were right?" Rosita asked Morgan.
"No.... I'm... I'm just real sorry they're gone." He answered.
"Negan murdered Glenn and Abraham, beat them to death."
"Terrorized the Hilltop, set loose walkers just to make a point." Sasha added.
"I used to think the deal was something we could live with." Jesus said, speaking to the king now. "A lot of us did. But that's changing. So let's change the world, Your Majesty."
"I want to be honest about what we're asking." Rick started. "My people are strong, but there's not enough of us. We don't have guns... not enough, at least. Not a lot of weapons, period."
"We have people." Richard said. "And weapons. If we strike first, together, we can beat them. Your Majesty, no more waiting for things to get worse beyond what we can handle. We set things right. The time is now."
"Morgan, what say you?" King Ezekiel asked.
Natalia dreaded the mans response.
"Me?" He asked.
"Speak." The King encouraged.
"People will die. A lot of people, and not just the Saviours." He said. "It... If we can find another way, we have to. Maybe it's just about Negan, just capturing him, holding him. Maybe... I..."
"The hour grows late." King Ezekiel stood from his throne. "Rick Grimes of Alexandria... you have given the King much to ponder."
"Well, when I was a kid, uh, my mother told me a story. There was a road to a kingdom, and there was a rock in the road. And people would just avoid it, but horses would break their legs on it and die, wagon wheels would come off. People would lose the goods they'd be coming to sell. That's what happened to a little girl. The cask of beer her family brewed fell right off. It broke. Dirt soaked it all up, and it was gone. That was her family's last chance. They were hungry. They didn't have any money. She just... sat there and cried, but... she wondered why it was still there... for it to hurt someone else. So she dug at that rock in the road with her hands till they bled, used everything she had to pull it out. It took hours. And then... when she was gonna fill it up, she saw something in it. It was a bag of gold."
"Alright." Jerry smiled, the teenage boy who was stood next to the large man, looked at him, confused, so had the others.
"The king had put that rock in the road" Rick continued. "Because he knew the person who dug it out, who did something, they deserved a reward. They deserved to have their life changed for the good... forever."
"I invite you all to sup with us and stay till the morrow." King Ezekiel declared.
"Yeah, we need to get back home." Rick replied.
"I shall deliver my decree in the morn." He then banged his staff on the floor, ending the meeting.
The next morning, Richard led them to the auditorium once again.
A group of people, in the gear, were running around the Kingdom, in formation.
Another stood around bullseyes, learning and training on Archery, a one legged woman was hitting the middle of the targets every time.
"This is life here." King Ezekiel told them. "Everyday, but it came at a cost." He turned to face them, instead of the archers. "And I wanted more of this. I wanted to expand. To create more places like this. Men and women lost their limbs. Children lost their parents because I sent them into battle against the wasted when I did not need to."
"This is different." Rick told him.
"It isn't." He disagreed.
"It is." Rick repeated. "The dead don't rule us. The world doesn't look like this outside your walls. People don't have it as good. Some people don't have it good at all."
"I have to worry about my people." Ezekiel gave his answer.
"You call yourself a damn king. You sure as hell don't act like one." Daryl told him.
"All of this... came at a cost." King Ezekiel approached him, Natalia was getting antsy, the last thing they needed was Daryl fighting the man. "It was lives, arms, legs." He turned back to Rick. "The peace we have with the Saviours is uneasy, but it is peace. I have to hold on to it. I have to try. Although the Kingdom cannot grant you the aid you desire, the King is sympathetic to your plight. I offer our friends Daryl and Natalia asylum as long as they require it. They will both be safe here. The Saviours do not set foot inside our walls."
"How long do you think that's gonna last?" Daryl asked him, he then walked off.
The others followed him.
Natalia caught up to walk with him, she was boiling with rage, but she was disappointed, it looked like a losing battle.
"Hey." Daryl tapped her arm with the back of his, noticing the downcast expression on her face. "We're gonna win this, they're gonna die, he's gonna rot in hell, for everything he put us through, through everything he put you through, I promise."
"I know." But she didn't sound all too convincing.
"So, the Kingdom has to get involved, or the Saviours will always be in charge." Richard's conversation with Rick and Morgan caught their attention as they fell back to walk with them. "It isn't about soldiers. We're making them stronger. The more food we give them, the more arms, the more everything, everyday any of us give them something, they become harder and harder to beat."
"All right, open it up. We're gone." Daryl told the people at the gate.
They listened, opening up the large doors.
"You're not." Rick told him as the others walked out. "Neither of you." He gestured to Natalia as well.
"We ain't staying here."
"You have to. It's the smartest play. You know it is."
"Rick, I have to get home, I need to." Natalia told him. "What about Evie and Sul- I have to get home." She had briefly forgot about what had happened at the gates of Alexandria, her heart hurting all over again at the memory.
"No, you need to be here. Try to talk to Ezekiel." He then looked at Daryl. "Or stare him into submission. Whatever it takes. We'll be back soon."
"But I promised her, I have to." Natalia tried. "She needs me."
"You know exactly what will happen if you go back, I'm not letting that happen, we're taking care of her, she's safe, and we're gonna make sure it stays that way, I'll make sure of it, you have my word."
Natalia's shoulders dropped as Daryl slid a finger into her belt loop, keeping her there, he wasn't happy about it either, but Rick was right.
Michonne ran back to them.
"Give it here." She told Natalia.
"What?" Natalia asked her.
"The certificate, you guys are gonna be legal by the time you get back to us, I promise. Mr and Mrs Dixon." She teased, smiling at the pair.
"Oh my god." Natalia dug through her jeans, grabbing the piece of paper, passing it to her friend.
"I love you, both of you, stay here." She kissed each of their heads, shoving the folded up bit of paper in her pocket. "Stay here, don't do anything rash." She pointed at the woman.
"She ain't gonna." Daryl assured.
Rick and Michonne then left the gates as they shut behind them, leaving the two there.
"We're gonna kill him." Natalia said.
"Yes, we will." Daryl agreed.
"Babe, come on, I wanna go see those baby goats." She stared ahead, her expression was still frustrated as she headed for the animals, Daryl followed.
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sublimecatgalaxy · 2 years
Friends with benefits situation and Daryl accidentally got Reader pregnant (oopsie!). One time she overheard his conversation with someone so she confronted him saying: why do you feel the need to specify we're just friends?
And yes, feel free to do angst.
Love love love love love. I didn't do so much angst because I couldn't imagine a situation where he genuinely meant it in a confrontational or mean manner so I hope this is okay :) Plus it's really late and I'm so tired.
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Everyone citizen in Hilltop knows the reason why I'm so moody and swollen and that it's due to the man who stops by our settlement every other week just to check in on me. They've watched my belly grow over the last few months, my legs beginning to waddle as I make my way to the farm every day to salvage any of the usable crops, barely being able to bend over without the supervision of someone else there with me.
I think that, at first, every assumed that I had a husband or a partner, especially with how confident I've felt about my pregnancy this whole time. But over time, people watched Daryl and I interact and realized that he was indeed the daddy and their gazes switched at some point from something resembling pleasant shock to naive judgment.
I can see the wandering eyes, especially from Maggie and Jesus, as Daryl and I greet each other awkwardly at the gate every time that he stops by, sharing a weird and uncomfortable side hug. It's weird to answer questions about the baby and our future especially when there was never an intended future between us. We were having fun- a bit too much fun- and now we're stuck with something that'll bond us together forever.
It's not the worst idea of a life for me, but to him? To him it's probably comparable to prison.
We've been friends since his old group found me at the quarry, broken and scared as can be. He was strong and protective, something and someone that I found comfort in and he found the same in me. We didn't actually start sleeping with each other till we settled in Alexandria and realized how much more we could actually find in one another. It was more than sex- it was comfort and passion in an otherwise pretty cold and unforgiving world.
"W-Well who is she to you? She takes up a lot of time and energy with our doctor, barely pulls her weight-" Gregory starts but I hear Daryl grunt under his breath and the hair on my neck sticks up, my eyes fluttering shut to hear their words through the wooden door.
"She ain't n0thing special to me- a friend." My heart drops, my eyes opening as my whole body droops in disappointment, my frown deepening as I continue to listen. "That's all. If you need the man power, I'm willin' to help out. Jus' stop giving her trouble." There's still a sense of protectiveness in his voice, regardless of the friend zone that he just put me in, and in fills me with the same sense of comfort, knowing that he'll always have my back when I need it.
Suddenly, the door creaks open and I trip into it, sending me into the room and down onto my knees in front of the two men. I look up at them, winded, with a bashful smile, trying to think of a way to get me out of this without telling the two of them that I was eavesdropping.
But there's no getting out of it, especially when Gregory just scoffs and Daryl's head tips back with a small smirk on his lips. He knows full well that I would never just let two men decide my fate in where I live and what I do, especially if it's revolving around a pregnancy that I could've done nothing to control.
"I was eavesdropping but only because I hate men talking about me behind my back." I force myself to my feet, holding the underside of my belly as neither men make any move to help me to my feet. I frown at the both of them, watching Gregory just fall back into his seat with a small sigh.
"I'll talk with Maggie and Jesus. Maybe they can shift your skills elsewhere, somewhere other than the garden." Gregory mutters before waving Daryl and I off, silently shooing us out of his office. I watch Daryl hesitantly as we step out of the office and into the privacy of the hall and I don't waste a moment before speaking my mind.
"Why do you feel the need to specify we're just friends?" I ask with a small pout and his back stiffens visually at the comment, his hand reaching up to run his fingers through his hair, my eyes following his every move.
"Gregory ain't gotta know our business. Doesn't matter what he thinks." He shrugs simple, taking a step closer to me as my chin tilts to gaze up at him through my lashes, still, a disappointed frown on my lips.
"Are we just friends?" I ask nervously, swaying on my swollen feet as Daryl laughs a bit under his breath, hair falling in his eyes as he shakes his head.
"You havin' my kid, aren't you?" He asks and I nod, my hands still soothing over my aching stomach, catching the way his eyes flutter down to look at my hands. "Then how 'bout you answer that question." He whispers, voice comfortingly low as he reaches out, his fingers brushing against mine.
"I'd say we're more than friends." I chuckle, thinking back to all the times that we've passed the line of typical friends and how quickly we've slipped back into just being and acting like friends for the sake of those around us.
"Then we're more than friends." He shrugs simply, as if I just clarified our whole relationship in one simple sentence, defining our relationship as 'more than friends' which would be obvious to anyone paying the slightest bit of attention to the two of us. "Don't know where you got the idea that I've got any say or any opinions about this." He laughs, reaching out to pat my stomach gently before pressing a gentle kiss to my temple as he makes his way past me. "You're in charge."
-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- Taglist: @bubblebuttwade @rafelover2405 @leslienjazzy @sorceresss @grxnde-dwt @alex–awesome–22 @bunnietoof @niyamar1e @serialghost @plantlungs @geniusohn @akaliltimmytim @lilaalouuxx @xshariex @elliotsbeigeguitar @elle4404 @lelieja @srhxpci @joselyn001 @taysirene @spinkspanther @thedivineuphoria @peter-maximoffs @tsukishimawhore @poohkie90 @szlaco @distantsighs @nstyles4299 @wolflover384 @givemefoodandlovesstuff @vane28282 @yeswhatever33 @amirrahfranson @vvaalleennttiinna @f-mu @yaspillz @jeyramarie @skylievin@abbybarnes17 @jointherebellion215 @visiondaddy @steezysimfinds @its-ya-gay-boi-luigi
@crunchytoenailsyum@glizzymcguirex @beth123lg @melovesmut @rafecameronswhore @ariianelle @write-from-the-heart @vampviolets@haylee-e@popehaywardssecretgf @honee-chai-tea @lokiandbuckywife @smoke-and-fire @officiallyunofficialperson@heyaitsklaudia@rosepetalsparks @bluetreecloud20 @scenesofobx @double-shot-of-tequila @1dluver13xx @colbysbrocks @iamasimpingh0e @smoke-and-fire386 @loveshineslikethesky @id-3-kbro @diorsitgirl @errorfound101-allideasburnedout @neverwillknowme18 @ellyskey @taylors-folk @loversjoy @myaloveee @thyris-is @lagataprrr @aaaaslaaaan @minjix @luvrosee @storytellingwitht @savageneversaw
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cdyssey · 1 year
Abbott 2.22 Reactions:
I can’t believe we’ve reached the finale. 😭 I’m not ready to be without Abbott for a while.
“I don’t know how to leave this conversation.” - Gregory Eddie repeating something I think to myself every single day.
“All thirteen essential vitamins.” Snsjdjsjsjsjs, I love him.
Night at the Museum!!!
“I take all of your recommendations seriously. I want to know why you like stuff.” If someone ever said this to me, I’d probably marry them right then and there.
Melissa’s baseball bat that she can’t sleep without. Actually, I’m going to go feral about that detail!!! Her hypervigilance. A way to defend herself always has to be within reach.
ANSNDNDN, waiting for the bell. What does Barb have in her bag?!?
Maurice!! I love him. The way he delivers his lines is so funny.
Janine and the talking head about not wanting to be selfish. The break in her voice. It makes me think about the fact that she knows what it’s like to have grown up with a selfish person, and so she’s probably terrified to ever be selfish in her own life. She doesn’t distinguish between being a remorselessly selfish person and doing one selfish thing.
Janine shutting Gregory out instead of communicating. :(
Mel having beef with the tour guide ANAJSNSJSJDJ. GOD. I love you.
That jumpsuit that Ava is wearing is impeccable. My God.
Watching all these kids play is so lovely.
“You seem completely unaffected by the cutest thing I’ve taught a child.” Lmfao.
Gregory wanting to stay in Philly for the summer because of Janine.
Barbara needing to be in a private room!!
“That’s the name she remembers?” AKQJQKWJSNSJ. HELP ME.
“It’s no wonder that your dad is a landscaper with the way that you beat around the bush.” I love Jacob being the biggest Teddie supporter. 😭 He’s also dropping some incredibly good relationship advice.
Ava looking out for Teddie too by pairing Janine and Gregory up. ;w;
“All the time. My grandma called me selfish this morning.” ANWKWKOQJDDJ.
“Because I like you, Janine.” 😭
“Melissa, I would never ask you to take Barbara out.” AKQKQKOQOQOEDJJSSJ. Ava’s out here really helping all the ships tonight.
Barbara having only been recently diagnosed with sleep apnea, so she didn’t have the machine when Mel and Barb shared a room at PECSA.
“I’m obviously very particular about how I present myself, so I tried to hide it.” That’s it. That’s Barbara Howard in a nutshell.
Mel saying behind and making sure Barb is okay. 😭 Those are my work wives.
“You’re aging with dignity.” SOBBING. I LOVE THEM. This is this season’s “Like fine wine and Stanley Tucci” moment.
“I like you too. Like, a lot.” In the heart room no less.
Both of them admitting to having liked each other from the very beginning. So, so sweet.
“Multi-presidential-term relationship.” JAJWDJDNSN. Incredible line.
“It changed how I feel about me.”
“… and I cannot lose that friend.” This conversation is breaking my goddamn heart. It’s so real and unflinching, confronting the reality of what it means to love someone you work with day-in and day-out. It’s terrifying to possibly upend what already works well between you.
Another bro hug. 😭 I’m actually fucking tender.
That kid going “absolutely” to Barb ANSNDJFNS.
The tender, longing glances Teddie give to each other before going to sleep.
“Work for free?” / “Yeah, you’re really not from Philly, aren’t you, hon?” Never change, Melissa.
“I guess I’m not ready for him, but that’s okay. I’m okay,” she says in the emptiest, most desolate voice.
What a precious and bittersweet finale. I love all these characters so, so much, and I’m going to miss them. 😭
Favorite Moment: That last conversation between Janine and Gregory in the heart room. It was so honest and painful.
Funniest Moment: LMAO, everyone freaking out at Barb with her CPAP machine.
Work Wives Watch: Mel lingering behind to check up on Barb and let her know that she’s aging with dignity. God. 😭
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sirsnortsalot · 11 months
YOUR TAGS ON THEEEE TOM LOOKING AT GREG ACROSS THE AISLE POST I DSDJKSDJSKJDJKS we shake hands that ep is my entire life for so many reasons i hhhhhhhhhhh. tom's suit being called a gregory. the two of them dressed in black and white when greg says "i do" true to marriage tradition. the fact that when tom sits down in front of greg he literally looks like he's getting on one knee. the way their knees are touching. the way they are sitting so close. the way the two waiters in the background are playfully smacking each other on the ass with towels and both greg and tom look at them wistfully before talking like god i wish that were us. the way greg teases tom a little with the well... keeping him hanging on a little bit. the way greg says "of course". the way their conversation [in that connor asks willa if she really wants this, bc she's kind of giving up her soul wrt money and she says yes i am and i do like the security and wealth but she also likes connor for himself, and connor talks about the age gap!!! and discrepancy in their positions and how they met and came to be and how everyone is always making fun of him/their relationship but she takes him serious and confirms she does want it and then they giggle and laugh it off just like a certain other couple] and body position mirrors connor and willa as well as the cinematography/shots who do actually get married in 4x03 [alone. without the siblings there. almost like a secret ish wedding. hmmm]. the way that nb said 'they wish they were getting married' and the way these mfs act you Know that's actually true and real. the way tom drops the "sporus". the way that after they shake hands, greg's arms twitch out as if to hug tom but then he decides against it bc he's not sure if tom would like that and he doesn't want to ruin this, because everybody else shrinks away from his touch or is disgusted by him but tom opens his arms and greg leaps at the chance, taking tom's shoulders and pulling him in slightly and hugging him tightly, tom literally jostled by the force of the hug.
i Think about the "come with me, sporus" scene a lot.
Oh my god y e s just that one scene felt like peak tomgreg in like 1000 ways 
ESPECIALLY because it’s right after shiv calls tom and tells him about her plan and his IMMEDIATE reaction being “okay, this is my chance to finally hit her where it hurts after her ‘death-by-1000-cuts’-ing me for years, but first i need to make sure greg is safe and on my side” like BEFORE anything else (just checked the script books and greg walks over to him RIGHT after he gets off the phone with shiv, no time to think about anything else) AND THEN ”SPORUS” AND THEN THE MOST ROMANTIC SCENE THAT HAPPENS IN THE (WEDDING) EPISODE AND THEN TOM ‘KILLING’ HIS WIFE I JUST. AUGH THE NERO & SPORUS SHIT MAKES ME GO BATSHIT ISTG HFSKJGHDFKJGHJDFKGHDRKJHY (also while I was in the script books I saw that the hug was unscripted??? It was meant to be just the handshake??? Just like the forehead kiss was unscripted too??? Matthew Mcfadyen is an absolute GODSEND (& nb I guess but yknow) for just ADDING those in UNPROMPTED he’s such a tg truther oml) 
Also can you IMAGINE how greg must've felt at the beginning of the tomshivorce, seeing him and tom going out together to hook up w random models or whatever (i think they were playing it up quite a bit and just wanted to spend time with each other but yknow)  and having the realisation somewhere that “do you wanna come with me, sporus” AND THEN THIS could have been referring to tom wanting to be with greg? Like we know greg knows the story, and we know he knows that tom betrayed shiv and he knows that the tomshivorce is resulting in tom getting a lot closer with him very quickly and he’s not stupid, he can put 2 and 2 together and see himself getting remodelled into the romantic partner for tom that shiv isn’t anymore for him, AND HE DOESN’T SHY AWAY FROM IT! LIKE LOOK AT 4X01, IS THAT THE BODY LANGUAGE AND BEHAVIOURS OF SOMEONE WHO IS AVOIDING THE PHYSICAL AND EMOTIONAL PRESENCE OF TOM WAMBSGANS FBSKJGHDFJGDFKJY
(i will never shut up about the timeskip <3)
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coolmomacchiato · 2 years
T&B2 Cour 2 Theory (Part III)
Kotetsu will go “rogue” and form a vigilante hero duo with Lunatic Part I Part II
We already had one hero fall victim to Gregory, causing mass destruction where the hero was the only collateral damage
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This leads me to believe that two things could happen: 1. Kotetsu will fall victim to Gregory (perhaps while trying to protect someone else – his daughter?), and due to the nature of a haywire Hundred Power, this will result in the death of someone (probably Gregory Sunshine himself), resulting in him getting convicted and losing his Hero license. 2. Aware that the TRUE threat still lurks, and frustrated by the (corrupt? ) bureaucracy of the decision, Kotetsu takes things into his own hands.
After all, we know that he tends to shirk what is “lawful” in order to pursue what he feels is Justice (just like Lunatic himself). For example, when he goes to investigate Barnaby’s accident on his own despite strict orders not to do so from Agnes and Yuri
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So how does this bring us to LL Audun and Lunatic? First of all, back in episode 8 when Thomas is looking at the LL Audun exhibit, the mention of Hundred Power is framed boldly underneath his name – one of the few legible things within the shot
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Then we have his costume, which bears certain design elements that are similar to Kotetsu's crapsuit in particular (excuse my very bad attempts at pointing them out):
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Also, both the LL Audun logo and his pose (which is basically the Wakanda pose) can make a “W”. On this note, stylistically, two “L’s” also make a “W”.
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So the question becomes – what could motivate Kotetsu enough to not only go the “rogue” route, but take up the LL Audun mantle in particular, and team up with Lunatic while doing it?
Well! Coming back to the theme S2 is setting up regarding filial piety – as we know, Lunatic was Mr. Legend’s son, and was a victim of his abuse. Perhaps at some point, Kotetsu learns that the man who was once his idol (who his original crapsuit was DESIGNED after, in fact!) – the one who represents the very backbone of Justice in Stern Bild – was not only a hero to a corrupted city, but a villain to his own son.
This would be an extremely distressing revelation for the Kotetsu we see in S2, who’s key interpersonal conflict will be his relationship with his daughter, and the question both she (and Yuri) asked him earlier -  WHY is he continuing to be a Hero?
To add to this, T&B2 co-writer Erika Yoshida made this tweet about episode 7: “It's a wild obnoxious thing to say, but it's also the time to contrast Kotetsu and Yuri in terms of their parent-child relationship. You know, like the scars related to the palm of the hand. The way they interact with each other. And congratulations to Muramasa! (Be happy!)” https://twitter.com/yorikoko/status/1528010899826438144
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If the threat is big and personal enough – for example, a danger to those he loves, then Kotetsu would stop at nothing to protect them from that danger. With the suits owned by Apollon (as referenced in episode 3) and the nanotech potentially having the ability to lock users out, then Kotetsu – a man who seems quite attached to symbolism – would have to turn back to his old crapsuit. Only why would he want to bear the symbolism of a corrupted justice he no longer wishes to uphold – that of Mr. Legend? Instead, wouldn’t it be only natural for him to turn instead to Mr. Legend’s greatest rival – LL Audun?
As for Yuri: We know that he, like Kotetsu, has a very strong sense of justice that is at odds with the law. If he were to become that he works for a corrupted Justice Department, that would certainly serve as motivation for him to take up the mantle of Lunatic once again. Only – with the theme of the “buddy system”, and Yuri coming around to the idea at the end, understanding its value enough to burn his dissolution plan at the end of Cour 1 – perhaps he won’t act alone.
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Perhaps both he and the rogue Wild Tiger will form their own vigilante buddy duo, fulfilling the LL Audun/Wild Tiger and Mr. Legend/Yuri parallel, forcing each of them to confront the very foundations of their belief systems and what it means to be a hero (and a father). So that Kotetsu can finally answer Kaede’s question: Why are you a hero?
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alphaman99 · 5 months
FTA: Wilson’s attorney general at the time, Thomas Watt Gregory, strongly encouraged Americans to spy on each other, to become “volunteer detectives” and report every suspicion to the Justice Department. In a matter of months, the department was receiving about 1,500 accusations of disloyalty every single day.
Postmaster General Albert S. Burleson jumped into the cause with both feet, ordering that local postmasters send him any publications they discovered that might “embarrass” the government. The Post Office began destroying certain mail instead of delivering it, even banning certain magazines altogether. An issue of one periodical was outlawed for no more reason than it suggested the war be paid for by taxes instead of loans.
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xyrothmuse · 2 years
This is my version of my beloved OTP. Let me explain.
1. Christophe likes both women and men, he just doesn't see himself as very involved with the community so he doesn't know or like labels very much, so there is no clear sexuality for him. He doesn't like to talk about it either.
2. They are both very versatile with each other, emotionally and sexually. That's why I think they both can perfectly be the big spoon or the little spoon, however, Gregory has a tendency to get wrapped up in Christophe's strong arms.
3. They don't have the same style so, in general, I don't think they would lend each other clothes but I still think Gregory would wear Chris's pajamas.
4. Gregory uses a lot of pet names with everyone, ironically or not. Chris on the other hand only uses sweet french nicknames w/ Gregory.
5. Christophe is reserved. Gregory loves attention but appreciates his own solitude.
6. Both show love by doing things for each other, they hardly talk about their feelings. Chris scratches wooden animals for Gregory and Gregory gives Mole caresses and kisses.
7. Christophe never thought he had a chance with Gregory so Gregory had to confess first.
8. They both hate insects. Gregory is disgusted by them, Chris just finds them annoying.
9. They're both oblivious jerks, always getting traffic tickets.
10. Christophe knows a little about french home cooking, he won't let Gregory cook his greasy british food.
11. They prefer to keep their love to themselves, however, Gregory likes to hold Chris' hand in public.
12. They are mercenaries and are always in danger. They both care a lot about each other
13. Gregory was flirtatious but not very promiscuous, his partners were very specific people. Chris barely had a fuck-buddy relationship for a while.
14. Chris is very horny but Gregory tends to be more kinky.
15. Years of ballet, chess and debate club made Gregory very calculating, so it is very rare for him to be clumsy. Christophe, on the other hand, is an idiot in love.
16. Ironically Gregory is more insecure than Chris and always feels threatened by other people when they approach HIS boyfriend.
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Can you do like a fanfiction where hellPark Gregory is getting tickled by hellpark stan?
Of course!! Btw I saw the drawing requests, I'll try to do them as soon as possible!
INFO Lee!Gregory (Hellpark) Ler!Stan (Hellpark)
"Tickle the rudeness out"
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After a long time of "war" between Craig's and Gregory's gang, it's finally over. No more killing, no more traumas. At least, not between them. This truce is a relieve to both of the groups, since ones don't want to die and others don't want to be bothered with that. The only ones who got either mad or sad was Pip, who would end up breaking it at some point. What happened to him wasn't Gregory's problem, the other one who almost refused to agree.
"Even Estella it's okay with it, why wouldn't you? Don't be such a pussy!"
It's what Damien said to him, to finally make him understand a deal it's a deal. Sadly, he couldn't do anything. If the king says, the others listen. It's simple.
After a few days, Tweek wanted to visit Craig, and since even Pip knows what he's able to do, somebody needed to take care of him. Of course… Gregory. Why not him? The perfect person to be a babysitter… …or not.
Either way, he agreed with it. He needed some distraction, and besides, Craig and his group weren't that bad. According to him: they're pathetic. Nothing more, nothing less.
"You know where his house is, right?"
Asked Gregory, while walking with Tweek.
"Of course! I was summoned there, y'know…"
The reason of the question was that… they obviously weren't going to Craig's house. Actually, this place was kinda familiar. A bad type of familiar.
"Then where the hell are we going."
His voice tone changed drastically, making the other scared a bit.
"W-Well, you see… his parents are in his house, and the things we need to talk about are, uh… personal."
"So you're going to make out infront of me. So elegant."
This conclusion made Tweek's face get red almost instantly.
"NONONONO! Of course not!! Actually, Craig said he would call a friend so you won't be alone!"
Silence. Obviously he's not that nice. There's something going on there.
"I already regret."
And finally, after all of this, they saw where they would stay. The worst option of them all. Stan's house.
"Tweek… I hate you so, so much."
He smirked awfully and knocked, waiting for someone to come. Not a minute later, the door open, with an evil laugh and incredibly annoying look coming from the house's owner.
"Oh, h-hi Stan-"
"Craig is in my room, you guys can enter."
And immediately gave them space to go, having himself a space in the couch.
Nobody was in the house, just them. While Craig and Tweek chatted in the bedroom, Gregory and Stan decided to stay in the living room. The only sound coming from there was the TV, because if it depended on them, the place would be completely quiet. They may not be trying to kill each other right now, but the hate still exists. Well, atleast in Gregory's side. But at some point, Stan got tired from doing nothing.
"Hey Greg-"
Interrupted, showing the face of his palm.
"But I-"
Four words. Just four words and the boy with blue cap was already angry.
"Look man, I'm trying to start something here-"
"I still hate you, Stan Marsh. So DON'T talk to me."
His little 'fancy ass talking' made everything worse. He wanted to punch this blonde boy so much, but if he did, it would be like giving up on the truce. Besides, he would die for sure. So… what else?
"Gregory, I'll try one more time. And if you interrupt me again, I will…"
The demon was ready to do it.
And slowly, the hand and his face were almost touching. This wasn't just increasing the anger, but also making him nervous.
"…I'll tickle this fucking rudeness out of you!"
"You'll what?"
Stan didn't even think of what he would say, but in the end, it seemed to be a good idea.
"Y-Yeah! You heard me, little prince."
"This is ridiculous. Really fits you."
"I wouldn't be so tough if I were you."
This phrase got Greg's attention.
"Was this a threat?"
Stan approached, with an evil smile in their face.
That face. That damn face. He was so confident, so sure of himself, so... irritating.
"You little shit..."
And just right after, his arm couldn't move anymore, and a tingly sensation past through his body.
"Little what?"
And in matter of seconds, Stan's body was above, preventing him from running away or defend himself properly.
Even though it didn't tickled that much, Gregory always used to be exaggerated, a real drama queen. And not-so surprinsingly, the other knew it very well.
"Stop being so dramatic Greg's, this don't even tickles that much."
Just a little tickling in the armpits made them scream like a little girl. A shame for the one being tickled, and pure comedy for the tickler.
"PFFft, what type of scream is that?"
"No no Gregory, no using your powers on humans, remember? You must obey the rules~"
His hands kept switching positions between his armpits, ribs and sides, so this made things a little worse. 'Should I protect my sides? But what if he tickles my ribs instead?' These thoughts came all in one, so in the end he couldn't avoid anything. He became a giggly and squirmy mess.
"Huh? Other? Like... another place? 'Kay. If you say so."
Stan stopped a bit just to take a look at his ticklish spots. This was the perfect opportunity to knock him out and just run, and Gregory obviously knew that. He prepared his punch, got up, and when was finally about to free himself... felt a hug.
"What the..."
This is weird. Definitely weird.
"Let me fucking go you miserable rat!"
The black haired guy smirked.
"Still not out, I see."
And slowly got the fingers into his back, moving them in a silly way.
The demon was strong, even without his powers he could find a way to find a way to get out, but the ticklishness was just... stronger. His arms and legs got weak.
"Say sorry and this is over, man. Pretty easy, isn't it?"
One or two minutes passed and even Marsh didn't understood why he didn't said anything yet. Gregory may be arrogant, but when it's something they don't like, he give up. Stan thought that maybe it was a spot too 'dangerous', but even when Greg was just giggly, didn't said a thing.
The tickling continued for a while, until Stan stopped suddenly.
"Hahahah... hah... uh... huh?"
...silence. An awful silence.
Gregory stared with a confusing expression, like someone who wanted it to continue. But then, he finally remembered: That's Stan Marsh.
"D-Don't touch me anymore!"
With the space given, the boy got up and walked away, with a shy yet surprising face. 'He didn't realized it.', thought. It was a relieve.
"That's it! I'm calling Estella to take care of Tweek and I'll-"
"...you seemed happy."
He noticed. He noticed that Gregory was actually having fun.
"E-Excuse me?! This was pure sexual harassment! How DARE you say something..."
A teasy smile grew in Stan's face. He crossed his arms, and did an EXTREMELY visible eye contact.
"C'mon. Confess."
These seconds staring at each other seemed like hours for the one who got tickled just a moment ago. Yes, Stan was right. Completely right. But, if the tickler wasn't him... everything would be easier. Would be better.
And finally, after all this time, Craig and Tweek came back. Didn't came when Greg was screaming and laughing, but came now. Better now than never.
"Finally! Tweek, let's go RIGHT. NOW."
Said Gregory, pulling the other by his arm with a little delicacy so he wouldn't hurt him.
"Wha- What happened? And what was all these noises down here? Did he hurt you?"
The same with a red and angry face opened the door and left, leaving in quick steps.
"Nothing, you don't need to know and no, now let's go."
Craig waved slowly, seeing the both of them leaving in a rush. He closed the door and made company to Stan in the couch, changing the TV channel to something more interesting.
"Hey Craig."
"What's that thing that you and Tweek talked about? Like, to the point you needed to come to my house."
Craig lay down on where he was, with a little smile and bored face.
"Nothing that matters. I just wanted that bastard to suffer in your hands."
Stan cracked a little.
"Then you failed."
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marshslovedone · 18 days
Can you please write Damien x Christophe x y/n <333 I’ve been wondering how that ship would work
I’m simping rn 😭😭
teehee ofc ofc ‼️ that’s an odd pair but I ain’t complaining 💕
CW: smoking
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Polyam relationship w/ reader, Damien and Christophe hc
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Okay so you probably knew damien longer than christophe since damien ACTUALLY attended to the school and christophe was just..there to help stan and kyle if i remember correctly
When you met christophe, you thought he was a very mysterious little fella and wanted to be his friend which surprisingly he accepted
christophe knew it was love at first sight with you. You were so kind and caring and he fell HARD for you. He even told gregory which gregory sat there annoyed because he technically just lost the girl he liked (wendy)
When Damien found out he was LIVID!! he didn’t want others to like you. You were his!! You were his first friend ever!! He didn’t like it when you talked about christophe
You were kinda obviously to the fact the two boys liked you so one day you invited the both of them to your home which they both agreed without realizing they were going to see each other for the first time
When they arrived christophe almost left. He heard some things about damien from Gregory and pip, mainly pip, and so he HATED damien.
You were able to convince him not to leave but he left to the backyard to smoke which made you sad. So you looked at damien who had a angry face as he goes up to talk to you
“Why is he here Y/N!?”
“He’s my friend damien! You two need to meet and get along!!”
It took a lot of convincing to get them to finally talk. Which they say glaring at each other. So mainly you did the talking which then you accidentally let it out that you have a crush on the two of them
They both look at you in shock which they looked at each other and smirked. They went to tease you about it. They weren’t mad, matter of fact they were happy you at least felt the same about them
They kept teasing you for a few minutes before they both went to hug you close to them which this was kinda the start of the relationship !!
You guys didn’t have to say it. All of your actions speak louder than words. They love visiting you and help make dinner. If you’re making pasta Christophe comes behind you to wrap his arms around your waist and kisses your neck
Damien loves seeing get vulnerable under their touch, so he comes over to steal your attention to kiss you !!
Now for damien and christophe they gotten used to each other and have stuff in common. There was one night when you left and they stayed in your room waiting for you to come back they looked at each other and kissed
it was a soft and slow kiss but it was still enjoyable. Ever since then, they’ve been kissing each other at the most random times
Like they kiss before bed, after dinner, when they both are outside, and more!! Oh and damien also likes to light Christophe’s cigarettes for him :3
The first time you saw them kiss, you genuinely thought you were dreaming but then soon realized they finally got along with each other
Over all they absolutely love each other they became “enemies” to lovers bc of you!! And you three absolutely love each other presence and are happy <3
✩.・*:。≻───── ⋆🎀⋆ ─────.•*:。✩
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geooricle · 2 years
Sandman Season 1 DC history connections, mythology references and real world history references masterpost:
- The Magdalen Grimmiore used by Roderick Bergess to attempt to imprison Death will later be used by another occultist to attempt to summon a demon to possess the resurrected body of Green Arrow.
- Rodrick Bergess is said to be a rival of Aliater Crowley, a real world occultist and Satanist, credited with the quote "To do as thou wilt will be the whole of the law."
- Morphius' helm looks somewhat like a gas mask- this is a referance to Wesly Dodds the first Sandman and member of the Justice Society of America.
- Morpheus' ruby is the Panharmonicon, a weapon used by classic Justice League villan Doctor Destiny, who had power over dreams.
- The "sleeping sickness" or encephalitis lethargica epidemic was a real historical event.
- Westly Dodds, the Golden Age Sandman, was inspired to take this vigalante identity due to strange dreams caused by Morphius' imprisonment.
- When Morphius escapes his imprisonment and returns to the Dreaming, he encounters Cain and Abel, dwelling in the House of Secrets and House of Mysteries respectively. While this seems to just be a biblical refeeance, it actually references the classic DC horror anthology comic, Abel's House of Secrets, in which Abel and his pet gargoyle Gregory served as hosts and a framing device for the stories. Abel would be murdered at the end of each comic.
- The Dreaming has two intricately carved sets of gates, one made of horn and the other of ivory. This is a referance to Roman folklore, which said that true dreams passed through the gates of ivory and false dreams pass through the gates of horn.
- Morpheus summons the Fates/Furies/Norns/Hecate/Three Faces of Eve. This is a referance to the recurring theme of the Triple Godess throughout human mythology, bringing them together here as a single being.
- The Fates mention Cerce, who is both a figure from Greek mythology and a Wonder Woman villan. Cerce is usually a servant of Hecate in the Wonder Woman mythos so it's odd that the Fates would referance her as an enemy.
- The Maiden tells Morphius to ask John Constantine about his bag of sand. Constantine is the main charicter of the Vertigo series Hellblazer. In the show this is Johanna Constantine but the interactions and dialogue between her and Morpheus are unchanged.
- The Crone tells Morpheus to ask the Justice League where to find his ruby, and we briefly see an image of Batman and Green Lantern bringing Doctor Destiny to justice.
- John Constantine speaks about having nightmares about the "Newcastle incident" where his botched attempt to banish a demon by summoning another demon resulted in the death of a child. We see these events much more explicitly in the series.
- Mathew the Raven does not appear until volume 2 in the comic, but in the series he is braught in sooner so Morpheus has someone to talk out loud to. Mathiew Cable was previously a human charicter from Swamp Thing, a Department of Defence agent and husband of Swamp Thing's later love interest Abigail Arcane.
- When Morpheus enters Hell, he encounters Etrogan the rhyming demon, the main charicter of the DC series the Demon.
- Morpheus finds Hell to be ruled by a triumvirate consisting of Lucifer, Azazel and Bielzibub, which surprises him as before his imprisonment Lucifer was an absolute monarch. This is consistent with depictions of Hell as ruled by three 'Hell-Lords' in both Hellblazer and Superman. In Hellblazer, they are simply called the First, Second and Third of the Fallen.
- The last form Cherizon (Lucifer in the series) takes in the Oldest Game is that of Anti-Life. The Anti-Life Equation is part of Jack Kirby's Fourth World mythos, and is the power the evil alien god Darkseid seeks in order to gain multiversal dominance.
- Jon Dee is the Justice League villan Doctor Destiny and is held in Arkham Asylum from the Batman mythos. During his breakout he runs across the Batman villan Scarecrow, who is completely unconcerned about Jon's plans for world dominiation, having recognised the pattern of the Asylum inmates' existence he knows Jon will be back behind bars at the end of the story.
- When Morpheus arrives at the Justice League's headquarters, he does so in the dreams of Mister Miracle, another character from the Fourth World Mythos, and we see that charicters origin story played out in dream.
- Morpheus also encounters Martian Manhubter while in the JLA headquarters, and J'Onn recognises Morpheus as "lord L'Zoril of the Slumbering Flame" seeing him as a Martian, in the same way Nada sees him as an African man. A referance is made to J'Onn's fondness for oreos.
- In the storage room where the ruby is held along with other detritus from the old JLA satellite, we see reference to many old JLA adventures including items that belonged to the Key and Music Master. We even see the deactivated form of an Amazo android.
- Zelda and Chantel are based on real people Neil Gaimen met once.
- Inside Jed Walker's dreams we meet Brute and Glob. These are supporting charicters from the previous Sandman series.
- We also meet the third superhero Sandman; Hector Hall who replaced the previous Sandman Garrett Sandford after his death. Later it will be retconned that Hector Hall was a relative of Carter Hall, Hawkman. Unknown to both Garret and Hector, they are not truly battling against human nightmares but fakes created by Brute and Glob.
- We also meet Hector's pregnant wife, Lyta Hall, the superheroine Fury. Lyta's full first name is Hypolita because prior to the Crisis on Infinate Earths event she was Hypolita Trevour, the daughter of the Dianna Prince (Wonder Woman) and Steve Trevour of Earth-2. Post-crisis she was given a new backstory, but still wears her Fury costume in the dream.
- In the series, Jed wears the Sandman costume worn in the comics by Garrett and Hector. In his dream headquarters we see action figures of several DC heroes including Flash and Batman, and images on the screens of many villains associated with those heroes like the Trickster, the Pied Piper and Psycho-Pirate.
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Please Hold Me Close|Autistic House/Wilson|2|
House sighs as he looks at Cuddy, “What are you hiding House” House looks at her and smirks, “I hide my porn under a board on my floor” He barks, he and Wilson had been in a relationship for a year now, yet they still act like they ‘use’ each other, there is using but the ‘using’ is desired by both of them, both the touch starved men knew to hide their love towards the other in the office, and in their shared home, they felt safe enough to show their love.
“That’s not what I meant,” she crosses her arms, “I meant with you and Wilson, your both acting like you're in a relationship,” she states, as she says this an unknowing Wilson walks in with House’s favorite chocolates “Hey Gregory have you seen my blue tie?” House’s eyes snap to Wilson “No, maybe it’s in your-” Wilson is wearing that Mcgill sweatshirt, Cuddy completely forgotten by House , he smirks at Wilson “Hey James, look up darling”
 Wilson looks up to see his tie tied to a mistletoe, ( I love this concept okay?) Wilson’s face curls in a smile, his face red hot. “House!” Wilson pulls House into him and kisses him. Cuddy stares at the two “Mhem” House and Wilson look up, “Shit,” House looks at her and then at Wilson. “Can I get the clorofoam?” Wilson doesn’t say anything but he looks at Cuddy with wide eyes, “Lisa, it’s- Exactly what it looks like- me and House- Are-n't- in a relationship-” House interrupts and kisses Wilson more with love, "House!” Wilson laughs.
"So this is what you've been hiding?" House brings Wilson closer to him. "Yep," He cuddles into Wilson “I love him,” House states since it was obvious there was no way of getting out of this.
Wilson swallows. “Yeah, w-w-we’ve been i-in a rela-ationship for a while now,” House pulls Wilson even closer into his chest, the smaller man only whimpered “Hey, I got you,” Wilson then bite into House’s hand and tried to get on Wilson’s head, “Shit,” House whispered, “Hey bud, you're with me, Greg remember?” James only bit harder, “Wilson, you're going to pierce through,” House completely didn’t care about his hand, “Blood doesn’t taste good, Jimmy,” House smiles as Wilson lets go, a clear teardrop sliding down. “I’m sorry,” Wilson whispers.
House knew it was going to hurt later, but he didn’t care, right now all he cared about was Wilson, the small autistic man was checking House’s hand for serious damage, Wilson had a strong bite. “I’m sorry,” He said again. “Wilson we’ve talked about this, your autism is nothing to be sorry for,” House doesn’t care if Wilson bites him, not if it means his mildly younger lover is in pain or else.
“B-but I ke-keep hurting you” Wilson states, wincing when he saw the blood, “Yes and I don’t fight back,” House says with a smile, but it fades when he sees Wilson start to hit his thighs in anger, "Wilson!?" House grabs Wilson’s arms with haste, Wilson wails in anger “You shouldn’t have to put up with me!” Wilson yells anger flaring in his eyes. “Wilson?” Damn it
Ducklings! Wilson looked at them and started crying, “No know, not supposed to know!” He cries. House gently puts his hands around, and pulls Wilson close to his chest, “I’m sorry Wilson, this is my fault,”  House loops his arms around Wilson’s waist. 
“What’s going on here?” Foreman asks, “Is he autistic?” Chase questions being the idiot he sometimes is. “Yes,” House looks at Wilson and kisses the chocolate-eyed man. “Don’t let me go,” Wilson whispers “I might fall into another meltdown.” House sighs, it had been a surprise when Wilson said he was autistic, that he’d been hiding it, but House had agreed to love him no matter what and there was no changing that.
“Wilson, Wilson?” Wilson’s soft snores didn’t surprise House, after Autistic Meltdowns Wilson was exhausted, not that he had many when he was with House, House was careful, he really cared about Wilson. “Okay, bud.” He whispers bringing Wilson to the couch, Wilson was as smart as the older autistic man, he was able to rub two cells together and hide his ‘problem’ just like House could yet Wilson’s autism is chronic, he was still able to be ‘human’.
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the-hinky-panda · 2 years
Day 23: Sibyl
10/23: Sibyl
Universe // Characters: How To...// Esteban 
Author’s Note: I have no idea how to properly read tarot cards but I did do research on the meanings of the cards. I tried to keep it accurate but I apologize for any mistakes I may have made. 
It had been almost three months since the break up with Michelle. He only knows it’s been that long because one of his roommates has started crossing off the days on a small calendar hung up on the refrigerator since Esteban’s days and nights have been booze soaked and blending into each other. He hasn’t even picked up his guitar to practice and his band is getting frustrated. 
But he just can’t feel the music in his fingers anymore. 
He’s numb. That is the only word that fits how he’s feeling at the moment. He blames that numbness on his current circumstance: dragged out to the Austin County Fair with the few bandmates that haven’t completely given up on him. They limit him to beer, just enough to keep his hangover at bay. They try to get him to play some of the carnival games but he refuses each offer. He’s there, he’s observing, that’s enough for now. 
He breaks away from the group when they decide to try to outdo each other at a ring toss game and finds himself passing in front a fabric draped tent. A wooden sign with the name “Sibyl” is hand painted with crescent moons and stars. The scent of sandalwood wafts out from the interior and it makes his nose itch. 
“Come on in,” a voice calls out to him. 
“No, I’m good,” he responds before starting to walk away. 
He turns around and sees a young woman with short dark hair, an off the shoulder blouse, and skin tight ripped jeans with Dock Martin boots. “Don’t believe in it.” 
“Just because you don’t believe in something doesn’t mean it isn’t real.” 
He thinks he can feel the two silver Saint charms that he now wears, St. Gregory and St. Gianna, burn against his chest at the thought of having his future told. He starts to decline again when she holds up her hands. 
“How about a free reading? You strike me as someone who could use some guidance.” 
Well, why the hell not? His friends are still playing the booth games, now moving on to ski ball, so he follows the woman into the tent. He takes a chair at the card table while she takes the other one across from him. She holds a stack of tarot cards in her hand but then hesitates. She wraps them up in a celestial patterned fabric before laying them aside and reaching under the table. She pulls out another desk, wrapped in an old floral scarf. When she unfolds the scarf, he sees this deck is well worn, well used. Well loved. 
“My mother’s deck,” she offers. 
He tries to not let anything show on his face, give her any hints or clues about his situation. So he sits quietly while she shuffles the deck and tells him to pick ten cards. He does, swiftly and efficiently. He’s not sure just how much time he has before his friends start looking for him. She lays out the ten cards and then slowly flips them over one by one, before sitting back in her chair. 
“Wow. That’s…” she sighs. “Wow.” 
“What?” he smirks. “I’m going to die in three days?” 
“No,” she shakes her head. “Actually, you have quite a bright future.” 
“Is that so?” 
“Yes,” she points to two cards. “The Empress and the Star both point to a very bright, successful future. The Empress shows that you will have abundance and success. Since you chose it, I would interpret it as a strong marriage, children, and family.” 
This is a mistake. He never should have come in here. “What about that one? Isn’t that the Death card?” 
“It is. But Death isn’t always literal. See, you also chose the Three of Swords and the Ten of Swords. Three of Swords shows me you have a lot of deep emotional pain, most likely from a betrayal from a loved one which is represented by the Ten of Swords. When combined with Death, the cards are telling you to let go of the betrayal, the pain that it caused. Bury it and be done with it. That opens the door for the Star, which represents healing.” 
This is starting to be a little too accurate. But he’s made it this far, so why not keep going?  “Alright, deep emotional pain from a betrayal that needs to be buried for a bright future. How do I get to the future?” 
She gives him a half smile and points to the Knight of Cups and the Eight of Wands. “Knight of Cups shows that you’re a man of honor and chivalry. You lead with your heart, compassion and empathy. Keep doing that. The Eight of Wands shows travel and movement. Once you make the decision to move on, you will do so swiftly. This could also open the door for a whirlwind romance if you’re so inclined. But that’s not going to be part of your long distance future.” 
“So the whirlwind won’t last?” 
“No,” she shakes her head. “It’ll be a stepping stone for this.” She taps the Two of Cups. “This card shows a partnership between two people. With romance, you’re looking at a life partner, a wife that’s your soulmate. You’ll work together and be successful in both career and love. Given how this card sits with all the others, that is what tells me that if you can bury the past, you will have a happy future.”
“How about money? Will I be rich and famous?” 
She looks back down at the cards. “Well, I don’t know about rich and famous but I see both the Knight of Pentacles which shows that you’re practical and hard working, enough that you’re fairly stable financially. And then there’s the Three of Pentacles which means you’ll find success through teamwork with someone else, like a joint project.” 
“Like a band?” 
“Maybe.” She sits back with a long sigh. “In summary, you need to find a way to let go of the hurt that you’ve suffered. Stay chivalrous, keep trusting your heart to guide you even though it feels like it betrayed you right now.  Have that fling, get it out of your system, and then keep your eyes open for business opportunities that may lead you to the person you’re supposed to be with. And who knows, maybe what you lost, will come back to you.” 
He nods, gives a small smile, reaches into his pocket and hands her a twenty dollar bill. “Unfortunately, what I lost, there’s no bringing it back.” 
“Energy never ceases to exist, it can come back just in a different way, a different form.” She crosses her arms. “And I told you the reading was free.” 
“Just trying to be chivalrous.” 
“Save it for the road, Esteban.” 
He reluctantly pockets the bill and steps out of the tent. He takes a moment to digest what she told him. He’s lighting a cigarette when he realizes she used his name. And he doesn’t remember ever telling her his name. He turns back to the tent only to see fabric draped across the door and a closed sign propped outside on a small table. 
He wanders back around to the games and reunites with his friends. After a few more passes through the fairgrounds and a couple more beers, they all decide to call it a night. He climbs into the back of the 1969 Chevy Impala that belongs to the band’s bassist while the drummer takes shotgun. They’re about five minutes into the ride when the bassist glances into the backseat. 
“You’re awfully quiet, E. What’s on your mind?” 
Esteban leans back against the seat. “I’ve been thinking of doing a road trip.” 
“Cool,” the drummer responds. “But don’t go and leave before you fix my mother’s computer tomorrow afternoon! Ma gets touchy when she can’t play her slots online.” 
“I’ll go tomorrow, don’t worry.” Besides, he saw one of the houses in that neighborhood setting up for a some kind of party in the backyard. Maybe he’ll crash it, see if he can’t find that whirlwind romance.
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