sunset-peril · 7 hours
I know I kinda like to make fun of Wattpad sometimes...
But Trial of the Zora Armor is currently number 15 on Wattpad's Zelink tag and I need to tell people about it
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It also reached 2K reads so YIPPEE for that too
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sunset-peril · 11 months
I'm so excited to show y'all Link and Zelda's designs for Hyrule's Final Stand!
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Foxhatart on DeviantArt did the reference for Prince (King) Link Imperial Hyrule, and helped me bring his Wolfbred traits to life!
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Lulusama on DeviantArt did Princess (Queen) Zelda Esmerelda Hyrule's design and her dress design (mentioned in Trial of the Zora Armor chapter nine and onwards)
I'm so grateful for these two and absolutely love how the work ended up! I hope you guys enjoy them too!
Link to the series on Ao3
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sunset-peril · 11 days
Guilty as Ganon - Epilogue
“Father?” Zelda clutched her belly, newly freed from its corset. “Why did you make Link and I out to be that way?” 
Her father sighed, and could not look her in the eye. He hadn't wished to follow procedure on the matter, but he also desired his daughter's wellbeing and safety. “You know there is protocol for such matters. Something like this cannot be swept under a rug.”
“You referred to Link and I as prostitutes! As if we'd shamed the very kingdom.”
“I had little choice. The law dictates that should a royal woman become pregnant without explanation, her and any males who were with her unaccompanied must stand trial. If you had taken your entire guard to the Spring of Power, I would have charged all of them in addition to Link.”
“I gave you an explanation. The Goddess demanded it done of us right there.”
“And if you had come forward with that information immediately upon returning to the Castle, we could have avoided this.” The King sighed, finally looking in his daughter's direction. “When I saw you like that, and then for you to act so defensive and secretive… I feared the worst had befallen you.”
“Father, you know Link.”
“Yes, I know Link. You know Link. But the fact of the matter is, because you would not come forward about it, I could not prove that the Spring of Power underneath the Goddess’ direction was where it happened! I could not prove that it was Link who'd made you with child, and I could not prove an absence of ill intent. You know how the people think of your knight and his people during the spring season. Nothing less than infallible evidence could convince them otherwise.” 
She felt his eyes in hers. Her father was right. Her desire to protect Link had only worsened affairs for all of them. 
“And you know there's policy we must follow if we wish to wed. I appreciate you wishing to honor your husband, but an elopement is not the correct way to do so. And I am disappointed in Urbosa and the others for working off your fear.” 
Tears burned in her eyes. “I was afraid… afraid you'd have Link executed.”
“I almost did have Link executed!” His royal voice boomed through the chamber. “I thought he raped you!” 
Zelda couldn't respond. The chamber fell eerily quiet. Then, she broke out into a wailing sob.
Though it was not becoming of a king, and though he'd scolded Link for doing so just days before, Rhoam wrapped his daughter in his arms. “I forgive you, Zelda. And I'm sorry for whatever I did that had you believe you couldn't trust me.”
She felt better. It had been so long since she'd been held like this. 
There was no reason to scold her. No reason to be a king now. He hated that they'd been left in this situation, that they'd been stuck at odds for ten long years. There would come a time for duty, later. Now, the doors were closed. Their respective guards outside the door. Just him and his daughter. 
“I'm sorry, Father…” 
“I've forgiven you, Zelda.” He finally released her, now that she was not trembling so violently. “Please, if someone tries to hurt you, let me know. I'm the king. I may have to be harsh with you when you don't want me to be, but I can make sure that anyone who hurts you never sees an ounce of joy. You understand, Zelda?” 
“I understand… Father.” 
Rhoam wasn't sure if the expression on her face could qualify as a smile. For this moment, he wasn't going to expect a smile out of her. In trying to be a good Royal Family, in trying to serve all their subjects, the law had forced them to vilify themselves and each other. He'd try harder. He should've tried harder to begin with. That was a mistake. But he looked at her now: fresh tears streaking down her flushed face, her trembling upper body, the curves in her torso that had drilled such cold fear into him but he now smiled upon… He'd brought this upon her the very moment her name was bestowed. He prayed to Hylia that her child would bear any other name. It would not be fair on her to pray for a grandson, he'd brought enough unfairness onto her, but he could pray that whichever Zelda would bring into the world in only two seasons… that they would be free of the chains that bound both him and Zelda. He knew she prayed for the same. Perhaps this was the Goddess’ way of giving them hope. Another way out. 
His daughter asked for his hand in standing, he braced her back as well. “So you're not… going to banish Link and our child?” 
“Of course not. We will move on from here. When you are ready, I think the kingdom could use a celebration in these dark times.”
She finally smiled. “I'd like that very much, Father.” 
“I would too.”
Hyrule's Final Stand Masterlist
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sunset-peril · 25 days
The Wolfbred Chronicles - Prologue
“You're… Wolfbred?"  Zelda couldn't help herself but laugh. 
Her bodyguard looked up at her. His face looked like he wasn't sure whether he was offended or very, very confused by her laughter. 
“No, no… Father hates Wolfbred. He said he'd never knight another one. You're a Champion, Link. Father would never.” 
Urbosa watched as the small, previously-assumed-to-be-Hylian man just looked at Zelda with a completely blank stare. The moon was on his head, painting his eyebrows white along with the mythical swirl of a wolf long gone that was shimmering on his forehead. She pressed on her temple as she tried to recall how her dearest friend interacted with these creatures, and how she determined that they were Wolfbred. Eventually, she bent down to his level and pointed firmly at his hand. “Give, Link, give.” 
Almost instantly, Link offered up his hand. 
“Wow! How did you do that? I've never seen the Tiny Princess get more than a black stare.” 
“Wolfbred were a passion project of my dearest friend. I remember she gave them orders in a particular format. Simple orders in a simple format. I also remember something that could prove… particularly challenging in our future here with Link.”
“But what's with the hand, Urbosa?” Revali tipped his beak from her. “Did you just want to order the guy around?”
“The Queen told me a Wolfbred could be identified by the wrist. I needed his hand to check his wrist to see if he is truly Wolfbred, like I believe he is.” Urbosa retrieved her scimitar. “Catch, Link, catch.” She gently tossed the blade, handle outwards, to Link. A soldier like himself should catch it no problem. 
And he did catch it… at first. His hand grasped the handle, but he dropped the blade when he turned it over. 
Urbosa snatched his hand back, he leaned away from her.
“Okay, so the so-called hero is clumsy, what does that tell us?”
“He's not clumsy. He's Wolfbred.” She held up his hand. “See?” 
“What in the-?” Revali muttered. “Those are some messed up thumbs. No wonder he couldn't hold onto your dumb sword.”
Urbosa bit her tongue. “His thumb is set back, partially on the wrist here.” Link yanked on his hand, she spoke soft. “Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you, Link.”
“Is that all, Urbosa? I fail to see how a simple mutation of the wrist was enough for exile.”
“No, of course. That's just a unique trait of the Wolfbred. He's got the marks on his face too.”
“But… he looks so much like a Hylian.” Zelda wanted to touch his markings, but Link kept pulling his head away when she reached out. “I'd expect him to have fur, or a tail at least.” 
“But of course! They're supposed to be super soldiers. Part of their charm was that you couldn't identify them from afar, which meant enemy armies couldn't target them as easily. Once upon a time, the Hyruliean army was primarily Wolfbred.” She sighed. “We Gerudo were nearly ravaged by the Wolfbred of those days.”
“Oh boy, wolf in the name and descended from war crimes? Wouldn't be surprised if he was Rinkū's son.” 
Link turned his head to Revali after hearing that name. 
“R-Rinkū's… son? His father is named Ordon!”
Link whipped his head back to Zelda. 
“Ah, Tiny Princess. Revali's not talking about a literal son. More like a descendant. A great warhound from ancient times. He was basically the pet of an ancient queen. When she was killed in battle, he… kinda went on a rampage. Goron, Rito, Zora, Hylian… but especially the Gerudo. He and his pack of warhounds slaughtered without mercy… much like this Calamity Ganon is planning to do now.” 
“We… Gerudo have since come to forgive. His queen is believed to have been slaughtered by Ganon, who is believed to have once been Gerudo. If we will not stand to have Ganon's actions associated with our people… then we should not do the same to the descendants of Rinkū. However, I know not all of Hyrule feels the same way. My dearest friend risked her reputation to free the Wolfbred from exile…” 
“It is said that the queen's sole female relative was the only one who could command them to stop. The king himself found his orders on deaf ears. Probably why your father dumped him off on you. He has the Sword, so we have to keep him around, but hey, the female Royal will keep him in line.”
Zelda's face exuded fear, disgust and anger. 
Urbosa bent down to her. “Don't listen to Revali. Hyrule is known for its bloody history. This is simply his. But of course, if Gerudo and Hylia's own can commit atrocities and not be remembered by them, then Link here shouldn't either. He's a sweet boy. I assure you, his fear of you greatly outweighs your fear of him.” 
“You… said there was a complication with him?”
“Ah, yes. You see, because the Wolfbred were exiled for so long… ah, this might be easier to show you.” Urbosa looked towards Link. “Link, there's a carriage with horses near the stable. It will hurt if you get hit.” 
Link turned his head at his name, but didn't respond to the rest of the sentence. 
“Urbosa, where are you going with this nonsense?”
Urbosa held her hand up to silence the bird. “Link,  there's a hit with stable near the hurt. It will horses if you get carriage.”
Link continued to stare at her, staying perfectly still and emotionless. 
“As you can see, little bird, Revali, Daruk… plain and simple, it doesn't matter if I speak coherently to him. Link can't speak Hylian.”  
Hyrule's Final Stand Masterlist
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sunset-peril · 3 hours
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That's not even a word, what are you talking about?
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sunset-peril · 11 days
Hyrule's Final Stand - Masterlist
Lore and Worldbuilding Overview (may have errors)
Hateno Village Social Makeup (TotK-era)
Trial of the Zora Armor
TOZA Chapter One
TOZA Chapter Two
TOZA Chapter Three
TOZA Chapter Four
TOZA Chapter Five
TOZA Chapter Six 
TOZA Chapter Seven
TOZA Chapter Eight
TOZA Chapter Nine
TOZA Chapter Ten
TOZA Chapter Eleven
TOZA Chapter Twelve
TOZA Chapter Thirteen 
TOZA Chapter Fourteen
TOZA Epilogue
Saying Goodbye
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Wolfbred Chronicles
Chapter One
Link, Wolfbred King
Chapter One
Chapter Two
One-shots and Ficlets
Khosha, Wife of Revali
Kabre's Tale
Guilty as Ganon
Guilty as Ganon - Epilogue
To Heir is Champion - Urbosa
Link actually had knight friends (based on AoC content)
This discussion about Wolfbred lore that I'm shoving here until I get less lazy and write it down neatly in another post
Yes, you are permitted to make fanart/fanfiction of anything linked above.
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sunset-peril · 12 days
Khosha, Wife of Revali
As had become commonplace since the appointment of Hyrule’s Champions, the Flight Range of Rito Village had once again become alive with the chatter of five voices: the four Champions and Hyrule’s princess. Her appointed knight was also in attendance, the sacred sword in his possession, but he remained ever silent. He stayed near to his princess, providing comfort and protection to the young woman. The snow outside was beginning to taper off, but the party had yet to venture out of the small, interior area. All were still crowded around the small fire pit, except Revali, who stood aside fiddling with his aerial artillery.  
"C'mon, Revali." Urbosa began. "Join the team for once." 
"I think not, not only would that end distastefully with all of us around the fire, but I'm waiting for an arrival from the Village."
"If I may," Zelda began, pausing for a moment for an undetermined reason. "who is it we are expecting?"
"If the elder didn't change plans since I arrived here, which I'm not sure why he would have,” Revali replied with his ever-present self-confident tone and upward tip of his beak before his tone mellowed in its presentation. “then it will be Khosha, a songbird with a-” He allowed an audible pause in his voice, as if he was unsure how to describe the visitor. “-stunning admiration for the warrior arts." 
The party took notice of Revali's seemingly uncharacteristic description, but were equally uncertain of what to respond. 
"She sounds nice…" Daruk began, uncertain about the reply. “She a… friend of yours?” 
“...You could say that.” 
A silence fell over the Flight Range, one that felt almost awkward. 
Revali returned to his weapons, Urbosa casting a glance at him before turning back to the fire to see her little bird move slightly both towards the fire and her knight; watching him discreetly squeeze her hand before letting go. 
His face was emotionless as he did so, which normally wouldn't be much to note, but Urbosa and Daruk had seen how, in similar exchanges, he would let a smile or a nod shine through even if just for a moment. Through an exchange of their own, the two reasoned it was due to the increase of pressure and the amount of professionalism of the event.
The flap of wings began to be heard over the freezing wind, a Rito figure soon came into view, soaring into the Flight Range's side door with a sweeping wingspan and three balancing flaps. As eyes focused on the Rito, they found her beautiful. A thin braid of light teal feathers trailed down her right shoulder and chest, the back corners of her almond-shaped green eyes dark with gorgeous long eyelashes and her hay-colored beak, about half as long as Revali's, curled down to a pointed tip that was a peach-like hue. 
"Khosha." Revali's voice was uncharacteristically soft. "Welcome."
A small chuckle was heard. "Revali." She looked around. “And Champions.” She lifted the medium-sized pot that she was gripping with her right foot. “I’ve brought a meal.”
Dishes were served and warriors were fed. Finally, Revali sat down near the group.
“It is wonderful to finally meet you all face to face. We don’t often interact with other tribes. Revali,” she nudged the bird. “Are you going to introduce me to your companions?”
The Champions were distracted from their meals for just a moment. Khosha must be a friend of Revali’s indeed, a simple villager should not have had the comfort level to ask Revali for an introduction.”
“Of course.” Revali set his bowl to the ground. “You are already aware of Princess Zelda, a Hylian from Central Hyrule. Sitting on her right is Princess Mipha, a Zora from Lanayru. On Zelda’s left is Link, Zelda’s bodyguard and the Hylian Champion. He’s actually a Wolfbred, from far east Necluda, but he was appointed as the Hylian Champion. Next to him is Urbosa, the Gerudo chieftain. And finally, Daruk of Goron City in Eldin.”
“My!” Khosha took the tips of Revali’s wings in hers. “You’ve become quite well-traveled, my dear.” She gestured softly towards Link. “I had heard the Kingdom reabsorbed your tribe. How has your tribe been adjusting?”
Link’s scarred lips pulled back slightly, but not enough to show any teeth. Zelda reached over his back and pulled him a little closer, as if to reassure him that the multi-colored Rito was not going to jump at him. The sudden touch brought a soft clicking sound from Link’s mouth, and he looked toward Zelda.”
“My apologies, Khosha. The Wolfbred can be… quite anxious. The people of my kingdom have not been as willing to accommodate them as my father and I have been, which only heightens their stress.”
“Ah, so the ban of the restraints has not changed public opinion much at all, has it?”
“No, sadly. In fact, I think my father’s decision to ban muzzling of the Wolfbred has only worsened opinions of him and his people; not to mention him being selected to represent Hyrule in battle. Pardon any offense, but I am surprised you know of such a matter.” 
“I find none, Your Highness. That incident spread far throughout the kingdom. I believe almost anyone could identify the Champion by his scars alone.”
Link seemed noticeably more uncomfortable by this statement.
“That is… unfortunate for his safety, if Link might be identified so readily by such a permanent fixture on his body.” 
Urbosa shuffled into a new position. “We’ve talked about the soldier boy, now what about you? You seem quite close to Revali.”
“I suppose now’s a good enough time as ever,” Revali mused from his piece of the floor. “Everyone, meet Khosha: my wife.”
Evening came upon the village. Even though the snowstorm was long gone, the temperature continued to drop. After a long day of council, the Champions eventually ventured out to tour the Tabantha region, with an even more self-confident Revali soaring on the bygone storm’s remaining breeze. Of course he would act in such a manner. As fine of a warrior he was, a young Rito he remained. Last spring’s molt had taken her fledgling markings from her visage, but his remained as red, almost pink really, as ever. They too would be gone in the next few years, and she knew he’d continue to smooth over as they faded from his face. His personality had already mellowed significantly from their first encounters as fledglings. The Wolfbred warrior, Link, he seemed about Revali’s age. Perhaps that is why Revali had taken to such grandiose presentation after she’d been introduced to them. For any warrior, to be suddenly paired with a mythical warhound would be quite the shock to their ego, especially a perfectionist like her dear. Perhaps the two would grow close as they prepared for the Calamity’s arrival, close enough at least that Link’s presence would soothe Revali instead of leaving him with ruffled feathers. 
The Princess and her warriors would be returning soon, as the sun would sink below the mountains before too long. After picking the Great Eagle Bow up from the bowyer’s shop and purchasing a full quiver’s worth of arrows from his wife, the fletcher, Khosha made one final stop near the village’s entrance, overwhelmed by thoughts from meeting Hyrule’s Champions that she must bring before her Goddess in order to find peace.
Oh Hylia, my mind is uneasy as I see the Champions appointed by your divine blessing gather. All of them… they have their peoples behind them… they have laid down lives that can still amount to so much… all for this cause. 
Hyrule's princess, your incarnation descended, seems… ill of the mind. There is a darkness in her unnatural to her age. I suppose I should not be surprised. The Hyrulean Royal Family is broken. The King and Princess are fighting. The Queen has been dead for ten long years. I’ve heard rumors… rumors that the Princess was found in a silent rebellion with one of the knights… while I can only imagine that this is just a lonely girl crying out for love, I can’t help but worry on how far it may go… or how it may end… whether it warrant no consequences at all, whether someone will wind up in prison… or the bloodline extended…
…My apologies, Hylia, my mind wanders. Take my worries away from her, Hylia, she has an unimaginable share of other frets to manage on those small shoulders of hers. She has an entire world watching her every move, eagerly waiting for the divine glow of her birthright to illuminate an uncertain time. It is this power, this divine, glowing power, that causes the darkness in Princess Zelda, even more so than the lingering scars of her mother's death. She does not have access to it as her father demands. Your holy inheritance… a power intended only for goodness… yet it has caused only pain and sorrow for her and all in the castle… and possibly beyond. 
Why do you leave her like this, Hylia? I know this darkness in her can be purged, I see it chased back like evil in the legends of old whenever she is presented with research… or she becomes newly aware of her knight's presence. That light in her eyes… I know it so well. It is the light of love. Love for relics of old, learning their forgotten purposes and watching them return to life… and love for him, Link the knight. It is his purpose to defend her, but I can see that she'll go out of her way to do the same for him. Seeing this light… it gives me peace for Hyrule's future…
Protect them, the Princess, the knight, the Champions… so that they all may return to their people from these ancient wonders of holy war… grant the Princess her power… the wear in her young body declares that she had proved rigorous dedication… the introduction to every battle and legend of old declares the need for the knight and the princess… As much as the Guardians and Divine Beasts will aid us in the fight to come, it is not them but her that is irreversibly needed. The legends dating back even to your original incarnation… The Divine Beasts aren't inscribed, but the Princess and Knight are. She needs this power, Hylia… why do you withhold it from her?
Hyrule's Final Stand Masterlist
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sunset-peril · 2 days
I've spent my entire morning (so like two hours now, as I'm typing this out into my Drafts) wondering why I don't have to make any edits to Trial of the Zora Armor despite having to make edits to Successors and just completely re-do ToZA's original mess of a prequel.
And I realized something
When I wrote ToZA, I didn't care about a lot. I didn't care about your opinions, your headcanons, etc.
I only cared about making it as canon as humanly possible
Literally half the point of writing that 42K word monstrosity when I had never finished anything before in my life specifically was to see if I could explain away the Zora Armor. (Hint hint for why ToZA is called that)
That fic would determine whether I shipped Link with Zelda or Mipha, because I only wanted to ship the most canon ship (I still do, but that's beside the point). If I could do this successfully, then I'd ship ZeLink? Failure? MiphLink
The fact that I'm a ZeLink shipper even for Age of Calamity tells you I succeeded, but that's another can of worms.
However! Even before I had the Wolfbred, even while Link was still a Hylian in my AU
Mipha was teaching me about Wolfbred culture.
And that's why Trial is my favorite fic I've ever written. I bought Creating A Champion specifically to help me write that book. I left BotW running in the background 90% of the time I was typing. It considers only the canon (ZeLink baby at the time of Calamity aside of course), so I wasn't influenced by much fanon when I wrote it down. And because of that, now that Hyrule's Final Stand is a full-blown AU, it still exists flawlessly.
If I could only publish one fic, I'd publish that one.
I'd love to have a book-bound version some day.
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sunset-peril · 19 days
The Wolfbred Chronicles - Chapter One - To Zora's Domain
“What do you mean, ‘Link can’t speak Hylian?’” 
“Well, if the Gerudo were cut off from Hyrule for ten thousand years, we wouldn’t speak Hylian either.”
“Then what does he speak?”
“That… I don’t know. I thought they were extinct until the moon revealed Link’s markings. If anyone would know, I’d assume it’d be the Zora royal family since most of the Wolfbred in the King’s service were relocated there.”
“Well then, I must make a trip to the Domain then, with Link in tow.” 
“Would you like me to accompany you?”
“I thank you for your offer, Urbosa, but I feel Link and I should travel alone. Besides, you have your people to tend to, and the journey should give me a chance to review Link in a new light.”
“Yes, that is correct. The Wolfbred have a language all their own.” Mipha smiled fondly at Link as she affirmed Zelda's words. “I'm surprised that you did not know.”
“Ah, well, the knights are not particularly chatty when in my presence.”
“Oh, I did not mean that, Zelda. I meant that I am surprised your father did not tell you.”
“Father gave me… virtually no information regarding Link. He told me that he had pulled the sword, and that he would be my bodyguard. That was it.”
“Oh, dear… probably just didn't want anyone to find out what Link is.”
“What language does Link speak? It would be irresponsible to have such a barrier between me and one of the Champions.”
“My apologies, but I don't know what it's called. Goponga in the wetlands has become a very Wolfbred heavy settlement since the guards were sent here, but I'm not sure if we currently have any guards in the Domain itself who can speak in both. It is a… guttural language, I will say, only high-ranking Wolfbred soldiers typically learn both. Your mother's personal bodyguard was one, for example. He knew Hylian. Most Wolfbred don't really want to learn it unless they have to… they don't want to know what the Hylians are saying to them.” 
“I… vaguely remember Mother's bodyguard. Or rather, he was her favorite bodyguard. She had quite a few guards, but he was typically the one who followed her around like Link does with me. Of course, he wasn't on duty when Mother…” Zelda shooed away Mipha's offer of comfort when it was offered. “Maybe things would have been different if he'd been on duty that evening… I can see why they prefer to know only their native tongue, Hyrule blames them primarily for her death.” 
“They are not seers. For Hyrule to have expected such foresight from them, it is a frustration that many of the Wolfbred stationed here have expressed. They were denied agency to do anything but follow orders, so even if they had been given such foresight, they likely could have done nothing but watch.” 
“I do remember Mother continually scolding Father on the matter, that he could not order them to be dogs and expect them to act Hylian. I must have faith that some of her wisdom reached him… there is nothing I can do if Father disregards her.” 
“Perhaps my father knows if any Hylian-speaking Wolfbred are in the Domain. We should go and ask.”
Zelda tentatively turned towards Link. She may not necessarily be fond of having a strange, werewolf guard follow her every moment for the rest of her life, but that didn't mean he was unworthy of basic communication with her. Father had mentioned that he was about her age, just thirteen. He deserved for her to try.
Perhaps the Goddess heard this unspoken prayer, unlike all the others, because she heard footprints and a resounding bark.
“Ah, Sir Pryze! Good morning.” The red Zora waved out towards a Hylian-looking guard who approached them. 
“Morning, Princess.” The knight bowed to Mipha. When he saw Link, Zelda noticed Link's eyes lighting up. The knight had a surprising amount of splatter-like markings on his face and arms. Perhaps an accident? 
Mipha helped him tuck a lock of his red hair back into his helmet. “Perfect timing, Sir Pryze, we were just talking about our need of a Wolfbred. Link does, unfortunately, not speak enough Hylian for a smooth transition into a bodyguard.” 
Zelda could feel the fluttering in her chest rise. “Sir Pryze is a Hylian-speaking Wolfbred?” 
“Small.” Pryze pinched his fingers before casting a quick glance over her figure. “Bigger, Princess.”
“Yes, Sir Pryze. Princess Zelda has grown quite a bit since you've been to Castle Town.” 
Link looked towards Zelda for approval, then bowed to Pryze once she nodded. Pryze bowed in response to him, then a few sounds varying from woof-like to more of a chuff came from him. Link nodded. 
Pryze simply turned towards Mipha after his exchange with Link. “King know more Hylian.” 
“Yes, I'd figured the same, Sir Pryze. We should meet with my father.”
“Hmm, you wish to know more of the Wolfbred people? Yes, I believe I may be able to oblige.”
“A full recount is unnecessary, King Dorephan. If you would, just briefly, provide enough information for Link and I to transition into these new roles without being overly transparent of their history. I would wish for Link to provide whatever history he considers sacred by his own will.”
“But of course. How open your heart must be to him and his people. Very well. The Wolfbred have a communal society much like that of the Zora. To see a solitary one such as Sir Link here is unusual. Traditionally, they prefer to remain in groups with other Wolfbred and like an assigned duty. Many of them, if they lived outside their homeland, served as foot soldiers in the Hyrulean army for these two reasons. I supposed it was how they were made.”
Zelda looked over at Link and Pryze. While Link had never been more than a few paces away from her since they left Central Hyrule, Pryze had also drawn ever closer to Link. It did make sense, she too would prefer a familiar face if the lands of Hyrule were unfamiliar to her like they were to the Wolfbred, but the way Dorephan implied that they grouped together by design raised a million questions to her scientific mind. She cleared her throat, stepping forward so that the Zora king might allow her a question. “‘Made’, Your Majesty?” 
“Ah. That is a history that I… am not sure I am at liberty to explain. But there are records from long ago that suggest… They might be proof of the claim that the Sheikah rivaled the power of the Goddess. Of course, any definitive records were lost when the Sheikah and Wolfbred were chased out of Hyrule, and I dare not threaten our relationship as the Wolfbred’s sole ally for mere speculation.” Almost instantly, another Wolfbred who carried a large bag of fish in her mouth trotted into the throne room, bowing on all fours as she offered the large catch to Dorephan. “Ah, thank you for your generosity, Kokiri.”
Zelda’s eyes widened as she glanced towards the fish-bearing woman. Her shoulders were open as she looked up at the Zora king, something she’d never seen Link do naturally. She’s seen him do it hundreds of times, of course, a knight must appear strong and confident on duty. However, it was always a forced stance.
Pryze finally stepped away from Link’s side, helping two armored Zora carry the catch to wherever they needed.
Dorephan resumed his conversation with Zelda once Kokiri, Pryze and the Zora guards had gone off to their other matters. “I will say to you, there is a painful curse that has bound Wolfbred for hundreds of generations. A chain that only Link can break. He would never ask for such, but for the sake of our dear allies, help him, please.” 
“A… curse?”
“Yes, a very painful one. Link is the first of his kind to even have a chance to break it, and I fear it may take an act of the Goddess herself for him to be able to do so. Surely, you will learn of the curse in its entirety as you and him age.” 
“I… see. Thank you, Your Majesty.”
“But of course. Anything for Hyrule’s princess.”
Hyrule's Final Stand Masterlist
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sunset-peril · 2 months
To Heir is Champion - Urbosa
Gerudo Town. A gleaming, all-women city in the middle of the unforgiving Gerudo Desert. Once said to have been the origin tribe of Calamity Ganon, the Gerudo people were now the closest ally to Hyrule, proven by the fact that the tribe had raised the last princess of Hyrule almost to adulthood.  
Lady Urbosa was chief of this proud tribe and also the adoptive mother of Princess Zelda. As the closest friend of Zelda's late mother, she was granted a maternal role for the future matriarch after her mother's sudden death. Urbosa cared very much for Zelda, enough to bend more than a few rules and traditions in order for Zelda to marry the love of her life, Champion Link of Hyrule.
Near the end of their engagement, Zelda had fallen quite ill. Worried for her daughter, Urbosa had taken her aside and examined her to find that the little princess of Hyrule was already expecting her first child. With such news in mind, she increased security among the Gerudo to ensure Link and Zelda's wedding would occur on time. She hoped this would be enough to secure their marriage with enough time to settle before she became obvious. 
Urbosa had promised to deny any knowledge of Zelda's pregnancy for as long as she wished, and thankfully for the excited grandmother-to-be, Zelda was about to relieve her of such a task.
"Lady Urbosa," Esosu, a high-ranking and highly trusted palace guard, entered the throne room. "a letter from Princess Zelda has arrived." 
Urbosa smiled softly, always happy to hear word from her vehvi. "Do bring it here." She held out a strong, yet gentle, hand for Esosu to place the letter into. 
Gerudo Chief Urbosa. The letter began with a striking formality, but Urbosa knew that such formality was demanded of Zelda. You've no idea how thankful Link and I are for your continued support of us throughout the years since Ganon's return was foretold. 
The smile on Urbosa's face grew larger and brighter. She was always willing to give both of them support. Zelda's life had been a struggle ever since her mother's assassination ten years before, and Link had his own demons to battle. For them to fully know Urbosa loved them was all her heart desired.
We both wish to thank you for your role in our marriage and our lives, which is why we've decided that you would be the first that we told.
Her mouth began to tremble with joy as she realized what the letter was for. 
I, Princess Zelda, and my husband, Prince Link, are beyond proud to announce that I am expecting the next descendant of Hylia. We expect the child to arrive in about two seasons' time. 
Urbosa began to cry. It was official now. 
"Lady Urbosa? What is the matter?" Although armor covered her face, her eyes shone with concern. "Do I need to prepare the troops?"
"Then what brings my chief such emotion?"
Urbosa looked down at the words on the page, making sure they truly existed, before replying. "The princess is with child." 
"Oh! Our little missy is expecting her first! Truly happy news, Lady Urbosa!"  
Link has some training business with the knights, so I will be coming down for a few days until his business is through. I look forward to being in Gerudo Town again.
Her Divine Highness, Princess Zelda Esmerelda Hyrule, Descendant of the Goddess Hylia and Heir to the Hyrulean Throne
Right below where Zelda signed her full title, the Hylian Emblem appeared, proving that the parchment originated from Hyrule Castle.
"Esosu. Princess Zelda is coming to Gerudo Town for a few days while Prince Link tends to business. We must prepare for her arrival."
Esosu nodded. "Yes, Chief." 
"I leave you in charge of the guards. Do as you see fit."
"Thank you, Chief." Esosu then left the throne room to prepare. 
Urbosa quickly read over Zelda's letter again, becoming giddy before heading up to her bedroom.
Zelda would surely be arriving soon. She needed a good place to rest and some cool clothing for the desert heat. Now that she was with child, her whole being was a little more fragile. 
Looking around, she saw no suitable place for Zelda to stay, then remembered Zelda's old room was downstairs. She headed back down in order to see what needed to be cleaned up, mind wandering to other tasks. 
Urbosa needed to break the news to the Canteen, so that no worker there would accidentally give Zelda a drink and hurt her growing baby. 
A Noble Pursuit actually sounded amazing right now.
Urbosa headed down to the Noble Canteen, to fulfill both items on her list.  
*Some time later… Gerudo Canyon*
"Link. I'm feeling quite alright. Don't worry so much." Zelda brushed her fingers along the braids on the top of her head, still appearing the same as she always did when traveling for non-training reasons. The two had ridden at a decent pace the whole trip, now approaching the Gerudo Canyon Stable. Although the whole trip had gone without incident, not even Zelda getting nauseated or a Bokoblin attacking them, Link rode very close to her, often placing one hand on her shoulder or rubbing her belly while they were in motion. 
"I'm a knight and your husband. It's my job. Besides, I'm not going to see you for almost a week."
"I'll be fine! I'm in very good hands with Urbosa."
His hands tightened around Epona's reins. "Right now, I can't feel like any hands are as good as mine."
"I can tell that. Relax. The Gerudo have taken excellent care of me over the past ten years, the little one and I will be as well cared for as if you were doing so." She slowed Skyloft down a little and placed a hand over her stomach.
Link matched the pace change instantly. "Are you okay? Do we need to stop? What's wrong with the baby?"
Skyloft stopped, Zelda muttered in frustration. "Link. Nothing is wrong. Stop please." 
The two horses whinnied in agreement. 
"Ugh. Master's never been like this before. He's making me look bad." Epona muttered to Skyloft. "You'd think this foal was the end of the world."
"Tell me about it. I have to carry her around everywhere and you don't see me psyching out over this foal." Skyloft shook out his head. "Actually I'm kind of proud about it, I get to carry both remaining Goddess descendants on my back."
"Can we trade? I want the heavy salty one instead of this worrywart."
"She's not actually any heavier, even though this stomach of hers is already bigger." The white stallion turned his head to nuzzle Zelda's stomach. 
"Aww, Skyloft! Look Link, Skyloft's bonding." 
"Heh. Sure is." 
"Of course she isn't. All she's done for the past month has been puke her guts up. I'm surprised that foal's even still alive… and that she's actually held her rice today." 
"Maybe that's why they're growing, because there's a few scattered days where Mistress keeps a meal down."
"Maybe… oh, I hope Master's foal turns out alright. He'll never forgive himself if something happens." Epona also nuzzled Zelda's belly, in part to keep Link's hands off. 
"Heh. Looks like someone's popular." Link smiled at the two horses. They had sensed Zelda's pregnancy when she was only about five weeks, surrounding her body until Link became scared enough that they realized the strange lifeform inside Zelda also belonged to him. 
"Ugh. It's probably just stable fever but, does something seem off with Mistress?" Skyloft looked towards Zelda's slim figure with confusion as she walked in the stable. 
"...Yeah. I feel it too." Epona tilted her ears towards Zelda. 
As Zelda drew closer, the feeling intensified.
"Mornin' Epona!" Link greeted. "Look who's finally well enough to go riding with us." 
"Mistress has been ill? Why haven't we heard anything, Epona?"
"I don't know… lemme get closer. " Epona focused her ears on Zelda's body, using her heightened senses to try and solve the mystery. "Her stomach doesn't sound right… what did she eat?"
As soon as Link removed the latch on Epona's stall, she raced out and approached Zelda. 
"This sound, Skyloft, I've heard it before… but not since… Hateno… It almost sounds like… no… I haven't heard this sound since I was a filly, but it must be the same." 
"What? Tell me, Epona!"
Epona nickered in realization and reared slightly. "It's a foal, Sky! Princess Zelda's carrying a foal!" 
"Woah, Epona! Epona, down!" 
"A foal?! Mistress is with foal?!"
"There's a heartbeat in her stomach, it could only be a foal!"
"Epona!" Link dropped everything and motioned for him and Zelda to back up before she hurt herself or either of them. 
The stress made Zelda double over her stomach, trying not to retch. 
Skyloft whinnied at Zelda, then unlatched himself and raced over to her. He surrounded her stomach, keeping his muzzle down over it. 
"Skyloft? What are you doing? What's gotten into you and Epona?" Zelda wearily asked, unable to get a hand to her stomach. 
"I'll protect your foal, Mistress." He turned his head to Epona. "I hear the beat too!" 
Epona was able to dodge Link and also placed herself around Zelda, the two forming a wall. 
"Zelda! Zelda!" Link's panic was rising, all the horses in the stable could sense his terror. 
"Master thinks we're going to hurt her." Epona realized. "Skyloft, let my master through."  
The horses separated just enough to let Link in, who proceeded to snap.
"Back! Get back, shoo!"
They took a few steps back. "I've never seen Master get so scared he started yelling… I wonder if he knows about the foal too."  
Once they were a few steps from Zelda, Link cradled her body. "Are you hurt? Did they hurt you?"
"No, Link… they just spooked me a little… all they did was hold their noses on my stomach, I think they can sense the little one."
Link helped her to her feet, then held his hands on her belly, unable to relax. 
"Master's heartbeat is racing. This is so strange for him… but why's he holding her like that?"
"Maybe he's worried about her foal. Maybe he's trying to protect it."
Epona snorted in confusion. "Hylians don't just get that way around each other… especially around another Hylian's foal."
"Link… I'm okay… we're both okay." Zelda leaned forward and kissed his lips. 
Both horses stomped in realization. "Your master sired my mistress!" Skyloft whinnied. 
"Master sired the Princess' foal!" Epona replied at the same time. 
The two Hylians chuckled. "Didn't know we're a thing?" Link asked. "I thought you two knew that we just got married."
"I think they're still uptight about the baby. Herd animals, according to Castle research, can detect pregnancy among their members."
He smiled and nodded. Zelda had already learned so much about horses. "Maybe. C'mon, Epona! Let's all go for a ride." He slid the blanket and saddle over Epona's back, then scratched her neck. "I'm sorry I snapped earlier, girl."
"The horses have been interested in the little one ever since they freaked out in the stable that first time. They're probably curious."
"Yeah,  Epona was little the last time she encountered a pregnant female… and that one happened to be a cow. Skyloft was bred at the Castle, correct? He's probably never encountered such a thing."
Zelda nodded, then pulled at her reins. "Okay, Skyloft, keep moving. It's getting hot." She exhaled loudly and fanned herself. 
"Here, honey." Link pulled out a boomerang from his pocket. "Use this." He then instructed both horses to move faster, trying to get through the stuffy canyon gateway before Zelda got nauseous. 
The horses had to stay at the stable, they all said goodbye before Link and Zelda stepped into the Desert Gateway and headed for Kara Kara. 
"Ah, there you are!" Urbosa called when the couple came into view. 
Zelda ran up to Urbosa and hugged her tightly. The two embraced in a long hug. 
"Let me see that baby of yours!" Urbosa bent down and rubbed Zelda's stomach. "Ah, you've already got a bump… how cute." She chuckled. "Are you being nice to your momma? Or are you making her regret getting pregnant with you already?"
"Both. Most days I can't keep any food down, but today my stomach's been alright. I already love this little one so much… I didn't even know I could do that."
"Ah, a mother's love is a powerful thing." She chuckled. "You're getting so big already. Either you're just that tiny or you've got a big baby in there."
"I'm getting a little worried that she's already showing, we've barely gotten to settle from the wedding… haven't even started on how we're going to tell the King."
"Oh yes, he's not going to be very pleased… you stay alert, Link, even one strike could kill this miracle here."
"Urbosa. He's already panicking, I need him to be able to leave and not have a heart attack… please don't stress him out." Zelda then winced, pressing one hand on either side of her bump. "Ooohh." She shuffled over to Link's side, panic flashed in his eyes. 
"Little bird!" Her and Link instantly tried to soothe her pain. "Link… can you help her over to the water?" 
She took short, sharp breaths. "I'm okay, I'm okay…" 
"Still. Let Link help you to the pond." With Urbosa's words, Link lifted his wife and carried her to the cool waters, letting them surround her hips. 
Once Zelda had floated for a while, the pulsing pain subsided. "...Thank you, Urbosa."
"You're welcome, little bird… I think you may have gotten overheated. These early cramps can get ugly, and the heat never helps. We'll be a little more careful on the way to the town." She rubbed Zelda's shoulders and looked at Link. "You probably need to head on, don't you?"
"...Yeah." Link kissed Zelda's forehead. "Stay safe, okay? Don't go near the Canteen, I don't want it to tempt you."
"Alright, Link. You try and have fun, okay?"
He looked pained to reply. "Love you."
"I love you too." 
He stood up, Zelda did too, and he hugged Urbosa before placing his hands on Zelda's bump and kissing her lips. 
The two women watched him leave, Urbosa with an arm around Zelda's back. "C'mon, little bird, let's get to the town before it gets any hotter. I've already had someone make a cooler maternity outfit for you."
"You're too kind to me, Urbosa."
"Anything for you, little bird, I want you to be as comfortable as you can."
Hyrule's Final Stand Masterlist
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sunset-peril · 10 months
The new cover art for Trial of the Zora Armor is here!!
This is cover #1 out of 6 that I am commissioning Blizzard-Chill on DA for, and I am so happy with the result!
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This is book 1 out of 3 in the Hyrule's Final Stand Trilogy.
Click here to read the story on Ao3
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sunset-peril · 1 year
Nobody: Absolutely nobody: Me: *makes the Gavinners a major AA5 plot point*
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sunset-peril · 1 day
Had this dude and his scars ping-ponging around in my brain all day, was finally able to draw him!
Behold! The boy :]
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It took me significantly longer than I thought it would to make the boy, but he looks so pretty!!!
Although probably about a solid 30 minutes was spend entirely on his dumb nose. I have enough problems with noses in general, and then my silly self decides to come up with a design that has both a snout shape and a human nose (why do I do this to myself...)
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As the picture says, Link's native language is Chuffing/Ordonian. In ancient times (Rauru's time), the language is called Ordonian, because the people in the region of old Ordonia are primarily the ones that speak it. It's called Chuffing in AoC/BotW times because it sounds like, well, chuffing. No one is sure how the language name got downgraded to that, but it did. Link bears 5 pairs of puncture wound scars from barbed wire on his upper lip, and two scars slicing up from the corners of his mouth. I'll put the more uncomfy details under the cut, but they were inflicted during his accident at 13. Thank you so much to @skyloftian-nutcase for answering my random question about wires, haha. It stopped my head from spinning.
He's very anxious about Hylians and touch after his accident, understandably, and will lunge/snap his teeth at anything that tries to reach for, grab at, or touch his head in any capacity. Because of the genetic modification they underwent in ancient times to become super-soldiers, Wolfbred have a significantly different system of reproductive behavior that the other races, even the Hylians. I'm not going to go through the Wolfbred Reproductive Physiology lecture because I don't want to, but the strong mating season the Wolfbred have encourages them to bond at young ages, typically around the onset of puberty if conditions and potential mates are good. Link is, of course, unbonded, as the Wolfbred's last remaining female is well... his sister. Having been unbonded for three years, when the typical Wolfbred usually bonds within one or two, Link's definitely got both eyes on the lookout. When he's not busy with his duties as Champion, of course.
ANYWAYS, I've rambled about lore again when this post was supposed to be about the picture. So enjoy the pretty boy :]
The Wolfbred, at the time of Link's accident, were required to be muzzled while inside Hyrule Castle, and even handled by other soldiers in some regions. The muzzle's mouthpiece is hinged into place by a small piece resembling razor wire (or one of those tiny disposable scalpels), which is supposed to be covered up by the blunt metal of the outer cover. However, the muzzles are often forged to be the appropriate size for a grown (or nearly grown) Wolfbred, due to the greater danger the adults would possess if out of control, which meant that Link's was larger and looser-fitting than it should have been for his smaller size. While he was being observed in the Sanctum, one of the places where he was required to be muzzled and handled, the loose muzzle slipped and exposed the sharp hinge piece on the inner layers, which became caught on the corners of Link's mouth when he moved his head. The shock of having a sudden pain in his mouth made Link subconsciously yank forward towards the King. His handler, on instinct, yanked the chain on the muzzle backwards.
I think you can imagine what happened. That pain made Link yank his now-bleeding head upwards, where he unintentionally engaged a thin strand of barbed wire intended to be used as a last resort against a dangerous Wolfbred, puncturing him there too. It was... not a good day in the Sanctum, to put it mildly.
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sunset-peril · 7 months
The second book of the Hyrule’s Final Stand series is the short-story 'sequel' to Trial of the Zora Armor, and the interim between ToZA and Successors.
Art by Blizzard-Chill of DA
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Read this story in its entirety on A03
read it on Tumblr by using the HFS Masterlist
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sunset-peril · 2 months
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This amazing base is by MewtwoKeeper on DA www.deviantart.com/mewtwokeepe…
Revali the Second, also known as "Reva" or "Revarie," is the near carbon-copy son of the Rito Champion Revali. The only notable differences between him and his father visually being the green feathers around his eyes. His father had red feathers in the region. He hatched about one year after the Great Calamity. He was named "Revali the Second" after his mother initially believed him to be a reincarnation of her late husband. During the Age of Burning Fields, he and his mother fled Rito Village and eventually settled in Lurelin in hope that he could grow up outside of his father's shadow. He initially rejected his birth name, going by "Reva" or "Revarie" until his early 20s when he realized he couldn't run from his identity as Revali’s son and re-assumed his original name. He eventually married Link's younger sister, Hyrule's last full-blooded Wolfbred, Duchess Sydnei Imperial. He and his wife were a pair of traveling bards before Sydnei became leader of Hateno. He then became Hateno's historian. His wife affectionately calls him "Revali Part 2"
He is the grandfather of Kass the Rito Bard. He is also the grandfather of Reede, mayor of Hateno Village. (Hylia was involved with this.)
He is a recurring main character from my BotW fanfiction novel "Successors"
I had absolutely no idea what to make him wear, so he wears nothing 😅 My brain is not particularly fashionable.
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sunset-peril · 2 months
I plan to try and include some more positive King Rhoam content going forward, as it fits.
All the interactions I've really written with him thus far have typically been conversations with Zelda that typically have the same outcome as the memories with him, typically due to a misinterpretation occurring between father and daughter.
I think the guy's been the butt end of this joke for long enough (four years is a long time) and I'd like to force Rhoam and the other characters into situations where it looks more like Rhoam is actually trying... because the guy is. Not necessarily saying that all the characters will automatically start liking him (The HFS version of Link does not, but he has some not-Rhoam-or-Zelda-related reasons for that), but I'm gonna try harder to keep his nuances. I have some ideas in the ol' skull about where to start and I guess all I have to say is
I'm really glad I never wrote that scene with Rhoam and the Royal Court.
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