#bonus hc: there are a lot of bi puns in the office after that courtesy of jake
bi jake headcanons
looking back on it, jake’s been attracted to men all his life
from john mcclane to guys in high school and college to detective stevie schillens 
it was just at the time he knew he was attracted to women and he had no word to describe being attracted to multiple genders so he wasn’t. and anyway he figured everyone felt this way, so why stress about it?
even when he first hears the word bisexual in college, he doesn’t connect it with himself
it isn’t until rosa comes out and he comes up with a speech for her to come out to her parents that something shifts. saying ‘i am bisexual’ feels.... right. feels like something he’s never been able to articulate before but that hits some note in his chest and resonates, clear and loud
he doesn’t think about it after. this is rosa’s moment and he wants to be there for her. and he’s with amy so that’s that
until a guy from college, tall and funny and still so hot, they shared a sloppy drunken kiss at a college party and then never discussed it again, shows up in the precinct looking to report a murder and jake is floored. he doesn’t plan to do anything about these feelings, just can’t help thinking damn this guy is hot, but this time, he has a word for it
the label bisexual settles on him and it fits, it fits so well, like a perfect pair of sneakers that don’t need to be worn in, they’re already perfect
he tells amy first, of course. he tells her and as he starts to explain how it doesn’t mean anything’s changed between them, the thought that anything could change his love is ridiculous, amy places her hands on either side of his face and says “i know” and “i love you” and “i’m happy for you”
(the only thing that changes - and it’s not even a big change - is that they talk about which men are attractive; jake still doesn’t get amy’s thing for young al gore and amy thinks bruce willis in a tank top isn’t that hot which, how?)
he tells rosa next, thanks her for coming out, gets a little more emotional than he was expecting to but it’s fine. she says she’s there for him and if he needs it, she’ll go to dinner with his parents
(he takes her up on it. karen is extremely supportive and so proud of him for coming out, she’s already planning on getting a bi flag for their living room and joining an ally group for supportive parents. roger is..... roger, doesn’t understand how he can love amy, be married to her, and still decide to be bisexual. it’s not a decision though, it’s an epiphany, a recognition of something that’s always been true, and well jake’s learned not to expect anything more from him)
then he comes out to the rest of the precinct. he does it to a remix of nsync’s bye bye bye and it’s a little over-the-top and a lot of flash but at the end of the song, voice small and vulnerable and honest, he says “i am bisexual”
it feels good. it feels so good
the squad is just as supportive as ever and jake allows more than a minute for questions. afterwards holt pulls him aside, places a hand on his shoulder, and tells him he’s proud of him
when jake wants to go to pride the next year, they all go. rosa never has before, has never felt a need to loudly celebrate her sexuality, but she goes too and jake can see her smiling the entire time 
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