akhtist · 5 years
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🎊 TADAAAAM ! Voici enfin la folie akhtistique* dont je vous parlais depuis quelques jours Abi ! 🔭 Je ne vous mens pas l'idĂ©e m'est venu d'abord par la porte de la parodie, de l'humour, vous voyez ce fameux couvercle qui nous rappelle ces jolis keffieh saoudiens. Je ne pouvais pas me contenter de balancer ça comme ça... ça aurait Ă©tĂ© bĂącler le travail... Vous voyez oĂč je veux en venir ? Ben justement c'est lĂ  oĂč je veux vous emmener ! đŸ’„ Souvent incompris, il m'a fallu aborder le sujet minutieusement d’oĂč le fait d'avoir introduit ce projet sur plusieurs jours via un premier jeu concours oĂč je vous avez proposĂ© de trouver le titre de cette folie* dans un mot croisĂ© ainsi que le teaser (vidĂ©o) qui avait pour but d'intriguer jusqu'au bout... J'ai donc volontairement "crĂ©er" tout un concept autour de cette idĂ©e pour valoriser non seulement la marque mais aussi ce noble vĂȘtement qui est le keffieh. Tout ça rĂ©unit dans un thĂšme : BON PAPA. 💭 Parlons de la morale, j’ai trouvĂ© intĂ©ressant de faire le rapprochement entre la nĂ©gligence ou l’oubli du bon comportement envers le pĂšre ainsi que l’oubli de ce jeu de mot trĂšs facile mais dont bon nombre n’y ont pas forcĂ©ment pensĂ©. Comme vous le savez le pĂšre est la porte du milieu des portes du paradis, veillez donc Ă  vous comporter convenablement avec votre Bon Papa
 En ce jour, n’hĂ©sitez pas Ă  visiter, prendre des nouvelles, et invoquer le Tout-MisĂ©ricordieux afin qu’il prĂ©serve vos pĂšres, mĂšres, enfants, proches et amis. Qu’Allah vous prĂ©serve et vous rĂ©tribue dans le plus haut degrĂ© du paradis avec ceux que vous aim(i)ez
 AmĂźn. 👹‍🚀 Je vous ai dit l'essentiel... je vous laisse apprĂ©cier le travail et je vous dit Ă  bientĂŽt Ű„Ù† ێۧۥ Ű§Ù„Ù„Ù‡... 💬 N'hĂ©sitez pas Ă  partager, liker et laissez vos impressions. #AkhtistDesign #BonPapa #Enfin #MerciÀTous Mon Lexique: *Folie: Conception graphique dĂ©lirante cachant une morale. *Abi: Papa PS: Ce projet n'annonçait pas une naissance ^^ qu'Allah vous accorde Ă  tous une descendance pieuse. AmĂźn. ‘OthmĂąn | Akhtist Design.
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inmylonelyhead · 7 years
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Préparatif des 80 ans de Bon Papa #feuilletesaucisse #moutardeedmondfallot #yummy #petitepierrealedifice #hashtagdelamort #wesh #couscousfamily #homemade #foodporn #specialededicace @anneso.lambert #vivelessaucisses #familledulove #motherhoodthroughinstagram #80yearsold #bonpapa #grandpere #familyreunion @mm_rochefort @marion.fusco @marie_capucinevldj @philoupili @tense_b @madmoizel_cecilia @hbridonneau (à Neuilly-sur-Seine, France)
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upmarais-blog · 5 years
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à partir de 18h30 avant la derniÚre séance du Ciné-Marais. Boissons sans alcool. Des choses seront cuisinées par des habitant.e.s du Marais, si vous voulez aider, n'hésitez pas à ramener tarte, cake, gateaux ou autres choses aperitif. Prix libre
 ★20h Programme de courts mĂ©trages sĂ©lectionnĂ©s par le Festival International de Clermont-Ferrand  OUVRIR LES FUTURS : CINÉ-MARAIS < proposĂ© par le CafĂ© des images En partenariat avec l'Ă©cole Nomade, RĂ©seau GĂ©nĂ©riques - Ligue de l'Enseignement â–ș Light Motif de FrĂ©dĂ©ric Bonpapa Animation, ExpĂ©rimental | France, Royaume-Unis, Angleterre | 2017 | 04'15 Langue : Français Étude des possibilitĂ©s de synergie entre image et musique Ă  travers un environnement semi-abstrait fait de lumiĂšres colorĂ©es et de formes gĂ©omĂ©triques. â–ș Hopptornet de Axel Danielson et Maximilien Van Aertryck Documentaire, ExpĂ©rimental | SuĂšde | 2015 | 15' Langue : SuĂ©dois sous-titrĂ© Français Une situation qui illustre le dilemme. La peur de se jeter Ă  l'eau, l'humiliation du renoncement. Comment sommes-nous lorsque nous hĂ©sitons ? Lorsque nous prenons une dĂ©cision ? Que faisons-nous quand nous sommes seuls, et quand nous sommes avec les autres ? ★ Prix du Public (2017) , Prix SpĂ©cial du Jury (2017) ★ â–ș Wind de Robert Löbel Animation | Allemagne | 2012 | 3'49 Langue : Allemand (sans dialogue) ExposĂ©es Ă  la force du vent, des personnes semblent impuissantes. Cependant, elles ont appris Ă  faire face Ă  ces conditions de vie difficiles. â–ș Madam Black de Ivan Barge Fiction | Nouvelle-ZĂ©lande | 2015 | 11'19 Langue : Anglais sous-titrĂ© français Un photographe Ă©crase le chat d'une petite fille. Il va devoir inventer toute une histoire pour expliquer sa disparition. ★ Prix du Public (2016) ★ â–ș Escargore de Olivert Hilbert Animation, Horreur | Nouvelle-ZĂ©lande | 2015 | 05'06 Langue : Anglais sous-titrĂ© Français Petit film d'horreur avec des escargots. Claude et et ses amis ont bien mal choisi leur salade pour dĂ©jeuner. Les voilĂ  pris au piĂšge d'un monde oĂč de terribles dangers les attendent au tournant. â–ș Pile-Poil de Lauriane Escaffre et Yvonnick Muller Fiction | France | 2018 | 20'57 Langue : Français sous-titrĂ© anglais Dans trois jours, Élodie passe l'Ă©preuve d'Ă©pilation de son CAP d'esthĂ©ticienne. Son pĂšre, boucher, aimerait bien qu'elle l'aide davantage Ă  la boutique. Mais pour l’instant, Élodie a autre chose en tĂȘte : elle doit trouver un modĂšle. Un modĂšle avec des poils pour passer son examen. ★ Prix du Rire Fernand Raynaud (2019) ★ â–ș Nefta Football Club de Yves Piat Fiction | France | 2018 | 17' Langue : Arabe sous-titrĂ© français Dans le sud tunisien, Ă  la frontiĂšre de l'AlgĂ©rie, deux frĂšres fans de football tombent sur un Ăąne perdu au milieu du dĂ©sert. Bizarrement, l'animal porte un casque audio sur les oreilles. ★ Prix du Public (2019) ★ â–ș Les Indes galantes de ClĂ©ment Cogitore Fiction, ExpĂ©rimental | France | 2017 | 05'26 Langue : Français Le krump est une danse nĂ©e dans les ghettos noirs de Los Angeles, aprĂšs les Ă©meutes de 1995. À travers cette performance filmĂ©e sur le plateau de l'opĂ©ra Bastille, le rĂ©alisateur crĂ©e un battle entre la culture urbaine et la musique de Rameau. ★ Mention du Jury Telerama (2018), Prix du Public (2018) ★
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studioangelique · 7 years
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“The Blacksmith at Night” -- My mother commissioned this picture, and I made it with great love for my Bonpapa, who was a blacksmith for many years, as his father was before him. The gate in the foreground is based on one he made and which is still in his garden -- I used to trace the metal curlicues with my fingers as a child. And the leaves are based on the actual purplish-red bushes that encircle my grandparents’ garden. The original is now hanging in my grandparents’ home in Belgium, and I’m glad that they can have some of my art with them, even while we are far apart.
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yumisaiki-blog · 5 years
Light Motif from Frédéric Bonpapa on Vimeo.
Prix Ars Electronica 2014, Honorary Mention. Special Mention and Tele5 Special Award at Stuttgart Festival of Animated Film 2015. Awarded at Multivision 2014 for "The Best Music Interpretation". Special Distinction at Animanima 2015. Special Mention at Athens Animfest 2015. 2nd place on East-West Art Award Competition 2015. Official Selection at Siggraph Asia, Clermont-Ferrand, Aspen Shortsfest, Ann Arbor, Oberhausen, Anima Mundi, Encounters, Giffoni, European Film Festival of Lille, Vienna Independent Shorts, Future Film Festival, Animatou, Message to Man, Motion+, Giraf, Future Shorts, Videoformes, ArtFutura, Fest Anca Slovakia, OFF Odense, Anim'est Bucharest, Milwaukee Film Festival, Anilogue, Tehran Short Film Festival, Short Shorts Tokyo, BAMkids Film Festival, Children’s Film Festival Seattle, Nice Short Film Festival, Lahore International Childrens Film Festival, Traverse City Film Festival, Interfilm Berlin... Screened at TED Talks, Roy and Edna Disney / CalArts Theater, Mercedes-Benz Museum, CCCB Barcelona, Brooklyn Academy of Music, Erarta Museum, MAMAC of Nice, Bangkok Art and Culture Centre, ICFFI Hyderabad, Transnumeriques, Tampere Film Festival, Anima Brussels, Holland Animation Film Festival, Kuryokhin Center for Modern Art, Fantasia Film Festival... Featured on The CreatorsProject, STASH Magazine, CreativeReview, FACT Magazine, Fubiz, Design Indaba, Journal du Design, Artribune...
Light Motif is conceived as a synaesthetic experience based on a visual transposition of Music for 18 Musicians – Section II, by the American composer Steve Reich. The ambition of the film is to cinematically capture the extraordinary life force that animates this essential work of contemporary music by offering a truly hypnotic experience where music can be “seen”. The inspiration for the project stems from the relationship between music and the visual arts, illustrated by artists such as Wassily Kandinsky, Oskar Fischinger, Norman McLaren or John Whitney. These works try to establish precise connections between sounds, shapes, colors and movements, to visually translate the concepts of rhythm, melody, harmony, pitch, timbre and intensity. Light Motif proposes applying the construction principles of Steve Reich’s compositions to visual language. Rigorously architected, his compositions are based on the repetition of short melodic patterns subjected to the gradual processes of dephasing, lengthening pattern, rhythmic saturation and tonal changes. The result of these subtle variations in the repetitions is a sound texture in constant transformation. The listener passes progressively from a polyphonic perception to a global perception, from the perception of a discontinuous sound phenomenon to a continuous one. In Light Motif it is this perceptual phenomenon that is transcribed into images. Procedural generation techniques are used to transpose the motifs and compositional processes into a semi-abstract visual form made of colored lights and geometric shapes. Light Motif explores the possibilities of synergy between music and image through a subjective experience that can speak directly to the subconscious of the viewer.
Producer / Director / Editor / CG Supervisor: Frédéric Bonpapa Music: Steve Reich - Music for 18 Musicians, Section II. Performed by Steve Reich and Musicians. Used by permission of Boosey & Hawkes UK Ltd. Character Modeler: Eric Prebende Character TD: Frédéric Bonpapa Character Animators: Barthélémy Boirot, Frédéric Bonpapa, Mathilde Fabry, Romain Pamart FX Animators: Olivier Barré, Frédéric Bonpapa, Jon Uriarte. Shading / Lighting TD: Frédéric Bonpapa Compositors: Frédéric Bonpapa, Jon Uriarte
© 2014 Frédéric Bonpapa
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kebee-s · 6 years
Light Motif from Frédéric Bonpapa on Vimeo.
Prix Ars Electronica 2014, Honorary Mention. Special Mention and Tele5 Special Award at Stuttgart Festival of Animated Film 2015. Awarded at Multivision 2014 for "The Best Music Interpretation". Special Distinction at Animanima 2015. Special Mention at Athens Animfest 2015. 2nd place on East-West Art Award Competition 2015. Official Selection at Siggraph Asia, Clermont-Ferrand, Aspen Shortsfest, Ann Arbor, Oberhausen, Anima Mundi, Encounters, Giffoni, European Film Festival of Lille, Vienna Independent Shorts, Future Film Festival, Animatou, Message to Man, Motion+, Giraf, Future Shorts, Videoformes, ArtFutura, Fest Anca Slovakia, OFF Odense, Anim'est Bucharest, Milwaukee Film Festival, Anilogue, Tehran Short Film Festival, Short Shorts Tokyo, BAMkids Film Festival, Children’s Film Festival Seattle, Nice Short Film Festival, Lahore International Childrens Film Festival, Traverse City Film Festival, Interfilm Berlin... Screened at TED Talks, Roy and Edna Disney / CalArts Theater, Mercedes-Benz Museum, CCCB Barcelona, Brooklyn Academy of Music, Erarta Museum, MAMAC of Nice, Bangkok Art and Culture Centre, ICFFI Hyderabad, Transnumeriques, Tampere Film Festival, Anima Brussels, Holland Animation Film Festival, Kuryokhin Center for Modern Art, Fantasia Film Festival... Featured on The CreatorsProject, STASH Magazine, CreativeReview, FACT Magazine, Fubiz, Design Indaba, Journal du Design, Artribune...
Light Motif is conceived as a synaesthetic experience based on a visual transposition of Music for 18 Musicians – Section II, by the American composer Steve Reich. The ambition of the film is to cinematically capture the extraordinary life force that animates this essential work of contemporary music by offering a truly hypnotic experience where music can be “seen”. The inspiration for the project stems from the relationship between music and the visual arts, illustrated by artists such as Wassily Kandinsky, Oskar Fischinger, Norman McLaren or John Whitney. These works try to establish precise connections between sounds, shapes, colors and movements, to visually translate the concepts of rhythm, melody, harmony, pitch, timbre and intensity. Light Motif proposes applying the construction principles of Steve Reich’s compositions to visual language. Rigorously architected, his compositions are based on the repetition of short melodic patterns subjected to the gradual processes of dephasing, lengthening pattern, rhythmic saturation and tonal changes. The result of these subtle variations in the repetitions is a sound texture in constant transformation. The listener passes progressively from a polyphonic perception to a global perception, from the perception of a discontinuous sound phenomenon to a continuous one. In Light Motif it is this perceptual phenomenon that is transcribed into images. Procedural generation techniques are used to transpose the motifs and compositional processes into a semi-abstract visual form made of colored lights and geometric shapes. Light Motif explores the possibilities of synergy between music and image through a subjective experience that can speak directly to the subconscious of the viewer.
Producer / Director / Editor / CG Supervisor: Frédéric Bonpapa Music: Steve Reich - Music for 18 Musicians, Section II. Performed by Steve Reich and Musicians. Used by permission of Boosey & Hawkes UK Ltd. Character Modeler: Eric Prebende Character TD: Frédéric Bonpapa Character Animators: Barthélémy Boirot, Frédéric Bonpapa, Mathilde Fabry, Romain Pamart FX Animators: Olivier Barré, Frédéric Bonpapa, Jon Uriarte. Shading / Lighting TD: Frédéric Bonpapa Compositors: Frédéric Bonpapa, Jon Uriarte
© 2014 Frédéric Bonpapa
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luxdamore · 7 years
Nike Tech Fleece from Raphael Vangelis on Vimeo.
I had the fortunate opportunity to do a spot for Nike this year.
Director: Raphael Executive Producer: Michael Stanish Production Company: Ground Control
Producer: Anneka Bunnang
Glassworks team:
Lead 3D Artist Florian Juri 3D Artist Roman Vrbovsky 3D Artist Frederic Bonpapa 3D Artist Vladimir Venkov 3D Artist Julien Johnson 3d Previs Artist Johnny Grew
Lead Flame Artist James MacLachlan Flame Artist Warren Gebhardt
Colourist Matt Hare
Executive Producer Abi Klimaszewska
Music: Take - Neon Beams
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lebonpapa-blog · 9 years
LE BON PAPA LE FILM - plus de 500 vues, et 14 LIKES ! 
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christophe76460 · 2 years
Regardez "A Nous Les Studios - (David BONPAPA)" sur YouTube
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lebonperedefamille · 9 years
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LE BON PAPA - LE BON REUP - LE BON DARON #lebonpapa #bonpapa
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akhtist · 3 years
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🗣 JE DIS : 《Rendez-vous Vendredi ! 18H》. #BonPapa #Demain #18h (à Papa) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPpu0RgDapd/?utm_medium=tumblr
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lebonpapa-blog · 9 years
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LE BON PAPA - PARIS - septembre 2015
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lebonpapa-blog · 9 years
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lebonpapa-blog · 9 years
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