#bonnylads my beloved
Now I'm curious-
What about Fanon!Wild makes you heavily dislike them?
i apologise in advance but a can of worms just got opened uh ill put it under the cut
Fanon Wild. Oh boy how the fandom makes him a self centered, stupid prick. I've found fics that were sposed to be focused on Legend and losing Marin, right? Cool fic! But it wasn't, because it turned into Legend coddling Wild bc he lost Mipha. and nothing about legends feelings about marin was ever dove into, it was basically just wiping all legends troubles away and replacing em with wilds. note; there was no wild-centric tag. And whenever it comes to his fics, he's always a fucking idiot. he's an idiot who literally does not give a fuck about anyone else bc "ive had a rough life" ya so has literally everyone else in the chain you self centered brat. also the whole 'feral' thing just...REALLY rubs me the wrong way bc in game canon, he did so many things with BASICALLY NO MEMORY. but no hes a stupid little feral sadboy who can never do anything wrong ever. he does smth wrong? it gets forgiven mad quick even if its absolutely fucking awful. the fandom coddles him and it makes him almost...not-human, because they do not own up to the fact he can make mistakes
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howl-at--the-sun 2 years
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Ajajuauajan ty!
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I wonder if Four and any of the rest of the Chain is flexible, like being able to fit into the weirdest holes kind of flexible-
Also did Four have any kind of fighting training before their quest, like martial arts or something? Or did they find out how to do the chaos by trial n error?
four is def still flexible as hell, i like to think they do gymnastics for fun. wind might be too? not sure abt that one
and it was 100% trial and error. dude didnt know what they were doing they just completely winged it LMAO
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How dangerous is a bored GZFour?
extremely. they will do outrageous things in the name of boredom. within 2 days of fours phone dying, they end up blowing up 4 monster camps with wild and wind bc they were bored
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Ah, yeah...
Legend seeing a edit of him that someone made-
Imagine if it's one of those "who gives you gender envy" ones-
honestly legend gives everyone ever gender envy in my experience lol legend can literally pull of any gender presentation i think
four just "he gives me gender envy too guys yall arent alone" and its the first time any of them are shocked by four bc. four is also very gender.
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The wizzrobe doesn't only get Four and splits them, it also gets our favorite salt mine-
Triforce Twinks and the colors appearing from the spell? Oooo but what if the broken dopple that people think is their version of Vio is there as well, and in hella rough shape-
But yeah, gotta love still having mind-links, but what if they couldn't shut the other out and so they would still hear the mumbles from the others?
oh HELL YEA. galaxy brained ideas
especially the broken doppel doll showing up n even legends colours being confused bc "who the fuck is this" DHDGKLSDG
i feel like the colours get increasingly more annoyed abt it bc as we know, vio is an ADHD gremlin who has a million thoughts per second
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I wonder if any of the Chain accidentally sees Four watching/playing any of their games and they I bet are hella confused-
I wonder how they would react if like a wizzrobe hit Four with a spell that after a hour split them again and they have to collect a thing to go back to "normal"- (but what if the colors still had a mindlink during that-)
Feel free to ignore me, and sorry for the rapid questions, my brain is spitballing ideas and I should really start working on the vent fics for me and my headmates' sources that are hella messed up-
four getting caught playing a zelda game on their 3ds is funny to me. more so if i make it triforce heroes >:)
GOD the colours being split but still having a telepathic connection is SO COOL
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I'm just imagining the comments on the vlogs where Legend is wearing the Eyesore Dress and he looks happy with the mess of a dress- or as happy as Legend gets-
ok some of them just "go off king" bc he looks less-dead-inside wearing the dress
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Imagine Dink experimenting with combining different enemies from the different eras to see how the Chain would react and the reactions to that fucking thing going towards them-
Bonus if there's multiple after them at once-
Vio would be screaming like a banshee in Four's head because they look and act like spiders-
four has migraines that last for what seems like forever bc vio will not stop screaming. nothing will calm vio down. vio is crying, four is crying, its a mess
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Chain's reaction to seeing someone who is cosplaying as one of them at a con being bugged by a asshole but before they can go after the asshole someone who is cosplaying as one of the various villains stands up for the person-
Like for example the one being bugged is cosplaying as Sky and the rescuer is cosplaying as Giriham (or however you spell that ones name), or Four and Vaati as the respective ones-
AW YEA thats cute actually
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Ooooo imagine if Legend gets pranked again and he retaliates by working with Fable to make something for them as well and if it's Four he makes something like his Eyesore Dress but with Four's colors and unintentionally or intentionally adds black to it and Four's reaction to that-
Especially if Four's tunic got hidden and in it's place is the payback for the prank-
ooo yeah
i feel like legend would retaliate by hiding fours original tunic and replaced with one that has the quarters all mixed up. like. blue is where red is, red is where green is, purple is where blue is, and green is where purple is. it makes four uncomfy bc "theres a structure to this"
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Dot instantly knowing who did the prank- and possibly adding stuff to make it even worse but not inhibiting Legend's movement-
I can just imagine the historians finding pics of Legend in that dress and the theories-
she just knows it was four
four finds it so funny that legends god awful dress is seen by historians that they actually cry
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When I thought the monster up, these were the specific versions of the 3 that I mean
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ReDead (creepy and screechy ass bastards-)
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Skulltula (the thing looks like a fucking spider- yuck)
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And the deku baba-
Mainly doing this because I want to see if anyone wants to try and draw the sucker
Which, for reference, has the body of a ReDead, limbs of a skulltula, and the head of a deku baba-
Poor Vio tho-
Vio is convinced they died and went straight to hell, they don't accept that these amalgamations are real
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I'm just imagining the look on Four's face if they saw a cosplayer that looked so much like one of the colors they thought for a sec they split without noticing until they look closer and it's just a cosplayer that has a very good talent with cosplaying and being accurate-
Or for example the person is cosplaying as Blue and they think it's actually him until they look and realize that nope-
Ooooo their reactions to the cosplayer bouncing up to them and happy babbling because they think that Four is also a cosplayer-
four is just playing along bc its way better to pretend LMAO
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I'm curious, what are some things that would piss off each of the Colors? Because Legend finding the things that are annoying to all 4 but not enough to piss them off-
oh! well, Blue hates mess. Messes make him very upset and mad Red hates yelling. She can't handle loud noises too well but yelling is worse Green generally doesn't like cheaters. If you play a game with him and cheat he will flip his lid Vio...its actually hard to piss them off. They only get pissed if someone is mean about Shadow or if someone is mean to the other three. they dont care whats said about them.
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I can just imagine Four scaring the others by twisting into a area and coming out unscathed, or just stretching and one looks over at the wrong time and they are in a way that looks like something's wrong-
Ooooo what if our salt mine tries to do the same moves and he can to a point, and probably a few joints crack along the way-
legend cracks like a glowstick at any given moment and hes one of the younger ones </3
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