#boba conspiracies got me on a kick of pet peeves from my last job too
basuralindo · 1 month
i almost forgot how wild tryna sell trendy asian food to white people can be, like,
"i don't trust that, i don't know what's in it!" The ingredients are readily available online.
"i don't wanna eat anything with ingredients i can't pronounce" You can't pronounce charcuterie either, but that hasn't stopped you.
"i don't wanna eat anything processed" Your quinoa is processed too. It's called cooking.
"i don't want anything too sweet do you sell anything that isn't sweet?" There is a reason we offer to adjust sweetness levels. There is a solution here at your disposal and it is written directly in front of you.
"i'm nervous, this is my first time" This isn't a date. Just read the fucking menu and stop making it weird.
"can i just buy a banana?" Girl literally where on the menu or anywhere in the store do you see a fucking banana?
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