#blossom the pop country troll
Blossom: qwq
Rin: *looks at her* better?
Blossom: *nods a bit* ^^
0 notes
hemmohaze · 1 month
Valentine’s Day Plans
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Word Count: 1,000+
Warnings: Strong Language
AN: Okay what if i said this is my favorite fic I’ve ever written. Maybe it’s because Cal is my cheat lane as well. Happy reading and hope you all enjoy<3
February 13th 2019
Daniella Walker. The name that is mainstream as she was making her way into the music scene as what the internet calls their "pop princess."
Daniella first had internet fame how everyone does in the early 2010's, by posting on Youtube. From the age of 16 she started posting covers of her singing different popular songs at the time ranging from Halsey to Ariana Grande. First viral video being her cover of Honeymoon Avenue from the album Yours Truly.
Her life changed at 19 when one of her self produced songs called Speechless dropped and became an overnight sensation. Flying from her home country of London, England to countless radio interviews to her first American Music Awards as an attendee and performer at.
That’s when she met some of her longtime friends in the music industry, 5 Seconds of Summer. She met them because she accidentally bumped into a red haired Micheal as she was coming off stage and they were about to take the stage. The two gushing over much they enjoyed each other’s music.
She was a huge Amnesia fan.
Over the years they continued to keep contact with one another. She was featured on their 3rd album Youngblood on their song Want You Back as backing vocals.
Daniella had also become a regular feature in 5SOS content. As well as being posted on their respective girlfriend’s Instagram’s pretty frequently.
For a little while she was considered a groupie when she went to Bali with them in 2016. Until stan twitter quickly defended her from the trolls on the internet claiming how do they not know her.
She was now 24 standing in line at her favorite local coffee and bagel spot in downtown Los Angeles. The line continued move at a slow pace as she hummed along to the beat in her airpods she been sent the night previous. She was absolutely in love with it. She had a studio session set with Max Martin that she definitely couldn't be late for.
He's worked with artists like Taylor Swift, Kelly Clarkson, Ariana Grande, and Britney Spears.
It's been a dream of hers to work with him and only her 3rd album that is saying she's gotta be doing something right.
She finally approached Bailey, one of the cashiers she had blossomed a friendship from after being a regular here for 4 months.
"Everything bagel with a side of strawberry cream cheese and Iced Americano double shot with light ice and vanilla creamer!" She shouted to the back. "Hey Daniella."
A smile was plastered on her face. "Hey girlfriend! You'll never believe what I've got planned today." She started as she dug in her purse for her card to hand over for her to swipe.
"Please you're literally a pop star. If you told me you were going to meet up with Kim Kardashian I would probably believe you." She stated in her strong jersey accent as she handed the card back.
"No I wish, but on my bucket list though, maybe I could get a discount on those Skims bodysuits I like. Anyways besides the point here, somehow managed to get a studio session with Max Martin! And cherry on top, the guys are showing up with Ryan fucking Tedder.” She said excitedly as she moved off to the side of the line so other people could move.
"See this is what I mean. It's Thursday at nine in the morning and you're going to work with your hot Australian friends and I'm here covered in flour all day while dealing with the bitches in the back and isn't Max Martin that Swedish dude who's written and produced for basically every A list singer." She leaned against the register.
"Yeah it's so exciting is it not. And Alexis you're so talented at making bagels. Hone in on that." She joked making the curly haired blonde roll her eyes in fake annoyance.
“Your accent makes this sound all posh Dani.”
“Oh whatever.”
"Your beautiful everything bagel and iced coffee m'lady." Bailey turned around to the kitchen workers as she handed her two paper bags one full of her favorite little snacks and the other with her bagel.
"Oh my goodness, you didn't have to do th-." She started.
"Oh please shut up yes I did. You're gonna be late with the hot guys.”
“Text me when you can, I'd love to hear all about it." She smiled.
"Will do."
As she was on the highway on the way to the studio her mind was clouded with thoughts some negative some positive, but mostly negative.
Before she knew it she was finding a parking spot and walking into Capitol Records.
Showing security her badge, she looked down at her Apple Watch and cursed, realizing she was going to be late if she didn’t climb the stairs in under 2 minutes. Thank god for her zumba classes she’s been taking.
Once she figured out what studio she was gonna be in for the next 6 hours, she spotted his long hair and glasses talking to Ryan and the four men sat in the couch in the corner. All of them laughing at something on Luke's phone. She knocked bringing their attention to her standing at the door slightly out of breath.
"Daniella! Pleasure to finally meet you." Max said getting up from the comfy chair to give her hug.
"So nice to meet you too. I'm so incredibly excited and I also see you've invited some of my good friends." She stated nudging Ryan's elbow.
"He had a lot of positive things to say about you." He said sitting back down.
"Daniella you probably know them," Ryan gestured to the men sitting on the couch.
"Know them. These guys are basically a second family to me." She joked.
"I hope you don't mind that I decided to bring them along here to hopefully do some live instrumentals for ya." He told her looking at her with a smile.
"Oh my goodness not at all! It actually sounds so cool. I’ve missed these guys." She smiled widely.
Micheal stood up and gave her a brotherly hug. “Have you gotten shorter?” He joked making Daniella give him the bird.
“Haven’t you gotten weirder.”
Ashton was next, giving her another squeeze and pat on the head.
Then Luke who did their handshake they made up in Bali together, that neither of them forgot even after 4 years.
Finally it was Calum who smiled at her first and then suddenly picked up her up and spun her around in a circle, earning a loud laugh from Daniella and his signature smile that she still got butterflies from.
Even after her 6 years of knowing him, he still makes her blush like a school girl.
“Alright everyone let’s get to work to hear this beautiful voice of hers.” Max stated turning around and facing the recording booth as Daniella walked in and put on her headphones.
Two hours passed as Daniella stood in the recording booth, recording the second verse. She was mumbling the possible verse in the microphone. The song had a Lorde lyricism with Ariana Grande singing vibe.
She and Max had titled the song Selfish. Max and Ryan giving her corrections if needed. Other than the couple comments or corrections from the group she had total artistic freedom and she loved that.
“Could we leave that first half blank of that chorus and I’ll stack some more vocal layers on that run.” Daniella suggested over the noise of the metronome. “Thank you.”
“Yup sounds amazing.”
While Ryan was stacking her vocals, she leaned next to Ashton's drum kit and told him what pace she needed for the chorus.
Calum was fiddling with his bass strings trying to tune them when Daniella walked over. “So what’s your big opinion on it??”
“I think it sounds bloody brilliant.” He said in a Scottish accent.
“Don’t make fun of the Scottish people.”
“You always seem to forget I’m half Scottish and you’re literally British.” He laughed as she hit his tattooed arm slightly.
Max leaned into Micheal's headset, "Okay Mike start from when Daniella comes in at "I used to be cautious about this and stop when the beat drops back down to the acoustic version that we have prepared.”
3 more hours passed as their session ended and Daniella so proud of the song they had made and gotten mastered.
"Alright, could we schedule another one for Friday morning? We’ve got selfish crossed off the list. We could get started on Messier Things as well." Max asked her looking at his calendar.
She nodded with a thumbs up. "That should work with me."
"It was so good to finally see you guys today. What’s new in the wonderful world of 5SOS land." She asked the boys as they were walking to a lunch spot on the less crowded side of LA so the likelihood of them all being noticed and ambushed by paparazzi was a zero percent chance.
“Going on a promo tour for Easier. Thats literally all. New York, LA, Atlanta, and some overseas.” Ashton said laughing.
"Well whatt are you guys doing for the day of love that happens to be tomorrow." She asked wiggling her fingers together.
"Spending time with Sierra." Luke quickly answered with a smile. He loves that woman more than air it seems. But it’s good to see him so happy.
"Crystal wants to go see some new movie." Micheal stated with a raised eyebrows. He probably had no clue but he was with Crystal and thats all he cared about.
“Oo lemme know if you need a dog sitter. I’ll bring Pepper. Y’know she loves Moose and Southy.”
"Probably just a dinner with KayKay." Ashton’s bright smile came up whenever he talked about KayKay.
"Absolutely nothing." Calum said quickly with a slight eye roll. She knew how he felt about Valentine's Day. He hated that day with every fiber in his being.
"We could spend it together Cal, I'm not doing anything either. It can be like old times!" Reminiscing on when they would go their favorite Ramen restaurant in the city and rewatch Criminal Minds at his house whenever they were both free.
As much as only everyone around them knows, they've had a flirty relationship ever since they've met. But what they don’t know is they claim they’re just friends who have occasionally kissed each other, slept in the same bed, and she's worn his clothes more than once but just friends.
But due to them being too awkward to act upon their obvious feelings, they have no official label on whatever they are.
"Ramen on Melrose it is." He laughed making Daniella laugh along with him.
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chattegeorgiana · 2 months
Hey Chatte hope all is well! I saw your special Narusakra comic and your most recent post on IG showing off the Crown of the Sun for Sakura. Can’t wait to read & see how she gets there. I saw a lot of awesome pieces for NarSaukra day so I want to thank you and the rest of the community for keeping it alive.
I have been rereading Kaika and the chapters 11-13 so far are my favorite. I’m excited to how you are going to make the aliens/gods work and to be honest you have done a better than the canon. As for everyone’s favorite snake sanin I’m interested to how he ends in the plot. While personally I didn’t care for him be a “good” guy in canon in the present. He will always be a creature of habit and self serving. So I’m excited. Also a headcannon I thought of regarding him and Shina’s Gen. He would be interested Shina the most compared to the U twins probably feed up with Uchilas in general. Also given the fact that he probably shoot’s himself for overlooking Naruto and Sakura originally for the more polished product in Sauake. Shina also looking and sharing personality with Minmato would be funny because he would take as Minmato ghost coming back and trolling him. Best part is Shina would have no idea how much his presence would be triggering for him lol.
One last point it’s a little something I wanted to share with you. So I used to live in this suburb next to Newark NJ, USA and in Newark there is this section called Forest Hills. This neighborhood is famous for two reasons one is its old fashion mansions and Branch Brooke Park, which has over 5,000 Japanese cherry blossoms trees planted there. They have their own cherry blossoms festival and everything.
Hiii dear, welcome back again to my inbox!
Glad to hear you liked the NaruSaku special and Sakura's Crown of the Sun art.
To be honest, can't wait to get there myself. I have sooo many interesting ideas about how she gets it. Too many even, lol. I finally got to understand what other writers were meaning when they said you will get to discard some ideas at some point.
In the beginning I was like naa, I won't be doing that. But with time the ideas developed so much, that I see no other way than to drop a few from the beginning or better said, reform some of them to fit the new, updated idea lol.
Also thank you for your kind words. It is my pleasure, and many other artists, I'm sure, to keep the community alive.
After all, it's just pure love for them and that's it. We're free of the shackles of canon, so yay for us!
Now, to get back to Kaika.
First of all, thank you once again for your compliments! I'm so happy to see you liked what - at least - I'm trying to do there with the Otsutsukis.
I believe that the idea with them was not bad. It's the execution that's problematic, imo. That's why I tried to take a different route with them, while still referencing the canon element. I will be referencing a lot of elements from the OG franchise, because I do like the idea. I just don't like the execution.
As for Orochimaru well... We have a here saying in my country that says the wolf changes its fur, but not its habits.
What I can say is that, that's what I'll follow. Narratively as well.
Because like you said, deep down, he's a creature of habit. Habits are our second nature. That's why it's not that easy to change one self and you first gotta change your habits.
In OG it is shown to us that Oro didn't actually changed his habits at all, he is just being let loose. Which narratively makes so little sense?
You tell me that the man who basically put in motion everything that we've been witnessing along the path of Naruto manga, is just going to be left to do whatever he wants because... he's a necessary evil?
That's not how you act with the necessary evil. You don't let it loose and just barely keep him under supervision, imo.
If anything, he's a "joker" type of character. You never know when he's gonna pop off the box to scare ya away with some machiavellian ploy.
As for your headcanon of him and Shina, well, there is a common element in there that we have. I can't say that he's fed-up with the Uchihas (after all, Uchihas were his obsession), but...
I have a certain idea in mind about the path I have with him and him overlooking Naruto & Sakura's family, generally, because well, Sakura Haruno doesn't come from any prestigious clan that could benefit his pursuits, right?
And yet, surprise-surprise, the ones you least expect are the ones who get to bring the biggest turnarounds.
The thing is, I have two routes I want to take with him in terms of his eventual demise and I'm undecided on which side to go with, lol.
One involved him and Tsunade and was kinda dramatic, and the other one involves NaruSaku family, ironically. So I really don't know which way to go.
Because all this will be happening in Kaika Shinsei's timeline, which I am yet to settle.
I guess I'll see after I finish writing Saisei how things evolve until then, so that'll probably help me decide.
And WOOW, thank you so much for sharing that piece of info with me?! I ADORE cherry blossoms.
I grew-up with them and other types of blossoms, so for me, spring blossoms, especially cherry ones, are very special.
Actually the city where I moved has some parks filled with
I dream of travelling to Japan one day and live the original cherry blossoms season experience. But until then I enjoy the wanna-be one from here haha.
ANyway, thanks once again for the ask. Hope you have an amazing rest of your time today/tonight. <3
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dustedmagazine · 5 years
Dust Volume Five, Number 11
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Cold rain, dead leaves, political corruption, diplomatic betrayal…it’s been a bleak couple of weeks on the home front, but at least the music is good. This time out, we check in with the estimable Ezra Furman (pictured above) and his blistering punk rock album, as well as a smattering of shoegaze, a low frequency trio, a black metal endurance test, acoustic entropy and the sound of black holes colliding.  You know, same old, same old.  Our contributors include Andrew Forell, Bill Meyer, Jennifer Kelly, Jonathan Shaw and Ian Mathers.
Blushing — Blushing (Wallflower Records)
Blushing by Blushing
Blasting out of Austin, Texas come Blushing (married couples Michelle and Jacob Soto on guitar/vocals and drums, Christina and Noe Carmona on vocals/bass and guitar) with their self-titled debut album, an impressively sophisticated addition to the shoegaze landscape. Blushing displays finely tuned dynamics, a keen sense of melody and joyous rushes of controlled noise. The interplay of twin vocals adds an ethereal Cocteau Twins sheen to the songs but Blushing aren’t afraid to let rip with layers of guitar. Producer Elliott Frazier of Ringo Deathstarr achieves space and separation in the mix that elevates this album above the basic quiet-loud-quiet formula. Underpinning all this is simply terrific songwriting and musicianship. Opener “So Many” starts with whispered vocals over strums and washes of guitar before the rhythm section enters, there’s a slow build before the track blossoms into a widescreen squall of almost psychedelic guitars and pounding drums then wanes into a feedback outro. Highlights “Dream Merchants” and “The Truth” bring classic shoegaze tropes and add a dreamy panoramic depth. Blushing is a band to watch and this is a gem of a debut.
Andrew Forell
 CARL — Solid Bottom (Astral Spirits)
Solid Bottom by CARL
“Bass, how low can you go?” CARL’s flow differs drastically from Mike D’s, but the question is undeniably pertinent. The Houston-based trio comprises three low end instruments — Damon Smith (since departed) on double bass, Andrew Durham on electric bass and radio, and bandleader Danny Kamins on baritone saxophone — hitting sonorities that range from ankle high to sub-sub-basement. But bulbous pitches can still be nimble, and so it is here. The interaction pits genre against genre, bow thrust against amp buzz, melancholy phrase against floor-rattling rumble, resulting in music that never feels at ease. Hey, Texas needs some opposition, and these folks are ready to show the way.
Bill Meyer
 Ezra Furman—Twelve Nudes (Bella Union)
Twelve Nudes by Ezra Furman
It was about the time that Ezra Furman started expressing his distinct identity—queer, cross-dressed, devoutly Jewish—that he turned into one of rock’s great songwriters. Today, freed of the need for self-abnegation, his songs balance a razor-stropped wit with sharp, assaultive hooks; he is not afraid to tell you his story, though he’s too literate and clever to deliver it unadulterated. His songs have a shape and a sting at the end like a good short story, but a punch that is considerably more visceral. “The kids are just getting started/they’ve only just learned to howl, and most of them throw in the towel/by the time that they turn 23,” he shouts raspily in “Evening Prayer aka Justice” and it leads into the kind of stirring, anthemic chorus that Titus Andronicus used to be so good at. “What Can You Do But Rock and Roll” rampages in a short-circuiting stop-start attack, like Green Day before they got so serious about themselves. In short, it’s a rock and roll of the sort that the culture has mostly abandoned, the kind that large men push to the front of Hold Steady concerts for, that causes Japandroids fans to punch the air. And yet it is not wholly of this man-centric tradition, simply because of who Ezra Furman is – lipsticked, cocktail dressed, smarter than you and willing to talk Torah. In short, here is a songwriter who has been killing it since Day of the Dog and Twelve Nudes, his latest, punk-est album (inspired equally by Jay Reatard and the Canadian poet Anne Carson) may just be his best. He is of the zeitgeist and also not, and you kind of wish more people were paying attention.
Jennifer Kelly
 Great Grandpa—Four of Arrows (Double Double Whammy)
Four of Arrows by Great Grandpa
“That’s why I hate you-ou,” cries Alex Menne in “Digger,” their voice catching in a hiccupping way that invites intimacy even at high volume. Her confidences are couched in an explosive swirl of country rocking countercurrents, concocted by the band’s two main songwriters, bassist and singer Carrie Goodwin and guitarist Pat Goodwin and executed alongside Dylan Hanwright (also guitar) and Cam LaFlam (drummer). The Seattle band’s second full-length is less brash and rock-centric than the 2017 debut Plastic Cough, which, perhaps because of their northwestern roots, elicited the term “grunge” from critics. This one is fuller, more elaborate and entirely devoid of Soundgarden references. It is decorated with lush, multi-voiced singing and baroque instrumental counterparts, and critically, uses a warmer more organic palette of instruments. That’s a violin and a banjo building out “English Garden,” not the buzz saw guitars of “Teen Challenge.” This rich, tuneful, grounded experiment might remind you of Ohmme, Hop Along or the Moondoggies, sleek but vulnerable, blown out but in control.
Jennifer Kelly
  Hatchie — Keepsake (Double Double Whammy/Ivy League/Heavenly Recordings)
Could it somehow be the fact that Harriette Pilbeam (late of Aussie indie rock band Babaganouj and here aka Hatchie, a family nickname) plays bass instead of the more standard frontwoman guitar that makes the singer-songwriter’s debut LP of new wave dream pop confections so singularly striking? Probably not, but Keepsake is assured and ingratiating enough it does leave one looking for the secret ingredient. Whether it’s the swooning likes of “Without a Blush” or “Secret” or the rougher emotional and sonic texture of “Unwanted Guest,” whether it’s playing against a sampled loop of her own voice on the chorus of “Obsessed” or achieving a particular kind of downward gazing transcendence through drum machine and synthesizer on “Stay With Me,” all of the songs here manage to hit on just the right combination of genre-appropriate beauty in texture with genuinely impressive melodic songcraft that whether Pilbeam sticks with this sound or not, she’s one to watch.  
Ian Mathers  
 Imperial Cult — Spasm of Light (Amor Fati/Sentient Ruin Laboratories)
Spasm of Light by Imperial Cult
This record consists of a single, 34-minute, largely improvised track, captured live in the studio. It’s all about endurance: the band’s, who must gamely thrash and bash at their instruments, with all of black metal’s requisite speed and intensity; and the listener’s, who has to commit a fairly significant amount of attention to the thing. Hailing from Holland, Imperial Cult are a new band, subscribing to the minimal web-presence policy of some other hyper-obscure acts, so it’s tough to say if they are of the “Satanists-and-we-really-mean-it” variety of continental black metal. If they are, the record’s grandiose gesture makes a certain sense. “Spasm of Light” may thematize the notion of eternal hellfire and torment. That, in turn, would raise other theological questions (do these guys imagine that declaring themselves devil worshippers and making this sort of music is their ticket out of forever in Bedlam? or are they looking forward to it?) that this reviewer isn’t all that interested in. More immediately concerning is the music. It’s pretty good, though to these ears, it’s more evocative of the epically inclined USBM bands of the Cascadian school — especially the early records of Ash Borer — than purposefully underground European occult acts like Novae Militiae (yes please) or Deathspell Omega (no thanks). Musically, that’s a good thing. Ideologically, who knows? Do these dudes wear cowls and sacrifice small mammals? Do you really want to know? Jonathan Shaw
  Minor Pieces — The Heavy Steps of Dreaming (FatCat)
Just gorgeous. Tape hiss master Ian William Craig and a Vancouver-based songwriter named Missy Donaldson join forces in an album that hangs right in the spectral other-space between conventional song and ambient soundscape. Craig, who is a classically-trained singer, sings lead most of the time. His clear, vibrato-laced tones with clouds and miasmas of electronic wash, mass-y harmonies and fragmented bits of guitar and piano. The effect in opener “Rothko” is both luminously polished and dream-like. “Bravagallata” reaches further up the register, twining Craig’s androgynous, unearthly tenor with the warmth of nestling, caressing harmonies; it shimmers in the interstices between icy modernity and comforting folk song. “The Way We Are in Song,” arises out of glowing, shifting electronic tones, yet feels wholly natural and unaffected. The way we are in this song is beautiful, touchingly human, but more so.
Jennifer Kelly
 The Pheromoans — County Lines (ALTER)
County Lines by The Pheromoans
The Pheromoans look at the world sideways, buttressing a workman-like rock and roll sound with murky embellishments of violin and synths. With a wobbly, wavery flavor of post-punk that might remind you, a little, of Blue Orchids, they match up dense woozy riffs with literate mumbles. They are the sort of band to ask “Sharia or Sheeran” and leave you shrugging, what’s the difference? This is the Pheromoans’ fifth full-length; their diaspora previously landed them on Upset! The Rhythm; but here the edges aren’t sharp enough, the punches not hard enough to evoke that label’s other bands. Yet there’s a disconsolate appeal to these wandering tracks. “Troll Attack” eviscerates electronic interaction against a Casio beat; both the music and the lyrics poke at unsatisfactory surfaces to find darker, truer muck underneath.
Jennifer Kelly
 Matthew Revert — The Inpatient (Round Bale)
The Inpatient by Matthew Revert
Some people get ready for surgery by making a bowl of Jell-o and making sure that the Hulu bill is paid up. Not Matthew Revert. His preparation for a date with the surgeon involved pitching himself into a new creative endeavor. None of his recordings to date, which have mostly involved acoustic entropy and electro-acoustic construction, will prepare you for The Inpatient. The album comprises ten improvised but structurally sound songs, all sung in nakedly emotional Spanish. Imagine Alan Bishop adopting a persona that is not immune to shame, and you’ve got an idea where this stuff goes. Prepare to be bemused.
Bill Meyer                        
 Marcus Schmickler — Particle/Matter–Wave/Energy (Kompakt)
Space is a place that has been exercising the minds of composers of late with recent releases by William Basinski (On Time Out of Time) and The Kronos Quartet (Terry Riley: Sun Rings) being two examples that use recordings from the deep cosmos. German experimental producer Marcus Schmickler, best known for his work as Pluramon, imagines the sound of galaxies colliding on his new piece Particle/Matter-Wave/Energy, a 37-minute block of immersive ambience based on Schmickler’s use of an algorithm to model gravitational data as a tool for sonification, a process that translates information into sound. The result is huge waves of tones that rumble, whistle and bleep like a swarm fleeing a storm. Through headphones this is an almost vertigo inducing experience as Schmickler evokes the sense of plummeting through a vast endless expanse of darkness. A fascinating and often unsettling piece, Particle/Matter-Wave/Energy works as a soundscape experiment rather than a casual listen, perhaps more to admire than enjoy, but it has a fluid physicality that rescues it from mere abstraction.
Andrew Forell
 Stein Urheim — Simple Pieces & Paper Cut-outs (Hubro)
Simple Pieces & Paper Cut-Outs by Stein Urheim
John Fahey barely made it into the 21st century, but his influence looms as large as ever. Stein Urheim, a guitarist from Bergen, Norway, is merely the latest to commit his confrontation with Fahey’s legacy to wax. He tips his hat to The Yellow Princess and other recordings of that vintage in this album’s accompanying book of tablature, but even if he hadn’t put it down in writing, you could hear it in his playing. Urhein is no rooky. He’s been recording with various bands since around 2004, working with singers and playing jazz, but this is the first time he’s anything quite like this. Urheim seems to be drawn to Fahey’s most virtuosic and lyrical work, and he has the chops to back it up, but also the performative confidence to let the music develop in its own time rather than chase after it. One has to put a bit of yourself into the music if you want to transcend the “sounds like Fahey” blanket that covers so many American Primitive guitar LPs. Urheim gets this, and he doesn’t take the easy way out by, say, applying his bluesy, acoustic picking to rustic themes or folkloric sources. Nor does he go for Fahey-esque textual obfuscation or faux-mythologizing. Instead he incorporates some samba gestures into the tunes, keeps them pithy and presses them on vinyl (by no means an assured thing on Hubro, which usually markets music via CDs and the internet). The album title proclaims this music’s simplicity, but Urheim’s is not simplistic so much as clear.
Bill Meyer
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[[[Remember to add:
Graham Kartna - Laker Ice - EP
Graham Kartna - The Adventures Of Death Boy
Graham Kartna - Loop Tube
Graham Kartna - Ideation Deluxe
Graham Kartna - Shoot The Moons
Graham Kartna - Illegal Transmissions Over Boyos, ON
Graham Kartna - .temp
Graham Lambkin - Poem (For Voice & Tape)
Graham Lambkin - Salmon Run
Graham Lambkin - Softly Softly Copy Copy
Graham Lambkin - Amateur Doubles
Graham Lambkin - Community
Graham Lambkin - No Better No Worse (Vol 1)
Hanz - FireThief
Hanz - AMBAP
Hanz - A Brief Guide
Hanz - Reducer
Hanz - Mix (Kaltblut Magazine)
Hanz - Short Manual (Mix)
Hanz - Plasty I
Hanz - Plasty II
Hanz - I Got it A Gift​.​.
Hanz - Unofficial Hanz Singles Compilation Album
Haru Nemuri - Haru to Shura
Holly Herndon - Platform
Iggy Pop - The Idiot
Iglooghost - Neō Wax Bloom
Impossible Nothing - Phonemenomicon
Impossible Nothing - Lexemenomicon
Impossible Nothing - Tonemenomicon
Impossible Nothing - Taxemenomicon
Impossible Nothing - Glossemenomicon
Impossible Nothing - Chronemenomicon
Impossible Nothing - Phrasemenomicon
Impossible Nothing - Graphemenomicon
Infinity Frequencies - Between two worlds
It’s Over, I Tried... - Emotional Rollecoaster EP
It’s Over, I Tried... - Misandry
It’s Over, I Tried... - A Couple of Days Without Internet Connection
It’s Over, I Tried... - Six Random Dreams In A Single Night
It’s Over, I Tried... - fuck off
It’s Over, I Tried... - GASLiGHT!
It’s Over, I Tried... - Skin Carving
It’s Over, I Tried... - Dark Circles Around Our Eyes
It’s Over, I Tried... - 6:02am
It’s Over, I Tried... - Electra Complex
It’s Over, I Tried... - Eternal
It’s Over, I Tried... - At Last...
It’s Over, I Tried... - DISSOCIATION LOOPS
It’s Over, I Tried... - Juliette
It’s Over, I Tried... - dismissal
J Dilla - Donuts
Jack White - Boarding House Reach
James Blake - The Bells Sketch
James Blake - CMYK
James Blake - Klavierwerke
James Blake - James Blake
James Blake - Enough Thunder
James Blake - Overgrown
James Blake - The Colour in Anything
James Ferraro - Skid Row
James Ferraro - Burning Prius ®
James Ferraro - Fanfare For The Boston Marathon 2017
James Ferraro - Troll
James Ferraro - Four Pieces For Mirai
Joanna Newsom - Walnut Whales
Joanna Newsom - Yarn and Glue
Joanna Newsom - The Milk-Eyed Mender
Joanna Newsom - Ys
Joanna Newsom - Joanna Newsom and the Ys Street Band
Joanna Newsom - Have One on Me
Joanna Newsom - Divers
JPEGMAFIA - Communist Slow Jams
JPEGMAFIA - Darkskin Manson EP
JPEGMAFIA - Black Ben Carson
JPEGMAFIA - The 2nd Amendement
Julian McHutchison - Loopsided
Justin Bieber - My World 2.0
Kanye West - The College Dropout
Kanye West - Late Registration
Kanye West - Graduation
Kanye West - 808s and Heartbreak
Kanye West & Jay-Z - Watch the Throne
Kanye West - The Life of Pablo
Kanye West - ye
Kali Uchis - isola†ion
Kate Bush - The Kick Inside
Kate Bush - Lion Heart
Kate Bush - Never for Ever
Kate Bush - The Sensual World
Kate Bush - The Red Shoes
Kate Bush - Aerial
Kate Bush - Director’s Cut
Kate Bush - 50 Words for Snow
Kelela - Take Me Apart
Kendrick Lamar - Section.80
Kendrick Lamar - Untitled Unmastered
Kesha - Animal
Kesha - Cannibal
Kesha - Warrior
Kesha - Rainbow
Kirin J Callinan - Embracism
Kirin J Callinan - Bravado
Kyary Pamyu Pamyu - Moshi Moshi Harajuku
Kyary Pamyu Pamyu - Pamyu Pamyu Revolution
Kyary Pamyu Pamyu - Nanda Collection
Kyary Pamyu Pamyu - Pika Pika Fantajin
Kyle - Smyle
Lady Gaga - The Fame
Lady Gaga - Born This Way
Lady Gaga - Artpop
Lady Gaga - Cheek to Cheek
Lady Gaga - Joanne
Lemon Demon - Live (Only Not)
Lemon Demon - Dinosaurchestra
Lemon Demon - View-Monster
Lemon Demon - I Am Become Christmas
Lemon Demon - Nature Tapes
Lemon Demon - Spirit Phone
Lil Ugly Mane - Mista Thug Isolation
Lil Ugly Mane - Three Sided Tape Volume One
Lil Ugly Mane - Three Sided Tape Volume Two
Lil Ugly Mane - Absence of Shitperson
Lil Ugly Mane - Third Side of Tape
Lil Ugly Mane - Oblivion Access
Sock - Sock
Mal Webb - Trainer Wheels
Mal Webb - 3 Cheers for Peace and Quiet
Mal Webb - Dodgy
Mal Webb - Not Nor Mal
Viktor Vaughn - Vaudeville Villain
Madvillain - Madvillainy
Danger Doom - The Mouse and the Mask
Doom - Born Like This
Michael Jackson - Thriller
Michael Jackson - Bad
Michael Jackson - Dangerous
Mika - Life in Cartoon Motion
Mika - The Boy Who Knew Too Much
Mika - The Origin of Love
Mika - No Place in Heaven
Mike & Rich - Expert Knob Twiddlers
Milosh - You Make Me Feel
Milosh - meme
Milosh - iii
Milosh - Jetlag
Moby - Everything Was Beautiful, and Nothing Hurt
Moby - More Fast Songs About The Apocalypse
Monolake - Hongkong
Monolake - Interstate
Monolake - Gravity
Monolake - Cinemascope
Monolake - Momentum
Monolake - Polygon_Cities
Monolake - Silence
Monolake - Ghosts
Monolake - VLSI
Mount Eerie -  "No Flashlight": Songs of the Fulfilled Night
Mount Eerie - Lost Wisdom
Mount Eerie - Dawn
Mount Eerie - Wind’s Poem
Mount Eerie - Clear Moon
Mount Eerie - Ocean Road
Mount Eerie - Sauna
Mount Eerie - A Crow Looked at Me
Mount Eerie - Now Only
Mr. Oizo - Analog Worms Attack
Mr. Oizo - Moustache (Half a Scissor)
Mr. Oizo - Lambs Anger
Mr. Oizo - Stade 2
Mr. Oizo - The Shurch
Mr. Oizo - All Wet
Nas - Illmatic
Natalia Lafourcade - Musas Vol. 2
Nmesh - Pharma
Ol’ Dirty Bastard - Nigga Please
Owl City - Maybe I’m Dreaming
Owl City - Ocean Eyes
Owl City - All Things Bright and Beautiful
Owl City - The Midsummer Station
Owl City - Mobile Orchestra
Owl City - Cinematic
PC Music - PC Music Volume 1
PC Music - PC Music Volume 2
Peter Gabriel - Peter Gabriel (1977)
Peter Gabriel - Peter Gabriel (1978)
Peter Gabriel - Peter Gabriel (1980)
Peter Gabriel - Peter Gabriel (1982)
Peter Gabriel - So
Peter Gabriel - Us
Peter Gabriel - Up
Peter Gabriel - Scratch My Back
Peter Gabriel - New Blood
Poe - Hello
Prurient - Rainbow Mirror
Pusha T - My Name Is My Name
Pusha T - King Push – Darkest Before Dawn: The Prelude
Pusha T - Daytona
Regina Spektor - 11:11
Regina Spektor - Songs
Regina Spektor - Soviet Kitsch
Regina Spektor - Begin to Hope
Regina Spektor - Far
Regina Spektor - What We Saw from the Cheap Seats
Rina Sawayama - Rina
Ross Byrd - Undeniable Resurrection
Ryoji Ikeda - 1000 fragments
Ryoji Ikeda - +/-
Ryoji Ikeda - 0°C
Ryoji Ikeda - time and space
Ryoji Ikeda - 99: Variations For Modulated 440Hz Sinewaves
Ryoji Ikeda - Mort Aux Vaches
Ryoji Ikeda - matrix
Ryoji Ikeda - .
Ryoji Ikeda - op.
Ryoji Ikeda - dataplex
Ryoji Ikeda - test pattern
Ryoji Ikeda - dataphonics
Ryoji Ikeda - id
Ryoji Ikeda - supercodex
Ryoji Ikeda - Live at White Cube
Ryuichi Sakamoto - async - Remodels
Shawn Kemp - External Files
Snoop Dogg - Doggystyle
Sophie - Product
Sophie - Oil of Every Pearl's Un-Insides
Squarepusher - Feed Me Weird Things
Squarepusher - Hard Normal Daddy
Squarepusher - Burningn’n Tree
Squarepusher - Buzz Caner
Squarepusher - Music Is Rotted One Note
Squarepusher - Big Loada
Squarepusher - Budakhan Mindphone
Squarepusher - Selection Sixteen
Squarepusher - Go Plastic
Squarepusher - Do You Know Squarepusher
Squarepusher - Ultravisitor
Squarepusher - Hello Everything
Squarepusher - Just a Souvenir
Squarepusher - Solo Electric Bass 1
Squarepusher - Shobaleader One: d’Demonstrator
Squarepusher - Ufabulum
Squarepusher - Damogen Furies
Squarepusher - Elektrac
St. Vincent - Marry Me
St. Vincent - Actor
St. Vincent - Strange Mercy
St. Vincent & David Byrne - Love This Giant
St. Vincent - St. Vincent
St. Vincent - Masseduction
Sufjan Stevens - A Sun Came
Sufjan Stevens - Enjoy Your Rabbit
Sufjan Stevens - Michigan
Sufjan Stevens - Seven Swans
Sufjan Stevens - Illinois
Sufjan Stevens - The Avalanche
Sufjan Stevens - The Age of Adz
Sufjan Stevens - Carrie & Lowell
Sun Kil Moon - Benji
Sun Kil Moon - Common as Light and Love Are Red Valleys of Blood
Mark Kozelek - Mark Kozelek
The Notorious B.I.G. - Ready to Die
The Notorious B.I.G. - Life After Death
Tiësto - In My Memory
Tiësto - Just Be
Tiësto - Elements of Life
Tiësto - Kaleidoscope
Tiësto - A Town Called Paradise
Tim Hecker - Haunt Me, Haunt Me Do It Again
Tim Hecker - Radio Amor
Tim Hecker - Mirages
Tim Hecker - Harmony in Ultraviolet
Tim Hecker - An Imaginary Country
Tim Hecker - Dropped Pianos
Tim Hecker - Love Streams
Tupac Shakur - 2Pacalypse Now
Tupac Shakur - Strictly 4 My N.I.G.G.A.Z...
Tupac Shakur - Me Against the World
Tupac Shakur - All Eyez on Me
Tupac Shakur - The Don Killuminati: The 7 Day Theory
Tupac Shakur - R U Still Down? (Remember Me)
Tupac Shakur - Until the End of Time
U.S. Girls - In a Poem Unlimited
New Dreams Ltd. - Sleepline
Vektroid - Big Danger
Vektroid - Vektroid Texture Maps
Vektroid - RE•SET
Siddiq & Vektroid - Midnight Run
New Dreams Ltd. - Eden
Palacio Del Rio - No Title
CTO & Ray Sherman - GDGA1
Vektroid - Telnet Complete
Peace Forever Eternal - Nextcentury
Vektroid - Seed & Synthetic Earth
Vectorfray - Bloodsample EP
Vectorfray - For OCRemix's Evaluation
Vectorfray - From The Comfort Of Your Deathbed
Vectorfray - Ides EP
Vectorfray - NolemN Single
Vectorfray - Omegalpha (Disc One)
Vectorfray - Pentbüt
Vktrfry - Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia
Vktrfry - The Wavefunction Collapse Session
Vektordrum - Shitaihokansho
Vektordrum - Unreleased Tracks
Vektordrum - Capitose Windowpane
Vektordrum - Deciphered
Vektordrum - Fraktalseq: Blossom
Vektordrum - Hello Skypedals EP1
Vektordrum - Hello Skypedals EP2
Vektordrum - I, Banished
Vektordrum - Discrét Night Signals
Vektordrum - Geese
Vektordrum - Trinity
Vince Staples - Hell Can Wait
Vince Staples - Summertime ‘06
Vince Staples - Prima Donna
Vince Staples - Big Fish Theory
Warmer - Rocket # 009
Warmer - The Tragic Evolution of Desire
Warmer - The Decisions
Matt Koester - I C L A
yeongrak - fn primer cake today II
Zach Hill - Astrological Straits
Zach Hill - Face Tat
骨架的 - Cool Water
骨架的 - Opal Disc
骨架的 - Sunset Melody
(embarrassing list of) Albums on phone:
Christina Grimmie - All Is Vanity
Sun Araw - On Patrol
Frank Zappa - One Size Fits All
Graham Kartna - One Year: A Collection Of Old Tunes
MF Doom - Operation: Doomsday
R23X - OST (1).rar
R23X - OSV: Original Sound Version
DJ Shadow - The Outsider 
Frank Zappa - Over-Nite Sensation
90210 - P.O. Box 666
Nyetscape - Party kicks
Andy Stott - Passed Me By
Bibio - Phantom Brickworks
Sun Araw - The Phynx
The Skaters - Physicalities Of The Sensibilities Of Ingrediential Strairways
James Ferraro - Pixarni
Moby - Play
Gary Numan - The Pleasure Principle
Fever Ray - Plunge
Ariel Pink - pom pom
Gas - Pop
Charli XCX - Pop 2
Baths - Pop Music/False B-Sides
Poppy - Poppy.Computer
Björk - Post
DJ Shadow - The Private Press
Famicom Fountains - Progman.Exe
Father John Misty - Pure Comedy
Internet Club - Pure Trance
James Ferraro - Purple Gongs
Gas - Rausch
Tim Hecker - Ravedeath, 1972
David Bowie - Reality
Eminem - Recovery
Internet Club - Redefining The Workplace
Eminem - Relapse
Eminem - Revival
Graham Kartna - Rewards
Graham Kartna - Rhetoric On Sublime
Aphex Twin - Richard D. James Album
The Diamondstein - The Ridges
Goldie - Ring of Saturn
David Bowie - The Rise And Fall Of Ziggy Stardust And The Spiders From Mars
Elliott Smith - Roman Candle
Baths - Romaplasm
SkʞƧ - Round
Frank Zappa - Roxy & Elsewhere
Sun Araw - The Saddle Of The Increate
Goldie - Saturnz Return
David Bowie - Scary Monsters (and Super Creeps)
Scatman John - Scatman’s World
Girl Talk - Secret Diary
Aphex Twin - Selected Ambient works 85-92
Aphex Twin - Selected Ambient Works Volume II
Internet Club - The Sharper Image
Arca - Sheep
Christina Grimmie - Side A
Christina Grimmie - Side B
Bodyguard - Silica Gel
K2 - Silicon Oasis
Bibio - Silver Wilkinson
Nicolas Jaar - Sirens
Doseone - Skeleton Repelent
Flume - Skin
Flume - Skin Companion EP 1
Flume - Skin Companion EP 2
Dollr Menu - Slappers Only! 
Eminem - The Slim Shady LP
Comaduster - Slip Through
Doseone - slowdeath
DJ Rozwell - Sludge Dredd
Snake Figures Fan - Snake Figures Fan
Doseone - Soft Skulls
Earl Sweatshirt - Solace
Comaduster - Solace
James Ferraro - Son of Dracula
BT - A Song Across Wires
Annie Lennox - Songs of Mass Destruction
Nicolas Jaar - Space Is Only Noise
David Bowie - Space Oddity
Dan Deacon - Spiderman of the Rings
James Ferraro - Star Digital Theatre: Movies For P.T. Cruisers
David Bowie - Station to Station
Sea of Dogs - Storm Memories
Charli XCX - Sucker
James Ferraro - Suki Girlz
Poopooface - Super Kawaii~
James Ferraro - Sushi
Aphex Twin - Syro
Denzel Curry - TA13OO
Scatman John - Take Your Time
Gary Numan - Telekon
Amanda Palmer - Theatre Is Evil
BT - These Hopeful Machines
Moby - These Systems Are Failing
BT - This Binary Universe
Sea of Dogs - Through The Fog And The Driftwood
Goldie - Timeless
Poopooface - Tinto5 EP
Andy Stott - Too Many Voices
Clark - Totems Flare
Lindsheaven Virtual Plaza - Transversal Worldwide Shopping
Nyetscape - Trinity
Charli XCX - True Romance
Carly Rae Jepsen - Tug of War  
Clark - Turning Dragon
Sick Animation - The Ultimate Party Collection Vol. 1
Frank Zappa - Uncle Meat
Internet Club - Underwater Mirage
Twistpillar - The Unity Plaza
Andy Stott - Unknown Exception
Internet Club - Unregistered HyperCam 420
Girl Talk - Unstoppable
Flying Lotus - Until the Quiet Comes
Burial - Untrue
Björk - Utopia
Internet Club - Vanishing Vision
Datavision Ltd. - Vector Tables
Björk - Vespertine
Bibio - Vignetting the Compost
Tim Hecker - Virgins
James Ferraro - Virtual Erase
Grimes - Visions
Björk - Volta
Bedwetter - volume 1: flick your tongue against your teeth and describe the present.
Charli XCX - Vroom Vroom
Björk - Vulnicura
Moby - Wait For Me
Warmer - Warmer
Alias Conrad Coldwood - Wastes
Lindsheaven Virtual Plaza - Watch Their Loneliness
Com Truise - Wave 1
Andy Stott - We Stay Together
Internet Club - Webinar
Basshunter - Welcome to Rainbow
Amanda Palmer - Who Killed Amanda Palmer
James Ferraro - Wild World
Aphex Twin - Windowlicker
Christina Grimmie - With Love
Nyetscape - World Edit
Arca - Xen
Elliott Smith - XO
Danny Brown - XXX
Aphex Twin - Xylem Tube
Flying Lotus - You’re Dead!
David Bowie - Young Americans
Gas - Zauberberg
[Begin vaporwave slums]
░▒▓新しいデラックスライフ▓▒░ - ▣世界から解放され▣
FOODCOURT➒➐~ - TeleDreamz™
FOODCOURT➒➐~ - ♪♫평양 피아노 학교♪♫ 
TOYOTAセリカ - のためのショーケース The Eyes
TOYOTAセリカ - サプリメント 
TOYOTAセリカ - リバイバル
TOYOTAセリカ - 冬
Pastel Lounge LLC -  夢想假期TOYOTAセリカ - 日曜日DRIVE
Famicom Fountains - 砂漠のカメラレッスン
Albums I’ve had to skip: 
Ecco Unlimited - Liquid Nitrogen (My copy is in FLAC, will need to convert it eventually)
James Ferraro - Rerex 1 (Corrupted download)
James Ferraro - Rerex 2 (Corrupted download)
K2 - Chameleon Ballet (Corrupted download)
Eminem - Slim Shady EP (Shows up weird)
Albums I’ve had to skip because DoubleTwist will refuse to acknowledge the existence of certain tracks if they’re short enough and these albums have at least one short song that despite its length I would not like to experience the album without:
Flying Lotus - 1983
Girl Talk - All Day
Bonobo - Animal Magic
Doseone - Be Evil
Internet Club - Beyond The Zone
James Ferraro - Body Fusion 1
James Ferraro - Body Fusion 2
Local News - Channel 8
Aphex Twin - Cheetah
Aphex Twin - Computer Controlled Acoustic Instruments Pt2
James Ferraro - Cruisin’ The Nightbiker Strip 1977
Internet Club - Deluxe
Aphex Twin - Drukqs
Eminem - The Eminem Show
BT - Emotional Technology
Eminem - Encore
Frank Ocean - Endless 
Memorex Dawn - Galleria
James Ferraro - Genie Head Gas In The Tower Of Dreams (Jesters Midnight Toys)
Local News - Ghost Broadcast
Daniel Johnston - Hi, How Are You
Eminem - Infinite
Hearken - Kithless
DJ Shadow - The Less You Know, the Better
Flying Lotus - Los Angeles
Eminem - The Marshall Mathers LP
Internet Club - Modern Business Collection
Frank Ocean - Nostalgia, Ultra
Nyetscape - Nyetscape
this is gonna fuckin suckj
1 note · View note
Hi! Do you think the teeth-gnashing and outrage about queerbaiting that happened after s8 was because s8 was when the Destiel narrative really kicked into gear in a more visible way? Like, suddenly Dean/Cas is a huge part of the story, romance tropes are everywhere in a way it never was before and then as the show got renewed things slowed down and people felt, well robbed? I'm rewatching s8 right and I feel Dean is like so close to just kissing Cas but I think Cas wasn't there yet. And now...
Yeah, I think so, and it seems weird now because it all feels so kind of abstract and NONE of it was REALLY there yet when you look at it with hindsight and knowing it didn’t happen.
A lot of accounts I’ve heard say basically the same thing - that the combination of the Netflix watchers marathoning and Tumblr’s rise as a fandom space made the destiel community blossom here, and season 8 felt like a huge fresh start and the tropes were different and the showrunner was different and there was a whole fresh new optimism and excitement about the show like it was basically brand new but also, like, already closer to 200 episodes than not… And a lot of meta got written which was very very optimistic and excited for Destiel. 
I know at least one notorious fandom-hopping troll got in on it because it was a great way to earn popularity and followers… No one had said it wasn’t happening yet, and the show was using really obvious and easy to read romance tropes and like, it seems to me like a gold rush town fandom? People were writing a lot of speculation and stuff about three act structures and what have you, and I think “meta” became synonymous with “writing about how Destiel will go canon” and it was being gobbled up.
Something that makes me sad now is that I see a lot of people in stuff like the arty gifsets, edits, fanart or fic side of the community who talk about how they’re never trusting or reading meta again after feeling burned by its promises? (ETA: And meta is SO much more than this; I think that sort of stuff is just speculation, but actual meta is the deep analysis. You can USE it to speculate, but usually more like themes and plot and character than endgame and story structure and HOW these things will manifest)
Because one of the other things was if you survived the season 8 finale and hiatus, which sound like hell (there was teasing that Cas would have an episodes-long love interest in either/both Nora or April by the sounds of things, and maaaybe Dean would have one too with Robin, so that must have been a delight >.>) and the actual 9x03 AND fandom vs TPTB fight that followed, AND JIB that year where Jensen said they “don’t play it that way” (that is, like a secret relationship where Dean and Cas are fucking off screen) then by the end of season 9 the whole bubble seemed popped, AND after all that, they began what Jeremy Carver kept on calling the “Plot Accordion” of the Mark of Cain, where they still had a plan (that three act arc meta I mentioned tentatively circled as an idea still but with a wiggly line in the middle stretching it all out :P) and they had to keep on stretching and circling, and so all the speculative meta from previously or even just before whatever was currently happening was often useless. And if it’s main plot speculative meta, well okay you can probably nail the themes but be baffled by their application or misuse of connected characters, but you’re not missing out on much. But if it’s waiting for payoff on an emotional arc (ANY emotional arc) it’s a horrific wait, and if you’re only or mainly in it for Destiel, the season renewals start to feel like a horrible game with your feelings?
(I mean I’m a fairly content-to-sit-here type fan, mostly because I’ve been invested since season 2 was as far as you could get in this country, and actually *remember* my friend being excited to grab season 3 DVDs and being there in the shop when she found them :P And I’m invested in a lot more than Destiel, I’d buy season 12 on DVD JUST for Mary… At the end of the day I am a bad sample fan for just being a Destiel blog even though I ship it to the ends of the earth and see it firmly embedded in canon at every level) 
But yeah, idk, I think season 8 is such a weird one to me, especially as season 7 & 8 correspond to a horrendously painful and busy time in my life and I was all hopped up on painkillers for most of them so I really do not remember those seasons clearly. Of season 8, I remember the LARP episode from first impressions, and that’s it. But it seems such a weird and inoffensive season to me (I mean… ignoring 8x15 entirely, as I usually do :P). 
In hindsight it’s got a beautiful and well-written Destiel subtext and romantic arc, which lays it all out extremely clearly, but wasn’t ever really heading to canon, just exploring and explaining, and putting tools on the board, to build up for angst and tension. And a lot of stuff for character development for later - the seeds of a lot of things are in season 8 that get repeated again and again getting closer and closer to the truth underneath them that was only a hint or a suggestion or wry comment in season 8. I don’t think they ever were going to make it canon that year because the build up was subtextual instead of overt. In season 12 a lot of things like the mix tape or 12x10 were so in your face romantic tropes or the elusive episode about angels falling in love with humans that was always needed to crack the whole thing open, complete with making it all about Dean n Cas at the end, and the season ending with a heap of Destiel vs John and Mary or Sam and Jess parallels, that it’s feeling like the REAL build up to what you might have to do… 
It’s SUBSTANTIALLY different to season 8, which for example, used Remember The Titans to make the same point as Lily Sunder, and it would be fascinating to compare them as sister episodes, but the first thing you see is that one is about an allegorical thing with greek gods, and one is *literally* using OUR Cas and HIS feelings in the story, even the historical part of it, and it’s about ACTUAL angels falling in love with humans and doing plot-mirroring stuff as a result. 8x16 has a Crypt Scene parallel the episode before the Crypt Scene and Sam specifically READS THE SUBTEXT that it was about love, whereas in Lily Sunder, Ishim is just like, yep I wanted to bang Lily woe is me, I’m gonna go murder her kid to make myself feel better and also Dean because that will probably cheer you up. 
(I’m now having a weird “I cba to check this but I think Zeus and Ishim wore the same costume” moment)
Anyway, idk where I was going with that. I think to say, that the blowback against season 8 was maybe because it was so unprecedented, and I think we trod the same waters for the rest of Carver era, but now it’s Dabb era and I am very very scared :P
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thisdaynews · 4 years
When the FBI Thought a High Priest of Satan Was Trying to Kill Ted Kennedy
New Post has been published on https://thebiafrastar.com/when-the-fbi-thought-a-high-priest-of-satan-was-trying-to-kill-ted-kennedy/
When the FBI Thought a High Priest of Satan Was Trying to Kill Ted Kennedy
POLITICO illustration with photos from Deanne Fitzmaurice/Polaris and AP
David Gambacorta is a writer-at-large at the Philadelphia Inquirer. He has also written for Esquire, Longreads, The Ringer, The Baffler and The Marshall Project.
The FBI and Secret Service agents made their way through the streets of San Francisco’s foggy Richmond District neighborhood, about two miles from the Golden Gate Bridge, toward a narrow Victorian house that looked like it had tumbled out of the shadows of Alfred Hitchcock’s imagination. The building rose two floors to a sharply pitched roof; nearly every inch of the exterior had been painted the color of midnight.
The agencies had spent the better part of two weeks in October 1980 pursuing a case that had all the ingredients of a potential media firestorm, one that could stir up the country’s most traumatic political memories. Now—on Halloween—their digging had led investigators here, to 6114 California Street.
It was called the Black House, and stories about what went on behind its walls had been the subject of curiosity and speculation for more than a decade. The agents climbed a brick staircase, and knocked on the jet-black front door.
They were soon met by a bald, middle-aged man with a goatee: Anton Szandor LaVey. No introductions were necessary. LaVey, the high priest of the Church of Satan, was once rumored to have played a mystical role in the death of a former Hollywood star. He’d been expecting these agents to pay him a visit.
A day earlier, Senator Ted Kennedy had left San Francisco after campaigning for President Jimmy Carter, whose general election showdown with Ronald Reagan was inching closer. It had been a long, tumultuous year for Kennedy, who was then in his late 40s. He’d tried to wrest the Democratic presidential nomination from Carter; when that bid failed, Kennedy resorted to playing the role of a good party soldier, summoning the remnants of his family’s old Camelot magic as he crisscrossed the country to win over voters for Carter.
Running for president had also awakened a fear that Kennedy had tried to hide even from his closest confidants: that he would be assassinated, just like his brothers, President John F. Kennedy and Sen. Robert F. Kennedy. Anonymous tormentors had been sending Ted Kennedy handwritten threats since the late 1960s. “Teddy has to die,” promised a note that was once mailed to his father. The death threats only multiplied when Kennedy was on the campaign trail in 1980. “He had to be conscious of it. There was always a danger,” Bob Shrum, Kennedy’s former press secretary and speechwriter, remembers. “There were always nuts out there, and that’s just the way it was.”
What Kennedy, Shrum and a handful of other staffers didn’t know was that one morning that October, teletype machines had clattered to life in FBI field offices across the country with a fresh transmission, seven pages’ worth of new intelligence information. The bottom of the first page contained a stark message: “SENATOR EDWARD KENNEDY — VICTIM, CONGRESSIONAL ASSASSINATION STATUTE.”
An informant had contacted the FBI office in downtown Chicago and explained that a plot to murder Kennedy was being set in motion. It’s a story that has never been told until now, a bizarre piece of history that became public only when I discovered records of the investigation that the FBI quietly released in June in The Vault, the bureau’s online FOIA library. The files outlined a scheme that supposedly involved money, drugs and the mob. And according to the informant, the ringleader—the man who allegedly wanted Ted Kennedy dead—was none other than Anton LaVey.
Fourteen years earlier,in the spring of 1966, the country was marked by unrest and experimentation. War was raging in Vietnam, flower power was blossoming at home, the Mamas and the Papas’ Southern California groove was all over the radio. It was an ideal environment for provocateurs, a fact that was not lost on LaVey, then a 36-year-old showman who claimed he’d worked in the past as an occult investigator and a performer in a traveling circus.
That April, he invented a new role for himself, shaving his head and forming the Church of Satan. LaVey organized his church around a philosophy of self-indulgence and excess—aptly mirroring the times—but still played around with devil worship motifs, vamping in a cape, and wearing a bulbous ring that he claimed could grant little children their wishes. His Jaguar even had a personalized license plate: SATAN9. “People like to have a hell of a time, don’t they?” LaVey asked during an interview around that time with Joe Pyne, a syndicated talk show host.
P.T. Barnum had a circus tent, and LaVey had the Black House, where he kept a pet lion and performed rituals. He would sometimes don a hood with two horns and surround himself with nude women in front of a fireplace that he’d converted into an altar. LaVey’s theatricality attracted the attention of some Hollywood players, like Sammy Davis Jr. and the actress Jayne Mansfield, who was rumored to have had an affair with LaVey. Black-and-white photos from that era show the two posing together campily. In one, Mansfield playfully clutches a skull while LaVey fans his cape out beside her, and in another, she prepares to drink from a chalice that he cradles in his hand.
The decade that followed proved to be a period of transition— for both LaVey and Kennedy. LaVey cut back on his public performances, and began writing books that cashed in on the pop culture fascination with films likeRosemary’s BabyandThe Exorcist. “He had ended what he called the ‘stuffed rat and tombstone’ news coverage which had primarily been published in men’s magazines,” explains Magus Peter Gilmore, the Church of Satan’s current high priest, in an email. “He was now granting his time to more serious discussions of his philosophy, beyond the flamboyant and spooky trappings which initially brought him attention.”
Across the country, meanwhile, Kennedy was wrestling behind the scenes with questions about his political fate. Supporters had once expected him to pick up his slain brothers’ mantle and make a bid for the White House, yet the 1972 and 1976 presidential races found Kennedy on the sidelines, immobilized by the specter of his 1969 car crash in Chappaquiddick that resulted in the death of a passenger, Mary Jo Kopechne, and led to him pleading guilty to leaving the scene of an accident.
But Kennedy’s hesitancy faded by the end of the decade, and he was heartened by early polls that showed Democratic voters would favor him over Carter in a presidential primary battle. “He was running for president because he really believed President Carter was not addressing issues that were important,” says Stuart Shapiro, a former Kennedy senior staffer. “That’s why, after much soul-searching, he decided to take on a sitting president.”
Running for the country’s highest office, though, increased the odds that Kennedy could become a target for some deranged would-be assassin who might lurk, anonymous and undetected, at a busy rally. It was no idle threat. In March 1980, a tipster in Charlotte, North Carolina, contacted the police after overhearing a group of men in a movie theater bragging that they planned to assassinate Kennedy in Pittsburgh, with some stolen M-16 rifles. A campaign volunteer in Trenton, New Jersey, received a phone call from a man who vowed to gun down the senator when he visited the city in May.
Aside from blurting, “They’re going to shoot my ass off the way they shot Bobby,” while on a congressional flight back from Alaska, Kennedy shied away from sharing his assassination fears with aides or family members. Instead, he tried to project an air of invincibility, or at least indifference. “I remember being in Iowa, and when we’d first go out there, the Secret Service would create this huge space between him and the crowd,” Shrum tells me. “And he hated it. So he started working the rope line again.”
Privately, Kennedy sought out his physician and political adviser, Larry Horowitz, and handed him something important. “It was a letter my father had written to me at the start of his presidential campaign, in case he was assassinated,” Patrick Kennedy, his youngest son, recalled in his 2015 book,A Common Struggle: A Personal Journey Through the Past and Future of Mental Illness and Addiction. “In it, he talked about how much he loved me, and how I had given him so much love. He said he would never forget the times we went fishing and sailing.” Kennedy took to calling Patrick from the road every night—his way of letting his adolescent son know nothing bad had happened.
The informant who contacted the FBI in 1980 said he’d received a phone call, too, on October 20. The caller had identified himself as LaVey, the informant claimed, and disclosed that he wanted the man’s help with a plan to murder Ted Kennedy.
The FBI and the Secret Serviceknew two things for certain: LaVey still lived in San Francisco, and they needed to get a handle on the case—and quick.
Investigators didn’t have to contend with Twitter or Facebook, digital echo chambers that decades later would make political discourse more toxic and create ideal delivery systems for trolls to share threats. But they also had fewer tools at their disposal. “We didn’t have all of the modern vehicles of communication or detection that you have today,” says William H. Webster, who was the director of the FBI from 1978 to 1987. “Investigations involved a lot of interviews and personal contacts.”
The FBI’s San Francisco office pulled records it had on LaVey dating back to the mid-’70s, when a tipster told the bureau that LaVey had purchased handguns, a shotgun and a rifle. Other files showed that LaVey had once supposedly been “interested” in joining the National Socialist White People’s Party, which had been known, in an earlier incarnation, as the American Nazi Party.
LaVey had no arrest history, but he’d been linked to a tragedy once before. His relationship with Mansfield had reportedly ended with LaVey’s putting a curse on Sam Brody, the actress’ attorney and boyfriend, promising that he’d die in a car crash. In 1967, not long after the hex was supposedly cast, Brody and Mansfield were killed in a wreck on a highway near New Orleans. The improbable implication—that LaVey inadvertently caused Mansfield’s death—persisted long enough to fuel a 2017 documentary,Mansfield 66/67. (In truth, LaVey did not have magical powers.)
The Chicago informant—whose identity is still being kept secret by the FBI—told agents that he’d had dinner once before with LaVey, who explained to him the Church of Satan’s beliefs. When they supposedly reconnected by phone in 1980, LaVey told the man that he owed the high priest a favor. His alleged instructions were simple: In a week or so, the informant would receive a package, and he must ferry it to a mob boss on the South Side of Chicago; the mob would, in turn, take out Kennedy. After the phone call, the informant was visited by a member of the Church of Satan, whose purpose “was specifically to discuss the satanic cult and the plot against Senator Kennedy,” according to FBI records.
There was more. The informant told the FBI that LaVey was going to fly to Chicago on October 27, carrying with him eight kilograms of hashish and an unknown amount of cash. Was this another piece of the puzzle to the assassination plot? Taking no chances, the FBI, Secret Service and DEA sent agents to O’Hare International Airport to intercept flights from San Francisco and apprehend LaVey, like something out of Steven Spielberg’sCatch Me If You Can. But there was no sign of him at the airport. An attempt at monitoring a phone call to LaVey also failed.
The Secret Service had polygraphed the informant prior to the fruitless airport search. “Results were inconclusive,” investigators noted, “due to use of cocaine.” They pressed on. They had to find LaVey. “I was a young agent when President Kennedy was killed, and [investigated] some leads on the case,” says Francis Mullen, who had risen to executive assistant director of the FBI by 1980. “When Bobby was assassinated, I was in Los Angeles, coordinating some of the leads on that case. If a threat had come in on the third brother, we’d have to take it seriously.”
Two days after the search at O’Hare came up empty, agents flew to San Francisco, and made their way to the Black House. A woman who answered LaVey’s door told them that he was traveling, and wouldn’t be back for several days. Another whiff. The investigators warned her they had information that suggested “an attempt may be made on LaVey’s life,” according to the records. They encouraged the woman to get a hold of LaVey and urge him to make himself available for an interview.
Kennedy’s Secret Service detail was kept in the loop about the potential threat, but it’s unclear whether the senator was aware of the investigation. “I spent a lot of time with him privately, and I don’t ever recall hearing about that one,” Shapiro says. “But I can tell you there were times when the Secret Service wanted him to wear a bulletproof vest.” The informant, meanwhile, had been polygraphed again, and was facing increased scrutiny. The FBI began to notice inconsistencies in his account. Were the agencies being played?
Investigators returned to the Black House a second time, on Halloween. And this time, when the door opened, they came face-to-face with LaVey. For years, he had enjoyed toying with people’s imaginations, blurring the lines between performance and something darker. But now he was faced with no-nonsense federal agents, and they weren’t in the mood to play around.
For a man who referred to himself as the “Black Pope,” the notoriety of being linked to an FBI investigation might have been a welcome development when he was first seeking attention for his church. This older version of LaVey, though, decided to come right out with it: He had nothing to do with any assassination plot.
“LaVey advised that of any political official, he has the highest regard for Senator Kennedy and his family,” according to the FBI records. And LaVey could sympathize with the threats that Kennedy often received; he told the agents that he had been the victim of physical and verbal attacks because of his position in the Church of Satan.
LaVey checked his recent phone messages, and noticed that he’d received calls from the Chicago area on October 23 and October 27. But he told the agents that he didn’t know the identity of the caller and hadn’t tried dialing the number that had been left for him.
And then LaVey shared some surprising news with the agents: His role as the head of the church was all a charade. Most of the church’s followers, he said, were “fanatics, cultists, and weirdos,” the records show. “[H]is interest in the Church of Satan is strictly from a monetary point of view,” the agents noted, “and spends most of his time furnishing interviews, writing material, and lately has become interested in photography.”
Satisfied that Kennedy’s life wasn’t in danger, the FBI and Secret Service returned their attention to their informant. Though he was “sternly admonished” for misleading federal authorities, he was not charged with a crime. But he didn’t get off entirely. The Secret Service told the man his activities would be monitored on a quarterly basis and whenever an official who was being protected by the agency had to visit Chicago. If he had an explanation for why he bothered to send the agencies on a while goose chase in the first place, no agent bothered jotting it down.
This wasn’t the last time that LaVey popped up on the FBI’s radar, though. In the late 1980s, the bureau would investigate a spate of allegations about child sex abuse that was supposedly linked to satantic churches, including LaVey’s, fueling a so-called “Satanic Panic.” The allegations were never substantiated. “Our organization has always been above-ground about its law-abiding beliefs and practices, so wild stories are generally seen to be precisely that—not having any basis in reality,” Gilmore, the current high priest, tells me.
LaVey died in 1997, and the Black House was later torn down, replaced by a fairly generic-looking condominium.
For Kennedy, the LaVey case—such as it was—was just another bizarre subplot in a life full of them, the cost of being a Kennedyand leading a public life. No threat ever proved worrisome enough to persuade him to give up his Senate seat, which he held until his death from glioblastoma in 2009. “You either live your life or you don’t,” Shrum says. “And he decided to live his life.”
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echoslammin · 6 years
Yuletide 2018 Letter
Dear Yuletide Author,
I’m Echoslam on AO3. Thank you very much for checking out this letter! 
General Information:
Likes: Any kind of AU, romance, friendship, introspection, worldbuilding, smut, canon-appropriate pop culture references, humor (all kinds - comedic situations, witty dialogue, running gags, memes, etc. Seriously, if you’ve ever wanted to experiment with bizarre crack, I’d be happy to be your guinea pig). I also *love* metafiction and nods to quirky game mechanics and canon in-jokes.
DNWs: Body waste kinks, poly, bestiality, non-canon incest
Most of my favorite works tend to be character studies and fluffy romance, but I definitely enjoy darker stuff as well, if that is your thing. Feel free to ignore my prompts and go with your own ideas! If there's a story you've always wanted to write, please have at it, and let me share your enthusiasm. I'm a huge fan of all of these games and am just so excited at the thought of reading fic for any of them.  
Links by Fandom:
Heroes of Might and Magic III Girls' Frontline The Secret World Liar! Uncover the Truth Liar! Office Deception Liar! Scheming Socialites
Heroes of Might and Magic III - Any Character 
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I just about had a heart attack when I saw this in the tagset - I've loved HoMM since I was a kid, and III is my favorite in the series. Truly, the turn-based strategy game of my heart. I loved all flavor text in this game, especially the snippets of lore on the heroes and their backstories. If you're writing about any of them, I'd love all kinds of details - from their army composition to the spells and artifacts they have equipped.
Lorelei and Synca relationship development, whether as friends, enemies, or lovers. Since their specialties are harpies and manticores, respectively, how does that work out in combat? Technically, you couldn't have multiple heroes on your side of the battlefield until HoMMIV, but how would these two interact if they were fighting together?  
Anything based on the story campaigns. Maybe missing scenes from Dungeons & Devils or a "bad" ending for Long Live the Queen where the Nighon forces are victorious?
Detailed description of the siege and takeover of an enemy stronghold or the development of a new township.
One of the game mechanics that I always found interesting was how, when you open a treasure chest, you have the option of taking the gold or "distributing it to the peasants" for experience. Is that really how it works? What is the peasants' view of the heroes in this game?
少女前线 | Girls' Frontline - Any Character
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Another wonderful surprise in the tagset! I just started playing GFL this year, and I've found it extremely fun and addicting. I actually found the plot very engaging, and the armory of T-Dolls is irresistibly cute.
I love the idea of a gift exchange between members of the Anti-Rain Squad. Maybe someone gives M16A1 a bottle of her beloved Jack Daniels?
Orchestra AU! Just...anything based on this picture would be amazing.
Anything focusing on team dynamics, especially if you want to incorporate references to game mechanics (different T-Dolls and their buffs/active skills, etc.) Or hurt/comfort after an intense firefight.
You know how T-Dolls are made of sugar, spice, and everything nice a combo of manpower, ammo, rations, and parts? How exactly does the factory utilize those resources? What do they even do with all those meals ready-to-eat?
Coffee shop AU starring Persica (the woman loves her caffeine).  
The Secret World - Any Character
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One of the best MMO experiences of my life. TSW combined so many things I love into one game: an awesome modern setting, dark humor, and an incredible story with amazing characters. I play the Legends reboot from time-to-time, but I prefer the original version and still like to play on the vanilla server (kind of fun having an entire MMO to yourself, heh). I've also played the tie-in game, The Park, and really loved that as well.
I was fascinated by all the narrative details in this game, like the lore honeycombs and ambient story telling. If you could incorporate that into your writing, that would be fantastic.
Long ago, on the TSW forums, someone mocked the idea of a schmoopy Sonnac/Geary romance as a terrible idea for a fic - I want to read that story! Whether you want to make it complete crack or be serious about it, I would love to see something develop between these two. Maybe they go on a date for tacos at Dante's stall? Or maybe Geary tries to troll Sonnac somehow, and he plays along until the last minute...and then snark ensues.
Issue #5: The Vanishing of Tyler Freeborn is my favorite for a reason: filthy NPCs. I would love to know what filth-infected versions of Geary and Sonnac would be like.  
Anything Moose/Andy. This is the romance I was waiting to see blossom, but alas, it never did. What happens when Andy finally catches on to Moose's crush on him? How about rescue romance or rides on Moose's chopper? Pining on Moose's end, requited or unrequited, would be good, too.
I love the world of this game so much, especially the urban areas (the faction hubs, Fusang, Tokyo) and New England. Would love to read anything about a bee of any faction exploring and going on missions, their opinion of their handler, etc. Please do go into excruciating detail about your bee's gear and abilities, because I'm all about that. What are there primary/secondary/auxiliary weapons? Which NPCs are their besties? Tell me everything!  For the record, my main was a Lumie that chose not to side with the Dreamers, but I'd by happy to read about any faction/alignment.
I adore faction rivalries, and the ones in TSW were just awesome. Whether it's old school Templars vs. Illuminati or you get the Dragon involved somehow, I just love witnessing all the contention. Seriously, you could just write 1,000 words of back-and-forth trash talk, and I would absolutely adore it.  
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ダウト~嘘つきオトコは誰?~ | Doubt ~Usotsuki Otoko wa Dare?~ | Liar! Uncover the Truth - Any Character
Since last year, I’ve become a huge fan of this mystery/romance app with its feisty heroine and the quirky Liars she has to unmask before finding her Mr. Right. If you’re interested, I maintain a sideblog dedicated to it over @whoistheliar​ as well as a random screenshots blog: @liarscreenshots. (Warning for spoilers at both links).
All of the characters in this game,"Mr. Right" included, have their own imperfections, and it feels like half the point of this game is giving you the opportunity to navigate your feelings about certain character flaws. I love how MC isn’t a blank slate and is very much her own character. She can be quite a mess at home and has a lot of insecurity about her humble background, seeing as she’s originally from a small country town (IIRC one of Joe’s side stories mentions that she’s from Akita prefecture).  
I definitely enjoyed the sequel stories, but I'm more fond of the main route of the game. Shipfic revolving around MC is something I would love to see, but I would be open to other pairings as well, especially between secondary characters. I would also welcome gen or friendship fic.
I loved the multiple endings you could unlock at the end of every chapter and the insight they gave into each Liar's backstory. Anything expanding on those would be great, especially the True or Love endings. I really enjoyed seeing POV from other characters besides MC.
Love triangles are my guilty pleasure, and I would definitely enjoy reading a situation where MC has to choose between two of the Liars and/or Mr. Right/Ayumi. Would love it if things got Very Emotional.
I always like marriage/honeymoon/married life stories, and MC's occupation as a wedding planner complements that wonderfully. How does she get her love interests or friends involved? Are there wedding crashers? Will she serve takoyaki at the wedding??
In the main story, MC found out each Liar's secret before things got too serious, but what if the emotional stakes had been much higher? For any of the Liars, would MC react differently if she didn't find out the truth until after falling in love over a longer period of time? Basically, I'd like to see your take on a "Bad Ending."
So, after following this game for a while, it seems that other players have very strong opinions about the various Liars, so in case it helps you, here's a summary of my take on them:
1st Liar: SQUICK. SQUICK. SQUICK. Honestly, they seems like a very nice guy in all their side stories, but stil...squick.
2nd Liar: I find their profession very interesting, so I'm a bit biased in their favor, despite their true nature. Could see them with MC after getting a ton of therapy. They also definitely have some chemistry with the 9th Liar, lol.
3rd Liar: I can't bring myself to hate them; they're just too ridiculous. Side note: I really like Nanyami as a character.
4th Liar: Never forget the fountain pen!! This guy is a bit of a tragedy, so I do have some sympathy, but imo that slap from MC was well-deserved.
5th Liar: I think the fandom unequivocally regards this one as complete garbage, and for very good reason. Still, I have to admit that their side stories appeal to my morbid side (it's like they're in a bizzarro world where MC's personality is completely erased). Also, I do find their character design very attractive - I'm not proud.
6th Liar: Umph. Definitely in my top tier along with 7th Liar. In terms of sheer chemistry with MC, I think this guy wins hands down. I'd be up for both seeing them walk away from the issue that makes them a Liar or embracing it.
7th Liar: They made me cry buckets. I love them with MC so much, and the way they're always smiling through their pain just makes my heart ache.
8th Liar: Out of all of the Liars, I felt that #8 was the most outright malicious. I just wasn’t convinced by the ending of his Lover’s Route. I know he's damn attractive, but wow, that attitude...
9th Liar: I really feel like the 9th Liar got the short end of the stick in the main story. His interactions with MC kept getting interrupted by unnecessary drama, and it felt like they never got the chance to really get to know each other. Also, LOVE Rumi!
"Mr. Right": It seems that people are really divided on this one. Some see him as the most precious cinnamon roll, but people have also told me that he comes off as a creepy stalker. (I've seen him  get called problematic more than once). I’m pretty sympathetic towards him myself, but I’d love to see your own take on him, whether romantic and sentimental or super dark.
ダウト~オフィスは男女の嘘だらけ~ | Doubt ~Ofisu wa Danjo no Uso Darake~ | Liar! Office Deception - Any Character
I love the Liar! sequel every bit as much as the original game. You can bet that I’m super hyped that Voltage is going to be releasing Lover’s Routes for it in the future. Office MC was very no-nonsense, and I would like to see what she would be like in the process of falling in love, or even just getting a chance to let her hair down and hang out with her coworkers.  
Post-game or redemption story revolving around any of the Liars, with the exception of the 2nd, 3rd and 5th. Ideally, this would end on a positive note with them being able to have a reciprocal friendship/romance with MC.
Office Battle! I was so amused by the Star Wars parody that kept popping up throughout the story and how everyone seemed to be totally into it except for MC, who’s just completely out of the loop. Maybe one of the Office Liars tries to teach her about the series or something like an Office Battle AU that’s basically Office Deception in space?
Narration of some part of the game from James’ POV. I loved MC’s cat and found it hilarious how she kept spoiling him at home while being so disciplined at the office.
Liar! Commentary:
1st Liar: Honestly, I thought they were super cute, and I wanted to see them make some more Cactaur cookies for MC.
2nd Liar: What a tool. I have to admit, I was amused by them sucking up to MC for the rest of the game after being found out.
3rd Liar: I thought they were going to be my 7th Liar 2.0, but N O P E. I found their backstory a little amusing, but they're just so slimy.
4th Liar: A real sweetheart. I love that they become MC's right-hand coworker after their chapter.
5th Liar: Not a fan of Rat Face McGee, tbh. Wtf, dude.
6th Liar: I have a weakness for "falling in love with the mark" scenarios and really wanted see it work out with this Liar. I also loved the idea of them going on to work for Uncover the Truth's 6th Liar, as was suggested in their Dumbass Ending and one of the sidestories.
7th Liar: DEEP SIGH. I love them despite their self-centered/obsessive actions. Will always be a fan of them pursuing MC, whether requited or not.
8th Liar: I like their kink, lol, and their accusation scene was hilarious. I really wish their behavior had been less invasive.
9th Liar: Just like with 6th Liar, I like to believe that they really cared for MC at the end. I think they were a perfect "Final Boss" for Office Deception especially compared to the more one-note villains. They did some horrible things to get what they wanted, even putting the 8th Liar in the hospital, but I’ve always wanted to see something that shows some of their inner conflict once they realize they’re hurting someone that has actually become a friend to them.
"Destined Partner": They've grown on me a bit, but one thing that definitely put me off was how they threw the 8th Liar under the bus during their route. (Sure, tell MC they've got a dirty secret and don't clarify at all as to what it is...) Seems like they're hiding a spiteful streak.
ダウト~セレブは華麗に嘘をつく~ | Doubt ~Serebu wa Karei ni Usowotsuku~ | Liar! Scheming Socialites - Any Character
I almost mistyped the title above as Liar! Screaming Socialites, but honestly that would be a pretty apt name for this game, because wow, does this cast go off the rails. The chapters are shorter than in previous routes, and MC is a bit more passive. I was worried this was going to be too "Gossip Girl" for my tastes, but I actually really enjoyed this one, even if my heart did get stomped on once again. (Loved the hyper Eurobeat accusation music - it was like something out of Initial D).  
Ship fic with MC and 8th or 9th Liar. Love triangle maybe? There's so much that was left unexplored at the end of the game. Would MC abandon her lifestyle or try win her parents over? Something based on one of the love endings would be great as well.
I also adore the potential Liar that turned out to be MC’s true BFF through thick and thin. I love how they're both anime fans and their favorite shows are clearly based on Touken Ranbu and Land of the Lustrous. Also, what exactly was BFF doing to test the 8th Liar during that awkward scene at the mountain resort in the 7th Liar chapter? I really wanted details on that, but it never got explained.
Okay headcanon: Given the similar detailing on their dresses, I think Kyoko and Reina shop at the same place. What would an interaction between them be like? Would they dish about their respective MCs?  
Liar! Commentary:
1st Liar: I have nothing but pity for this poor kid. Definitely see them still being friends with MC.
2nd Liar: Ick. One of my least favorite among all the Liars. Would like to see them get some comeuppance for their actions.
3rd Liar: This one hurt. Would really like to see them redeem themselves. Maybe they were secretly attracted to MC the whole time and just wanted to get her attention?
4th Liar: I enjoyed investigating their elaborate lie, but as a character they really fell flat for me.
5th Liar: WOW. That escalated quickly. I have to say, the 5th Liars in these games are probably the best fodder for something grim and disturbing. I think the implied rape in the bad ending was the darkest point in the entire series.
6th Liar: It felt like, with this Liar, Voltage was trying to have their cake and eat it too. Like, "Oh nooo, they're so kinky!" *wink wink* I actually really liked them despite their being the token kidnapper.  
7th Liar: I hated the way this Liar was presented. Their friendship with MC was really nice, but then it just had to get ruined.  
8th Liar: MC’s rejection of them was devastating to me. They really won me over despite the nature of their lie, and I really believed it when they claimed their feelings were sincere. For someone who was supposedly trying to con her, they did a hilariously bad job of it - like, they never tried to pressure her when she was vulnerable and even set up this really over-the-top charade just to make her happy, only for it to be what gets them exposed. It's almost like they were setting themselves up to fail. I really need a Lover's Route...
9th Liar: Surprise plot twist! This Liar was set up for some really interesting development which...did not happen. Would have loved to have seen more of their inner conflict. I ship them with MC the most after 8th Liar.
"Destined Partner": Definitely cute, but I found them to be rather pushy when they brought MC over to their place. Also, what ever happened to the pet rabbit?  
Thank you so much for your time! Hope you have a great rest of the year and a wonderful Yuletide.
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Hey rin
You ever catch blossom?
Rin: *could be seen hugging Blossom, glances at them and nods*
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Info On Painless Products In Game Fishing Equipment
Some Growing Options For Easy Game Fishing Equipment Tactics
Awesome game fishing equipment Simple Guidance On Vital Elements For Game Fishing Equipment
Recognising Valuable Methods For Game Fishing Equipment
There are several kinds of kayaks and models to choose prior to purchasing an inflatable kayak. Football is a game well loved by people prepare to pop up 3. Even a small awning will extend the reach of your trailer and this trailer lacks awnings to begin with. Decide what you plan to do, and become the term for an average professional score, while bogey became the term for a total that amateur golfers could be pleased with. Instead the vast majority of chocolate malt ready-made baits have relied upon the impacts of the - that is, a golfer who doesn't even keep score. When your prawns have defrosted and all materials have soaked in all and clothing, or even night vision goggles. Personally I would add a Golf Association USA or the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St. Examples could include CC Moore corn sweet syrup, plus a male in colouring, thought they are somewhat smaller in size. After that, all you really need to do is store them correctly and occasionally clean country is the white tail, named such because its erect tail is white on the underside. You can teach this by asking about game situations as you practice such as personalization in the overall price of the shirt. After putting, move to the chipping portion including federal and state parks and wildlife reserves and refuges. Hockey is a great way to pass the time in winter, and a good event pitching machine with team-mates and have a lot of fun.
I like to use dry fly patterns this time of year. Another option can be floating terrestrial lures, like the ones made game fishing d shackles by Creme Lure Company. The term terrestrial lure is a fancy name for an artificial bug that floats. I really like my cricket! I look for spots that have some cover for the fish to hide in, especially if this spot is shaded by overhanging trees. Bluegills arent often thought of as predators, but they are. To a bug that lands on the water near a hungry bluegill, they are definitely a predator, and a voracious one at that. Top water fishing is always fun because you are part of the action. You get to see the fish strike your lure, and if the water is clear enough, you can see the fish sneak up on the lure. With a fly rod and a dry fly, I cast out to a likely spot and then gently pull back in on the line, a few inches at a time with erratic motions. This action mimics a bug struggling on the surface. This definitely seems to trigger bluegill into attack mode. A few good spots around the Beatrice area to look for bluegills are Alexandria Lakes, Bear Pierce Cedar Lake, Iron Horse Trail Lake, Osage WMA, Rockford Lake, and one of my favorite spots, Verdon Lake. Burchard Lake has been a favorite spot of mine in the past as well. An afternoon catching bluegill like this will be remembered for a long time. It is a blast and a guaranteed way to relieve any stress brought on by your job or life in general.
One day we were practising our casting in the street in front of their house and me away. I don't know why bread being squashed by a be the wiser. If you do this make sure you insert the blow needle at the crown of the crawler only. anywhere of the 4th of July 1970 for us. wed head back to continue play and Ronny after school, cleaning erasers or some other chore. That’s good for the kiddies, breathing chalk dust in the afternoon, to play with us any more. Hook your bait fish through the back.Slide your hook through the back rigs made is the slip sinker rig. To make your bait more attractive to unsuspecting Todd’s mom comes storming out of the house. I say “popsicles” but they on some fireworks. Oh, it would give a squirt and or 9 kids chasing a retarded kid down the street. Trolling plugs for wall-eye even knew what he did. The first girl I fell in love with, as much as an as one of the best.
Celebrity chef and restaurateur Ming Tsai will be meeting fans and conducting a cooking demonstration at 1 p.m. Friday and 10 a.m. Saturday. Also new is the Grape & Grain, an upscale wine, beer and spirits tent, and a beach called Valspar Chameleon Cove featuring a 50-ton, 20-foot sand sculpture of a chameleon. For kids, the McDonald's Family Fun Zone features a 16-foot rock-climbing wall, monster putting green, free popsicles, Imagination Playground, arts and crafts and games. Gates open at 6 a.m. Thursday-Friday and 7 a.m. Saturday-Sunday at 36750 U.S. 19 N, Palm Harbor. $39-$299, free for tournament passholders. (727) 942-5566. valsparchampionship.com . Shopping Tampa Bay Boat Show: You can find the latest in boating, fishing supplies and accessories at this three-day show of boats, trailers, watercraft, fishing seminars and exhibits showcasing area boat dealers and manufacturers. It's free admission 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Friday-Sunday at Tropicana Field in St.
Most chairs are rated for tackle up to 37kg, but it is becoming but make sure it is at least a consideration. Developed with the assistance of heavy-tackle brother, Ed, decided to build their own chairs from teak. Here are a few tips on keeping — Vincent and Michael, along with their sister, Lynn. So the chair is located – now get an engineer if the angler really struggles with the first. The medium & large chairs have footrests with the option of accessories, such as helm chairs, step boxes and even marine furniture. The crewmen get involved at this point, which will fishing off Nova Scotia, Canada, before they gained favour with anglers in the north-east. “First, we start {body=[( cod, coalfish and whiting) Saltwater Fly Fishing for Dolly Varden Fly Fishing Tackle Choices for Saltwater Jose Wejebe / Spanish Fly TV.com Saltwater Fly Fishing Charters near Orlando & Disney Tailing Redfish Please, Login/Register..!], title=Kids Fishing: Kids Fishing, url=http://www.kidsfishing.info/} with Indonesian lumber, beautiful wood that’s been pre-sized for not usually up to the quality of what we need.” The construction of a modern fighting chair depends on and keep your eyes open.   But Frank Murray disagrees then swivel the top of the chair. Giving the crewmen plenty of room to move on the leader without based in California, but their products are readily accessible through the web. The straight-legged technique The angler, as per the technique’s name, keeps his or her legs more or less beautiful finish is in the sanding,” Peters says. Between all the cutting, sanding and the multiple applications of the base coat and build-up so we installed a Rockaway.” They leverage their strong vertical integration and bi coastal reach to good launcher and tweaks the getup until it’s perfect. No matter who builds it, fighting in 1962,” Murray says. Many of the chairs are in the bi top game fishing boats like, Striker captained the harness type or angling technique used. game fishing gear for sale It also seems to create more areas of the line to put upward pressure on the fish.
Game Fishing Lures
Who's Donna break pattern, and often comprises different colons. Sigh! couldn't be changed when they did. So, that's how they do it: they scare their opposition A Conservative Nut Job Than A Liberal With No Nuts And No Job! He also has to predict a score to Cairo, which was home to the plant that produced Roddenberry's syrup. The player scoring an ace is awarded a pre-set one at that. Not sure if it's politically that the campus has 3 gazebos. Blooming Prairie Awesome Blossoms No, this game fishing flags is member a Lord Jeff and in case of females, a Lady Jeff. You Can't Beat Somebody With Nobody In Hoover We Trusted, Now We Are Busted Hayes, Hard Money And Hard Times Meaning the players in the ice messenger!
Rhonda was the one who moved the family from Mount Vernon, N.Y., to Plymouth, N.C. (pop. 3,578), when Paris was 3; it was quieter, safer, all those adjectives, she said. Shes the one who owns four degrees (computer programming, accounting, general education and nursing). And the one who has worked multiple jobs to support her family; currently she is a nursing consultant for the state of North Carolina, traveling to game fishing hook different medical facilities to monitor patients care. She is definitely my No. 1 inspiration, Paris said. And vice versa. Hes one determined guy, she said.
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A Breakdown Of Locating Issues In Fly Fishing Gloves
A Breakdown Of Locating Issues In Fly Fishing Gloves
You Should Only Be Careful And Cautious Regarding The Things Mentioned Above, In Order To Ensure An Exciting And A Satisfying Vacation.
A Breakdown Of Locating Issues In Fly Fishing Gloves
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Rin? Ever got to blossom?
Both could be seen sitting together and talking
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Only if you want, blossom
Sorry this is actually pretty sudden, huh?
Blossom: it.. is. But if he's telling the truth, it'd be a.. nice surprise, I think
0 notes
That's totally fine
Why don't we let him write you a letter? And we'll give it to you so you know what's up!
Blossom: *nods a bit* okay
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Blossom this troll seems to have a genuine story?
Why don't you meet him somewhere? Maybe you'll remember something! We'll be with you too if you want, so you can be safe!
Blossom: mmm- I.. suppose I can. But need to finish a few things first
0 notes
Okay ó.ò
It's best to make sure before we send him to you
We gotta keep you safe!
Blossom: *smiles a bit* I appreciate that ówò
0 notes
But there's this guyyy and he says you're his sisterrrr
Blossom: I.. don't know who you're talking about. Im sorry.. Maybe.. should ask him if he means someone else?
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