#blibet about ocs
sf-libet · 1 year
i'd like to know more about Casper, and his relationship with his boss! and great job on your first sf drawing!!
Ayy thanks.
Casper's a more recent character I've made for a tabletop roleplay game sort of thing with some friends. To summarize who he is within the concept of the story, he's a secret agent working with the cops, specializing in infiltration and retrieval and all that jazz. He's a sorta strong silent type, emphasis on silent--he rarely speaks and seems to just appear in rooms without making a sound. He's got a lot of little lore bits going for him, standard "loner with a troubled past has to learn to trust/love other people again" kinda deal.
The campaign didn't really get very far, but I really liked playing with Casper within it, and the general lore of the world was pretty cool. Sort of a cyberpunk-y near future sort of deal, with all kinds of cybernetic augment-y fun therein. Cass doesn't have any real augments to speak of, but he does have a prosthetic left leg. Another important bit to do with the lore has to do with drugs that give special powers, with a specific variant giving crazy shit based on an individual's latent ability.
Casper's ability enables him to just regenerate and heal from all damage for a short period, which basically made him a bullet sponge if the occasion called for it. I have a number of different whump-ish scenarios on that subject, for those of you into that.
On terms of personality he's a very nose to the grindstone, dedicated person, to the point of self-detriment. To put it another way--he's an obsessive workaholic. He's absurdly reserved, and the way he acts is just plain weird sometimes. It's tough to crack his shell, but those that do find out he's kinda just a big softie. He's a sweetheart, but trauma coupled with quirks of his personality make it hard to see his humanity at times.
He kinda just is what he is. He's a weirdo, but very human underneath his cold exterior.
Cigarette smoke making him sneeze is just a little trait I added for flavor on the character sheet, but he's also allergic to dust. Not exactly prone to illness, but his scrawny frame makes any illness that does strike seem especially bad. He is quite prone to working through it and making things worse.
Him and the Chief sorta have a quasi-father+son sort of thing going on, but it's mostly by virtue of him being the only positive male role model in his life at this point. Casper is in his early 20s, but he signed up for the force straight out of high school, which contributes to that dynamic, because the Chief is an old ass man. Taken on as a pity hire but very quickly proving his worth, Casper respects the Chief and the Chief pays him that same courtesy. He's one of the few people Casper will actually chat with.
There's more I'll probably (inevitably) bring up in the future, but as a general rundown, this should give you most of what you want. Mayyyybe I'll dump a more normal Casper story here, who knows.
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sf-libet · 2 years
about the liibeet
yea uh hello
Call me Libet, my bio is pretty good at introducing me tbh, but I felt I’d make something of an all intents “this is me” pinned post for those wondering things.  I use he/him and am a cis bisexual male.
18+ ONLY INTERACTING ON MY POSTS, PLS. I know you’re gonna look anyway, but if you’re underage, please don’t interact with me, be safe, this community has enough creeps in it.
now that the disclaimers are done, uhhhhhhhh
My DMs are always open, my discord is in my bio, always open to more interaction, even though i’m a fuckinnnn dork lol
I have a sneeze fetish and an (admittedly, nonsexual) interest in hurt/comfort sorts of stuff. I have other sexual interests (which are tangentially related and you can find out if you wanna dm me about it) but that’s mainly what this blog’s about.
got a lot of ocs, got a lot of interests, i write, i draw, i VA/record myself sneezing sometimes, eeeeverything’s for sale my friend. err--actually no, it’s free. i post some scenarios and some general thoughts, and do my best to tag stuff i make (#libet blibet for general talking/thought posts, btw).
i’ll probably post some art and fics of some sort at some point in some place (here).
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