blckhangman-blog · 7 years
Long Time Coming
This has become somewhat of a routine. He can recall many days when he was told that he should expand his horizons- learn to like new things. He was always dubbed as a bit ‘picky’ though he never thought much of it himself. He has a small pool of things he likes but a large pool of things that he’s okay with. That shouldn’t cause too many problems, but as it turns out people still take it the wrong way when you only seem to choose a few things when it’s up to you. Perhaps it’s how rarely he got to choose that makes him never grow tired of the same few choices...
But things are a bit different now. He has the ability to choose almost always, except for perhaps in missions where they change things up on him. So long as he stays within a certain set of rules he finds that he’s completely free. In a strange way, life within BlckTmpl is almost more free to him than life was outside of it. He could provide that as an excuse for why he’s so calm. Then again, he’s always this way, so it doesn’t matter.
This has also cause the choice to try new things, though. He’s been ordering different drinks off the menu at The Shack for a while now- trying each one as earnestly as possible. Unfortunately this has resulted in him disliking most of the drinks and have little to no preference on the rest. He hasn’t been able to find anything that he ‘likes’ yet aside from the only one he knew he liked from the beginning: Royal Milk Tea. He hasn’t had it in a while, though, as he’s trying so hard to find something else... Again he’s sitting in The Shack with some odd beverage sitting in front of him- sketching some elaborate landscape with strange creatures inhabiting it. This has, after all, become a schedule- a daily thing. He can’t say he dislikes being here nor can he say it’s his favorite thing in the world... At least this way, though, he gets time to draw. He does, after all, enjoy that.
He has, however, noticed in recent times that there have been eyes on him. Not the usual type, either, but someone looking at him for a bit longer. It’s not uncommon for people to stare at him due to his constantly blank expression and perhaps off sense of attire, but he can still tell that there’s something different. So he looks around out of the corners of his eyes until he spots the culprit, a girl. He’s quick enough to glance her over- get a general idea and go back to drawing. He’s subtle enough in the way that he looks at her that he’s sure she won’t notice anyway.
It’s when he approaches and sits across from him that he finally acknowledges her- closing his book softly and placing the pencil on the table. He looks at her with the same empty expression- perhaps a bit more tired than usual. He tilts his head down slightly- so that more of his mouth is hidden by his scarf.
“Took you a while...” He places the book in his lap neatly- out of reach. “What is it you would like...? Would you like a drink in the meantime?”
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blckblue-blog1 · 7 years
://loading_enlightenment.pt2 — action : sub mission ! >>  ://searching_ally — @blckbabydoll
he’s trying to catch his breath when he sees one out of the corner of his eye. with a silhouette so vague, he could have easily brushed it off as just another mirage courtesy of whatever choice drug the collective decided to play with this time. nonetheless, blue simply knows better than to take any risks. just as his pace quickens and the baseball cap stolen from some poor, unassuming pedestrian is adjusted to cover his face, he feels a tug on his arm.
fuck, fuck, fuck.
fortunately, his heart rate is able to lower as quickly as it rose upon feeling the small slip of paper he’s grown to hate slip into his hand.
if he is being honest, the idea of yet another side quest made his fingers curl. tired and nursing a raging headache, blue for once is uncharacteristically not up to the challenge. reasoning that it’s not concerningly deleterious to his leaderboard stats, he tosses the instructions into the nearest trashcan and continues en route to the safe zone. yes, even fatigue can get to the best of people— that is until he spots her conspicuous, all too familiar head of blonde hair.
sometimes the body acts before the mind can reason. of course, that holds especially true in games like these. so when blue finds himself barely shy of an arm’s length from her, it’s not completely unfathomable. all smiles and little strategy, he gestures at the same slip of paper in her hands just as the lights go out. in circumstances as dire as these, there’s little to no room for shame— he just goes for it.
“hey, you in?”
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artempict · 3 years
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@partyin-on-fifth-tonight @ecoliverr @instra-mental-blog @moon-wanderess @blckbabydoll @in-need-of-cuddles @dancechristapaffgen @l0ve-is-a-risk @wayasay @xoxojordanazanoto-blog @swagyoucantmake @xorandddi @lake-hold @thislifeswatever @meggylilly16 @break-down-my-barriers @waa-aanderlust @goodenoughsomeday @pitchblackperfeccion-blog @b33ntrilll-blog 
Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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