#blackbeard's dress code
stygmatus · 9 months
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Here comes your bride, Mr. Bonnet~💐☠️
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Alright, *cracks knuckles, back, pussy, crack, etc* more trailer to break down.
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Mirror image of the shot in the teaser? Was it flipped for a reason or are we getting more than one scene like this? What boat are they on? It's not the dinghy, not the revenge (I don't THINK?), and they're not dressed the way they are with the Chinese pirates. (Red scarf presence noted.)
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Speaking of: Is this 'Susan' he's talking to? This has to be early on, he's not got his cunty little earring yet. (Just trying to nail SOME of the timeline down, you understand.)
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Scarf. Feeling more and more sure it's Ed's silk.
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Oluwande 💚. The way this dialogue is cut seems like they're skipping something, the way Olu says 'you dumped him' doesn't flow with the conversation the way it would if it was a immediate response to Stede's 'no, why would he do that?'
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Presented without comment.
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They're eating the wedding cake. :)
This is presumably happening while Ed is throwing knives at Izzy's head. :(
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Anyway. This looks like they're definitely trying to get Blackbeard to stop -
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- doing this so they can get through the storm or tell him something's gone wrong. Maybe Izzy's foot/leg gets real bad during the storm? Could be a lot of things.
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Initially I thought this might be a precursor to him menacing Frenchie in the one shot in the EW article, but that's in the galley not Stede's cabin and this is a bucket full of bottles (alcohol) and with Frenchie it's a box with bottles (containers, possibly food but I think it looks more likely to be medicine)
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(for reference)
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I think this is in the auxiliary wardrobe, bride figure in the top right.
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Izzy looks MISERABLE here. Whether it's the idea of him knowing EXACTLY why they're at a wedding or because he's in a hell of a lot of pain (foot still present and infected and all that) or some unfortunate combination of both (likely both), I want to wrap him up in a blanket burrito and give him forehead kissies. Also, wider shot here lets me update who's where on the topdown, so:
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Unnamed bald one with the studded bracers behind Izzy in the previous shot
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Ed. Ed you are like. Consistently seen smoking from a pipe. You can't handle a blunt? Or is the weed too dank? Also, pretty sure this is him and Anne and/or the person she's with in the shots a bit after this.
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This is why I thought it might have been the shot from the EW article but again, different container with different miscellanea and different room. He. Does seem to be. Interacting with Frenchie a lot though. And. This instance seems very specifically similar to. To him interacting with. A certain someone else. In season 1. . . I'm not saying Izzy's out with a case of Leg Gone and Ed's leaning on Frenchie in the aftermath. . . but.
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I feel this so hard. We've all been there Ed. Anyway I'm pretty sure this is the same place he's smoking with mysterious, mostly offscreen, light skin-toned hand person who may or may not be Anne and/or her friend. (No scarf.)
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Genuinely I feel like the nose staying on his face would look more believable without the ribbon. Lucius didn't need a ribbon for his finger. Maybe if it was horizontal as opposed to diagonal? It looks LOOSE and that makes it seem like it's not secure enough to be staying on his face like it is.
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Deserved (the punch). My baby's leg tho. :'(c It's not even the right height for him. Look how he's gotta bend his other leg just standing.
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Olu fighting someone???
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Bracer looks like guy number 6 from the wedding raid but this doesn't look like it's on a ship. This guy also seems to have a beard or something that the other guy didn't so idk.
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Cracked the code here thanks to @tizzyizzy pointing out something in my server. I was right about this not being during the storm. I was wrong about it being a possibly mutiny. I'm gonna jump a bit ahead in the trailer in a sec to explain but: Ed's got a rock tied around his waist here. You can see the rock at the bottom of the screen.
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You can see the line go taut and pull him down.
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You can see the rock continue to pull him down. (The rock is right at the bottom of the screen.)
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Jumping ahead in the trailer and. Well. Rock with some rope tied around it. (Once again, thank you Tizzy 🙏 you eagle eyed hero) The lighting certainly matches better than the storm did. The question is: Is Hornighost trying to talk him into it or out of it? (And. Yknow. Is he a ghost at all, even?)
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Back to where we jumped from. Are these guys wearing the same clothes as the guy Stede 'did a punch' to? Looks like it. *Black Pete voice* What IS this fucking timeline!
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Love that Izzy is the only one who doesn't duck away. Also 👀 Lucius spotted. Is he holding hands with Jim? He certainly seems comfortable positioned right between the two little killers doesn't he? ;3c
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'Oh no my boat :'(c' Is anyone still on board or did they take a dinghy and get outta there after the storm?
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(New promo pic.) This.
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(Skipping ahead in the trailer.) And this, are all the same version of Stede. The outfit (weird little arm flappies, red sash) and location are the same. This is absolutely a dream sequence. Stede is dreaming about being the kind of pirate he wishes he was. I'd also venture as to guess this is the extent of his 'revenge on Izzy' that Some Of You are all so clamoring for.
[Out of allowed images, please hold]
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suiine · 2 months
wish we knew more about blackbeard's NPC crewmembers. who are they. what is their lore.
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like these fellows. is Ed collecting leather dads or is that the ship's mandatory dress code? and what does that imply about their captain??
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who are these spiky crewmembers that blackbeard calls his kids?
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there in the back traumatized...the same raiders? or more sad leather dudes?
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and these poor cake-less maow maows :(
the famous pirate blackbeard must have had a huge crew but we meet so few of them...
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fallenrocket · 4 months
#PirateOmens watch party - Season 1, Episode 1
(crossposted from my twitter)
Within the first few minutes of episode 1, we get Crowley reassuring Aziraphale, "You're an angel, I don't think you *can* do the wrong thing."
Rings well with, "You know, most of the pirates I know, they're dead. So you're doing a hell of a lot better than them."
Side note: I imagine the actors didn't know about this when they shot it, but the scene at the Eastern Gate feels so different now knowing about Aziraphale and Crowley's "before the Beginning" flashback. The layers to this show! Like a cake with a 40-orange glaze.
Gabriel: "I like the clothes! Pity they won't be around much longer." Hee!
Do you fancy a fine sushi, angel?
Watching the 3-card monte with the Antichrist child makes me wonder what Stede was like when Mary was in labor. I can't decide between squeamish at the blood, barely noticing at all, or trying to be way *too* helpful.
"Get thee behind me, foul fiend! ...After you," is absolutely a Stede Bonnet move.
Aziraphale: "Well, I'll be damned."
Crowley: "It's not so bad when you get used to it."
Stede: "Look, I've been a failure my whole life. It's not so bad once you get used to it."
It's a match made in heaven, @PrimeVideo! Won't you #AdoptOurCrew?
Stede and Ed would be so down for dressing up in costumes to influence the Antichrist child, except Ed would have to be Nanny Jeff.
Aziraphale's magic tricks? Also Stede Bonnet coded, from head to toe. Crowley's reaction is basically Ed with the treasure hunt in "This is Happening."
Obviously, we know what a great pair Good Omens and OFMD make, but I like the differences in the characters and their relationships too.
Crowley and Ed are the "dark/prickly" ones with hidden vulnerabilities, but Crowley puts on a transparent act for Hell and then does what he pleases. Ed knows he doesn't want to be Blackbeard but feels trapped in the role, fearing he *can't* be someone different.
After a life of struggling to follow the rules, Stede has broken free from those expectations and is embracing the life he wants. Aziraphale is still caught in the expectations, still obsessed with who he's "supposed" to be.
Even though Good Omens and Our Flag Means Death vibrate at a similar frequency, the differences between them make both shows even more delicious! That's why they'll pair so well together, @PrimeVideo--like crepes with marmalade!
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venusdebotticelli · 8 months
I just wrote a monster of a reply on this post by @girlbossblackbeard, but I wanted to post this part on its own as well, because this epiphany just completely obliterated all my theories about the possible first reunion between Ed and Stede! (I do think they're gonna have tons of reunions throughout the season, as Stede keeps chasing after Ed and Ed keeps avoiding him and telling him to get lost.)
In their op, they pointed this out:
"the BTS production still of ed with his "trust no one" tattoo also features what i believe is the treasure chest we see jim carrying off the ship in the shot where fang is smashing two dudes' heads together!"
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And in response, I noticed many many more things about that particular ship's crew, and what it says about who might be present:
I agree that the chest in Ed's quarters looks like the one they're carrying off that ship, but if I may add even more details...
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The guy Stede successfully punches is dressed like the crew from that same ship where Ed is dressed like the Vampire Clown Blackbeard version, still with the Kraken makeup on, and shooting at something¿? (I don't think whatever he's shooting at is actually Stede, because you can see Frenchie and Jim's heads on the bottom left of that shot, and they don't seem all that interested in whatever Blackbeard is currently doing, they're just focused on their loot/corpses/whatever. And idk how I feel about the theory that Izzy loses his leg because Ed shoots it, rather than just gangrene, but if we were to go with that one: what if Izzy and Stede have been collaborating in secret, and this raid is when Ed finds out? I don't want or particularly expect that prediction to actually be right, but just putting it out there *shrug emoji* It could then also lead to Ed's "very rough night" and recruiting Frenchie to help with cleaning up his act the next morning?)
Also, when Stede does his swirly bit with the coat he's very much aboard the Revenge, because that's what the internal doors look like on the ship:
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But I have no idea how that fits in the timeline. I think there may be a gap between when he first finds the coat, until the moment he gets to actually put on the whole suit with the matching pants¿? Or maybe not¿? Maybe all of that is happening in eps 1-2, which is an insane amount of information¿?¿??¿¿? 🔥🙌🔥
Also, I just realised this after I wrote all of that, I think this might be Jim going in behind Stede into the "I did a punch!" room¿? What's going on?¿?¿¿?¿?¿?¿? 😭
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Tl;dr, I am losing my whole mind trying to piece a timeline with this scene 🔥🙌🔥 The Reunion™ could be as soon as ep1 going by this?¿?¿¿? While Ed is still in Kraken mode?¿¿?¿??
Edit: I also have no idea how Izzy/Jim's makeup or lack thereoff fits in with this timeline. Maybe they raid the same ship twice, at two separate points in time? Or it's a fleet with a strict uniform code, maybe a different navy, other than the English?
The Spanish Navy grunts from s1 dressed like this:
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which is actually a very similar look, so maybe it really is just two different ships from the Spanish navy. It also explains all the catholic imagery and paraphernalia in the room where Stede finds the red & gold suit (the same colours as the ones the Spanish officers have).
So nvm, I've just convinced myself they're two separate instances, and I'm back to thinking the first reunion might be the headbutt 😅
Still interesting to point out, I think :D
(Also wondering about the significance of red neckties this season, which the Spanish grunts were missing in s1 but now all have, and Spanish Jackie's, and obviously, Stede's... 😁)
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cottoncandiescupcakes · 8 months
People saying the romances or reunions are rushed don't understand these pirates can die ANY day. So death is normal to them. If someone died, it's life. Having sex, kissing? Great. Put yourself in the shoes of a 17th century pirate.
The polyamory is also very accurate, the homosexuality and dressing or living as the opposite gender too, as are female pirates. These people fully lived outside normal society's laws, as are the moment of dub/non con consent like Lucius' past, Swede being given to Jackie as well as the crew being sold to Susan, Izzy's toes, the leg, the bad medical knowledge, the extreme random violence etc David may not always have costumes period accurate but otherwise this is one of the few period accurate pirate movies. The movies and shows that show pirates having all these honor codes, dramatic battle speeches etc is Hollywood nonsense.
This was a lawless society and David NAILS that. These pirates lived only for a couple years usually. The real Blackbeard's pirate career was just a few years before he died.
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crawleighbbygrl · 9 months
Whenever I look at that picture of Izzy with the makeup, I can't help but imagine Blackbeard saying something like "Sorry, mate, but we all have to follow the dress code." While twirling around a knife threateningly
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un-monstre · 10 months
Blackbeard dress code poster that’s just various shades of black
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ltwilliammowett · 2 years
The typical Pirate look
Pirates! We alle have a mental picture of what one did or should lool like once fitted out with the prerequisite eyepatch, wooden leg, earring, and outlandish clothing. Let's break down the typical pirate and let's find out why they looked the way they did according to the literature and how far it was true.
Earrings, (at this point it should be mentioned that I had already made a post about this) were worn in order to have an insurance for a proper burial in case they did not remain in the sea after their death and were washed ashore. Rings were also used as earplug holders worn by the gun crews to protect themselves from going deaf when firing the guns. Supposedly, I just want to mention it here, but I think this theory is rather unlikely. Through contact with Asia and the culture of acupuncture, pirates are said to have earrings pricked at certain acupuncture points in their ears to reduce hunger and release energy.
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Capture of the Pirate, Blackbeard, 1718 depicting the battle between Blackbeard the Pirate and Lieutenant Maynard in Ocracoke Bay, by Jean Leon Gerome Ferris (1863–1930) (x)
Eye patch, it is a bit of a mystery, but it is the explanation that makes the most sense to me. Many used navigational devices that used the sun to determine their position. This could lead to the eye that was seen through slowly going blind and in order to protect it, the eye was changed and the one that was used before was covered to protect it. Of course, an eye patch could also be worn if an eye was lost or injured in battle.
Peg legs and hand hooks, something no one wanted to have, but could happen in a fight. As explained once in a question, these prostheses existed, but the Sailors who received them usually remained ashore because they could no longer serve on a ship and if the post of cook or Sailmaker was occupied, the person concerned had to remain ashore. Managers were more likely to continue with a prosthesis and delegate their tasks.
The parrot on the shoulder, not just a pirate thing. Birds were often on board, because they not only served as entertainment but were also good for earning money by selling the trained animals in the next port.
The clothes - this colourful mixture often came about through scavenging, after all, anything that could be used was taken, even if it was clothing. It didn't matter whether the style matched or not, the aim was not to win a beauty contest but to have something to wear.
Always drinking. Well yes, there was drinking, and maybe sometimes too much on occasions ashore and maybe sometimes on board. But pirates were always on the lookout for booty and for the navies, so they couldn't afford to have drunken men all the time, and so the respective codes often forbade alcohol.
Hygiene - was generally such a thing at sea, because bathing and everyday washing were not always possible. A pirate is supposed to have long hair and often a beard as well, because it is supposed to show a style that is detached from society. Long hair was normal at that time, or rather a wig - if they could afford it. Beards were one thing, but whether pirates really wore a full beard or not, is impossible to say. Probably none or a small one, because such hair was a breeding ground for vermin, which nobody wanted.
But where did this image of a pirate come from, as it was often communicated in the various media? On the one hand, this look was considered reprehensible and not socially accepted in a civilised way. The sailors of the Navy were said to have more style and not such a ragged look. The fact that all the aspects listed above fitted a normal sailor was often ignored. Most popular media about pirates were created at a time when there was already a kind of dress code in the Navy. And yet the image of the pirate described in the media has persisted and is seen as the typical look. 
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quillomens · 8 months
@book-omens-week THANK YOU for sponsoring this! I am so looking forward to reading and reblogging everything over the next couple of days. <3
With permission, the person who got me into the novel is @shabby-blog, and I am heavily and happily influenced by their Crowley.
Full story is here on Ao3
(I couldn’t think of anything I had time to write for Role Reversal.  Hangs head in shame.  But here is the rest of the marriages of convenience stories, all happy endings and sap and a dash of romance!)
It is only through the miraculous nature of ethereal and occult memories that Crowley and Aziraphale keep an accurate count of the number of times they successfully use marriage to avoid general inconvenience.
There’s 1056, in the years leading up to the Arrangement, when they dream up not only a marriage but a divorce, which allows a monk in a monestary in Scotland to keep up steady correspondence with a semi-satanic Nun in Wales.  (The resultant legend of the Monk and the Sister is achingly romantic only because none of their actual letters are ever found; primarily, the monk complains about the food and the Sister complains about the dress code and they both complain about the weather.)
There’s the second century BC, when Aziraphalius insists on spending two decades puttering around organizing the Library of Alexandria, and his slender wife is allowed visitation rights most women would be denied. (This is the first time the marriage vows involved saying, “I love you,” which is awkward for everyone involved, but Aziraphale shimself with the fact that not all love is romantic.  He would only realize this love was in the wake of a certain Apocalypse, and by then, why worry about it?)
There’s the 18th century, when Crowley is a sort of fifth prince of the seven seas, well known enough not to be scoffed at but hardly a Blackbeard or Mary Read.  He has a solid ship, though, and occasionally offers trips to a certain blue eyed gentleman who is thoroughly protected from any sort of molestation by his mateloge with the Black Crow’s captain.
There’s World War I and World War II, when marriage isn’t just a cover but the best way to know if the other is alive as their offices send them across the theaters of war – they are brothers, or husband and wife, or uncle and nephew, whatever they need to be that the other will be told if one of them is killed in all the fighting.  It is stubbornness and the Arrangement and luck that keeps them alive.
It’s a good con and good insurance, and somehow they keep getting away with it, year and year, century after century.  Almost like Someone is looking out for them.  But…nah.  They wouldn’t.  The creator don’t pay attention to angels and demons these days.
It’s May 29, 2014, and Crowley actually has a ring when he asks.
He doesn’t get on a knee, of course, or hide it in a pie, or anything else too cliché.  Being the cool, collected person he is, he’s sprawled on the sofa in their living room, head being thoughtlessly petted, when he says, “Let’s get married.”
Aziraphale doesn’t immediately look up from his book.  “We could bury a wall in marriage certificates, dearest.”
“Yeah.  But let’s get married for real, on purpose, just to get married.”  He reaches awkwardly (but coolly) over his head to hold the simple gold band between Aziraphale’s eyes and the words on the page.
The angel turns the page right into his knuckle before letting out a startled “Oh!”
Finally, storm cloud eyes turn to bright yellow.  The latter is the color Aziraphale insisted on painting the kitchen (“I like seeing it in the morning, it makes me happy,” he’d bossed as he picked it out, and it had taken two weeks for Crowley to suddenly realize it was the same shade as his own eyes); the former the inspiration for the new, shared bathroom and its ridiculously large tub. 
(They vehemently deny sappy sentimentality, even as they practically luxuriate in it.)
“I know you know what tomorrow is,” Crowley continues, giving the ring a shake.  This isn’t the most comfortable position to keep his arm in.  “And I know all your little trips have been blessings and temptations in Parliament.”
The angel pinks a little.  “I don’t know what you mean.”
“’Course not,” the demon agrees.  “We told Adam we’d stop ‘messin’ about’ with humanity, and you are an angel of your word.”
Their smiles are conspiratorial.
Aziraphale gently takes the ring, manicured hands as soft as ever.  Crowley squirms to a sitting position with all the grace allowed in a spine that wouldn’t pass a basic x-ray, but works well enough for him.  “Where should we go?”
“Well, here, of course,” Crowley says, sharp gaze on the ring.  “And then…anywhere you like.  Cardiff.  Edinburgh.  London.  Get hitched as many times as we want.  Drink all the celebratory champagne and cut a dozen cakes.”  He pauses.  “You do have to say yes first.”
Aziraphale laughs.  It’s a rare, open laugh, not one of his usual low chuckles. His face lights up with it and sets off an embarrassing warmth deep in Crowley’s cold chest.  “While I maintain it’s too late to say no,” he says with a smile that literally brightens the room (like his touch, Crowley once thought that kind of holy exuberance would burn him, but it doesn’t, not at all; it is like coming home, like being on their own side, like heaven and hell don’t matter but this does), “but for the sake of your demonic pride, I’ll say yes.”
“Don’t do me any favors,” Crowley smirks back, definitely not resisting the urge to shout a little “wahoo!” 
“I never do.”  This is a lie.  They’ve been doing each other favors longer than humans have been counting in years instead of moons. 
Aziraphale brushes his fingers along the ring.  It’s very simple, very human, but cool to the touch, and the Sense of letters along the inside can’t be inscribed or comprehended by any mortal.  A demon’s True Name, as a ward and promise. 
He hands it back.  “Give it to me tomorrow,” he says with certainty, “and I shall give you yours.”
“As many times as you like,” Crowley reminds him.
“I’m holding you to that,” Aziraphale grins back, and his lips are still curved in that smile when he kisses one demonic cheek.
There is a cottage in the South Downs that is bigger on the inside.  It has to be, to accommodate a library, an unreasonably large and luxurious bathroom, and a bedroom designed perfectly for two.  The two beds sit close together, in proud 1950s sitcom style, though they are doubles rather than singles – the demon likes to sprawl, and the angel has a regrettable tendency to stack books over half his bed.  This is fine.  The demon doesn’t mind the angel sharing his bed when needed, all that lovely angelic warmth to cuddle up with, soft hands to pet his hair, the occasional warm kiss to his temple.  What a delightful temptation for them both.
The décor is eclectic – one bed pristine white, the other an eye-boggling quilt of tartans.  There’s only one wardrobe, as only one of them owns actual clothing, which leaves more space for their shared knick knacks on an ancient shelf.  There are works of art each worth more than the house and all the land around it (most with oddly religious themes for a bedroom, including several plump angels with satisfied looking snakes, but to each their own), and verdant green plants that are no longer terrified, but certainly experience a great deal of Pride. 
It’s the wall across from the bed that draws the eye.  Almost every inch of the old-fashioned wallpaper is covered with something.  In the center, a pair of paintings that immediately remind the viewer of the works of Leonardo da Vinci.  They hang so close that they share one frame, a merchant and not-quite-lady watching each other boldly.  In a special glass case is an ancient square of stone covered in neat scratch marks.  And around the paintings – beautifully illuminated certificates, simple registry forms, unrolled scrolls and delicate papyrus.  Each carries two signatures, one purposefully messy, one perfectly embellished.
If you happen to visit after March of 2014, you will find a selection of modern registry forms from no less than thirteen major cities throughout the UK (Crowley insisted on the thirteenth, barely before midnight and both of them tipsy and happy and tired), each one covered in colorful signatures of other couples, other men, other women, other nonbinary couples.  Love and celebration are in the molecules of the ink – held there by both a demonic miracle and an angelic one.
The photograph is from London.  Rainbow confetti and flags fly behind an odd but charming pair: a slightly older gentleman, plump and proper, his dark blond curls tangled with bits of paper, his smile somehow bright in a way that is not at all metaphorical; and a slender fellow with fine cheekbones and dark sunglasses and a smile that is a little too-broad and a little too-sharp but perfect just the same.  They are in each other’s arms, surrounded by joy, and on their fingers are matching rings rich with power and protection.  With a promise first shared in front of a woman long, long forgotten by everyone else in the world: to protect, to support, to keep each other safe. There is a cottage in the South Downs where a demon and an angel live in comfortable retirement.  The garden incites envy from every gardener in town, and the car out front from every automobile enthusiast, and there are snakes in the garden and tea cups occasionally cluttering the little table under the apple tree, and humor, and history, and love in every stone.
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Most Stylish Competition official bracket!
list under bracket since the image quality died
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Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic series) VS. Sans (Undertale)
Mel Medarda (Arcane) VS. Sailor Pluto (Sailor Moon)
Kairi (Kingdom Hearts) VS. ENA (ENA)
Shinji Hirako (Bleach) VS. Kim Dokja (Omniscient Reader)
Gyorik "York" Rogdul (Drawtectives) VS. Eugene Finch (Drawtectives)
Elliot Goss (Search Party) VS. The Weird Guy (The Hollow)
Draculaura (Monster High) VS. Frankie Stein (Monster High)
Stede Bonnet (Our Flag Means Death) VS. Manfred Von Karma (Ace Attorney)
Team Rocket (Pokémon) VS. winner of 1/2.1
Papyrus (Undertale) VS. Waluigi (Super Mario Bros)
Mettaton (Undertale) VS. Hatsune Miku (Vocaloid)
Cecil (Welcome to Nightvale) VS. Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way (My Immortal)
Winnie the Pooh (Winnie the Pooh) VS. Ryan Evans (High School Musical)
The Onceler (The Lorax) VS. Harry Dubois (Disco Elysium)
Fred Jones (Scooby-Doo) VS. Hunter (The Owl House)
Teruki "Teru" Hanazawa (Mob Psycho 100) VS. Shigeo Kageyama (Mob Psycho 100)
Ciel Phantomhive (Black Butler) VS. winner of 1/2.2
Yor Forger (Spy x Family) VS. Morticia Addams (The Addams Family)
Miss Piggy (Muppets) VS. Rarity (My Little Pony)
Dr. Facilier (Princess and the Frog) VS. Yzma (Emperor's New Groove)
Marz (I Was A Teenage Exocolonist) VS. Scaramouche (Genshin Impact)
Lelouch (Code Geass) VS. Consul Valerius (Arcana)
Sensei Garmadon (Ninjago) VS. Taako (The Adventure Zone)
Mitsuba Sousuke (Toilet-Bound Hanako-Kun) VS. Rias Gremory (High School DxD)
Mizuki Akiyama (Project Sekai) VS. winner of 1/2.3
Alex Fierro (Magnus Chase) VS. Luz Noceda (The Owl House)
Pearl Houzuki (Splatoon) VS. Gumi (Vocaloid)
Dr. Starline (Sonic series) VS. Jinafire Long (Monster High)
Noctis Lucis Caelum (Final Fantasy XV) VS. Ratchet (Ratchet & Clank)
Frank N Furter (Rocky Horror Show) VS. Dean Pelton (Community)
Eddie Munson (Stranger Things) VS. Eleven Hopper (Stranger Things)
Gonzo (Muppets) VS. Gyro Zeppeli (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
Carmen Sandiego (Carmen Sandiego) VS. winner of 1/2.4
Red Hood (DC Comics) VS. Nightwing (DC Comics)
Professor Venomous (OKKO Let's Be Heroes) VS. Noisemaster (Cucumber Quest)
Inspector Cabanela (Ghost Trick) VS. Shelby Presipence (Plainview)
Miles Edgeworth (Ace Attorney) VS. Akutagawa Ryuunosuke (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Coco Adel (RWBY) VS. Espresso Cookie (Cookie Run Kingdom)
Susie Greene (Curb Your Enthusiasm) VS. Boyd Crowder (Justified)
Al Calavicci (Quantum Leap) VS. The Obituary Writer (Death By Dying)
Lewis Pepper (Mystery Skulls) VS. winner of 1/2.5
Kuranosuke Koibuchi (Princess Jellyfish) VS. Nana "Hachi" Komatsu (Nana)
Eda Clawthorne (The Owl House) VS. Lilith Clawthorne (The Owl House)
Darius Deamonne (The Owl House) VS. Sanji (One Piece)
Link (Zelda: Breath of the Wild) VS. Spock (Star Trek)
Apollo (Hades) VS. Zagreus (Hades)
Rhonda Wellington Lloyd (Hey Arnold) VS. Malfina (Conneticut Clark)
Kanaya Maryam (Homestuck) VS. Daphne Blake (Scooby-Doo)
Steven Stone (Pokémon) VS. winner of 1/2.6
Yuki Rurikawa (Act! Addict! Actors!) VS. Nikki (Love Nikki Dress Up Queen)
Bruno Bucciarati (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure) VS. Padme Amidala (Star Wars)
Zhongli (Genshin Impact) VS. Franziska Von Karma (Ace Attorney)
Klavier Gavin (Ace Attorney) VS. Saul Goodman (Better Call Saul)
Grillby (Undertale) VS. Spades Slick (Homestuck)
Prosciutto (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure) VS. Kira Yoshikage (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
Mr. Compress (My Hero Academia) VS. Swatch (Deltarune)
Loki (Marvel) VS. winner of 1/2.7
Castiel (Supernatural) VS. Aziraphale (Good Omens)
Hypnos (Hades) VS. Alucard (Castlevania)
Howl (Howl's Moving Castle) VS. Blitzo (Helluva Boss)
Blackbeard (Our Flag Means Death) VS. Anthony J. Crowley (Good Omens)
Luce (Drawfee) VS. Mac McDonald (Always Sunny)
Villager (Animal Crossing) VS. Blathers (Animal Crossing)
Jurgen (Sam & Max) VS. Rosemaster (Cucumber Quest)
Joker (Persona 5) VS. winner of 1/2.8
Chuuya Nakahara (Bungou Stray Dogs) VS. Dazai Osamu (Bungou Stray Dogs)
The Doctor (Doctor Who series) VS. Sissel (Ghost Trick)
Professor Hershel Layton (Professor Layton) VS. King Dice (Cuphead)
Jolyne Cujoh (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure) VS. Bayonetta (Bayonetta)
Samus (Metroid) VS. Velma (Scooby-Doo)
Harper Finkle (Wizards of Waverly Place) VS. Elle Woods (Legally Blonde)
Fran Fine (The Nanny) VS. Klaus Hargreeves (Umbrella Academy)
Good luck to everyone who's voting and have fun!
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sins-of-the-sea · 4 months
Some say that pirates steal and should be feared and hated. I say they’re victims of bad press; it’s all exaggerated. Thoughts?
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"Bad press and exaggerated in that pirates are not being properly feared. You should fear them, because pirates can and will kill. What is 'bad press' is the attitude around pirates. They're either too romanticized, viewed as something inhuman, or not taken seriously at all, no in-between.
"It seems the only people who have the proper attitude regarding pirates and see us as what we are would be pirate hunters. They see us as violent outlaws. Because that's what pirates are.
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"Now granted, pirates are much more diverse than people credit them for, and I'm not talking race and orientation. There are pirates with political motivations; Blackbeard is one of them. And then you have the twits like Rackham. Female pirates are not restricted to only Mary Read and Anne Bonney, and no, they did not dress themselves with male-coded clothing to hide their genders. 'A General History of the Pyrates' is so full of artistic liberties and inaccuracies, they make the Pirates of the Caribbean films look like documentaries. And don't get me started on Howard Pyle."
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omoghouls · 2 years
Wild that they wrote the show and said I’m going to put a group of pissy pants pirates on a boat with the most mommy coded man you’ve ever seen and expected us to be chill about it
They really said
"Hey so here is a captain who is mommy coded (minus caring abt scurvy or when his scribe is "kidnapped" by Jim-) who reads bedtime stories, dresses his crew up pretty for events
Oh on top of that, we also have Blackbeard who gets pouty and this one swordsman pirate who gets sick in choppy weather and cries"
"... wait, why are you guys WRITING THESE THINGS???"
Show writers what did you expect us piss goblins to do?? NOT write these piss pirates peeing their pants then getting coddled by Stede??
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daisyachain · 1 year
BS/VS point of comparison 2. the Devil Incarnate is Your Dad. Also so many spoilers.
Evil fathers show up in enough works that it’s not unique to these two. Walter White, Gendo Ikari, you can’t throw a stone without hitting a bad dad. Sinister or twisted father-son relationships are still significant enough in Black Sails and Vinland Saga that it has to be added to the pile.
Both BS and VS have an odd form of the father-son relationship where the characters are joined together by the loss of the ‘true’ relationship. Billy and Gates’ straightforward mentorship is sabotaged, then shattered by Flint as he tries to kill Billy and then does kill Gates, a man he respects and loves. Far from destroying the relationship between Billy and Flint, this creates one. Prior to that point Billy is nothing to Flint and vice versa.
Afterwards they are defined by Billy constantly choosing not to seek revenge on Flint, the man who forced himself into Gates’ position over him, for them to even coexist with something so significant between them means they have to form some kind of bond. Billy hates Flint and he believes in him; his loyalty to him is cemented by the knowledge that Flint will never stop fighting Billy’s enemies. Billy loved Gates, Flint’s favourite underling is Silver, and still Billy wants Flint close.
VS flips this almost exactly with Askeladd and Cnut; Cnut explicitly binds Askeladd to the role that his father served because he believes he’ll follow the Cause, but there’s no love between them despite the loyalty they show to one another. They’re pulled together by vacuum left by Ragnar only, matching the gap where Gates used to be. They textually choose to play the roles of father and son/teacher and student like Billy and Flint, with no actual connection.
Thorfinn and Askeladd’s relationship also forms the sort of vacuum vee where two characters are drawn into the gap where one used to be. Askeladd becomes Thorfinn’s father both by stepping into the role and becoming too tied to Thorfinn’s grief to be extricable from Thors. It’s politically inconvenient compared to the hollow examples above. As Askeladd-Cnut mirrors Billy-Flint, Thorfinn-Askeladd has its own match in BS with the doomed mentorship of Rackham by Teach.
Where both duos are antagonistic at first, Teach and Rackham take Vane’s death so badly that they swing around their lenses and project each other’s feelings for him right on to one another. Like Thorfinn and Askeladd, their familyhood goes unaddressed and unacknowledged until the moment where it’s turned around in the worst possible way.
So: both BS and VS use trio relationships between fathers, sons, and substitutes in the face of death. The other part of this is that the fathers all aren’t just bad dads, they fulfil some aspect of the devil/an evil incarnate (cf english/christian mythology etc).
Flint--a servant of the all-powerful, cast out of privilege for breaking social norms, now sworn out of pride never to return to comfort or glory if it means giving up independence. A Paradise Lost-type figure. Teach--larger-than-life, dressed all in black, unstoppable, all-enduring, gluttonous, a temptation away from the righteous path (luring Vane away from Flint). A more primal evil personified. Askeladd--devious, snake/apple-associated, traitorous, tricks the vaguely godlike Thors into death. Something closer to the Prince of Lies or Judas aspect.
Some of this is a reach on my part, but with Askeladd’s explicitly devilish imagery and Blackbeard/Flint’s vaguely supernatural role in a more realistic story, it doesn’t come from nowhere! Father-son relationships play an important role in the dudes-on-boats settings of Vinland Saga and Black Sails. What sets them apart from the crowd is combining a) devil-coded father figures b) relationship inheritance to make sinister, compelling relationships that can go two very different ways. First, professionally expedient hatred, second, mutually destructive love.
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teddiesbestestpal · 6 months
Tiefsee from Persona 5 is Akechi’s pet/ Metaverse mascot dumbo octopus pet and assistant in the Metaverse and just like his Master Akechi he has a lot of sexyman tropes as well.
Animal symbolism/ association: literally a orangish yellow dumbo octopus, not to mention the merman theme his initial Persona Blackbeard has.
Anthro: is literally a creamy light orangish yellow skinned dumbo octopus with long vibrant orangish yellow tentacle tendril hair with elf ears wearing a fancy and classy outfit in his Metaverse mascot form.
Eye imagery: has those goat-like pupils octopuses are known for
Well dressed/suitguy: his Metaverse form literally has him sporting a white suit underneath his gray trenchcoat not to mention his frilly light reddish pink gloves and fashionable white boots with golden buttons on them, plus his golden trident themed mask.
Parental figure: Mostly to Akechi since they have known each other for a long time.
LGBTQ+ coded: His flashy and elegant outfit his graceful style of fighting despite wielding such a dangerous and brute-looking weapon ( a golden bladed anchor attached to a chain) his interactions with Morgana ( especially his interactions with Morgana)
Johnlocked: with Morgana
Dominating: he certainly is, mainly towards Morgana, he’s like a male Franziska Von karma, not to mention his royalty aesthetic in his all out attack, considering he is technically ( spoilers) Yaldabaoth’s prince
Technically antagonist: is working with Akechi and Yaldabaoth
Evil side: His black mask form brought upon my Akechi’s insanity manipulation being pupated by his dark persona Cthulhu.
Power of love: Tiefsee is ultimately saved from his black mask insanity induced state by Morgana letting him know that the thieves care about him and Morgana loves him, turning Tiefsee back to normal as Cthulhu fades away.
Robot: semi sorta? He’s technically an algorithm that changes and adapts to situations, indicated by the code processing through his eyes.
Knifemurder: Tiefsee in his black mask insanity induced form, plus he helped Akechi caused the mental shutdowns.
Angst: where should I begin? He is manipulated by his fatherly figure/ creator Yaldabaoth to do his bidding loses the person who taught him that humanity is to be valued ( Akechi) in the boiler room and because of Akechi using his black mask insanity manipulation powers on Tiefsee to turn him into another Black Mask making him go insane and give several people on cognitive Shido’s ships mental shutdowns before the phantom thieves catches him.
Powerful: Tiefsee is very powerful with his Persona Blackbeard having the extremely powerful water/ aqua spells/ not to mention his dark persona Cthulhu who puppets him like a parasite in his Black mask form, not to mention Tiefsee’s main weapon is a freaking golden bladed anchor attached to a chain, and he’s rather experienced in being a phantom thief then Morgana and the others, even calling himself a senior phantom thief.
Capitalist: well not directly Tiefsee does call others beneath him peasants, plus his creator is Yaldabaoth after all.
Class: Tiefsee is very elegant graceful and coordinated in battle.
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ltlemon · 7 months
Watch me scream about OFMD episode 7 for a little while (pt.2 to the first post, now with more italics) (this is just me live blogging the whole episode, so major spoilers obviously)
ok here we go boys! (gn)
wait hold on before I start I'm gonna make an educated guess here and say its gonna open on ed and stede in the morning, just hanging out in bed/maybe having breakfast. I'm calling it.
ok so not OPEN OPEN, but lets just say we're getting that in a short bit here (little sad I didn't get it right)
OHHH baby.... :(
he's throwing his old clothes overboard. :(
'bye-bye.' pleaase that's so cutee 🥺 he's finally letting go :')
aaa he's carrying it in his mouth
wait where's he going
okokokokok I need to watch this
he's so cat coded istg
god that is nothing. that's like,,,one piece of bacon that you broke up into three pieces.
he's trying his best
yeah what's with the twine.
I love him
(He's jealous)
I'm dying here
ohhhhh that title card is my favorite so far <3333
Ricky gave you a whole ass clock?????? wow he really is weird huh.
hi frenchie <;33
'knobs with a red knotty doo-dad' that sure was a sentence
not Archie pointing at Olu lol
poor dude :(
EEEEEEEEEEEE they're at a little table!! so small!!! so cute!!!
'I've never been stabbed 😌👆' wow 😃 that's a first 😁'
eeeeheeeheeeheeeheeeeeeee yeesssss talk about your letters little man !!
oh bbg you know what kind of letters, just look at him.
'just letters 😀'
oh hi who are you 🥺 I like you a lot
AWW stede's little 'what??' is so precious
'not just my face 😬' 'oh wow 😮'
'yeah someones definitely gonna try to kill you 😀 enjoy the night! 😁'
this is reminding me of when they switched clothes and ed used that opportunity to show him how bad being Blackbeard could be. 'you wanted this, this is what it's like' sort of thing.
whooo Jackie looks good!! love the hair.
He slays.
just like his wife 🥺
god I love love love Lucius's mannerisms they're so fun
not frenchie starting another pyramid scheme 😞
sigh...ed's so pretty....he's not even doing anything right now and yet he is the most beautiful man ever
that is his man and he is famous
aww stede listened to himm, he's excepted like three different drinks and has only sipped them.
'Why you dressed like a dirty ass orphan?'
Jesus Jackie you didn't have to bash him that hard
aww their interactions are really sweet actually
OK NVM THE SWEDE BASHED HIM HARDER ('oh, Blackbeard...are you a poor now?')
aww...stede's slowly turning into him, but ed knows how that ends...he's happy that he's opening up, but he's mostly worried for him....
aww no olu....
(Archie too, but her influence may not be helping....)
YAYY they're succeeding in adding her to the polycule it seems!!
ohhhh that interaction with ed and izzy is so sweet though
izzy still hasn't gotten over him has he
If ed was here he'd be getting war flashbacks
that man. is dead.
again, he's happy for him, but he knows where this is going, and he knows his days with stede are numbered, it can't stay like this. everything's going to go to shit, and he knows it. he knows it deep in his bones.
oh. oh here we go.
oh....oh no......
To be a fisherman???
man catches a fish once and decides to make it his job, that is the most ADHD thing ever.
ohhhh, oh no, does stede think he's joking....?
'you liked that fish, you said it was a good fish...! 🥺' I'm crying
NOOOOOO I'm watching this to RECOVER from GOS2 not feel the pain again!!! AAAAA
Is frenchie seriously selling planks from the ship?????
or are they just random planks maybe
awwww nooo is he seriously coping with a breakup by talking to his fans
'fucking off, sir' is a really good line. (also I love whoever that guy is he's really tall and buff and I just think that's neat)
they. they smiled at each other a little bit. :'))
AWWWWW JIMMM <33 they're so sweet.
all that stuff about killing all of his friends was, I believe, indeed a little but intense.
aw <3
the- the hand!! POLYCULE ACHIEVED!!!!!! YAY!! good job Jim!
wait. no polycule...? that scene was a bit vague but olu did say 'I'm gonna go with Zheng now' so...no polycule...? if that is true then I'm actually really sad about that because he seems to really like Jim....Olu has two hands guys this is the best possible outcome.
aw come on stede you're interrupting the moment, they're figuring stuff out rn
I mean he is a little justified she did try to murder like all of them just a little bit ago
but also like
there must be a reason your crew is being friendly towards her, you should ask them about it instead of doing whatever this is
oh my godd stede why are you like thiss
oh poor izzy...he's just watching...he suggested they go back to the ship before any fights broke out but no...stede has to get up and go pick on someone right in front of him;
'I'm going to pretend you didn't just touch your sword 😁' yeah me too
oh he's PISSED
'who told you that.'
oh baby boy people can guess stuff like that pretty easy with you guys
'draw' live izzy reaction: 'oh, bonnet...'
aww ole's little 'nice' when Zheng draws her sword is really cute
HAH! Man threw a whole ass bottle at her
the crew of the revenge really does keep screwing up jackies whole deal huh. yeah they should go outside. go outside.
stede's such a bastard!! god!! why are you like this!!!???
she just hit his ass with a plank????
ohh, roach is really cute.
but uh,, uhm,, uh anyways as I was saying,
There's no way two people in a show can get hit in the head with a cannon ball and survive there's NO WAY.
I'm really normal right now, time to wait a week. 😀
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