#billy (alter) is the reason we got over saw being a major trigger. just talking with him and watching the movies with him. i care billy sm
straydogsys · 1 month
I realise that we haven't given Billy (🫀) the love he deserves so it's Billy time now.
Billy formed because we watched Saw III when we were 7 (?) Specifically the angel trap before running away (obviously we didn't know what it was but I'm 80% sure that's what was we saw). And Then our irl at 12 was really into saw and wouldn't understand why Billy scared us so much (for some reason we thought Billy was sentient and the killer in the series).
Anyway we formed Billy at some point and he's somewhat of an enigma. He can control the lighting in headspace but can't move unless he's on his tricycle. He used to sit in doorways and stare at whoever was there while the lights flickered.
One of the littles (who I will call Ghost) became attached to him and from that he became a caregiver. Now he let's the littles practice makeup on his face and wears a pink tutu. He still stares menacingly at people but he's always got three littles with him who would defend him to the grave (tbf most if not all of the system would) and we love him so much.
He knows Tadashi and Fyodor quite well (they're all caregivers- or just a drawable object in Tadashi's case) and Dazai is terrified of him.
Long story short: Get yourself a Billy the Puppet introject.
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