techniktagebuch · 9 months
September 2023
Die letzte Meile
Mich beschäftigt diese Woche ein komplett unkritisches Gutfindethema, nämlich die Verfügbarkeit und Abdeckung von Bikesharing in meiner Umgebung. Im zunehmend schwangeren Zustand ist es für mich oft zu umständlich, den ganzen Weg von zuhause mit meinem Rad zu fahren, aber wenn ich die Straßenbahn nehme, ist auch der Fußweg von der Zielhaltestelle bis zum tatsächlichen Ziel sehr mühevoll. Meistens habe ich keine Probleme, an der Haltestelle ein Fahrrad zu finden und damit fast bis zur gewünschten Adresse zu tüdeln.
(Alina Smithee)
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arturbudzynski · 11 months
Jak zmniejszyć zatłoczenie w miastach dzięki innowacyjnym rozwiązaniom transportowym
W miastach na całym świecie zatłoczenie stało się jednym z największych wyzwań w dzisiejszych czasach. Rosnąca liczba pojazdów, infrastruktura drogowa nie nadążająca za wzrastającą liczbą mieszkańców oraz brak nowatorskich rozwiązań transportowych przyczyniają się do tworzenia coraz bardziej zakorkowanych i przeciążonych ulic. Jednak z pomocą innowacyjnych rozwiązań transportowych istnieje…
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ciclistiurbani · 1 year
Abbiamo provato il nuovo servizio di Bike Sharing di Bari! https://www.baritoday.it/cronaca/app-bike-sharing-prova-ciclisti-citta-problemi.html
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akash-lokhande · 2 years
Shared Mobility Market
The report proves to be an effective tool that players can use to gain a competitive edge over their competitors and ensure lasting success in the global Shared Mobility market.
Download Free Research Report Sample PDF: https://cutt.ly/hN4ndL6
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yawn-emoji · 2 years
i hate you cars i hate you driving i hate you gas stations i hate you highways i hate you paid parking garages i hate you random plots of grass that could be turned into parks but are just sitting there empty i hate you trucks
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berlinverkehr · 2 years
allg.: Mobilität, ÖPNV und Verkehrsanbindung in Südneukölln (Tarifbereich B), aus Senat
allg.: Mobilität, ÖPNV und Verkehrsanbindung in Südneukölln (Tarifbereich B), aus Senat
Frage 1:Wann beginnen die Planungen des Ausbaus der #U7 zum #BER? Wann wird die Planungsphase voraussichtlich abgeschlossen sein?Antwort zu 1:Der Senat hat die Weiterverfolgung der #U-Bahnlinienerweiterung der U7 zum #Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg (BER) beschlossen, jedoch sind weitere Abstimmungen mit dem Land Brandenburg u.a. bezüglich der Finanzierung der Planungen notwendig. Insofern kann ein…
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sprocketblog · 2 years
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2022 Lyft/BayWheels blue bikeshare bike abandoned outside the regular riding zones in #PaloAlto, CA. The best way to save money is to skip #bikeshare and find a great deal on a used bicycle 💰 Sell your bicycles & parts on the Sprocket app. Link in bio www.sprocket.bike/app #lyftbikes #baywheels #bikesharing #shared (at Palo Alto, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgfGQosvFOY/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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i want my own bike
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nothing2seehere420 · 1 year
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Park your B-cycle in style.
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truck-bike · 1 year
RVA BIKE SHARE seems to be dead
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Good Morning, RVA is reporting that the RVA BIKE SHARE seems to be dead
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techniktagebuch · 2 years
Sommer 2022
Private Bike Sharing
Wir haben ein Familienfahrrad, das jedes Haushaltsmitglied und noch ein paar befreundete Personen frei benutzen dürfen. Es ist ein altes Hollandrad in mittelprächtigem Zustand und von nur geringem Wert, deshalb tragen wir es nicht nach jeder Fahrt in den Hinterhof. Es bleibt auch nachts draußen auf der Straße bzw. dem Bürgersteig vor unserem Haus.
Oder es steht eben woanders rum, weil viele Leute die Zahlenkombination seines Schlosses kennen. Da es nur für Fahrten innerhalb des begrenzten Kreises unseres Veedels genutzt wird, muß das Rad nicht an den Ausgangspunkt zurückgebracht werden – statt vor unserer Haustür steht es also auch oft an der Bahnhaltestelle, bei quasi benachbarten Bekannten oder vor meiner Stammkneipe.
Eigentlich wäre ein unter dem Sattel angebrachter GPS-Tracker hier ein ideales Nutzungsszenario. Nun fügt es sich aber, daß wir alle appinstallationsmüde iPhone-User*innen sind und sich Apples Airtag nur mit jeweils einem Gerät verbinden lässt. Also haben wir stattdessen eine iMessage-Gruppe gegründet, in die man nach beendeter Fahrt ein Foto des Fahrrads postet, auf dem anhand des Hintergrunds der Standort erkannt wird.
Es gibt bestimmt praktischere Lösungen, aber wir alle stehen auf dieses eScooter-Feeling bei der Ausleihe.
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quadruple-a · 1 year
So you know those rentable bikes? Well my college has them, and people have made a game out of putting them in odd places. I saw this today!
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istandonsnowpiles · 2 years
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Fall Bike Ride
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paulpingminho · 1 month
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onbikeshare06 · 2 months
Navigating Campus Life with University Bicycles: A Pedal-Powered Adventure
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As students embark on the exciting journey of university life, they are often faced with the challenge of navigating sprawling campuses, attending classes across different buildings, and finding the perfect balance between academic and extracurricular activities. In this fast-paced environment, where time is of the essence, a convenient and eco-friendly mode of transportation becomes essential. Enter the world of University Bicycles – the perfect solution for students seeking an efficient and sustainable way to get around campus.
The Rise of Bike-Friendly Universities:
In recent years, universities across the globe have embraced the concept of becoming more bike-friendly. From dedicated bike lanes to secure bike storage facilities, these institutions are recognizing the numerous benefits of promoting cycling on campus. The University Bicycles movement aims to create a healthier and more sustainable campus environment, providing students with an alternative mode of transportation that not only reduces carbon footprints but also contributes to a more active and vibrant campus life.
The Convenience of University Cycles:
University cycles, specifically designed for campus use, offer a plethora of advantages for students. These bikes are lightweight, easy to maneuver, and equipped with features tailored to the demands of university life. With comfortable seating, ergonomic handlebars, and sturdy frames, these cycles provide a smooth and enjoyable riding experience, making them the ideal companion for students on the go.
One of the standout features of university cycles is their affordability. As students are often on a tight budget, these bikes offer a cost-effective means of transportation that eliminates the need for expensive fuel or public transportation fees. By investing in a university cycle, students not only save money but also contribute to a greener campus.
Navigating Campus with Bike University:
Imagine a campus where students effortlessly glide from one class to another, weaving through pedestrian traffic and avoiding the hassles of parking lots. This vision becomes a reality with the implementation of Bike University initiatives. These programs focus on creating a bike-friendly campus culture by providing students with the resources they need to embrace cycling as a preferred mode of transportation.
Bike University programs often include bike-sharing programs, maintenance workshops, and educational campaigns to promote safe cycling practices. By offering accessible and affordable bike rental options, universities encourage students to adopt cycling as a convenient and sustainable means of getting around.
Security Matters: Dedicated Bike Storage Facilities:
To ensure the safety of students’ bikes and promote a secure cycling environment, many universities now provide dedicated bike storage facilities. These areas are equipped with bike racks, surveillance cameras, and proper lighting to deter theft and vandalism. By investing in secure bike storage, universities send a clear message that they are committed to fostering a bike-friendly campus culture.
The Health and Wellness Benefits of University Bicycles:
Beyond the practical advantages, university bicycles contribute significantly to the health and well-being of students. The physical activity associated with cycling promotes cardiovascular health, reduces stress, and enhances overall fitness. Incorporating cycling into daily routines allows students to seamlessly integrate exercise into their busy schedules, promoting a holistic approach to well-being.
Moreover, cycling fosters a sense of community on campus. Cyclists often form groups or clubs, organizing rides and events that bring students together for a shared passion. This sense of camaraderie not only enhances the social aspect of university life but also creates a supportive network for those who are new to campus.
As universities continue to embrace the benefits of a bike-friendly campus culture, the popularity of university bicycles is on the rise. Offering a cost-effective, eco-friendly, and health-conscious mode of transportation, these bikes have become an integral part of the university experience. Whether navigating a sprawling campus or participating in a vibrant cycling community, students can pedal their way to success with the convenience and sustainability of university bicycles. So, gear up, embrace the pedal-powered adventure, and make the most of your university journey with the freedom and efficiency that Bike University initiatives and university cycles provide.
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hellssblog · 5 months
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out for a stroll on the mogo. jan 2024.
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