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fourseasonsfigs · 1 year
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Hot Pot Beauty
I had to do some searching for the inspiration for this fig, let me tell you!
I went through every Gong Jun pic I had and then some, then searched and searched. I could not find any pic with a striped shirt and long red coat. I could find a striped shirt and short red coat...but no hat. I kept going thought, because if I know anything, it's that fig makers definitely follow details.
Finally, I took to Twitter and almost immediately found this wonderful source material from the talented and wonderful @manggaetteok96:
The name actually comes from this clip of GJ reenacting Na Na's “Hot Pot Beauty” skit on Happy Camp:
The "full" version of this Happy Camp with Gong Jun is here, but does not contain this clip.
A grainy copy of the original skit is here:
I searched and searched to try to find the full original airing of the Hot Pot Beauty skit but I couldn't find it. It may just have been extra bonus footage from Mango TV's VIP content. However, in the time honored tradition of clicking on just one more YouTube video, I did find this totally unrelated-to-this-fig extra bonus footage from the same Happy Camp, which is a re-enactment of the Light on You scene from Word of Honor. I had never seen it before, and it was just too entertaining not to share. So here it is!
I swear I have learned so much about this fandom and these actors from doing fig blog research. Speaking of which, back on task here!
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I know I'm a broken record at this point, but this fig is CUTE. I love his huge laughing grin and now that I know where this fig comes from, it's even more funny and adorable. He really does go all in on everything!
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His curled up, tucked up hand pose here is making me smile!
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His expression from this side view is super adorable.
He actually will stand ok without the fig stand, but it's one of those situations where if you knock against the table he's on, he'd probably fall over. So on a standee he goes.
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Perhaps a little silly to say I like the little details like the pleats in his costume coat, but I do! I like all the little details.
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Not a very exciting angle, but might as well include it.
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This is a much more exciting angle! Here you can see the extreme closeup of his colored stripy shirt, and the detail on the hat. CUTE.
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Ah I love it! This fig is even more fun now that I know it's history.
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This is the third of this set of (individually sold) figs. I posted about the Blue Flower Zhehan and Gong Jun yesterday, so stop on by that post if you haven't read it yet! The coal dust fig I did not buy for as it does not culturally translate well to the US. I think this might have been from Formed Police Unit when he was filming in Beihai, but not 100% sure if it was this or another show.
Material: PVC
Fig Count: 215
Scene Count: 18
Rating: Hot as a Chengdu pepper! or is a Jiangxi pepper hotter?
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