medstar-dubai · 3 years
What is Piles ?, Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options of Piles
Piles, also commonly known as Haemorrhoids, causes swelling of the blood vessels in the anal region. Piles occur when pressure builds upon these blood vessels, causing them to swell. They are further classified into internal or external piles and also in 4 grades depending on the size and growth of the condition.
Types of Piles 
Internal Piles : Are commonly positioned between 2 and 4 centimetres above the opening of the anus. External piles : Occur on the outside edge of the anus. These are painful in nature.
Grades and Stages of Piles ( Haemorrhoids )
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Causes of Piles
Constipation - Most common cause
Hard stools/Stretching during bowel movement
Defective toilet habits (Sitting on the toilet for a long time ex. reading)
Family history
Pregnancy and childbirth
Lifting heavyweights
Symptoms of Piles
Painless bleeding while passing stools
Feeling a lump outside the anus
Pruritus ani or itching around the anus
Fecal soiling of undergarments
If a blood clot creates in the piles, it leads to a severely painful swelling that worsens with bowel movement and sitting.
Treatment Options of Piles
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As mentioned above, Piles are classified into four grades. At Medstar, we provide the treatment option depending on Grades.
MCDPA is a non-surgical option that involves Medication, Constac, Dietary modifications. Physio and Ayurveda to treat Grade 1 & Early grade 2 piles 
LASER HAEMORRHOIDOPLASTY ( LHP ) aka Laser procedure for Piles is usually suggested for Advanced-grade 2 and early Grade 3 piles. The patient can go home the same day and return back to normal activities from day 3. No cuts no stitches are involved. 
MIPH ( Minimally Invasive Procedure for Haemorrhoids) aka Stapler surgery for piles is suggested for Advanced-grade 3 and Grade 4 piles. This procedure does not involve any cuts or stitches and the patient can go home the same day and can return back to his normal activities from day 5. 
Below is an in-depth understanding shared for all the  treatment options.
Renowned proctologist, Dr. Ashwin Porwal has invented  MCDPA which is a non-surgical method to cure the piles with the help of:   
1. Medication - Creams ( Anoac ) and stool softeners are used.
2. Constac - A herbal preparation formulated by Ayurvedic doctors
at Healing Hands & Herbs.
3. Diet - Counselling by a qualified nutritionist to correct make a diet chart that is conducive to dietary imbalances and healthy gut habits.
4. Physiotherapy - Pelvic floor physiotherapy helps to strengthen 
muscles in the region.
5. Ayurveda therapy - This includes about 6 sessions of enema with medicated herbal oils. 
2. LASER HAEMORRHOIDOPLASTY ( LHP ) aka Laser treatment for Piles
This is the preferred treatment for advanced grade 2 and early grade 3 piles. This procedure is performed under minor general anaesthesia and takes about 20-40 minutes. Through the natural anal opening, laser energy is applied using special radially emitting fibres. Controlled release of laser energy causes evaporation leading to haemorrhoidal mass contraction.
3. MIPH ( Minimally Invasive Procedure for Haemorrhoids) aka PPH ( Procedure for Prolapse and Haemorrhoids ) aka Stapler Haemorrhoidopexy
• This is a procedure invented by Dr Antonio Longo and Introduced in Dubai by Dr Ashwin Porwal. This process is a popular as a selection of Grade 3 and Grade 4 prolapsed piles.
• The procedure is usually performed under a meagre amount of general anaesthesia and takes about 25-30 minutes. Using the circular stapler, the mucosa which is liable for prolapse of Haemorrhoids is circumferentially removed and the prolapsed Haemorrhoids are extracted up back to their natural position.
To know more about piles and their treatment options click here : https://medstarhc.com/services/piles/
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