#bestie I’m so sorry that I went rogue but I literally could not wait
murdleandmarot · 28 days
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This lovely lady’s name is Chiffon :))!!
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booabug · 7 years
If you thought Chat’s flirting put Marinette off...
My classes are getting down to the wire, I need to be studying 25/7, so ofc I went to task combining as many AU tropes that I like as I could. Please imagine the following combined: Childhood Friends Reverse Crush Reverse Besties
Alya would be the worst wingman for Adrien. I repeat, Alya would be the worst wingman for Adrien. Look how badly she already enables Marinette, whose shyness and lack of familiarity at least protects Adrien to some extent. Here, there are no such barriers. Even the “face of the company” concern would be weakened. There is too much nerd between them. There is too much extra. What common sense they have stands no chance.
[Alya and Adrien, in the “Get Yo Crush Plan” Bushes outside school.]
“Listen, Adrien, your Japanese manga thing isn’t working. It’s time for a different approach. It’s time... for my Western comics.”
“I mean, you’re already halfway to being Batman- oh my God- I didn’t mean because your Mom- I’m so sorry-”
“What you need to jumpstart your crush is some element of danger. Think of all the attraction- the tension- between heroes and anti-heroes, or villains they think they can redeem.”
“Those sound mean. I don’t want to be mean.”
“Aww. I know you don’t, boyscout. Okay, it doesn’t have to be that extreme, just... the sense of danger. The allure. Think Gambit and Rogue. They’re obviously into each other, but they literally can’t touch, so it just builds and-”
“Wait, I can still touch her though, right? Like I can still hug Marinette?”
“Yes, you can hug Marinette.”
“Oh good. Just checking. Sorry for interrupting.”
“It’s alright, I know how you are about your hugs. The point is, we need to create some drama.”
“Drama... yeah! Drama!”
“You have to dial the heir to the throne thing up to eleven, no, twelve! Exude power. Be cool- but not too cool! Show there’s a soft side under your gruff exterior- but only once in a while!”
“Gruff. Yes. Okay. I can do that. I can... be a- a sexy action hero!”
“Hell yes, you can. You’ll have to be brooding. Imposing. Mysterious.”
“Mysteri- Alya... She’s known me since we were kids... I spend all my free time at her place...”
“Hmm... Maybe fake your own death?”
“... Sounds a little extreme for now, but let’s keep it in mind.”
“Cool, we can plan that out later. Right now, it’s time to show everyone you mean business.”
Adrien stalks into the school looking like he’s picking someone out of the crowd to murder. Not the “jump you with a shank” kind of murder. The “plot the perfect time for a hired goon to catch you unawares with a chloroform soaked cloth and bury you where no one will ever find your body” kind of murder.
Marinette has never been so worried and confused in her entire life. She tries to ask what’s wrong, but he brushes her off, saying it’s too dangerous. The entire day, she watches him out of concern. “Nailed it,” Adrien thinks.
Later, her knees go weak when she fistbumps with Chat Noir and he tells her “Good job” with this big grin all full of affection and pride in her. She is swooning as he falls on his butt trying to avoid stepping on a pigeon, making the child akuma victim laugh. He uses the most nasally voice he can muster to sing to them in a Kermit the Frog voice before he has to go, and it’s the most beautiful thing she’s ever heard.
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