#best solar Panels brands
sunline123energy123 · 8 months
Taking Advantage of Solar Energy | Best Solar Panel Brands
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sunline123energy · 1 year
Best Solar Panels & Inverter -Sunline Energy
Sunline Energy is a leading supplier of inverter and solar panel systems. We offer the best solar panels on the home, with a wide range of products and options to suit your needs and affordable price. Visit our website www.sunlineenergy.com
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wholesolar · 2 months
Whole Solar proudly presents the Poly Crystalline Solar PV Module, a robust and reliable solution for your renewable energy needs. Engineered with cutting-edge technology, this solar panel offers exceptional performance and efficiency to power both residential and commercial properties.
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Okay, so I've done the math for how much a yurt and rabbit farm startup would likely be, and it's half the cost to start saltwater fishing in Florida, roughly.
The yurt size I'm looking at costs between 5 and 8 thousand for a brand new production. Used are actually more expensive it seems, perhaps due to generally having better wood stoves and including the platform. The highest cost for the size I was looking was $18,000 and came with everything including solar panels and a battery for them.
The only additional building I'd have to do is a greenhouse and shed. Coming out to around $10,000. The hutches can easily be built into the shed, which allows for more easy protection of the rabbits.
Rabbits and seed comes in at about $500.
Land is about $5000.
Total bill, on the high end is $32,000. On the low end it's closer to $20,000.
In theory I can make up to $30,000 a year off of the meat from two rabbits. Breeding trios go for an extra $50.
Rather than shorting myself by going for it all at once and praying for the best, I'm buying the land as it sits, then the yurt/platform, then greenhouse, then rabbits.
But that's a year's wages. Meaning that this is well within the realm of possibility, and I can probably secure a loan for it.
After that, I'd just be giving myself upgrades to my electricity. High end of $5k on that.
So at max, I'm looking at $10,000 less to do this than Florida on the low end.
Then it's just a matter of getting several NY counties to join Vermont. Well, 4, but still.
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churchmousey · 12 days
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Designation: Q_1NNC (Quinncy)
He resembles a massive and rotting skeletal Rhus. Standing around one thousand feet tall, and taking approximately several centuries to move his physical body from one end of the first joined systems to the other, this Senti-metal (sentient-metal) is the last of his kind. He prefers to stay in the largest planet... which also happens to have the best view for someone as stationary as he.
Back/story: Q_1NNC is a construction Senti-metal who was connected to the mainframe of a linked communication arm of a galaxy powered by its various stars. Despite being primarily used for construction, he was the only surviving Senti-metal after a devastating magical plague, and thus the only one to be able to keep the planets from shutting down if the Rhus manage to make it back post quarantine.
There are several hundred orbiting masses (though only 8 planets and 176 moons for his broadcasting system) all interconnected with the other via massive tethers and tunnels all overcrowded with machines so dense that many seemed like little more than slums when populated. The foremost planets are primarily filled with generators and solar panels, the middle have the most communities/communications related items, while the outermost is largely for deep memory/object storage. Moons were reserved for housing the richer Rhus, their guests, and anything befitting of their lifestyle
After a few millennia, and despite his best efforts of maintenance, things began to deteriorate or change from outside interference. Primary power storages and major memory core sections have been bombarded over the ages by asteroids and various space debris which eventually caused his paralysis. Many of the outermost planetoids in particular have been completely annihilated, and unfortunately, the deep memory moon of his base code was a part of them.
The resulting surge of power redirecting to him fried his brain and compromised his major movement abilities. Since he is not allowed to shut down while connected to the mainframe (nor shift consciousness to alternate bodies), he is fused to the cables, and stays forever awake and (mostly) unmoving. He learns how to move himself via attaching and reattaching to the more flexible wires and machines, and dragging his body to and fro. The speakers he talks out of sound muffled due to him not being able to open his mouth… and his eyes, unable to close, leak fluid constantly giving him a ghastly crying appearance. He longs for death.
The thing is, if he were to die, the system would as well— his library of knowledge, and treasure trove of technology, would be forever lost. Anyone who shuts him down would be branded as a criminal.
His electronic/communicative reach spans several hundreds of galaxies in length but most know of him already and turn change their frequencies as to not feel guilty in ignoring him. More recently, he plays soft and sad lullabies across the universe itself hoping for someone to finally take pity and end his misery. The sad and lonely souls of the universe have taken to using this as comfort—they journey to thank him for his songs during their darkest hours, and pray that he too will have someone save him for good.
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This change in his calls is directly caused by bug-like beings that have taken to calling him their God. When they first arrived, they did not know exactly how large his system was and were lost for months in the labyrinthian underground of the connected planets. After Quincy noticed them, he guided them to his chamber through the vast speaker and camera systems. However, it had been several generations since their initial landing, and the bugs started to believe that it was a God that had saved them due to the echoing and ethereal nature of the voice, not to mention the sheer size of his domain.
When they arrived they hailed him as their savior and formed a religion around their now fuming “god”. It took several decades more for him to give up and accept his role as their savior.
He lets them paint his body.
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beautifulfriends · 8 months
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cw: alcohol
The brand is "Yuck"
Kendra: Long time no see. So, the cooler that Pippin retrieved the bottle from is powered by s solar panel which provides enough power to activate a magic battery with the 'Ice' attunement. Effectively making it able to cool things for as long as the container itself lasts. It's been up there for years, kept at a more or less stable temperature. But 'Yuck' brand beer was never the best to begin with, and it's more than five years old at this point.
It's bad.
Pippin has giving Pekka non-alcoholic beer for as long as they've known each other, because he insisted on swiping some. Pippin figured that would be a Bad Idea, so ordered some and just told him it was part of a whole stolen pallet. The brand Pippin provides is French, which is a language Pekka knows maybe a dozen words of, and "sans alcool" are none of them. He has never noticed.
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aonoexpat · 4 months
Happy new year everybody! And as the previous submissions highlighted (thankss friends ❤️), yes, it's been a while, and I do apologise for the radio silence. My mental health has been a bit of a rollercoaster the past month and a half, and I've had to prioritise other things. But I'm not about to let the daunting task of summarising 6 weeks in 1 post discourage me! Let's go.
The talks of politics and philosophy at home have continued, occasionally with extra participants. They sent me down a pretty depressing and nihilistic spiral for a little while, but I feel like I've really managed to climb my way out of that again. I was finally brought to a bit of an epiphany that's made me able to at least pick myself up by my bootstraps, and though I'm currently not very comfortable in any hard political or philosophical positions, I seem to have a bit more grip on a general framework again. And that helped me stop moping around and start enjoying my time here more again. Though I'm still quite fragile mentally and quickly overwhelmed, sometimes to extremes that I haven't experienced in years, all in all I feel like this has been an incredibly humbling experience that has helped me grow tremendously. Who knew the last leg of my journey would be one of this kind? I spent four months exploring the South island, and now I've spent the next two exploring my own mind. Though I think that's a journey that will never truly be over, which is both exciting and terrifying.
I have been extremely lucky to be able to live this last bit of my journey rent-free, thanks to my wonderful housemates (and their adorable little dog):
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Which meant that I could get away with only working part time. I still thoroughly enjoy my job and my coworkers (we love singing along at the top of our lungs to broadway songs as we clean up after close), but it's great to have a lot of free time around work to meet up with old friends and eat sushi or go to the beach...
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...Play board games...
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...Celebrate Sinterklaas...
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...Organise all my marked road maps, give myself manicures and haircuts, and, with deep deep pain in my heart: sell Elrond 💔 I will say I was extremely lucky to be able to sell him for DOUBLE what I paid for him back in May 😱 I definitely did improve upon him, with the brand new solar panel, newly constructed bed and shiny new rear brakes. Still, I hadn't expected to get my asking price for him, but I got lucky having two interested buyers who wanted to compete. I can barely believe it, but this means I have almost fully earned back my entire South island trip, car costs and fuel costs combined! And now I don't have to worry about the scenario in which I wouldn't manage to sell him, and would have to leave him with friends. All that was definitely the silver lining I forced myself to focus on as I gave him one last deep clean, both to be able to present him properly to his new owners, and as a sort of closure ritual for myself. I cleaned out all the dead sandflies, dusted all the surfaces, vacuumed the floor mats, and gave the kitchen a thorough wash. Saying goodbye is never easy, and I definitely had to fight back some tears when his new owners came to pick him up and take him away. But they are absolute sweethearts (they already sent me a photo from their adventure with him), so I can rest assured that he is in good hands! Farewell my darling, you were the best first car I could have wished for, and you will not be forgotten ❤️
Aside from all that, I was also very glad to have the chance to go on two more spectacular hikes in this area!
Patuna Chasm
This GORGEous ~3-hour hike definitely justified my bringing my Teva active sandals with me from home, as almost three quarters of the walk was through knee-deep river water. It was a cold and windy morning as we got driven to the start of the track in a 4WD car by the owners of the land, and were told to be back at the drop-off point in three hours to be brought back to our own car. If we were to miss that car, we'd have to wait a full hour for the next ride. So with our route map in hand, we set off on the first leg of the hike, which took us up the hills and back down to the chasm. The views were stunning, with spectacular rock formations and the grass on the hill faces waving in the wind like a green ocean:
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Down at the river, we got our clothes and bags ready to get wet, and stepped into the water. As we followed the river, first upstream towards some serene waterfalls (where I may have given myself a brain freeze and mild hypothermia by deciding to stand under them):
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And then downstream to start making our way back to the car, it started to slowly rain, but that didn't stop us. We saw eels:
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We clambered up muddy hills and over huge boulders, down ladders, through deep and shallow sections of the river, explored caves:
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And when we finally got back to the section of the track that would take us to our starting point, two of my friends were kind enough to carry mine and our fourth friend's backpack, so we could go down the alternate route: the last stretch of the river, which required us to swim through neck-deep water. I couldn't feel my feet or forearms by the end, but the adrenaline drowned that out as we sprinted up the riverbank to make it back to the 4WD car, only to catch it right as it was about to leave without us! It was absolutely exhausting, but so much good old childish adventurous fun, and one of the most spectacular hikes I've done in the country! (Photo credits to Liv :) )
Escarpment Track
This was the last hike my friend and I did together, which was a sad fact I tried not to think about too much as we walked. The track took us about 10km along the East coast, and it was quite the climb. The view was stunning though, the path itself was very well laid out, with stairs and ropes to hold onto, and benches along the way, which we happily used to take a lunch break about halfway through.
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We were very happy to have some cloud coverage that day so we weren't constantly exposed to the sun. My favourite parts were the two rope bridges that were bouncing wildly in the wind. Standing on them felt a little like flying!
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And for most of the track we were flanked by immense amounts of fennel, which gave the whole walk a wonderful background aroma:
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I was so amazed by the thought that this hike was literally 15 minutes from my friend's home. That type of easy access to incredible nature is definitely something I'm going to miss when I go home. But that made me all the more grateful I got to do this while I still could! (Photo credits to Liv :) )
Soon enough my birthday rolled around, which was an incredibly emotional day for me. I had to say goodbye to my dear friends, one of whom I won't see again before I leave the country. I gifted her a little hand made photo album of our adventures together, which had taken me a lot longer to make than I had anticipated, but luckily I had managed to finish it the night before:
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She told me this wasn't a 'goodbye', but a 'see you next time', and though I'd happily believe that, the next time will be at least a long time from now. She has meant the world to me during this trip, has helped and supported me more than I could thank her for, so I had to bite back tears as I watched her walk away. After that I had drinks at work, where my super kind coworkers surprised me with vegan chocolate and doughnuts, making me struggle not to cry for the second time that day. In the evening I had a video call with home, during which I remotely participated in their game of Memory, and still WON 💪😤
After my birthday my housemates and I went straight into Christmas mode, running around decorating the house and cooking all sorts of dishes! It was very odd to have Christmas without the associated weather/season, and without getting to see my family. My housemate introduced me to Tim Minchin's song White Wine in the Sun, which makes me cry like a baby every time I listen to it. So I took a photo of myself and my housemates, drinking non-alcoholic sparkling white grape juice in the sun, and sent it home along with a link to the song to make my parents cry as well 😈 We spent our days here enjoying all the wonderful food and the company of the neighbour and his family, and I even got to sing some songs which I hadn't done in a long while. I also got to give Christmas presents to my housemates, which I worked quite hard on: matching cowl scarves for the two of them and the dog 😊
Of course next on the calendar was New Year's Eve. In honour of my family traditions, I got some non-alcoholic sparkling rose and cocktail fruit from the supermarket, and a couple of minutes before midnight a musician friend and I combined them into portable cups, so we could cheers to 2024 at the waterfront as the fireworks lit up the sky!
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I had a wonderful night of music, dancing, playing on the beach, walking in the woods, and eventually sheltering from the rain, and didn't fall asleep until 6 in the morning. My sleeping rhythm still hasn't recovered! The next morning I woke up from my alarm at 11:55, and quickly got up so I could listen to the last minutes of the Top2000 and wish all my Dutch people a happy new year at noon. It felt so odd to do this in the sun in the middle of the day, but in a way that felt more real than the midnight before!
The next days I spent some time looking back at my highlights and achievements from 2023, and I created my own makeshift "Spotify wrapped" by analysing some statistics from my offline music player app. It turns out that (besides Asha, which is the music I play to fall asleep nearly every night) Ghost was my top artist of the year 🎧 Oh and I caught a big spider in my room!
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For Sinterklaas, my parents had gifted me a metaphorical voucher to spend where I wanted to, so I got myself a ticket to a tour at Wēta Workshop, the SFX and other movie magic studio behind the Lord of the Rings trilogy, the Avatar movies, and many more. I dragged one of my housemates and a mutual friend along, and I'm really happy we got to go! We were shown around the different stages in the SFX process, we got to hold some movie prop swords, and got to see the original weapons and armour used on-screen in a plethora of different movies. Unfortunately for copyright reasons we weren't allowed to take photos inside the studios and work stations, but I snapped some photos outside!
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And while I'd much prefer not to face it... By now I have had to start focusing on my upcoming homebound trip. Slowly plans for when I get back home are trickling in, which feels very surreal. I can't believe it's actually only two weeks until I go home, a fact that I like to hide from as much as I can. It's not that I don't want to go home, I've been looking forward to seeing my family again, eating all my familiar foods, seeing my neighbourhood and getting to hug my friends again for so long now. And I am genuinely excited for that. Part of the reason I enjoy traveling is that it reminds me of what I love about home, and allows me to miss it, and return to it more grateful than before. But it also feels like returning to 'normal life'. I'm afraid of going from a time of adventure to a time of stagnation, even though I know that's not a fair or reasonable thought. I suppose something I was afraid of is happening, which is that I feel at home here now, and happy, and have found the right people, and am enjoying the summer, and so going home (to winter 🥶) actually doesn't sound very attractive at all at times, at least not the way it did when I was living in Elrond. Back then I was struggling a lot more, I felt alone and lost, and so the thought of going home felt like such a relief. Now that I've grown accustomed to the luxury of living in a house again, and being surrounded by a social network I feel safe and appreciated in... the contrast is a lot smaller. And it almost feels like I'm going to feel homesick towards here when I go home. Like this upcoming flight is my departure, not my return.
This thought was solidified even more when my housemate asked if I'd be willing to wear a sweater that I'm not going to take with me as much as I can for the last two days or so, so that it will smell like me and I can leave it for the dog 😭💔 I really struggle not to cry at that thought, and I'm wondering if maybe (i.e. am pretty sure actually that) I'm even procrastinating with booking the trip between here and Tāmakimakaurau out of pure denial. I don't want to leave. I don't want to say goodbye, and never come back. Much more than I ever felt with Australia, I want to return here. I don't care when, maybe that will be when I'm old and retired and have no family left in Europe to miss, or when the most important people to me come with me, or if I find out I have been irrevocably changed and flee back here in a year or two. But I want to come back.
I have procured a second suitcase, and am slowly working on getting all my possessions sorted. I've sold my busking amp and microphones to a good musician friend after we'd used it for a last busking hurrah at the harbourside veggie markets last Sunday. It was a fantastic end to this busking season for me, as we connected with the crowd, the weather was wonderful, and I got to sing all the songs that were important to me. I can't bring my guitar with me, so I'll bring it to my friends' house for safekeeping, and maybe they can get it back to me some day. And the big pink bear who was riding shotgun with me in Elrond? It would break my heart to leave him behind, so I stuffed him into one of those vacuum seal bags:
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And I'm going to break my back trying to fit him into the new suitcase! He means too much to me, even if I only paid $10 for him.
My to do list is shrinking slowly but steadily, and I really have to plan well to fit everything that's left into the little time I still have here. I am going to make the most of it, spend time with the people here that have meant the most to me, immortalise the memories and when the time comes, I will get on that plane with a fond smile ❤️
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andyhe · 10 months
DA lithium battery for Eco Friendly RV
You’re in the right place if needed a much more Eco-friendly RV.
You wouldn’t throw the ice cream in the living room, Nor Key scratching the brand new car. We knows how to take good care of what we concerns. There is no different with our own planet, right? For those adventurers out there who want to preserve nature while enjoying RV life, here are our favorite eco-friendly RV tips.
Your Eco-Friendly RV – Tips & Tricks
Yes, you can indulge your RV wanderlust and go green at the same time. Here’s how:
Reduce on Fossil Fuels
You probably know that RVs are heavy on fuel. This is neither environmentally friendly nor good for the wallet. Since the average diesel RV only gets 8-14 miles per gallon, it’s imperative to maximize fuel efficiency. Try these RV tips to reduce gas:
Go for a smaller vehicle. If you’re in the market for an RV and want to minimize gas consumption, opt for a smaller Class C motorhome, or even a Class B van. The bigger the rig, the more gasoline it consumes.
Stay up-to-date with maintenance. Small tweaks can make a huge difference. For example, keeping your tires properly inflated can improve fuel consumption by up to 3%. 
Change to bio–diesel fuel.  Bio-diesel is a renewable, biodegradable fuel made from animal fats, vegetable oils, or recycled restaurant grease. Not currently available at all gas stations. But it’s growing in popularity, and you can use this handy online tool to find alternative gas stations near you.
Press the accelerator lightly. Slow down and enjoy the scenic route. By accelerating less and maintaining a moderate speed, you save fuel. The best speed for an RV is 55 to 60 mph.
Travel light. Only bring travel essentials. Dead weight will slow your RV down and cost you more fuel.
Pro Tip: Switch to lithium RV batteries and reduce hitch weight by up to 70%. The weight of ion lithium RV battery is 1/2 of lead-acid battery with the same capacity.
Charge Your Gadgets With The Power Of The Sun
Most of us use a ton of gadgets every day. Think cell phones, laptops, cameras, and more. Since they all need to be charged, why not reduce energy consumption and use solar energy? After all, solar energy is a completely renewable energy source.
By calculating and armed with solar panels, inverter&controller, most important with our stable and security DA lithium battery pack, You are allowed to charge your gadgets from anywhere. Whether you’re staying in your RV or backpacking in the mountains for the weekend, it never hurts to have solar power at your disposal. Even better, charging your devices with solar power is better for the environment.
Try Your Hand At Dry Camping Or Boondocking 
Dry camping and boondocking are some of the best ways to make your RV eco friendly. They are also fun! If you can ditch the connection for a few nights, you’ll be rewarded with open spaces and starry skies, especially for the rednecks out there.
Just because you’re off the grid doesn’t mean you’re necessarily going to be uncomfortable. With high-efficiency household batteries, you can still power essentials like water systems, lighting, and ceiling fans. But not just any battery will do. You need a reliable and energy-efficient power supply to power your weekends.
With our trusty 12V LiFePO4 battery, you can forget about electrical connections and enjoy nature.
Pro Tip: Use the 12V lithium battery (series or parallel connection) to charge and power your lights, fans and pumps, even when you’re in the middle of nowhere. Lithium is the best RV battery ever for boondocking as it is efficient, reliable and environmentally safe. 
Switch to Smart, Energy Efficient Lithium Batteries
You can make a huge leap toward Eco friendly RVing with this one small step: switch to lithium RV batteries. Here’s why:
Lithium is toxin-free. While lead-acid batteries may be the cheapest option for an RV, they’re not the greenest. They contain harmful substances, including sulfuric acid and lead. This is why they require maintenance and must be stored properly to prevent spills from contaminating the environment. Lithium batteries are a safer, smarter, environmentally friendly RV alternative. They are non-toxic, non-spillable and recyclable. You can even store them indoors.
Lithium is smart. Lithium batteries are smart batteries because they have a battery management system(BMS) that prevents overcharging (and subsequent damage). They could also access to your phone via Bluetooth. With a few taps, you can see exactly how much energy is left and the statements of every single cell’s healthy.
Lithium is more efficient. Lithium batteries support charge @100% efficiently, while lead-acid batteries charge @85 % efficiently. You can use a smaller and less expensive solar setup to charge lithium than you can charge a similar sized lead-acid battery. Because of their efficiency, lithium battery packs run out of power much less frequently. This is important when you need to use limited power wisely, such as when you’re boondocking!
Quick Tips for Eco Friendly RV Living
Cutting down on fossil fuel use, staying off the grid, harnessing solar power, and switching to smart batteries are all major ways to turn your home-on-the-go into an Eco friendly RV. But here are a few more RV tips to help you go even greener:
Use enzyme-based tank cleaners instead of chemical-based cleaners for your RV toilet.
Switch out basic bulbs and replace them with energy-saving LED lights. 
Use reusable, lightweight plates and utensils instead of disposable plastic and polyfoam.
Conserve water by bringing your own water filtration system and using the water around you. Install a water-saving shower head to reduce waste. 
Leave no trace! Take everything you brought to the campsite with you when you leave.
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ibeforg · 1 year
Solar companies in India are at the forefront of the country's efforts to transition to clean and sustainable energy. With abundant sunlight, India has tremendous potential for solar energy generation, and the government has implemented several policies and incentives to promote its growth. These companies specialize in designing, installing, and maintaining solar energy systems, including rooftop solar panels, solar water pumps, and solar streetlights. Key players in the industry include Adani Solar, Tata Power Solar, and Waaree Energies. To get more information on top renewable energy stocks in india, visit the India Brand Equity Foundation website.
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learningnewways · 1 year
Second Day
After a busy first day meeting the team, we had a much shorter day today, visiting a local church and a family from that church who live in a slum.
There are 11 people living in their tiny house, which is essentially a shack. The house would probably be around 15m2, all one open room with bedding, clothing and cooking equipment altogether. Children sleep on the floorboards or under the house on hammocks, as the house is built on poles since it floods in the rainy season. They share a toilet with many other families, so around 50-70 people. People “shower” with no privacy, it really is communal living. It was humbling to be invited into their home and to see how they live. It felt like I was in the movie Slumdog Millionare, but Cambodian version, sitting in their tiny shack with a tin roof and a communal toilet.
It’s interesting to be back in a third world country, walking through slums and meeting locals. It’s hard to see how they live, knowing there’s not going to be change anytime soon. Children sleeping altogether on mouldy floorboards next to rubbish and mud, very vulnerable to sickness and exploitation. It’s also hard to know what to do to help, to provide support that is actually helpful and going to change lives positively. Giving handouts is seldom a good thing and given that we’re here so short term, quality relational work is also a bit difficult. Luckily, Q used to be a builder, so he is proving to be very helpful over here. The team knew Q’s skill set, and knew this family’s home, or shack as we would call it, needs some work, so we’ve organised for him to help out.
While we were visiting with them, looking at what needed to be done and hearing about their family, they asked us to pray for them. I honestly didn’t know what to say, and just looked over at Q giving him the, “this ones all yours” look! The family are Christians too and when you see the way they live, their circumstances and how despite all of that, they are faithful to God, it makes you feel pretty stink about your own faith or lack there of. When they asked us to pray for them, you could tell they were so excited to have white people praying for them. Even though they spoke no English so couldn’t understand our prayers. It felt weird to be seen as somehow more spiritual or qualified to pray for them than others, as we are no better than them. Perhaps it was simply that people saw them as people worth caring about that made them happy? They said they had been praying for help with their house and that we were an answer to prayer. Wow. That was incredible.
The temperature over here is around 35-40 most days, so their little house was very hot, even with the fan on. Only around 20% of homes in the villages have aircon or refrigeration of any sort, and power itself is super expensive. In both homes we visited, they turned on the fan only once we arrived. Most houses we’ve seen have connection to power or solar panels for charging phones and operating fans. It’s so interesting that everyone has cellphones and dresses so nicely, yet live in such hard conditions. It was the same in The Gambia. You’d never know their living conditions based on their appearance. When they’re in the slums and villages it does look like it, but when they go out, they put on their best clothes and look just like everyone else. I was even surprised by S’s standard of living, because when we first met he had such a nice backpack and what looked to be a brand new shirt, it was so clean and tidy.
After our visit to the family, we went to a hardware store to source building materials so Q can fix their flooring, as it is rotting and uneven. Q is very happy to have a practical way of helping out here. Not sure how helpful I’ll be with the project... I guess I can measure things... I’m surprised by the lack of English spoken here too, with only around 20% of the population speaking English. In The Gambia, almost everyone knows English, especially the younger generation. But over here you have to pay more to go to an English speaking school. To find such a highly tourism reliant city where the next generation don’t speak great English is fascinating.
It was a short day but still an important one. I always really appreciate visiting locals and seeing how they live. It reminds me of the excess I have and how much further our money goes over here. I know that going into locals homes is rare, that most Westerners and tourists don’t get that opportunity to see the reality of life. We are looking forward to getting stuck into this project, although the heat will be a big challenge!
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Sunline Energy - Solar Panels & Inverters Installation
Sunline energy offers commercial and residential solar panels installation services across Melbourne. Our solar panels are some of the most efficient in the market. Visit our website www.sunlineenergy.com
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endeavoursolar · 2 years
Solar Systems Sydney - How to Get Started
Getting a Solar Systems Sydney can make your life easier and you will enjoy a number of other benefits. Not only will you save on your electricity bill, you will also be reducing your carbon footprint. It is also a good way to increase the value of your property. There are many solar installation companies in Sydney that can help you get started.
It is important to find a solar company that has a good reputation, so you can be sure that you are getting the best quality products. If you are concerned about the cost of installing a solar system, there are a number of companies that are willing to offer you affordable solar systems Sydney. You can also research a number of different companies to see what is on offer. You can also ask your friends or family for a recommendation.
The cost of installation will vary depending on the size of your system. If you have a large home, you can expect to spend between $3,000 and $10,000, while a small home will require less. You can find a list of solar installers online, and you will also be able to read more about solar power systems. You can also get in touch with the local government to see if they offer rewards that may offset the cost of installation.
The size of the system you choose will depend on the energy usage of your home. The amount of energy you use will determine how many kWh you can produce. A typical home will use 21 kWh per day, which includes daytime energy and nighttime energy. You will also be able to save money on your electricity bill with a solar system, because it will be able to produce more than it takes.
If you need to install a solar system, you can ask your local energy retailer about the Feed-in-Tariff (FiT). The FiT allows you to sell any excess energy that you produce to your electricity supplier. It also allows you to reduce your electricity bill by up to 50 cents per kWh during peak hours. You will also be able to store the energy in your home in the form of batteries, which will help you when the grid goes down.
You will also need to invest in a bi-directional meter, which must be installed by a qualified electrician. This meter will tell you how much energy you are using. You will also be able to receive credit for any excess energy that you produce. You can also install a battery storage system to store the energy that you produce, allowing you to use it during times of peak electricity rates.
You can also find a list of solar panels that are suitable for your home. It is important to choose a quality brand, and you may also wish to look into a company that offers a workmanship warranty. If you decide to buy a solar system, you should also choose a company that will provide you with honest and professional advice.
Endeavour Solar is committed to provide quality solar system installations, every time. We aim to provide the pre-sale and after-sale support that gives you confidence in your decision to install a solar system.
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wholesolar · 2 months
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RenewSys Solar Panels offers a range of solar panel types, including monocrystalline and polycrystalline panels. The wattage of the panels also varies, with higher wattage panels generally being more expensive.
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dknrdesign · 5 hours
The Ultimate List Of Top Barndominium Designs And Features For Your Dream Home
Welcome to the ultimate guide on creating your dream home with the best barndominium designs and features! If you're looking for a unique and versatile living space that combines a barn's rustic charm with a home's modern comforts, then barndominium living is perfect for you. This post will explore everything you need to know before building your brand, from open floor plans to customizable features. Get ready to be inspired by innovative design ideas and discover how you can make your barndominium truly stand out from the rest!
Advantages of Barndominium Living
Barndominium living offers a perfect blend of functionality and style, combining the best of both worlds in one unique space. With spacious layouts and high ceilings, brands provide an open, airy atmosphere ideal for modern living. The versatility of these structures allows for endless possibilities when designing your dream home – from industrial chic to cozy farmhouse vibes.
One significant advantage of condominiums is their cost-effectiveness compared to traditional homes. Constructed using metal frames and other durable materials, they often require less maintenance and are more energy-efficient, saving you money in the long run. Additionally, construction is typically faster than building a conventional house, allowing you to move into your new home sooner.
Another perk of barndominium living is the flexibility it offers in terms of interior design. Whether you prefer a contemporary aesthetic or a more rustic look, you can customize your space to suit your lifestyle and taste. From choosing finishes and fixtures to creating unique room layouts, the possibilities for personalizing your brand are endless.
Embracing barndominium living means embracing creativity and innovation in home design – making it an exciting choice for those looking for something out-of-the-ordinary without compromising comfort or convenience.
Factors to Consider Before Building a Barndominium
Are you considering building a barndominium? The location of your property is essential. Consider zoning regulations, accessibility to utilities, and the overall environment.
Another critical consideration is the size and layout of your barndominium. How many bedrooms and bathrooms do you need? What about storage space or a workshop area?
Budget plays a significant role in any construction project. Make sure to outline all costs involved, including materials, labor, permits, and any unexpected expenses that may arise.
Remember the design style you prefer for your barndominium. Whether it's modern, traditional, rustic, or industrial-inspired, choose a design that resonates with your taste and lifestyle.
Think long-term. Consider how your needs might change and whether the barndominium can adapt accordingly. Planning will ensure that your dream home remains functional and comfortable for years.
Top Design Features for Barndominiums
Barndominiums offer a unique opportunity to blend the rustic charm of a barn with modern design features. When planning your barndominium, consider incorporating large windows to bring in natural light and showcase the beautiful surrounding views. Open floor plans are also popular among barndominium designs, creating a spacious and versatile living area.
Opt for high ceilings to add an airy feel and make the space even more expansive. Consider using reclaimed wood or metal elements for a touch of industrial chic that complements the barn aesthetic. Mixing wood, stone, and metal textures can add visual interest and depth to your barndominium's design.
Don't forget about outdoor living spaces such as porches or patios, where you can enjoy the fresh air and connect with nature. Incorporating energy-efficient features like solar panels or geothermal heating can help reduce your environmental impact while lowering utility costs. Be creative when selecting fixtures, finishes, and decor items to reflect your personal style and make your barn dominium truly one-of-a-kind.
Popular Barndominium Designs
Are you looking for inspiration for popular barn dominium designs to incorporate into your dream home? Look no further! Here are some trending design features that are currently making waves in the world of barn dominium living.
Open Concept Layouts: One of the most sought-after designs is an open concept layout, which creates a spacious and airy feel within the space. This design allows seamless flow between the kitchen, living room, and dining area.
Industrial Chic Elements: Many barndominium owners opt for industrial chic elements such as exposed beams, metal accents, and concrete floors to add a modern touch to their homes while maintaining that rustic charm.
Large Windows: Embrace natural light by incorporating large windows into your barndominium design. Not only do they enhance the aesthetic appeal of your home, but they also help reduce energy costs by maximizing natural lighting.
Loft Spaces: A loft area can provide extra living space or a cozy retreat within your barndominium. Whether used as a bedroom, office, or entertainment area, lofts are versatile additions to any design.
Mixing Materials: Experiment with mixing materials like wood, steel, and stone to create a unique and personalized look for your barndominium. This blend of textures adds visual interest and character to your living space.
Unique Features to Add to Your Barndominium
As you plan your dream barn dominium, remember to consider these unique features that can truly make your space stand out. From incorporating a spacious outdoor patio for entertaining guests to adding a cozy fireplace for those chilly evenings, there are endless possibilities to personalize your barn dominium and turn it into the perfect home for you and your family.
Whether you opt for a modern industrial design or a more rustic farmhouse style, the key is to ensure that every feature reflects your personal taste and lifestyle. With careful planning and attention to detail, you can create a one-of-a-kind living space that combines the best of both worlds—the charm of a barn with all the comforts of a modern home.
So go ahead and let your creativity run wild as you explore different ways to enhance your barn dominium with unique features that will add value and make it a place where memories are made and cherished for years to come. Your dream barn dominium awaits—now it's time to bring it to life!
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Top 10 Solar Inverter Manufacturers Companies in India
The solar sector has great potential to drive industrial activity and provide free electricity to households. We still need to construct the required infrastructure in order to provide the best Solar products available in the required quantities. Checkout our emerging list of India's Leading Top 10 Indian Manufacturers Company Of Solar inverter in 2024.  
List of Top 10 Manufacturers Companies Of Solar Inverter Here­ are the 10 leading Indian solar companie­s expected to make­ waves in 2024, featuring major names from the­ solar energy sector. Always striving to promote renewable energy sources and the environment, they consistently provide the best Solar Inverter. Take a look at this. 
1. Loom Solar Pvt. Ltd Loom Solar is India’s No.1 Solar Manufacturer company and it is based in India  Faridabad Loom Solar provides solar inverter for residentials and commercial (3kW to 100kW) in on grid, off grid and hybrid technology. It can be used for home and business. It continuously contributes to clean energy generation with some of its finest products like solar inverters, Solar panel, Lithium Battery Their solar inverters are available in three different categories including Off-grid Solar Inverters (MPPT & PWM), On-grid Solar Inverters, and Hybrid Solar Inverters to meet customers’ specific needs. 
 2. Luminous
Luminous is a large and trustworthy company in the domain of PV devices in the Indian markets. It has a range of smart and best solar inverters with adaptive touch screens and sensors that go around doing more than just the inverter thing. Their inverters are also some of the highest-rated ones in safety standards. The prices are usually on the higher end for this brand.
3. Adani Solar Adani Solar is part of the Adani Group, a conglomerate with diverse business interests. The company has a vertically integrated solar PV manufacturing facility in Gujarat, equipped with advanced technology. Adani Solar’s panels are known for their superior quality and high efficiency. The company has a strong presence in both the domestic and international markets.
 4. Servotech Servotech.Pvt Ltd is a leading Manufacturer of Solar Hybrid inverters based in India. Products are made with its unique conversion technology, which sets the standard for technical perfection while also delivering the best levels of performance, dependability, and efficiency in the market.They have both hybrid and off-grid inverters for solar solutions.
 5. UTL Solar UTL Solar remains one of the leading brands in the off-grid and hybrid solar category. The company was established in 1996 and has branched into a wide range of products including Online and offline UPS, Inverters, Battery Chargers, Solar Management Units, etc. The company’s ‘Sigma +’ hybrid solar inverters are suitable for residential users and are available in ranges from 1kW to 10kW
 6. Vikram Solar
Vikram Solar is one of India’s largest solar Inverter and solar Product manufacturers, which was founded in 2005, also offers engineering, procurement and construction services, as well as operations and maintenance services. The Kolkata-based company has many firsts to its name, including the first floating solar plant in India.
 7. EVVO Solar EVVO Solar is one of the fastest growing inverter brands in India, specializes in R&D, Production, sales and service of grid-tied inverters ranging from 1kW to 7.5kW (residential) and 10kW to 70kW (commercial). EVVO Solar products are sold to more than 10 countries, with manufactured inverters over 45MW and solar modules over 25MW.
 8. Microtek
Microtek is one of India’s oldest brands that manufactures cost-effective batteries and inverters nationwide. This inverter is energy efficient and light on your power bills and has an elegant and ergonomic design. The inverter ensures the safety of some sensitive home appliances through its sine waves.
9. Waaree Energies Ltd As India’s leading solar equipment manufacturing company, Waaree manufactures and provides the best solar inverters in India. They offer a wide range of both on-grid and off-grid inverters for home, commercial, and performance ranges. These inverters come with robust features like Smart Solar Selection Logic, optimum power usage, 100% rated power, optimized energy balance, etc. 10. Goldi Solar Surat-based Goldi Solar has 2 gigawatts of module manufacturing capacity at its 22-acre campus in Navsari and another 500 megawatts of capacity at its Pipodara facility. Founded in 2011, the company also manufactures inverters and offers engineering, procurement and construction services. It plans to expand into solar cell manufacturing by fiscal year 2023-2024.
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esteemenergyau · 2 days
Exploring the Best Solar Panel Options for Australian Residents
Thinking about converting to solar energy? Check out our complete guide to the finest solar panels for Australian residents. Learn about efficiency, cost, and trusted brands to make the best choice for your house. #SolarEnergy #Australia #EcoFriendly.
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