#best homeopathy doctors in chennai
avikadoctors · 2 years
best homeopathy doctor for online consultation in Jaipur
Are you looking for the best homeopathy doctor for online consultation in Jaipur? There are a lot of clinics and hospitals that claim that they are the best homeopathy Clinic in Jaipur. It will be more difficult to find the right place to get treatment in an online search. Avika Doctors is providing its services from 50+ branches and 300+ experienced doctors for the past 36+ years and cured millions of people with various diseases and extended its services to an online platform so that people who cannot travel due to ill health or old age or in a job which won’t allow them to travel to the branch and wait in a queue for consultation and for buying medication. Avika Doctors is providing online consultation services of its most experiencedhomeopathy doctors in Jaipur and prescribed medication will be delivered to the doorstep after payment. Homeopathy doctors ask the patient to have at least one appointment in physical as Constitutional Homeopathy Treatment is advised based on individual characterization and after analyzing the physical and psychological condition of the patient to give the most suitable homeopathy treatment solutions to cure the root cause of the condition without any side effects.
To avail of our services on freeonline consultation in Jaipur, you just need to follow a few following steps:
Step 1: Visit our website at https://www.avikadoctors.com/
Step 2: Sign up with details on our website and upload your recent medical reports for review by the doctor
Step 3: You will get a meeting with our master homeopathy specialist to examine your ailment
Step 4: During the consultation, an experienced homeopathy doctor in Jaipur will talk to you through the app or video call and ask you various questions regarding your symptoms ailments and told you the treatment and bundle subtleties through the application or email warning
Stage 5: Once the installment is finished, recommended medication is conveyed to your doorstep.
If you want to know more information about us, visit https://www.avikadoctors.com/doctor/consult or write to us at [email protected]
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laxmivitiligo · 6 months
Vitiligo Specialist In Chennai – Find A Specialist For Your Treatment
Homeopathic doctors play a unique and holistic role in the treatment of vitiligo, a skin condition characterized by the loss of pigmentation in certain areas of the skin. Homeopathy is based on the principle of treating the individual as a whole, considering not only the physical symptoms but also the emotional and mental aspects of the patient.
Homeopathic remedies for vitiligo are selected based on the patient's specific symptoms and constitution, aiming to stimulate the body's innate healing abilities. These remedies are prepared through a process of potentization, which involves dilution and succussion, ensuring minimal side effects and maximum safety.
One of the key advantages of consulting the Best homeopathic doctor for Vitiligo in Maduraiis the personalized and individualized treatment approach. Homeopaths take the patient's unique symptoms, lifestyle, and emotional state, crafting a treatment plan tailored to their needs. This approach recognizes that the root causes of vitiligo can vary from person to person, and addressing these underlying factors can lead to better, long-lasting results. Homeopathic remedies for vitiligo are gentle and non-invasive, making them suitable for patients of all ages.
In addition to the physical symptoms of vitiligo, homeopathic doctors also consider the emotional and psychological impact of the condition. They believe that addressing the emotional well-being of the patient can aid in the overall healing process. By treating the person as a whole, homeopathic doctors aim to not only manage the symptoms of vitiligo but also improve the patient's overall quality of life.
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While it may not provide a guaranteed cure for vitiligo, some individuals have reported positive outcomes and improved emotional well-being through homeopathic care. As with any medical treatment, it's crucial to maintain open communication with your healthcare provider and explore various treatment options to find the approach that works best for you.Top of Form
The Role of Healthcare Professionals
Healthcare professionals, especially dermatologists and dermatologic surgeons, play a pivotal role in treating vitiligo in a hospital setting. They provide:
Accurate diagnosis and assessment of the extent and severity of the condition.
Personalized treatment plans that may involve medications, phototherapy, or surgical procedures.
Expertise in selecting the most appropriate treatment for the individual patient.
Close monitoring of treatment progress and adjustments as necessary.
Psychological support and referrals to psychologists or support groups.
Education on vitiligo management and the importance of sun protection.
Treatment Options
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The approach to treating white patches on the face varies depending on the underlying cause. It's essential to consult a Vitiligo Specialist in Chennai for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan. Here are some common treatment options:
Topical Corticosteroids: These anti-inflammatory creams or ointments can help reduce inflammation and repigment the skin. They are often used for mild cases of vitiligo and other inflammatory conditions.
Topical Calcineurin Inhibitors: Medications like tacrolimus and pimecrolimus can help treat inflammatory skin conditions and promote repigmentation in affected areas.
Narrowband UVB Phototherapy: This controlled exposure to narrowband ultraviolet B (UVB) light helps stimulate melanin production in the skin. It is often used for treating vitiligo.
Cosmetic Camouflage: Products like makeup or self-tanning creams can be used to conceal white patches temporarily, providing a confidence boost.
Surgical Interventions: In some cases, surgical procedures like skin grafting, blister grafting, or tattooing may be considered to transplant or introduce pigment to the depigmented areas. These options are typically reserved for individuals with stable vitiligo and specific medical criteria.
Practical Strategies for Skin Health
In addition to medical treatments, there are some practical strategies to help maintain and improve skin health, especially for those with white patches on their face:
Sun Protection: Protect your skin from harmful UV rays by wearing sunscreen with high SPF, wide-brimmed hats, and sunglasses. Sun protection is particularly crucial for individuals with vitiligo as the depigmented areas are more susceptible to sunburn.
Skin Hydration: Keeping your skin well-hydrated can help minimize dryness and flakiness. Use a mild moisturizer suitable for your skin type.
Avoid Skin Irritants: Be mindful of using harsh skincare products and cosmetics that may irritate your skin. Opt for products designed for sensitive skin.
Healthy Lifestyle: A balanced diet, regular exercise, and stress management can contribute to overall skin health.
Author’s Bio:
Laxmi Vitiligo Centre is the best place to find a vitiligo specialist in Chennai for your effective treatment against vitiligo.
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flyopedia · 4 months
Empowering Medical Tourism in India through Healthcare — IT Collaboration
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AdminJanuary 13, 2024cheap flights to Mumbai from USA, last minute flight deals to India from USA,medical tourism 
Due to many factors, including high medical costs, lengthy wait periods, and the accessibility of innovative operations, the idea of medical tourism has expanded to new levels in recent years. Since people used to travel in search of Healthcare, medical tourism has been around for a very long time. Medical tourism is now much more available to everyone who wants it. Many people choose medical tourism because of the benefits that the providers are presenting. Moreover, Flyopedia provides last-minute flight deals to India from USA for medical travelers.
Emerging Medical Tourism in India
The AYUSH (Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, and Homeopathy) medical system, which aims to improve healthcare holistically, has seen an increase in adoption since COVID-19. India is a major source of Ayurvedic medicinal products. The medical tourism sector in India has grown due to many factors, including highly competent doctors, new infrastructure, affordable treatment, and a range of choices of medical services. Now, transplantation, plastic surgery, sterilization, and heart surgery are some of the treatments that patients from around the world choose to undergo in India.
Function of IT in Healthcare Service
Collaboration with IT becomes essential as India’s healthcare sector grows to accommodate an increasing number of patients from abroad. Digital Health Records, analytics for data, telemedicine, and patient management are just a few of the areas where healthcare-IT solutions may simplify the delivery of healthcare.
Effective Patient Assistance:
Patient administration, including arranging appointments, keeping track of medical histories, and managing prescriptions, may be done seamlessly with the implementation of healthcare information systems. This guarantees that healthcare organizations can effectively manage the influx of foreign patients while also improving the patient experience.
Digital Health Records:
A crucial aspect of offering thorough patient information is the use of digital health records. This is especially true of medical tourism, as patients may have already been treated in another country. Better judgments and continuation of care are made possible by this integrated system, which guarantees that medical professionals have a source of fresh, accurate data.
Service of Telemedicine:
With advances in science and technology in recent years, telehealth has become one of the most powerful medical tools available. Foreign patients can consult virtually with Indian medical specialists using telemedicine, which eliminates the need for lengthy travel for follow-up consultations or routine check-ups. This improves patient convenience while also enabling worldwide outreach for medical professionals. Furthermore, if you are looking to book cheap flights from Toronto to Chennai India, you can browse our website Flyopedia.ca to grab the best flight deals.
Using Data Analytics to Boost Healthcare Administration:
It can give information about patient trends, treatment results, and resource use. Medical facilities may boost the general standard of medical care, pinpoint areas for development, and optimize their operations by utilizing data analytics.
What are the challenges and opportunities?
There are many benefits to healthcare IT collaboration, but there are also challenges, such as data security, connectivity issues, and a lack of skilled IT talent. Government organizations, IT companies, and healthcare organizations can work together to develop solutions that meet global standards and ensure a secure and efficient healthcare IT environment.
Medical tourism will keep expanding as more people have access to cutting-edge therapies, renowned doctors, and cutting-edge technologies as the world grows more interconnected with the help of Flyopedia because we provide cheap flights to Mumbai from USA.
Emerging medical technology and patient-centered care delivery approaches have resulted in a new era of better health services, which has great potential for medical tourists. The best hospitals are setting the standard for a cutting-edge medical experience for patients all around the world by being at the forefront of these advancements and shaping the future of medical tourism.
Also Read: Indian Cities and Professions they are Famous For
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aurahomeopathydr · 5 months
Harmony in Health: Aura Homeopathy's Comprehensive Approach to Cold and Cough Treatment
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In the intricate tapestry of holistic healing, Aura Homeopathy Clinic emerges as a vibrant thread, weaving together traditional wisdom and modern medical understanding. Led by the illustrious Dr. Abhishek Kasana is the Best Homeopathy Doctor in India, a distinguished practitioner with an MD in Homeopathy, DiHom (UK), CFN (Delhi), and MPH (Chennai), Aura Homeopathy stands as a beacon of hope for those seeking a profound and personalized approach to health, particularly in the realm of treating common respiratory issues such as colds and coughs.
Understanding Homeopathy:
At the heart of Aura Homeopathy’s philosophy is the practice of homeopathy, a system of medicine founded on the principles of “like cures like” and individualization. Rather than merely alleviating symptoms, homeopathy seeks to stimulate the body’s innate healing mechanisms, addressing the root cause of an ailment and promoting overall well-being.
The Unique Aura Approach:
Aura Homeopathy Clinic differentiates itself through its commitment to comprehensive and individualized care. The journey towards health begins with a thorough examination of the patient’s unique constitution, including physical, mental, and emotional aspects. This nuanced understanding forms the basis for tailoring treatment plans that go beyond surface-level symptom management.
Personalized Treatment Plans:
No two individuals experience illness in the same way, and Aura Homeopathy recognizes this fundamental truth. When it comes to addressing colds and coughs, the clinic takes a personalized approach, considering the specific nature of symptoms, the individual’s overall health profile, and any underlying factors contributing to the condition.
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Aconite Napellus:
Aconite is often indicated in the early stages of a cold when symptoms appear suddenly after exposure to cold, dry winds. It may be recommended for a short, dry cough and feelings of restlessness.
Arsenicum Album:
This remedy is suitable for colds with a thin, watery nasal discharge. Individuals, who feel chilly and anxious, with burning sensations in the nose and throat, may find relief with Arsenicum Album.
Belladonna is often chosen for sudden onset symptoms, including a high fever, flushed face, and throbbing headache. It may help alleviate a dry, spasmodic cough.
Bryonia Alba:
Indicated when symptoms develop slowly, Bryonies is known for addressing a dry, painful cough. It may be recommended for individuals who prefer to remain still, as movement may worsen their symptoms.
Pulsatilla is effective for a cough with yellow or greenish expectoration, particularly in individuals who are thirst less. Symptoms may change or wander.
These homeopathic remedies exemplify the specificity and nuanced approach that Aura Homeopathy employs in treating colds and coughs.
The Holistic Advantage:
What sets Aura Homeopathy apart is its commitment to holistic healing. Beyond symptom relief, the clinic aims to enhance the overall vitality of the individual. Homeopathy stimulates the body’s inherent healing mechanisms, helping to fortify the immune system and reduce the likelihood of recurrent respiratory issues.
The holistic advantage of Aura Homeopathy extends to lifestyle recommendations, nutritional guidance, and stress management techniques. Patients are viewed not merely as carriers of symptoms but as individuals with unique constitutions and life circumstances. This comprehensive approach acknowledges the interconnectedness of physical, mental, and emotional well-being.
The Consultation Process:
The journey at Aura Homeopathy begins with a detailed consultation. Dr. Abhishek Kasana and his team delve into the patient’s medical history, current symptoms, and lifestyle factors. This thorough understanding allows for the formulation of a personalized treatment plan that addresses the individual’s specific needs.
During the consultation, patients are encouraged to express not only their physical symptoms but also their emotional and mental states. Homeopathy recognizes the interconnectedness of these aspects, understanding that emotional well-being plays a crucial role in overall health. The patient-practitioner relationship at Aura Homeopathy is built on trust and open communication, fostering an environment where patients feel heard and supported.
Addressing Chronic Conditions:
While homeopathy is often associated with acute conditions, its efficacy extends to chronic ailments as well. Aura Homeopathy excels in addressing persistent colds and chronic coughs that may have eluded resolution through conventional approaches. By identifying and treating the underlying imbalances contributing to chronic conditions, homeopathy aims to bring about lasting improvements in health.
Global Reach and Remote Consultations:
Aura Homeopathy Clinic embraces technology to extend its reach globally. Recognizing the diverse healthcare needs of individuals around the world, the clinic offers remote consultations, ensuring that distance is not a barrier to accessing quality homeopathic care. Dr. Abhishek Kasana’s expertise is not confined by geographical boundaries; he and his team cater to the unique health profiles of international patients, providing personalized treatment plans through virtual platforms.
Testimonials and Success Stories:
The success of Aura Homeopathy is not only reflected in its principles and practices but also in the stories of transformation shared by its patients. Testimonials speak of not just relief from symptoms but a profound shift in overall well-being. Patients express gratitude for a healthcare approach that goes beyond the superficial and addresses the core of their health challenges.
In the symphony of healthcare, Homeopathy Doctor in India plays a melody of harmony, resonating with the principles of holistic healing and individualized care. Under the guidance of Dr. Abhishek Kasana, the clinic stands as a testament to the transformative power of homeopathy in addressing common ailments like colds and coughs.
The personalized approach, the holistic advantage, and the global reach of Aura Homeopathy exemplify a commitment to health that goes beyond the ordinary. It is an invitation to individuals seeking not just symptom relief but a journey towards vitality, balance, and enduring well-being.
Experience the resonance of health and harmony at Aura Homeopathy Clinic, where each patient is a unique note in the symphony of holistic healing.
Source link:- https://medium.com/@homeopathydoctorindiaseo/harmony-in-health-aura-homeopathys-comprehensive-approach-to-cold-and-cough-treatment-31c5c26d3977
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entrepreneurstreet · 9 months
Dr Aadharshine Sairam - An Expert Homeopathic Physician in Chennai
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Dr Aadharshine Sairam has been practicing homeopathy for the last 05 years and has treated a myriad of different patients suffering from a range of different physical and mental illnesses.
Dr Aadharshine Sairam, a leading homeopathy doctor in Chennai and the founder of Holistic Homeopathy Clinic in Ambattur , was recently awarded as “The Best Homeopathy Doctor In Chennai ” by Global Achievers Council . She was bestowed with the award for his consistent and top-notch contribution to the field of homeopathy in the city.
Dr Aadharshine Sairam has been practicing homeopathy for the last 05 years and has treated a myriad of different patients suffering from a range of different physical and mental illnesses. The doctor has made a name in the city of Chennai by treating bones and joints issues, diabetes, kidney disorders, leukoderma, respiratory disorders, skin diseases, PCOS, thyroid gland disorder, and more using homeopathy.
Dr Aadharshine Sairam also uses the alternative medicine of homeopathy for treating mental health issues like autism, ADHD, anxiety, depression, migraine, epilepsy, cerebral palsy, and more through homeopathy. When it comes to dealing with mental health issues, She believes that patients need a touch of kindness and someone who would listen to than anything else.
The vision of Holistic Homeopathy Clinic is to make India a disease-free country, and it has a deep connection with Dr Aadharshine Sairam growing years in a rural area. She witnessed the pain of diseased people very closely with no facilities available for treatment. The experience stirred her conscience and paved the way for pursuing the subject of homeopathy in the later part of her life.
She completed her Bachelor of Homeopathic Medicine & Surgery , PG Hom (London) and started Holistic Homeopathy Clinic in Ambattur, Chennai to provide a low-cost and effective treatment to the diseased.
Dr Aadharshine Sairam is an immensely successful homeopath and a great contributor to advancement of homeopathy.
Please note that Homeopathy medicine is prescribed after a thorough case taking and analysis by an expert doctor. Self medication is not advisable and may prove harmful.
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prwizard · 1 year
Global Healthcare and Wellness Awards 2022: Meet the Winners
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Hypedge Media awarded healthcare professionals and hospitals nationwide during the 2022 edition of the Global Healthcare and Wellness Awards 2022. This was held on the 19th of November 2022 at the WelcomHotel by ITC, Chennai.
 The Chief Guest of the program was Padma Shri Dr. Vijay Kumar Shah, and the Guest of Honors was K. Pushpaleela (Ex-Minister, Women and Social Welfare Department ), Dr. R. Kannan (Chairman, Prime Indian Hospitals ), Prof. N. Balaji (Director & Trustee, Sri Narayani Hospital & Research Centre), Dr. C.J. Vetrievel (Director. - Be Well Hospitals), Sanjay Kumar Singh (Vice President, Sales Marketing
Rusan Pharma Ltd) and Gaurav Gautam (Founder of I CAN Foundation and CEO of Hypedge Media). They shared their wishes with all the selected awardees of GHWA 2022.
 Global Healthcare and Wellness Awards are conferred on the outstanding / highest achievers in International Healthcare Industry. This most awaited global platform is bringing eminent healthcare experts together from the health world to understand the health revolution, market dynamics, the impact of digital technologies on the masses, and the future of health & healthcare in India. The platform would also recognize and felicitate massive efforts of various health initiatives, healthcare professionals, hospitals, institutions, and initiatives benefiting India through a technology-enabled healthcare ecosystem.
  Here's the list of this Year's (2022) winners for the Global Healthcare and Wellness Awards:
 Dr. Sangita Motiram Gavit
Excellence in Medical Education
Dr Narendra Singh
Excellence Award in Cardiology
Dr. Manasi Wakankar
Award for Leadership And Management in Healthcare
James Aruldas Silvai
Medical Innovation & Leadership Award
Dr. Ekta Shrivastava
Healthcare Icon of the Year
Dr. KVNN Santosh Murthy
Excellence in Diabetic Foot & Burns Management
Most Compassionate Doctor Award
Akula Laxmi
Award for Excellence in Research
Dr Deepti Mankad
Excellence Award in Mental Health & Counselling
Dr Sujit Kumar Satpathy
Healthcare Personality of the Year
Reshma Khan
Excellence in Medical Education
Alfred Goodwin
Lifetime Achievement Award
Dr.Arunkumar H
Best Diabetes and Diabetic Foot Care Specialist
Dr Deepika Goswami
Excellence in Medical Education
Dr.Nirmal Kumar Veeraragavan
Young Medical Entrepreneur of the year
Dr. Mankads' Homeoclinic
Best Homeopathy Centre
Arogyadeep Healthcare Pvt. Ltd
Excellence award in Acupuncture & Yoga Naturopathy
Dr Meghanad Meher
Excellence Award in General Medicine
Dr. Md Imteyaj
Most Compassionate Doctor Award
Dr. S.M. Shariq
Excellence Award in Orthopedics
Ryan Varghese
Medical Innovation & Leadership Award
Dr. Santosh Swathi Lakkoju
Healthcare Icon of the Year
Pradeep Kumar
Social Work Healthcare Award
Dharmendra Kumar Parihar
Excellence Award in Rural Healthcare
Dr. Harnoor Singh Pruthi
Excellence Award in Cardiology
Excellence in Hospital Quality Management
Dr. Laila Beegum
Lifetime Achievement Award
Dr. Ajil Abdulla
Healthcare Entrepreneur of the Year
Excellence Award in Physiotherapy
Dr Jayendra Narang
Excellence Award in Neurosurgery
TNB Aesthetic Secrets
Best Cosmetic Clinic
Dr Nancy Burat
Healthcare Icon of the Year
Dr Bahar Yawazy
Healthcare Icon of the Year
Dr. Chaitanya Seshu Babu. G
Healthcare Icon of the Year
Dr Capt G. Dhanan Jaya Rao
Life time achievement Award (Veterinary Surgery)
Dr Amanur Rahman Zaka
Most Compassionate Doctor Award
Srinivas Reddy
Best Hospital Administrator of the Year
Dr. Kumaragurubaran
Healthcare Icon of the Year
Scholar Overseas
Best Overseas Job Placement for Doctors and Nurses
Dr. Ayush Garg
Excellence Award in Oncology
Dr S.N. Lokesh Kumar
Excellence Award in Orthopedics
Mohamed Qutbuddin
Healthcare Entrepreneur of the Year
Dr. Supriya Munganda
Healthcare Entrepreneur of the Year
Dr Nibedita Sahoo
Healthcare Personality of the Year
Sourav Kumar Das
Healthcare Icon of the Year
Dr. Mantri Venkataswamy
Lifetime Achievement Award
Excellence Award in Cardiology
Best Hospital – Cardiology
PHYSKRAFT Superspeciality Physiotherapy Clinic
Best Physiotherapy Clinic
Manoj Shivaji Wakhare
Social Work Healthcare Award
Asha Mahila Milk Producer Company Limited
Leading Milk Producer Company
Shwetdhara Milk Producer Company Limited
Leading Milk Producer Company
COVID Response Award
Dr.Arunkumar H
Young Medical Entrepreneur of the year
Shri Vishnu Shri Hospital
Best Emerging Multi-Speciality Hospital (Madhya Pradesh )
Be Well Hospitals
Best Multi-Speciality Hospital
Dr Ashwani Mudgal
Excellence Award in Orthopedics
Dr.Hemapriya Jayapal
Medical Innovation & Leadership Award
Best Hospital for Wellness & Healthcare
Dr.Kavita Sudersanadas
Excellence in Nutrition and Dietetics Education
Dr. Karuna M S
Excellence Awards in Medical Nutrition Research and Education
Dr.Lesil George
Award for Best Psychologist
Dr. Raj Deokule
Award for the Best Diabetologist
Prof Dr N. Junior Sundresh
Excellence in Medical Education
Dr. Muneeb Ahmed M K
Excellency Award in Sexual Health
Dr Pradeep Thomas
Excellence Award in Accident and Emergency (A&E)
Dr. Sneha Shamkumar Londhe
Excellence Award in Obstetrics and Gynecology
Dr Mustafa Murtuza PT
Excellence Award in Physiotherapy
Dr Anu Jacob
Healthcare Personality of the Year
Dr. Kartikeswar Jena
Young Medical Entrepreneur of the year
PM Medical Centre
Best Hospital – Diabetology
Dr T Vadivel
Excellence Award in Regenerative Medicine
Healthcare Entrepreneur of the Year'
Dr Raviram.S
Excellence Award in Laser Proctology
Best Functional Rehab Specialist
Dr. B. Kalpana Kosalram
Healthcare Icon of the Year
Dr Kiran Kumar Varma K
Healthcare Icon of the Year
Yuva Dental Clinic
Best Dental Clinic
J. Benedicta Colleen
Social Work Healthcare Award
Excellence Award in Public Health Dentistry
Dr Renu Kumar Watwani
Excellence Award in Physiotherapy
Dr.Swarupa Rani K
Excellence Award in Radiology
Dr. Syed Ahmed Ali
Young Medical Entrepreneur of the year
Prof. N. Balaji
Healthcare Icon of the Year
Dr Farooq Ahmed Manur
Excellence Award in Accident and Emergency (A&E)
Dr Praveen H Jain
Excellence Award in Dentistry
Dr Jeswanthmal Khatod
Healthcare Entrepreneur of the Year
Dr. Ramesh Kumar
Healthcare Icon of the Year
Kosmoderma Healthcare Pvt. Ltd
Best Cosmetic Surgery Clinic
Excellence Award in Rural Healthcare
Healthcare Icon of the Year
Excellence Award in Forensic Medicine
Dr. P. Senthil
Excellence Award in Physiotherapy
Most Compassionate Doctor Award
Riya Sara Mathew
Excellence Award in Nursing
Healthcare Personality of the Year
Dr. Amit Mehta
Excellence in Homeopathy
Best Diagnostic & Imaging Centre
Dr. Sunil Babu K C
Excellence Award in Ayurveda
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Best Online Homeopathy Doctors in India | Book online Homeopathy Consultation
Consult Online with Top homeopathic doctors online
Homoeopathic Physician, is the Managing Director of the Homoeopathic Multi Speciality Hospital, Changanacherry. His individualized approach to treatment maximizes success and minimizes side effects.
Our Mission is to become a world class health care provider by curing diseases hitherto consider incurable, through Homoeopathy the sublime healing art gifted to the world by Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann and to scale the zenith of compassion and excellence in our service to sick humanity.
We are committed to delight our customers by providing excellent quality homoeopathic treatment with utmost care and concern. It is our endeavor to become the most reputed homeopathic hospital in South India, by continually improving our performance through research and development and the application of Quality Management System.
Symphony Of Homoeopathy
‘Symphony of Homoeopathy’ elucidates the obstacles faced by Dr Biju during his homoeopathic childhood. It is both illuminating and rewarding to read about the ways in which he has handled and overcome the challenges in life.
The book also deals with the management of acute emergencies. It will make you more decisive as the number of medicines and drugs are restricted on the basis of its effectiveness. It gives a clinical approach towards the application of the miasms. Various temperaments and miasms have been depicted with the help of various sketches.
It is a stepping stone towards a uniform practical guideline which is a need of the hour to establish cure and a standard of treatment. If one Homoeopath could give relief to his patient with one particular medicine in a specific potency and dosage without compromising on philosophy then a guideline of such cure should be prepared by him.
It is a call to each homoeopath to prepare their own protocols and bring forth a standard of treatment for each practitioner across the globe.
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Electropathy – The new branch of medicine
Emerging branch of Medicine:
A new area of medicine is electropathy. Following the acknowledgment of four medical systems—Allopathy (Western Medicine), Ayurveda, Unani, and Homoeopathy—Electropathy, also known as Electrohomoeopathy, is widely used in India and other developing nations. It is India's fifth contemporary healthcare system. A brand-new branch of medicine called electro-homoeopathy, also referred to as electropathy, heals sick people by reestablishing the balance between their lymph and blood. Naturo Electro Homeo Medicos of India (N.E.H.M. of India), a group with approval from the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India, has recognized the electropathy course in Madurai.
Equivalent courses:
Electropathy is effortless, risk-free, and has no negative side effects. It is also alcohol- and toxin-free. The medicines used in this therapy are derived from organic plants and herbs. In the Tamilnadu Electropathy College, the pharmaceuticals are produced by a fermentation process called cohobation. In the electropathy college in virudhunagar, the Bachelor of Electro Homeopathy Medicine & Surgery, or B.E.M.S., is recognized as an analogous modern medical science, comparable to M.B.B.S., B.S.M.S., and B.U.M.S.
Benefits of Arasu College:
The college of ARASU Groups is the best option if you're looking for the best Electropathy course in Tamilnadu because it is a dedicated organization that is recognized as a leading college in our community with distinctive advantages like highly trained faculty, no capital fees, installment fee payment, hygienic cuisine, comfortable classrooms, and more. Students will receive training in Apollo, Meenakshi Mission, and Vadamalayan hospitals as well as Multispecialty and Famous Hospitals in Tamil Nadu's major cities throughout their third and fourth years of study. At Chennai Stanley Hospital, an internship program lasting for six months would be offered after four years. Owing to the popularity in the recent days, there are only a few seats available for the electropathy course in virudhunagar . The program lasts for 4-6 years. They would be hired as doctors at all multispecialty hospitals in Tamil Nadu's major cities after completing the internship. Become a member of the top electropathy college in Tamil Nadu to realize your dream of being a doctor.
25, South Street,
Opp to Gomathi Hospital,
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arasugroups · 2 years
Best Colleges for Electropathy in Tamilnadu
Electropathy is a new medical specialty. Following the acknowledgment of four medical systems, namely Allopathy (Western Medical System), Ayurveda & Unani (Ancient Medical System), and Homoeopathy, Electropathy or Electro Homoeopathy, has become popular in India and other developing nations. It is India's fifth modern healthcare system. Electropathy was invented by a famous Italian scientist Count Ceaser Mattei in 1865 who devoted himself to the field of Medicine and discovered remedies, which could cure incurable diseases.
Electro-homoeopathy is a novel medical profession that heals patients by restoring the balance of their lymph and blood. Naturo Electro Homeo Medicos of India (N.E.H.M. of India), an organisation authorised by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India, recognizes the course and in the present days the students wish to get education in one among the best colleges for electropathy in tamilnadu.
If you are looking for the best colleges for electropathy in tamilnadu, the college of ARASU Groups is the right choice as it is a committed institution that is acknowledged as a prominent college in our locality with distinct advantages such as highly trained faculty, no capital fees, installment fee payment, hygienic cuisine, pleasant classrooms, and so on.
With the Pharmacopoeia of Electropathy being totally different from those of the other pathies. There are approximately hundred Electropathy Institutions imparting four and half year's medical education in the field of Electropathy System. After successful completion of the course in the best colleges for electropathy in Tamilnadu, the candidates get registration and practice in Electropathy Medicine only. Bachelor of Electro Homeopathy Medicine & Surgery - B.E.M.S. is regarded as an analogous modern medical science, similar to M.B.B.S., B.S.M.S., and B.U.M.S in the best electropathy college in Madurai.
The prime goal of Arasu college is to provide the next generation with adequate medical experience. It’s time to get your dream of becoming a successful doctor come true by joining the best electropathy college in Madurai . In the third and fourth years, students will receive training at Apollo, Meenakshi Mission, and Vadamalayan hospitals, as well as Multispecialty and Famous Hospitals in Tamil Nadu's major cities. After four years, six months of internship training will be provided at Chennai Stanley Hospital.
Contact Info:
Arasu B.Sc Hotel Management &
Catering Technology
Virudhunagar - 626 003
+91 97884 98080
+91 80721 07164
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dramakrishnanindia · 2 years
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Dr.A.U.Ramakrishnan Homeopathy Hospital in Chennai
Dr. A.U.Ramakrishnan M.B.B.S MF Hom (Lond) PhD., offers effective homeopathy treatment for  Cardiac Disease, Cancer, Multiple Sclerosis, Epilepsy, Arthritis, Diabetes & many more. Consult our homeopathy doctors to get the best homeopathic medicine. Call: +91 95000 39030.
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ayush-herbal-clinic · 2 years
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Constipation is a major cause of piles; therefore, triphala powder should be taken on a regular basis to relieve constipation and thus  prevent the formation of piles. For more information, go to www.ayushherbalclinic.com.
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Best Homeopathy Treatment For Diseases | Dr Care Homeopathy Lack of vitamin c in your diet can make you fall sick and also can affect to scurvy, is a condition appears due to lack of Vitamin c. Symptoms includes Weakness, fatigue, Bleeding gums.
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laxmivitiligo · 6 months
Best Doctor for Vitiligo Treatment in Tamil Nadu is Ready to Deliver Top Vitiligo Treatment!
When your body is not producing melanin is ample amount, color loss can occur. In that case, white patches can appear on your skin. This condition is called as vitiligo which is actually an autoimmune disease. as per this disease, your body’s immune system attacks as well as destroys the skin cells called as melanocytes which are responsible to produce melanin like pigment. This pigment decides your body’s actual color. And when the cells which produce melanin die or not work, this pigment is not produced. In that case, people can suffer from vitiligo. This is a kind of skin disease which is hard to deal with. If you are still thinking that by using the skin care products coming to the market you can deal with vitiligo, then you are wrong. To obtain the best treatment for vitiligo, you must visit the top vitiligo specialist now.
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The best doctor for vitiligo treatment
It’s the best doctor for vitiligo treatment in Tamil Nadu who will bring the best solution for you if you are suffering from vitiligo like skin disorder. This has occurred and you can hardly do anything with it. but this is also the right time to opt for the best treatment so that you can keep your beauty and appearance intact. This is where such a vitiligo specialist or doctor can bring immense help for you. They offer the best vitiligo treatment.
Visit this hospital now
Homeopathy vitiligo treatment is now becoming more and more popular. This is a very effective, safe and amazing way to treat vitiligo. At the best vitiligo treatment hospital in Madurai, they offer amazing vitiligo treatment. To ensure patients get quick relief from this skin problem, they have appointed the best vitiligo doctors.
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Medical Courses in India
Top 5 Medical Courses in India
April 25, 2019
Top 5 Medical Courses in India
Pursuing a medical courses in India is far tougher than taking a decision to become a doctor. But, hats off to those who pursue their studies with as much as interest as when they were dreaming to become a doctor. Also, the zeal to serve others, the passion to think of other people’s wellness and the drive to come out of comfort zone and look what best you can do for others, so that people can feel every beat of life and make most of it;  is not a small thing to have in one’s mind. Similarly when youth is going behind technology, there are few who understand the price of one’s life and opt medical. Because no matter how much wealth a person hoards, it’s just incomparable to health.
Furthermore, the Medical Council of India is the regulatory authority which has laid down rules and regulations to medical education, so that good education standard can be attained by every medical student.  There are various medical courses in India that have been running from long, everyone have their own importance, you can choose according to your area of interest. Have a look:
Top 5 Medical Courses in India:
It is one of the most popular medical courses in India. It’s full form is bachelor of masters and bachelor of surgery. Medical entrance exams are conducted on a National Level and State Level to select suitable medical students for undergraduate medical programs. The MBBS degree holder can run their practice as a physician because they possess good knowledge for every right disease. While the total MBBS duration is 4.5 years academic education + 1 year mandatory internship.  Some of the popular entrance exams for MBBS are given below:
AIIMS (All India Institute of Medical Sciences): Most prestigious entrance exam
AIPMT (All India Pre medical Test): Conducted by CBSE
Christian Medical College (CMC), Vellore: Minority run  private & research institute
Armed Force Medical College (AFMC): Manages by Indian Armed Forces
2. BDS:
BDS is the only educational and professional program of dental surgery in India. It offers knowledge and skills related to general dental anatomy. The full form of this medical course in India is Bachelor of Dental surgery. BDS includes the treatment as well as prevention of a wide range of diseases of the mouth. Certainly, the main objective of the dentistry program is to produce a dentist who is socially acceptable and is able to work safely & effectively on patients in diagnosis, prevention and treatment of dental and oral diseases. The duration of BDS degree ranges from 3 years to 5 years.
Popular BDS entrance exams are:
Banaras Hindu University  Medical Entrance Exam
Bharati Vidyapeeth University Medical Entrance Exam
Christian Medical College Entrance Exam
Delhi University Medical/Dental Entrance Exam
All India Post Graduate Dental Entrance Test
Amrita University Medical Entrance Exam
Association of Managements of Unaided Private Medical and Dental Colleges Exam
3. BHMS:
BHMS stands for Bachelor of Homeopathic Medicine & Surgery. BHMS is an undergraduate degree program in medical field. Furthermore, this medical course in India treats patients with the help of heavily diluted preparations of chemicals. While, it is an ancient medicine form originated from Germany. Also, it works on the principle of stimulating body’s immunity to heal oneself by giving small doses of highly diluted substances. BHMS course is of 5½ year duration including an internship. The best homeopathy colleges in India are:
National Institute of Homeopathy, Kolkata
Shivaji University, South Maharashtra
Motiwala Homeopathic Medical College, Gangapur
Rajasthan Vidyapeeth Homeopathic Medical College & Hospital
4. BAMS:
Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery (BAMS) is an integrated Indian Degree in the medical field. This degree program is conferred to those students who have studied the modern medicines and traditional Ayurveda. Ayurvedic science is one of the ancient medical systems of the world. It traces its roots to the Vedic period. Also, BAMS is 5 and a half years course. Best ayurveda colleges in India are:
Shri Dhanwantri Ayurvedic College, Chandigarh
Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore
Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar
JB Roy State Medical College, Kolkata
Ayurvedic Medical College, Kolhapur
5. MD/MS:
MD is a post graduation degree, stands for masters in medicines and MS is a post graduation degree stands for masters in surgery. Both of them are a 3 years course for medical Graduates (MBBS) that deal with the branches which do not require surgical skills. MD is awarded in both non-clinical as well as clinical branches.
Likewise, the future prospects of MD and MS as medical courses in India are generally same. An individual who completes MS becomes a surgeon whereas the one who takes up MD is a physician. Finally, a surgeon can work in place of a physician with more study of medicine while a physician cannot be a surgeon. In contrast, financially, a surgeon can earn a lot more money than a physician, if he or she is skilled.
The Popular specializations in MS and MD are:
The obstetrics & Gynecology, Endocrinology, Orthopaedics, Neurology and the Anesthesiology, Cardiology, Internal Medicine, Paediatric, Psychiatry, Dermatology, Radio diagnosis and the Pathology.
Pediatric surgery, plastic surgery, cardio-thoracic surgery, Urology, Cardiac surgery, Cosmetic surgery, ENT, Ophthalmology, Gynecology, Obstetrics and the orthopedics.
So, usually it takes three years to complete the MD or MS but for s super specialization the student needs two years more after MD or MS.
Furthermore, some of the best Medical Courses in India & colleges offering post graduation in surgery/medicine are given below:
All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Delhi
Armed Forces Medical College(AFMC), Pune
Christian Medical College(CMC), Vellore
Maulana Azad Medical College(MAMC), Delhi
University College of Medical Sciences and GTB Hospital , Delhi
Sri Ramchandra Medical College and Research Institute(SRMC), Chennai
Seth G S Medical College, Mumbai
Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College (AMU), Aligarh
Certainly, apart from them, there are few other medical courses in India which are also gaining popularity these days, some of them are:
Bachelor of Physiotherapy
Bachelor in Unani medicine and surgery
Bachelor in Science in Nursing
Most noteworthy, medical is a noble profession, no matter which course you opt, but study with full of interest and practice your profession with full honestly, because with medical degrees, you are asked not to work with objects, stationery but with Human body, the most precious wealth of one’s life.
For more relevant information please follow Twitter | Facebook | Linked IN
Medical Courses in India
Popular BDS entrance exams
Popular specializations in MS and MD
Top 5 Medical Courses in India
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Top Medical Courses in India
Top Medical Colleges in India
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4 thoughts on “Top 5 Medical Courses in India”
[…] Now #Latest on Finance courses #Medical Courses in India #Engineering Degree #UPSC Exams #India National sports #Sports updates #Top School for Masters in […]
Nice post. …..I have geography, nutrition, biology and chemistry in my hs. ….what is the best career option for me?
MEWAugust 2, 2020 at 2:31 pmReply
Hi, as you have asked for the opportunities of pursuing a career after 12, we are giving few options that you may pursue according to your interest
1. Pursue B.Sc/B. A Nutrition or B.Sc Food Technology. It is a 3-year course focusing on a wide variety of topics, such as human physiology, basics of nutrition, food biotechnology, health, weight-loss strategies, human physiology, etc. The degree not only focuses on general health but also provides expertise in areas such as public health, maternal and child nutrition, etc. 2.B.Sc. Food Technology: It is a 3-year course that focuses on the safe use of food. Food technology is the process in which various principles of food science are applied to the selection, preservation, packaging and safe distribution of food. class 12th with any stream (Science with Biology is preferred).
3.D. Pharm (Ayurvedic Siddha Medicine) it’s a 2 years course
4.BOT (bachelor of occupational therapy • deal with physically, mentally, morally, and mentally challenged people. • manage the dysfunctions caused due to social, biological, and economic reasons.
5.Careers after a bachelor degree in Geography The careers for bachelor’s degree holders in Geography can include Geography teacher, Research assistant/associate in projects related to the environment, sustainability and social development, jobs related to Corporate Social Responsibility etc.
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aurahomeopathydr · 5 months
Finding the Best Homeopathy Doctor in India near Me
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“The Quest for Holistic Healing: A Comprehensive Guide to Finding the Best Homeopathy Doctor in India near You — The Aura Homeopathy Experience”
In the vast expanse of India’s diverse healthcare landscape, the pursuit of holistic healing often leads individuals to the realm of homeopathy. In this journey, finding the best homeopathy doctor in India becomes paramount, and Aura Homeopathy, led by the esteemed Dr. Abhishek Kasana, MD in Homeopathy, DiHom (UK), CFN (Delhi), and MPH (Chennai), emerges as a beacon of excellence. This comprehensive guide unravels the path to discovering the best homeopathy doctor in India near you, exploring the unique facets of Aura Homeopathy’s approach to holistic healthcare.
Understanding the Essence of Homeopathy:
Homeopathy, founded on principles dating back to the late 18th century, operates on the fundamental concept that “like cures like” and emphasizes the individualization of treatment. The best homeopathy doctors adhere to these principles, recognizing the unique constitution of each patient and tailoring treatments to address the root cause of ailments.
The Pinnacle of Homeopathic Expertise: Dr. Abhishek Kasana:
At the forefront of Aura Homeopathy is Dr. Abhishek Kasana, a highly qualified and experienced practitioner renowned for his dedication to holistic healing. His extensive credentials, including an MD in Homeopathy, DiHom (UK), CFN (Delhi), and MPH (Chennai), position him as a luminary in the field. Dr. Kasana’s leadership defines Aura Homeopathy, setting the standard for what constitutes the best in homeopathic care.
Key Considerations in Finding the Best Homeopathy Doctor:
Credentials and Qualifications:
When embarking on the quest to find the best homeopathy doctor in India, scrutinizing credentials and qualifications is paramount. Aura Homeopathy, with Dr. Abhishek Kasana at the helm, boasts a team of highly qualified professionals who adhere to the highest standards of homeopathic practice.
Individualized Approach:
The strength of homeopathy lies in its personalized approach to treatment. The best homeopathy doctors, including those at Aura Homeopathy, prioritize understanding the unique constitution of each patient. Detailed consultations delve into not only physical symptoms but also emotional and mental aspects, ensuring a comprehensive and individualized treatment plan.
Treatment Philosophy:
A homeopathy doctor’s treatment philosophy is a critical aspect to consider. Aura Homeopathy aligns itself with the principles of homeopathy, emphasizing the importance of treating the root cause rather than merely alleviating symptoms. The clinic’s focus on holistic healing sets it apart as a beacon of wellness.
Patient-Centric Care:
A patient-centric approach is indicative of a doctor’s commitment to the well-being of those seeking their services. The best homeopathy doctors, like those at Aura Homeopathy, prioritize building strong patient-practitioner relationships based on trust, open communication, and genuine care for the patient’s health journey.
Technological Integration:
In the digital age, technological integration enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of healthcare services. The best homeopathy doctors leverage technology for virtual consultations, advanced diagnostic tools, and secure communication platforms. Aura Homeopathy exemplifies this by offering state-of-the-art online services, making quality healthcare accessible across India.
Why Aura Homeopathy Excels as the Best Homeopathy Doctor in India:
Leadership in Holistic Healing:
Aura Homeopathy, under the leadership of Dr. Abhishek Kasana, exemplifies excellence in holistic healing. Dr. Kasana’s commitment to the principles of homeopathy, coupled with his diverse qualifications, positions Aura Homeopathy as a trusted destination for those seeking a comprehensive approach to wellness.
Global Accessibility:
Aura Homeopathy’s commitment to holistic health extends beyond geographical boundaries. The clinic’s online services ensure that individuals across India, regardless of their location, can access the expertise of Dr. Abhishek Kasana and his team. This global accessibility underscores the clinic’s dedication to making quality homeopathic care available to a broad spectrum of individuals.
Patient Success Stories:
The true measure of a doctor’s efficacy lies in the stories of transformation shared by their patients. Aura Homeopathy’s success stories echo not only relief from symptoms but profound shifts in overall well-being. Patients express gratitude for an approach that goes beyond the superficial, addressing the core of their health challenges.
Comprehensive Online Services:
Aura Homeopathy’s integration of technology is not merely a convenience but a strategic commitment to providing the best in homeopathic care. The clinic’s online platform seamlessly facilitates virtual consultations, personalized treatment plans, and ongoing support, creating a holistic healthcare experience within the digital space.
Navigating the Landscape: A Patient’s Guide:
Research and Recommendations:
Begin the journey to find the best homeopathy doctor by conducting thorough research. Seek recommendations from friends, family, or online forums. Aura Homeopathy’s positive reviews and testimonials attest to the clinic’s reputation as a trusted healthcare provider.
Evaluate Practitioner Profiles:
Review the profiles of practitioners within the clinic. Aura Homeopathy’s team consists of skilled professionals with diverse backgrounds, ensuring a comprehensive and collaborative approach to patient care.
Virtual or In-Person Consultation:
Consider whether you prefer virtual or in-person consultations. Aura Homeopathy offers options, providing flexibility and accessibility to cater to individual preferences.
Treatment Philosophy Alignment:
Ensure that the doctor’s treatment philosophy aligns with your personal beliefs and expectations. Aura Homeopathy’s commitment to holistic healing and individualized care reflects a patient-centric approach.
Access to Technology:
Given the current landscape, consider the clinic’s integration of technology. Aura Homeopathy’s advanced online services enhance accessibility, making it a leader in providing quality homeopathic care in the digital age.
Conclusion: Aura Homeopathy — A Beacon of Holistic Wellness:
In the labyrinth of healthcare choices, Aura Homeopathy emerges not just as a clinic but as a beacon of holistic wellness. Dr. Abhishek Kasana’s leadership, coupled with the clinic’s commitment to individualized care and technological innovation, positions Aura Homeopathy as the best homeopathy doctor in India.
This comprehensive guide invites individuals across India to embark on a transformative health journey with Aura Homeopathy, where the best in homeopathic care is not just a choice but a path to enduring wellness.
Source link:- https://medium.com/@homeopathydoctorindiaseo/finding-the-best-homeopathy-doctor-in-india-near-me-1a46044db3ab
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optimisticanchornut · 3 years
Medical Courses in India
Medical Courses in India
April 25, 2019
Top 5 Medical Courses in India
Pursuing a medical courses in India is far tougher than taking a decision to become a doctor. But, hats off to those who pursue their studies with as much as interest as when they were dreaming to become a doctor. Also, the zeal to serve others, the passion to think of other people’s wellness and the drive to come out of comfort zone and look what best you can do for others, so that people can feel every beat of life and make most of it;  is not a small thing to have in one’s mind. Similarly when youth is going behind technology, there are few who understand the price of one’s life and opt medical. Because no matter how much wealth a person hoards, it’s just incomparable to health.
Furthermore, the Medical Council of India is the regulatory authority which has laid down rules and regulations to medical education, so that good education standard can be attained by every medical student.  There are various medical courses in India that have been running from long, everyone have their own importance, you can choose according to your area of interest. Have a look:
Medical Courses in India:
It is one of the most popular medical courses in India. It’s full form is bachelor of masters and bachelor of surgery. Medical entrance exams are conducted on a National Level and State Level to select suitable medical students for undergraduate medical programs. The MBBS degree holder can run their practice as a physician because they possess good knowledge for every right disease. While the total MBBS duration is 4.5 years academic education + 1 year mandatory internship.  Some of the popular entrance exams for MBBS are given below:
AIIMS (All India Institute of Medical Sciences): Most prestigious entrance exam
AIPMT (All India Pre medical Test): Conducted by CBSE
Christian Medical College (CMC), Vellore: Minority run  private & research institute
Armed Force Medical College (AFMC): Manages by Indian Armed Forces
2. BDS:
BDS is the only educational and professional program of dental surgery in India. It offers knowledge and skills related to general dental anatomy. The full form of this medical course in India is Bachelor of Dental surgery. BDS includes the treatment as well as prevention of a wide range of diseases of the mouth. Certainly, the main objective of the dentistry program is to produce a dentist who is socially acceptable and is able to work safely & effectively on patients in diagnosis, prevention and treatment of dental and oral diseases. The duration of BDS degree ranges from 3 years to 5 years.
Popular BDS entrance exams are:
Banaras Hindu University  Medical Entrance Exam
Bharati Vidyapeeth University Medical Entrance Exam
Christian Medical College Entrance Exam
Delhi University Medical/Dental Entrance Exam
All India Post Graduate Dental Entrance Test
Amrita University Medical Entrance Exam
Association of Managements of Unaided Private Medical and Dental Colleges Exam
3. BHMS:
BHMS stands for Bachelor of Homeopathic Medicine & Surgery. BHMS is an undergraduate degree program in medical field. Furthermore, this medical course in India treats patients with the help of heavily diluted preparations of chemicals. While, it is an ancient medicine form originated from Germany. Also, it works on the principle of stimulating body’s immunity to heal oneself by giving small doses of highly diluted substances. BHMS course is of 5½ year duration including an internship. The best homeopathy colleges in India are:
National Institute of Homeopathy, Kolkata
Shivaji University, South Maharashtra
Motiwala Homeopathic Medical College, Gangapur
Rajasthan Vidyapeeth Homeopathic Medical College & Hospital
4. BAMS:
Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery (BAMS) is an integrated Indian Degree in the medical field. This degree program is conferred to those students who have studied the modern medicines and traditional Ayurveda. Ayurvedic science is one of the ancient medical systems of the world. It traces its roots to the Vedic period. Also, BAMS is 5 and a half years course. Best ayurveda colleges in India are:
Shri Dhanwantri Ayurvedic College, Chandigarh
Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore
Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar
JB Roy State Medical College, Kolkata
Ayurvedic Medical College, Kolhapur
5. MD/MS:
MD is a post graduation degree, stands for masters in medicines and MS is a post graduation degree stands for masters in surgery. Both of them are a 3 years course for medical Graduates (MBBS) that deal with the branches which do not require surgical skills. MD is awarded in both non-clinical as well as clinical branches.
Likewise, the future prospects of MD and MS as medical courses in India are generally same. An individual who completes MS becomes a surgeon whereas the one who takes up MD is a physician. Finally, a surgeon can work in place of a physician with more study of medicine while a physician cannot be a surgeon. In contrast, financially, a surgeon can earn a lot more money than a physician, if he or she is skilled.
The Popular specializations in MS and MD are:
The obstetrics & Gynecology, Endocrinology, Orthopaedics, Neurology and the Anesthesiology, Cardiology, Internal Medicine, Paediatric, Psychiatry, Dermatology, Radio diagnosis and the Pathology.
Pediatric surgery, plastic surgery, cardio-thoracic surgery, Urology, Cardiac surgery, Cosmetic surgery, ENT, Ophthalmology, Gynecology, Obstetrics and the orthopedics.
So, usually it takes three years to complete the MD or MS but for s super specialization the student needs two years more after MD or MS.
Furthermore, some of the best Medical Courses in India & colleges offering post graduation in surgery/medicine are given below:
All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Delhi
Armed Forces Medical College(AFMC), Pune
Christian Medical College(CMC), Vellore
Maulana Azad Medical College(MAMC), Delhi
University College of Medical Sciences and GTB Hospital , Delhi
Sri Ramchandra Medical College and Research Institute(SRMC), Chennai
Seth G S Medical College, Mumbai
Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College (AMU), Aligarh
Certainly, apart from them, there are few other medical courses in India which are also gaining popularity these days, some of them are:
Bachelor of Physiotherapy
Bachelor in Unani medicine and surgery
Bachelor in Science in Nursing
Most noteworthy, medical is a noble profession, no matter which course you opt, but study with full of interest and practice your profession with full honestly, because with medical degrees, you are asked not to work with objects, stationery but with Human body, the most precious wealth of one’s life.
For more relevant information please follow Twitter | Facebook | Linked IN
Medical Courses in India
Popular BDS entrance exams
Popular specializations in MS and MD
Top 5 Medical Courses in India
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4 thoughts on “Medical Courses in India”
[…] Now #Latest on Finance courses #Medical Courses in India #Engineering Degree #UPSC Exams #India National sports #Sports updates #Top School for Masters in […]
Nice post. …..I have geography, nutrition, biology and chemistry in my hs. ….what is the best career option for me?
MEWAugust 2, 2020 at 2:31 pmReply
Hi, as you have asked for the opportunities of pursuing a career after 12, we are giving few options that you may pursue according to your interest
1. Pursue B.Sc/B. A Nutrition or B.Sc Food Technology. It is a 3-year course focusing on a wide variety of topics, such as human physiology, basics of nutrition, food biotechnology, health, weight-loss strategies, human physiology, etc. The degree not only focuses on general health but also provides expertise in areas such as public health, maternal and child nutrition, etc. 2.B.Sc. Food Technology: It is a 3-year course that focuses on the safe use of food. Food technology is the process in which various principles of food science are applied to the selection, preservation, packaging and safe distribution of food. class 12th with any stream (Science with Biology is preferred).
3.D. Pharm (Ayurvedic Siddha Medicine) it’s a 2 years course
4.BOT (bachelor of occupational therapy • deal with physically, mentally, morally, and mentally challenged people. • manage the dysfunctions caused due to social, biological, and economic reasons.
5.Careers after a bachelor degree in Geography The careers for bachelor’s degree holders in Geography can include Geography teacher, Research assistant/associate in projects related to the environment, sustainability and social development, jobs related to Corporate Social Responsibility etc.
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