lunarriviera · 6 months
the beijiang yachting club building: yet another under the skin meta
i am back on my bullshit, under the skin edition. today’s topic of investigation: the abandoned beijiang yachting club where shen yi 1.0 likes to paint, and maybe lives. (he’s so grunge i feel like he would totally squat in a terrifying abandoned building rather than pay rent, so he can spend his tiny amount of income on paint and booze.)
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first of all, what the everloving fuck is this thing. why does it have so many levels, like some kind of weird oceanside parking garage? where do the yachts go? was it, at some point, very fancy? why does it look like it’s a thousand years old? how do you get in and out of it, are there actually working stairs or do you have to rappel? (the faceless lady takes the stairs, but they look absolutely treacherous.)
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is it even remotely safe? it sure doesn’t look safe. why is shen yi allowed to hang out there all day, when it looks like a construction safety inspector’s nightmare? above all else WHY IS THERE GRASS GROWING ON TOP OF IT.
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some nice rubble, and gaping open caverns. safety first!
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then, when shen yi 2.0 and du cheng paint their little installation piece at the end (the only time Big Dumb Hot Cop will get to paint anything in the whole drama, and he has to use a roller), why did shen yi choose Murder Red? is this supposed to be a yay-china gesture? if so, why is it vaguely threatening?
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it is in fact the exact same dark crimson as shen yi’s creepy little self-portrait, but this doesn’t seem to stop shen yi and du cheng from flirting awkwardly in front of it, shen yi heckling du cheng about his abysmal heterosexual love life and du cheng being aggrieved that shen yi straight up stole his jiejie. [cue chengyi hornily drinking wine at each other, when du qing invites them for dinner]
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in conclusion, i don’t know what in the sam hill this building is, only that some location scout saw it in xiamen and was like: "this one. yes. excellent. this is the one. we will get spray paint all over it, and it will be awesome." and now we’re all stuck with trying to describe it in our fic. thanks for nothing, location scout.
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"Everyone can rest entirely assured because these two laoshis are acting. From the start to the end, there was never going to be a newly-added female lead. The feelings of the Beijiang Crowd, A-Lie understands. Let's cheer again for Season Two!"
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rhysiana · 2 years
“there's a light in your room, and it burns like a shade of yellow”, Du Cheng/Shen Yi, Under the Skin, for @annundriel
All the way up the alley to Shen Yi’s apartment, Du Cheng told himself this was a dumb idea. Yes, he had the excuse of bringing food, but it was an excuse anyone could see through. Just because Du Cheng hadn’t seen him in three weeks was no reason to think he hadn’t been eating properly. He was an adult. He’d been taking care of himself for years and years before the two of them became... friends, or whatever they were now.
These thoughts chased themselves around in his head in a circle right up until the moment he caught sight of the light through the big windows of Shen Yi’s studio, and then he didn’t think about anything at all until he was knocking on the door.
He was halfway to awkwardly holding up the bag of takeout as an explanation when Shen Yi answered the door, but then he took in Shen Yi’s glazed expression, the bags under his eyes, the paint in his hair, on his face, on his overalls, and pushed the rest of the way in without a second thought.
“Xiao Yi! When is the last time you ate?”
Shen Yi blinked up at him and then vaguely around the studio as Du Cheng kicked his shoes off impatiently and herded him in the direction of the couch. “Uh... earlier...”
“Earlier today?” Du Cheng said skeptically, setting out food quickly. He pressed a set of chopsticks into Shen Yi’s hand and was pleased to see autopilot take over even if the rest of Shen Yi’s mind wasn’t back from wherever his art fugue had sent him yet.
Ten minutes of concentrated eating later, Du Cheng saw it when Shen Yi snapped back to the present and did his best to hide his smile.
“Thank you,” Shen Yi said, gesturing at the food, a little embarrassed. Du Cheng waved it away. “How was the training course?”
“Incredibly boring.” He’d kept himself awake through most of it by doodling badly in the margins of his notes, trying to produce something he wouldn’t feel too bad to text to Shen Yi at the end of the day. They were all still very bad, but Shen Yi always guessed what they were anyway. “Tell me about what you were doing instead.”
Shen Yi’s attention drifted back toward his canvas, and Du Cheng settled back more comfortably into the couch. Shen Yi might actually tell him about what he was doing or Du Cheng might just end up sitting here instead, either way was fine with him. He was back where he belonged: in Beijiang, yes, but more specifically in this studio that glowed like a little island of light above the street, watching an artist at work.
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Here's an idea prompt, you don't have to do it if you don't want to.:
Shen Yi and Chen Yuzhi are in the same city and in the same building, or area, for seminars, and they get mistaken for each other by their partners who only got a glimpse of them. Like, Du Cheng thought he saw Chen Yuzhi around a hospital/clinic and thought he was hurt. And Yuelou saw Shen Yi giving people small drawings and thought he was Yuzhi and gets jealous when Du Cheng comes and wraps his arm around Shen Yi's shoulder.
Lmao, this is why we pay attention to our partners carefully gentlemen
Shen Yi and Chen Yuzhi had never met before, but if you saw them at a quick glance, you wouldn’t be able to tell the difference
And that’s exactly what happened to Du Cheng and Jiang Yuelou
You see, Du Cheng, Shen Yi, Chen Yuzhi, and Jiang Yuelou were in the same city, at the same time, and in the same building but thankfully Chen Yuzhi and Shen were attending different things; Chen Yuzhi was there for a medical conference while Shen Yi was attending a friend’s art debut
And while Du Cheng and Jiang Yuelou were both very supportive partners, neither man could stand being in the same room for so long, especially Jiang Yuelou because he understood nothing that the speaker was talking about
So, both men decided to go exploring
Since they were in a large exhibition hall, there were a lot of difference conferences going on, they had a lot of places to visit and somehow, at some point, they ended up on the opposite sides of the conference hall
Du Cheng was quite surprised as he looked around; he had never seen so many people in suits in one place before.  The only time he ever saw this many people in suits like this was at his sister’s parties or if he stepped into an office building
As he looked around, he noticed a familiar face, causing his eyes to widen; what the hell was Shen Yi doing on this side of the exhibition hall?
“Shen Yi!”
He then ran towards his partner, only to stop when he was a few feet away from him…that wasn’t Shen Yi.  But fucking hell did he look like him
“Shen Yi?”
The man then turned towards him, his eyes wide and doe-like, and Du Cheng just blinked; the man wasn’t his Shen Yi but damn…they looked related
“I’m sorry…I don’t think I’m the person you’re looking for”
Du Cheng laughed before he shook his head, a little embarrassed
“No, no, you’re not but…you look an awful lot like him”
The man blinked in surprise
“Do I?”
Du Cheng nodded before he held out his hand
“Captain Du Cheng, Beijiang Police”
The man smiled and shook his hand
“Dr. Chen Yuzhi”
He then tilted his head
“What does “Shen Yi” do, if I may ask?”
Du Cheng blinked before he smiled
“He’s my partner.  He’s our substation’s forensic sketch artist”
Chen Yuzhi nodded
“I see…if I remember correctly, I think there’s an art exhibition on the other side of the conference hall…”
Du Cheng nodded
“I just came from that side…I was just wandering around and ended up over here”
Chen Yuzhi hummed
“Well, if you’re over here, then Jiang Yuelou is probably over there…”
Du Cheng raised an eyebrow
“Jiang Yuelou?”
Chen Yuzhi blinked before he smiled
“Ah, my husband.  He accompanied me on this trip, even though he really didn’t have to”
Du Cheng chuckled
“He must really love you then”
Chen Yuzhi smiled
“He does”
Du Cheng chuckled as he motioned to the other side of the exhibition hall
“Shall we go find our partners?”
Chen Yuzhi nodded
Meanwhile, on the other side of the exhibition hall, Jiang Yuelou was looking around at the art debut, humming softly; he wasn’t much of an art person, but he could appreciate good art when he saw it
As he looked around, he noticed a young man smiling and passing out drawings to little children, causing him to raise an eyebrow
‘I didn’t realize Yuzhi could draw’
He then smiled and began to make his way towards the man when suddenly another man walked over to the man and threw an arm around him, causing Jiang Yuelou to stop and bristle
‘Who the hell was that?’
“Jiang Yuelou?”
Jiang Yuelou blinked before he turned to see Chen Yuzhi staring at him, his tilted in curiosity
“Yuzhi.  But, you—”
Chen Yuzhi then stepped forward and looked at the two men before he smiled
“Ah, that must be Du Cheng’s partner, Shen Yi”
Jiang Yuelou looked over at him and raised an eyebrow
“You know them?”
Chen Yuzhi chuckled
“I met Du Cheng a little while ago…apparently he mistook me for his partner, Shen Yi”
Jiang Yuelou hummed, just as Du Cheng and the young man walked over them, Chen Yuzhi and Shen Yi’s eyes widening when they looked at each other
Du Cheng laughed
“You see?  At a glance, we really can’t tell you apart”
The young man, Shen Yi, nodded before he held out his hand
“Shen Yi”
Chen Yuzhi smiled and shook his hand
“Dr. Chen Yuzhi”
He then motioned to Jiang Yuelou
“My husband, Commissioner Jiang Yuelou of the Jing City Police Department”
Du Cheng and Shen Yi looked at Jiang Yuelou before they dipped their heads, Jiang Yuelou doing the same as Chen Yuzhi motioned to Du Cheng
“Captain Du Cheng, Beijiang Police Department”
Jiang Yuelou smirked and held out his hand
Du Cheng hummed and shook his hand
“Shen Yi!”
Shen Yi, Du Cheng, Chen Yuzhi, and Jiang Yuelou all turned to see someone waving Shen Yi over, causing Shen Yi to smile before he looked at Chen Yuzhi and Jiang Yuelou and dipped his head
“If you’ll excuse me”
Jiang Yuelou and Chen Yuzhi nodded, watching him walk away before Du Cheng looked over at them as well
“I should probably join him.  Nice to meet you both”
He then rushed after Shen Yi, Jiang Yuelou and Chen Yuzhi watching him walk away as well before they turned and headed in the opposite direction, Chen Yuzhi looking over at Jiang Yuelou once they were far enough out of ear shot of people
“I can’t believe you mistook someone else for me”
Jiang Yuelou huffed
“Well, as you could see, dear, from a glance, you and Shen Yi look a hell of a lot alike, so you can’t really blame me for mistaking you for him”
He then looked over at Chen Yuzhi and smirked before he reached out and wrapped an arm around his waist, pulling him close
“But this does give me an excuse to memorize every part of you so I never mistake you for someone else ever again”
Chen Yuzhi’s eyes widened and he looked at him in shock, his face bright red
“Jiang Yuelou!”
Jiang Yuelou just smiled devilishly and pulled Chen Yuzhi closer as Chen Yuzhi huffed and shook his head
Jiang Yuelou just chuckled and continued to hold him close as they continued out of the exhibition hall
While they headed out of the hall, Du Cheng and Shen Yi continued to look around the art gallery before Shen Yi huffed
“Did I really look like that doctor?”
Du Cheng hummed
“From a glance, yes”
He then wrapped an around his waist and pulled him close
“But I’d know my Shen Yi anywhere”
Shen Yi chuckled and leaned against him, letting out a content hum that almost sounded like a purr
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mythochondrion · 2 years
My Under the Skin Mafia AU 😎
Story Striptease Part 1 : Who is Who
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The Old Landlord
A street kid turned local urban legend who centralized all of the mainland's underworld trading routes in Beijiang.
A jaded idealist on the verge of retiring due to moral fatigue.
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The New Landlord
The prodigal son of a local prestigious family who threaded the underworld to pave his own personal warpath against those untouched by the laws.
A rogue with the heart of gold.
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swamyworld · 2 months
Massive river flooding expected in China's Guangdong, threatening millions
By Bernard Orr and Ethan Wang BEIJING (Reuters) -Major rivers, waterways and reservoirs in China’s Guangdong province are threatening to unleash dangerous floods, forcing the government on Sunday to enact emergency response plans to protect more than 127 million people. Calling the situation “grim”, local weather officials said sections of rivers and tributaries at the Xijiang and Beijiang river…
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misdrnet · 8 months
Which city does Sihui City belong to (an introduction to Sihui City),四会市はどの都市に属しますか (四会市の紹介)
Sihui, a county-level city under the jurisdiction of Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province, is named "Sihui" because it is the place where four rivers (Xijiang, Beijiang, Suijiang and Longjiang) meet. It is located in the middle of Guangdong Province, east of Zhaoqing, and in the Pearl River Delta. The northwest edge is located in the lower reaches of the West, North and Suisan Rivers. The Tropic of Cancer divides the entire territory into two parts from north to south. It borders Sanshui District of Foshan City to the east, Dinghu District to the south, Gaoyao District to the southwest, and Guangning County to the northwest. It borders Qingxin District in the northeast and belongs to the Pearl River Delta Economic Zone. Today I will talk about which city Sihui City belongs to? Let’s take a look at more detailed answers below!
Which city does Sihui City belong to (an introduction to Sihui City)
Which city does Sihui City belong to?
Sihui is a county-level city under the jurisdiction of Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province. Because the four rivers (Xijiang, Beijiang, Suijiang and Longjiang) in the territory meet, it is named "Sihui". It is located in the center of Guangdong Province, east of Zhaoqing, on the northwest edge of the Pearl River Delta, and in the lower reaches of the West, North and Suijiang Rivers. The Tropic of Cancer divides the entire territory into two parts. It borders Sanshui District of Foshan City to the east, Dinghu District to the south, Gaoyao District to the southwest, Guangning County to the northwest, Qingxin District of Qingyuan City to the northeast, and belongs to the Pearl River Delta Economic Zone.
In 1993 and 1994, it entered the ranks of the top 100 counties (cities) in the country's rural economy and the top 100 counties (cities) in the country's economic strength for two consecutive years. In 1996, it achieved moderate prosperity.
In 2014, Sihui City was ranked 97th among the top 100 counties and cities in terms of comprehensive strength of small and medium-sized cities in China and 76th among the top 100 counties and cities in China's small and medium-sized cities with the greatest investment potential.
On December 7, 2016, Sihui was listed as the third batch of national new urbanization comprehensive pilot areas.
In October 2018, Sihui City was selected as one of the “Top 100 Counties in Comprehensive Strength”, the Top 100 Counties and Cities in the Country for Investment Potential in 2018, the Top 100 Counties and Cities in the Country for Green Development, the Top 100 Counties and Cities in the Country for Science and Technology Innovation, and the Top 100 Counties and Cities in the Country for New Urbanization Quality. County and city.
In November 2018, it was selected into the 2018 National "100 Happy Counties List", was identified as one of the first batch of innovative counties (cities) by the Ministry of Science and Technology, and was selected into the top 100 comprehensive well-off index of China's county-level cities.
In October 2019, it was selected into the top 100 counties and cities in the country for investment potential in 2019, [8] the top 100 counties and cities in the country for green development in 2019, the top 100 counties and cities in the country for the quality of new urbanization in 2019, and the top 100 counties and cities in the country for scientific and technological innovation in 2019. , one of the top 100 counties and cities in the country in terms of comprehensive strength in 2019.
四会市はどの都市に属しますか (四会市の紹介)
四会市は、広東省肇慶市管轄の県級市で、広東省の中央に位置し、4つの川(西江、北江、遂江、龍江)が合流する場所であることから「四会」と名付けられました。 、肇慶市の東、珠江デルタにあり、北西端は西江、北江、水山江の下流に位置し、北回帰線により全域が北から南に 2 つの部分に分けられ、三水区と隣接しています。東は佛山市、南は鼎湖区、南西は高要区、北西は広寧県に位置し、北東は清新区に隣接し、珠江デルタ経済区に属しています。四会市はどこに属していますか? 以下でさらに詳しい答えを見てみましょう!
四会市はどの都市に属しますか (四会市の紹介)
四会市は、広東省肇慶市が管轄する県級市です。 領土内にある4つの河川(西江、北江、綏江、龍江)が合流することから「四会」と名付けられました。 広東省の中心部、肇慶市の東、珠江デルタの北西端、西江、北江、遂江の下流に位置し、北回帰線により全土が 2 つの部分に分かれています。 東は佛山市三水区、南は鼎湖区、南西は高要区、北西は広寧県、北東は清遠市清新区に隣接し、珠江デルタ経済区に属しています。
2016 年 12 月 7 日、四会市は第 3 期全国新都市化総合試験区に指定されました。
2018年10月、四会市は「総合力トップ100県」、2018年の投資可能性で国内トップ100県と都市、グリーン開発で国内トップ100県と都市、科学技術イノベーションで国内の上位 100 の郡と都市、および新しい都市化の質で国内の上位 100 の郡と都市。
2019年10月、2019年の投資可能性で国内の上位100の郡と都市に選ばれ、[8] 2019年のグリーン開発で国内の上位100の郡と都市に選ばれた。 2019年の新たな都市化の質で、2019年の科学技術イノベーションで国内の上位100の郡と都市に選ばれました。 、2019年の総合力の点で国内の上位100の郡と都市の1つです。
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takeoffphilippines · 2 years
With 5G and 4L, Will A Driverless Port Far Away?
During the Christmas season, dispatching different goods and commodities from all over the world on time for a port is always important. At the end of last year, port congestion caused severe disruptions in global supply chains, and most stores were out of stock during Black Friday and Christmas, the peak selling season.
To experience fewer dilemmas like this, the innovation case from Tianjin Port might help.
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Tianjin Port is one of the world’s largest ports. It has a 300000-ton-class wharf with a channel depth of -22 meters. It has 192 berths of various types and 128 berths above the 10,000-ton-class.
By the end of 2021, the port’s cargo throughput reached 435 million tons, ranking ninth in the world, while the container throughput exceeded 18.35 million TEUs, ranking the eighth port in the world.
The cost of manual operations at this scale is exuberant, both in terms of money and efficiency.
A typical port usually deals with vessel arrivals and departures, shoreside operations, horizontal transport, yard operations, manual tractor trailer transport, and gate operations.
One of the key steps in port digitalization is automating horizontal transport, that is, handling cargo within the port.
The Smart Port Solution uses the latest tech — intelligent twins, autonomous driving, 5G, cloud computing, and IoT — to create a better connected, smarter, and more autonomous system.
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This smart terminal was built by Tianjin Port Group (TPG), together with Huawei and other partners, as part of its efforts to build a smart and green port.
One of the key innovative applications to address this is Huawei's self-developed, truly AI-based intelligent horizontal transportation system, which has achieved a series of "world firsts": Large-scale commercial use of ultra-L4 driverless, the world's first "5G+BeiDou" integration of ubiquitous intelligence, the world's first self-sufficiency in green electricity and zero carbon emission, etc. This achievement provides a blueprint for other parts of the world to build intelligent and low-carbon ports.
The results speak for themselves. On the port's visitor platform at the container terminal at Section C of Tianjin Port, container cranes operate automatically and unmanned electric container trucks come and go. At the port, remotely controlled quay cranes stably pick up containers that are loaded with cargo from cargo ships, and load these containers onto unmanned electric container trucks. Under the guidance of the BeiDou navigation satellite system, the container trucks go to the automatic locking/unlocking stations, according the optimal driving route calculated in real time, to unlock the containers, and then drive to the container yard. The whole process is completed in one go.
The intelligent and digital transformation of the port has led to tangible benefits. Previously, transporting containers to container yards within ports requires a large number of container trucks. Using human drivers is very costly. Tianjin Port currently has 76 container trucks. To ensure 24/7 operations, each container truck needs three drivers working in three shifts every day. The port needs 60% fewer staff than before.
In addition, it is exhausting for truck drivers to drive on fixed routes in three shifts, posing an obvious safety hazard. Now, Drivers (who are in high demand) now operate trucks remotely and no longer have to face dangerous, unhealthy working conditions. And each container now consumes 20% less energy, cranes are 20% more efficient on average, with each crane operating 39 container units per hour.
The terminal of Section C in the Beijiang Port Area of Tianjin Port is the first smart terminal of its kind to deploy an intelligent horizontal transport system. Looking ahead, Huawei will continue working with partners to deploy and replicate this experience in more ports, building smart ports together.
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lady-reinian · 4 years
Animated ad for Rise of Queendom, another game made by the RC team.
RoQ seems to be a sequel of RC
Possible spoilers (?) for RC below the cut. 
In this one Ling Ruo, the original protagonist, is now the Empress Dowager. Her son Mu Beijiang has risen up to become the new Emperor after Mu Lingchen passes away.
The protagonist of RoQ is Xiao Xiayue (name changeable), the niece of the former Empress Xiao Lianyi. Turns out that the Xiao family rebelled against Lingchen, but failed. As a result the entire family was put to death except for Lianyi, who later committed suicide, and Xiayue. 
Because Xiayue truly loves Beijiang she was spared, but Ruo eventually turns Beijiang against her, as Xiayue a member of the Xiao family, and so she struggles her way up the harem ranks and back into Beijiang’s heart.
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dangermousie · 3 years
OK, I am loving Those Years In Quest of Honor Mine enough to have purchased it on jjwxc but I am sorry, A ROMANTIC COMEDY?
Zhong Wan was clear about this: those people were only trying to get from him, this “adopted son,” the evidence of Prince Ning’s defection. Although he had been young, he possessed a scholarly honor. Those people did not dare to physically torture him. Instead, they fed him poor meals. They called him in day and night repeatedly for interrogation, for intimidation, and three months passed like that.
They threatened him: “Young Master Zhong, you’ve kept quiet all this time. As such, we can only request His Majesty to have the Imperial Clan Court help us with this investigation. When that time comes, we can also interrogate the heir Xuan Rui.”
They tried to lure him by promise of gain: “If you’ve been tricked by Prince Ning, just say it! His Majesty has ordered that in light of watching you grow up and his like for you, he would naturally look at your accomplishments and forgive your mistakes. He would not make things difficult for your honored self. Young Master Zhong… You’re only one step away from the Palace Exam. In ten days, the Palace Exam will begin. As long as you admit that you passed messages to Prince Ning, all of this would be forgotten…”
Zhong Wan resisted for a month. He grew so thin his appearance changed. After hearing the words of the interrogators, he dropped his head, and with a voice hoarse and unlike that of a human, he said, “Xuan Rui is His Highness’ full-blooded son. Now that His Highness encountered this great disaster, he will be implicated without a doubt. I can’t help him with the suffering that he will naturally experience. I can bear the punishment that is warranted. He can as well.
“You can request for the Imperial Clan Court all you want. I also want to know… if they would dare to interrogate a ten-year-old child.
“The Palace Exam will be held after eleven days. I know that better than you. You’ll send me to take the Palace Exam? Heh… I have already lost all my titles, yet you can actually send me to the Palace Exam? You’re truly capable…”
After another month, Zhong Wan still did not relent, admitting to nothing. After enduring such hard times, he fell into a dazed state. His interrogators thought they were one step away from getting him to confess. They sent someone to stand outside his cell, chanting, “Yesterday Prince Ning had already confessed. Yesterday Prince Ning had already confessed. Yesterday Prince Ning had already confessed.”
They just needed to wait until Zhong Wan’s mental breakdown, and he’d confess to anything they said.
Zhong Wan knew he could not fall insane. If he slipped up, everyone in Prince Ning’s household would definitely lose their lives.
Zhong Wan was clear on the fact that Prince Ning did not defect. In his heart lay a hint of hope. That Prince Ning was still alive. That he was certainly enduring much suffering right now.
Prince Ning could hold on, so how could he not?
At that time, Zhong Wan was tormented to the point he could not even eat a bite of rice. He was afraid he would lose his mind, and desperately tried to find something to occupy himself. Zhong Wan leaned against the wall, ripping the plain buns given them him into thin shreds. Expressionless, he threw the shreds through the gaps of the cell door. Onto the face of the person utilizing psychological warfare against him.
It spooked the person who was chanting so much, he could not even react. A long time passed before he finally burst into anger and yelled at Zhong Wan. But Zhong Wan retaliated by hurling his meal and soup at him, and unable to dodge, that person was soaked from head to toe.
Those interrogating him did not dare to let him starve. They delivered another meal shortly after. Zhong Wan rose to his feet and beat up anyone who came.
Half a month later, the Minister of Justice finally came in person to question him. Zhong Wan reported to the minister the fraudulent practices of his interrogators, accusing them of exploiting their power for personal gains and manipulating the imperial examinations. The next day, those who had said they would bring him to the Palace Exam were detained. And they were jailed in a cell right next to Zhong Wan. Every day, he threw his meal and soup at those people.
Another month rolled along. And Prince Ning passed away in Beijiang. In his cell, red mist sprayed from Zhong Wan’s lips. The next day, he was stripped of his civilian status. Thrown into slavery.
Perhaps I just don't know what romantic comedy entails? Seriously, the HELL!
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faelicy · 4 years
Hi! May I ask real quick how are you translating Beijiang, Nanjiang and/or Southern Xinjiang? I'm writing a fic but I can't seem to get correctly the locations following BC Novels' multiple trans! Thanksss
Hi! I think this is a translation error: jiang (疆) also means border, so in these cases they should be “northern border” and “southern border.” I’ve seen several Chinese danmei where it’s mistakenly translated as Xinjiang, even though the novel is set well before Xinjiang was ever occupied by China.
Something similar applies to SV: ZZL even says that his father is from 南疆, (Nanjiang) so unless we think MXTX placed Xinjiang in the Demon Realm, most likely it’s just a generic “southern border in the Demon Realm.”
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lunarriviera · 6 months
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猎罪图鉴 | under the skin 1 of ∞ | beijiang city public safety bureau edition
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Happy to have tea brewed today by our good friend Scott S. who is visiting from Beijing. The first Yixing teapot is used for brewing the tea, the second is being used as a cha hai or sharing pitcher. The tea is Floating Leaves premium, quadruple roasted Dong Ding which is very well crafted and a delicious example of traditional style "Frozen Peak" Taiwanese Oolong. The double Yixing teapot method brings out the tea's complexity as well as softening it's overall impression. The tea table is the Gong Fu station at Seattle's Best Tea in The International District, one of Seattles oldest and best tea shops. The complexity of the tea and the attention to detail of the tea brewer produced a wonderful experience. Our good friend and Seattle tea legend James L. was in the house too. #thehappyteaman #dongding #chinesetea #nice #teatable #gongfu #chahai #double #quadruple #beijiang #complex #frozenpeak
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aliworldtrade · 3 years
Yixing Li Ao Plastic Industry Co., Ltd.
86-138-16221859 138 1622 1859
No. 212, Building 1, Lane 688, Beijiang Beech Road, Minhang District, Shanghai, China
With head office in Shanghai, China, we are a leading & most professional manufacturer of high quality artificial turf in China. All of our products are made under strict quality control system. We are both ISO9000 and ISO14001 approved factory with 200,000 square meters factory base. All of our products are SGS,CE,ROHS,LABOSPORT,ISA tested and approved.The advantages to work with us are: 1) We work with International Giant brands to make our turf. Our raw material supplier are from Germany BASF, Tencate of Netherlands, Sinopec of China. Now, with our own know-how technology, we are in China the few factories that can make good quality turf fiber. Thus we can control the quality from the very beginning and to ensure each shipment the same quality (this is very important for long term and big business) 2) Fast delivery: we need only 10-20 days to deliver 20,000 square meters once the order is confirmed. Fast delivery like this way can save your time and money. (The other competitors need to buy turf fiber from other sources. This is wasting time. Besides, the quality is out of control as the fiber is not originally supplier you buy from.) 3) Excellent/top quality: we are the manufacturer that can guarantee all of our products to be the years as provided. And we guarantee the quality is exactly the same as the sample you receive from us, or even better. 4) Less competition: As we make the turf fiber by ourselves, our products are different from any other suppliers. You may get same samples from many different suppliers because they are buying turf fiber from same sources. So everybody in your country can sell same products from different suppliers. Now you will not face tough price competition if you sell our turf. It is Just because our products are really different. 5) Competitive price: Since we make the fiber by ourselves, we don’t need to buy such material from overseas or other sources unlike other suppliers. Thus we can cut down the cost to the bottom. 6) Absolute Environment friendly—We are the company always insists on using new material (not recycled material including heavy metal or other dangerous material) that is absolutely no harm to environment. Unlikely other suppliers, we believe that a responsible company should always take care of the environment. We also have SGS (Swiss company in Shanghai) testing report available that shows our turf is completely no harm to environment.Besides, if required and your order quantity is above 6,000 sqm for any shipment, we can also apply for SGS testing report for each shipment on our own account.7) Easy and quick installation—We apply new technology into the turf making process. And this makes our turf to stand straight upward much quicker than from other suppliers. This can make the installation easier and quicker thus can save time and labor cost.8) Our grass meets the highest UV resistance to be 7-8. From the hottest area like in Middle east to be over 65 degree and to the coldest area like in Russia to be blow -40 degree, all of our artificial turf stand there very well and have been keeping good performance over years. 9) Our factory base has been audited by the 3rd party of SGS with head office in Swiss. That shows our real production capability as well as other details you may know.You are welcome to join us! We are confident that we can grow together and you can win a lot through our partnership!
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Hi! How about a crossover with Under the skin? I know from the novel that Chen Yuzhi was adopted and we don't know anything about his family. Shen Yi and Chen Yuzhi are siblings, different in childhood./They're damn similar/ They find each other when they were in high school and the Chen family immediately adopted Shen Yi. They maintain a relationship, despite the fact that they live in different cities. One day Wang Meng came to visit Shen Yi/he works as a consultant in the police, who but a former drug dealer will be able to catch drug dealers?/ Wang Meng is like an older brother to Yuzhi and Shen Yi, he would kill anyone for them. The artist is very happy about this meeting, which makes Du Chen jealous. Wang Meng asks about Shen Yi's life, he is curious about how he met Du Cheng. When the artist tells that Du Cheng arrested him, Wang Meng starts laughing. Shen Yi doesn't understand what's going on. "You are definitely siblings with Yuzhi," Wang Meng grins.-"He was also arrested by Jian Yuelou, accused of drug trafficking. Then of course he fell in love like a boy," Shen Yi is shocked, he did not know how his brother and his husband met. Wang Meng teases the artist if he has fallen in love with his captain. Then Chen Yuzhi and Jian Yuelou arrive in the city and the team is shocked at how similar the brothers are. Du Chen gets jealous when Yuelou squeezes Shen Yi, and the artist allows it. Yuelou laughs when he finds out about Du Chen and Shen Yi's acquaintance. "You are definitely brothers." Then Shen Yi is kidnapped. Everyone goes to save him. Yuzhi offers the kidnapper a duel. If he wins, his brother will be free. The kidnapper thinks that Yuzhi is not dangerous and will win easily. That's just Yuzhi is a doctor, and his husband is also a police captain and his fighting style is very effective. He knocks him out very quickly. Du Chen is a little shocked. Yuelou just says that his husband is hot as hell and it's not worth angering him. Naturally, Yuzhi promises Du Chen, if he offends Shen Yi, then he will give him hell😈
Sorry for so many words, it's just that these kids are so similar that they just have to be brothers at least in the headcanon)
Yessssss, more K&H x UTS...love it.  Also, I apologize that it took me so long to answer
It was a pretty normal day by Shen Yi’s standards as he sat at his drawing table, working on a new sketch when Du Cheng opened the door and popped his head in
“Hey, Shen Yi.  Someone’s here looking for you”
Shen Yi looked up at him and raised an eyebrow before he stood up from his desk and headed out of the room, he and Du Cheng stepping into the bullpen before his eyes widened
“Wang Meng!”
He then stepped forward and threw his arms around the tan skinned man, the man laughing before he pulled away, Shen Yi tilting his head at him
“What are you doing here?”
Wang Meng smiled
“Just dropping by.  I was helping another division with a case.  But Jiang Yuelou and Chen Yuzhi should be down here in a few days”
Shen Yi’s eyes widened
“Ah?  They’re coming down here?  Why?”
Wang Meng hummed
“Apparently it’s a joint investigation between the Jing City Police Department and the Beijiang Sub Bureau”
He then looked at Du Cheng, who was standing behind Shen Yi with a small frown on his face, and raised an eyebrow
“Oh?  This is your captain, right?”
Shen Yi turned and looked over at Du Cheng before he motioned him over, Du Cheng obediently walking over before he held out his hand
“Captain Du Cheng”
Wang Meng smiled
“Wang Meng”
Wang Meng then looked over at Shen Yi and raised an eyebrow
“So, how are things down here?  Dating anyone?”
Du Cheng’s eyes widened
“Oi, you can’t just ask a question like that!”
Wang Meng looked up at him and raised an eyebrow
“Why not?  I’m like an older brother to him”
Shen Yi looked at Du Cheng and nodded
“It’s true”
Du Cheng huffed
“Well then, if we’re going to have this kind of talk, we can do it in my office”
Wang Meng and Shen Yi nodded before they followed after him and headed into his office, Wang Meng shutting the door behind them as Shen Yi cleared his throat
“Um…yes, I am dating someone”
Wang Meng raised an eyebrow
“Oh?  Who?”
Shen Yi blushed as Du Cheng raised his hand
Wang Meng hummed
“How did you two meet?”
Shen Yi blushed again and rubbed the back of his neck
“Ah…the first time we met, he actually arrested me”
Wang Meng looked between the two before he burst out laughing, Du Cheng and Shen Yi looking at him in shock as he waved his hand
“I’m not…I’m not laughing at your relationship.  I’m laughing because you’re a lot like your brother”
Shen Yi and Du Cheng looked at him in confusion
“What?  How am I like Yuzhi?”
Wang Meng raised an eyebrow
“You don’t know?”
Shen Yi shook his head
Wang Meng grinned
“When he first met Jiang Yuelou, Jiang Yuelou actually arrested him, thinking that he was a drug dealer.  They of course went on to fall in love and stuff after everything cleared up but…you two really are brothers”
Shen Yi blinked before he laughed; he really had no idea that was how his brother and his husband met
Wang Meng then smiled
“If you’ve already been arrested and you’re dating…next step is marriage then”
Du Cheng and Shen Yi look at him with wide eyes
“Wang Meng!”
Wang Meng laughed and waved his hand
“Kidding, I’m kidding.  I said the exact same thing to Yuzhi and I think he almost stabbed me with his scalpel”
Shen Yi huffed
“No kidding”
Wang Meng chuckled before he looked at him
“But, if you want your eldest brother’s blessing, you definitely have it”
He then turned and headed out of the room, leaving Du Cheng and Shen Yi alone before Du Cheng looked at Shen Yi
“I thought you only had one brother”
Shen Yi nodded
“I do…Wang Meng is just a friend who’s really protective of Yuzhi and I”
Du Cheng hummed as Shen Yi looked over at him
“You’ve never met my brother, have you?”
Du Cheng shook his head
“No.  You talk about him a lot, so I’m kind of looking forward to meeting him”
Shen Yi smiled
“He’s really kind.  I think you’ll like him”
A few days later, two men stepped into the sub bureau, everyone whispering when they saw them
One of the men, the one dressed in a cream suit, looked up and when he saw Shen Yi, he smiled and walked over to him, hugging him tightly
When they pulled away, Shen Yi looked over at Jiang Yuelou and smiled
“Commissioner Jiang”
Jiang Yuelou chuckled and pulled him into a hug
“Shen Yi”
He then looked over at Du Cheng, who was glowering, and raised an eyebrow
“You must be Captain Du”
Du Cheng blinked before he nodded and walked over to them, shaking his hand
“Captain Du Cheng”
Jiang Yuelou smiled
“Commissioner Jiang Yuelou”
He then motioned to Chen Yuzhi
“And my husband, Dr. Chen Yuzhi”
Du Cheng shook his hand
“Pleasure.  Shall we speak in my office?”
Jiang Yuelou and Chen Yuzhi nodded before the four of them headed into Du Cheng’s office, Li Han and Jiang Feng looking at each other as they walked away
“Dude, Dr. Chen and Professor Shen look so fucking similar”
“They’re brothers, aren’t they?”
“Yeah but like…aren’t they adoptive brothers?  How can they look so similar?”
Li Han shook her head as Jiang Feng huffed
Meanwhile, in Du Cheng’s office, Du Cheng crossed his arms as he looked at Chen Yuzhi
“So you’re the brother I’ve heard so much about”
Chen Yuzhi raised an eyebrow
“Oh?  Shen Yi’s been talking about me?”
Du Cheng hummed
“Said he had a brother that looked just like him that it was almost scary. I can see what he means”
Chen Yuzhi huffed
“You know we’re adopted siblings, right?”
Du Cheng nodded
“Of course, Shen Yi told me everything”
Both Jiang Yuelou and Chen Yuzhi raised an eyebrow before they looked over at Shen Yi, who was blushing furiously
“Du Cheng~”
Du Cheng chuckled as Jiang Yuelou crossed his arms
“So, how did you two meet?  Through work?”
Du Cheng shook his head
“We actually met ten years prior before we started working together when I arrested him because I thought he was the one behind my teacher’s murder.  He was not but I didn’t realize it at the time”
Jiang Yuelou’s eyes widened before he laughed, Du Cheng and Shen Yi huffing
“Not you too”
Jiang Yuelou shook his head, still laughing, before he nudged Chen Yuzhi
“Definitely your brother.  Must run in the family”
Chen Yuzhi tsked and pinched him in the side
“Shut up”
Shen Yi and Du Cheng watched them with a smile before Du Cheng cleared his throat
“Now, about the case”
The case went rather smoothly up until the end, when the suspect decided to take Shen Yi hostage
Of course Du Cheng, Jiang Yuelou, and Chen Yuzhi went after him and when they found him tied to a chair in the middle of the warehouse, Chen Yuzhi stepped forward
“How about we have ourselves a little fight?”
The kidnapper raised an eyebrow
“Eh?  You?”
Chen Yuzhi nodded
“Me.  If I win, my brother goes free.  If I lose, you take me hostage instead”
The kidnapper looked him up and down before he chuckled
“This should be a piece of cake.  Deal”
Chen Yuzhi smirked as Du Cheng looked over at Jiang Yuelou
“Are we sure this is a good idea?”
Jiang Yuelou smiled
“Yuzhi will be fine”
Du Cheng frowned but watched as Chen Yuzhi calmly stood there while the kidnapper came running at him, a switchblade in his hand
The kidnapper then jabbed at him but Chen Yuzhi just step-sided him before elbowing him in the back of the head, causing him to stumble forward before he spun around, only to have Chen Yuzhi roundhouse kick him in the face, sending him to the ground
The kidnapper then let out a groan as Chen Yuzhi calmly walked over to him and kicked the knife away before he knelt down and reached into his pocket
“And just for good measure—”
He then pulled out a roll kit and unrolled it before pulling out a small needle, carefully placing it into the back of the man’s neck
The man went still as Du Cheng’s eyes widened
“W-What did you do?”
Chen Yuzhi looked up at him and smiled
“Put him to sleep.  He’s fine. Now, don’t you think you should go untie my brother?”
Du Cheng’s eyes widened and he quickly ran over to Shen Yi, untying him before he helped him out of the chair, looking him over
“Are you hurt?  Are you okay?”
Shen Yi smiled and shook his head
“I’m fine”
Just then, Jiang Yuelou and Chen Yuzhi rushed over to them, Chen Yuzhi looking Shen Yi up and down
“Yuzhi, I’m fine”
“Shut up, I’m a doctor, let me check”
Shen Yi rolled his eyes but allowed Chen Yuzhi to look him over before he swatted his hands away
“I’m fine!”
Chen Yuzhi hummed
“Yes, it seems that you are”
Du Cheng then looked at him
“Where did you…learn how to do that?”
Chen Yuzhi raised an eyebrow
“What? Fight?”
Du Cheng nodded as Shen Yi looked at him
“I always thought you were so mild-mannered!  I didn’t realize you were so—”
Jiang Yuelou smiled
Chen Yuzhi clicked his tongue and gently smacked him on the chest as he wrapped an arm around his waist and pulled him close
“I taught him how to fight…as did Wang Meng, since he somehow keeps getting taken by the bad guys”
Chen Yuzhi groaned
“It’s not my fault I just happen to be there when shit goes down”
Jiang Yuelou tsked
“Liar, you go looking for trouble”
Chen Yuzhi turned to look at him
“And whose fault is that?  You’re a bad influence”
He then turned towards Du Cheng and pointed at him
“And you”
Du Cheng flinched, as did Shen Yi, as Chen Yuzhi’s normally kind eyes turned serious
“Know this.  If you hurt my brother at all, what I did to that kidnapper is nothing compared to what I’ll do to you.  Understand?”
Du Cheng nodded as Chen Yuzhi hummed
He then looked at Shen Yi
“Come, I want to take a better look at your wrists”
Shen Yi nodded and followed after him, both brothers leaving their partners behind
Du Cheng looked over to see Jiang Yuelou raising an eyebrow
“A little, yeah”
Jiang Yuelou smiled
“Don’t be.  He’s just protective of his family.  But I wouldn’t get on his bad side…Shen Yi’s right, my Yuzhi is very mild-mannered and gentle but he will not hesitate to break every bone in your body if he thought you deserved it”
Du Cheng gulped
Jiang Yuelou smiled
“And I think that’s very sexy of him”
He then walked off, heading over to pick up the kidnapper and take him back to the station to interrogate him, while Du Cheng blinked rapidly in shock and confusion
‘What kind of fucking family am I going to marry into?’
Because yes, Du Cheng was (and is) going to propose to Shen Yi some day...but after meeting his potential in-laws...he’s a little afraid to pop the question
(He still does end up proposing to Shen Yi...after another a very terrifying shovel talk not only from Jiang Yuelou and Chen Yuzhi...but from Wang Meng as well)
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mythochondrion · 2 years
Excuse me, Boo!
Do you have a moment to talk about our lord and savior, the Holy Whore of Beijiang?
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