#beginner violin lessons
Wellesley School of Music
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Website: https://www.wellesleyschoolofmusic.com
Address: 51 Grove St, Wellesley, Massachusetts 02482, United States
Wellesley School of Music offers a unique blend of music education and healing arts. Specializing in violin, piano, and voice lessons for ages 6-12, the school provides both in-person and online classes. Additionally, it offers eclectic services like ecstatic dance events, crystal reiki sound baths, and music composition guidance. The school's approach combines professional music training with creative expression and wellness, catering to a diverse community in Wellesley and beyond.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wellesleyschoolofmusic/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@wellesleyschoolofmusic/
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Beginner violin lessons
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Violin instruction near me
Beginner violin lessons near me
Violin instruction
Ecstatic dance events
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canmom · 8 months
first erhu/zhonghu lesson today, I'm excited...
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destrachan · 5 months
me, very unfit and prone to injury due to Problems: I have decided to become a Figure Skater
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wmdimusic · 6 months
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Music and Dance Institute in Abu Dhabi |WMDI
WMDI Abu Dhabi is one of the best dance and music institutes in UAE that aims to deliver music and art to every home in Abu Dhabi at a very affordable price. We have a leading team in the field of music and dance with years of experience in teaching music and art at affordable prices. So without further ado, visit our site today and contact us to be one step ahead in the world of dance and music.
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voloacademy · 1 year
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cherrytia · 1 year
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Is Taking an Online Music Class Right for You?
Students who take music lessons online can practise for an additional 30 to two hours per week. Students can use that time to warm up, learn a new piece, or practise material from earlier classes instead of travelling to class.
Are you considering taking an online music class but are unsure if it’s the right fit for you? Taking music classes online can offer a range of benefits and drawbacks. In this blog post, we’ll explore the advantages and disadvantages of taking an online music class so you can decide if it is the right option. We’ll cover topics such as accessibility, cost, time commitment, and the quality of instruction. Read on to learn more about online music classes and decide if it is the right choice for you.
There are a few factors to consider when deciding whether taking best violin courses online is right for you. Here are a few things to think about:
Do you have the necessary equipment and technology? Online music classes typically require access to a computer with a stable internet connection and possibly a webcam or microphone. Make sure you have the necessary hardware and software to participate in the class.
Do you have a dedicated space to practice and take the class? Having a quiet, distraction-free space to focus on your music studies is important.
Are you self-motivated and able to work independently? Best online violin classes can require self-motivation and discipline, as you will be responsible for completing assignments and practising independently.
Do you have the time to commit to an online music class? Make sure you have the time and energy to devote to your music studies, as online classes can be just as demanding as in-person classes.
If you can answer "yes" to these questions, an online music class might be a good fit. It's also a good idea to talk to the instructor or administrator of the class to get a sense of the course requirements and workload.
Weigh the Pros and Cons of Taking an Online Music Class
Online music classes and best online violin classes provide unique opportunities to pursue your musical interests conveniently and flexibly. However, before committing to an online music class, it is important to consider the pros and cons of such an endeavour. 
• Flexibility: Online music classes offer flexibility in learning, allowing you to study at your own pace and adjust your schedule around other commitments. 
• Convenience: You don't need to leave your home or commute to a class, which can be especially useful if you're short on time or have mobility challenges. 
• Cost savings: Online music classes often come with a lower price tag than traditional classes, making them a more cost-effective option for those on a budget. 
• Variety of materials: Depending on the class, you may have access to various materials, such as video lessons and practice guides, to help you learn. 
• Technical issues: Taking an online music class requires access to technology, which can sometimes be unreliable. If you have trouble connecting or downloading materials, it could affect your ability to participate and keep up with the course. 
• Lack of interaction: It can be difficult to interact with classmates and instructors without face-to-face meetings, making it harder to ask questions or get feedback promptly. 
• Isolation: Since online courses take place remotely, it can be easy to feel isolated from your peers and instructors. 
• Time commitment: Learning music online in the best violin courses online still requires a significant amount of time and dedication, and it can be difficult to stay motivated without regular in-person interactions. 
By weighing the pros and cons, you can decide whether taking an online music class is the right fit for you.
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lets-share-neen · 2 years
Can anyone tell me how to not get super nervous when practicing my violin in front of people? 😅 My hands are shaking SO BADLY even in front of my teacher who is probably used to bad violin sounds, it's so embarrassing 😂 I also got scolded a lot cause I tend to not keep the right tempo but get faster and faster if I feel confident (if you can play it slowly you can play it quickly right 😏)
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monsoon-of-art · 3 months
🎻 For Hayday, Dragon, and Clay?
🎻 VIOLIN — does your oc play any instruments? what is their skill level (beginner/intermediate/advanced/virtuoso/etc)?
Dragonfly took some piano lessons in elementary school, but she hasn't really picked up an instrument since.
Hayday plays Guitar, and he's pretty good at it. Although he will admit freely that he only learned to impress pretty girls (and guys, heh)
Clay is completely tone deaf. It's almost funny how bad he is at it
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thehollowwriter · 3 months
for all ur new twst ocs :)
Does Morrigan count as new? I'm gonna add him anyways
🎻 VIOLIN — Does your oc play any instruments? what is their skill level (beginner/intermediate/advanced/virtuoso/etc)?
Morrigan likes music, it's a very big part of mer culture, after all! He always struggled to focus during music lessons since he found them boring, but he still loves to play. He's quite skilled at the flute (intermediate) and is a very talented singer :).
Cosme plays guitar and is quite advanced! He started when he came to NRC. He's very good at it and will play for his class if they're well behaved enough.
Nkululeko does play instruments! He can play a number of Xhosa instruments (he's quite talented with the uhadi and umrhube) but also the mbira! It's not a Xhosa intrument, in fact, it is Zimbabwean, but he has recently begun learning how to play it and is a beginner. He likes music a lot and probably would've joined the Light Music Club if it weren't for Track and Field.
Timo doesn't really play instruments, but he does like to sing. Is he good? Nobody knows. He doesn't let anybody hear him. Well, Finn has heard him, but he can't remember because he was very small at the time.
🐈 CAT — Does your oc prefer a wide circle of friends or a few close friends?
Morrigan always struggled to make friends, since most people first experience his well behaved middle class personality, and then his more wild, sometimes even cruel, side later, which makes them leave since they feel he was tricking them. Nonetheless, he managed to make a few close friends, and he definitely preferred that.
Cosme prefers a few close friends. He's friends with Sam and a couple of other people outside NRC. He spills campus tea to them lmao.
Nkululeko likes a wide circle of friends! His personality gels well with most people, and they generally like him. He's also quite popular on Magicam, and he considers his followers friends in a way.
Timo also struggles to make friends, but he has a few of them that he's close to and definitely prefers it over a bunch of them that could turn on him on a whim.
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 FAMILY WITH MOTHER, FATHER, SON AND DAUGHTER — how many people are in your oc's immediate family? how many people are in your oc's extended family? do they have aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, etc? who in their family are they closest with? are they close with their birth family, or do they have a found family?
Morrigan has a mother, father, a few siblings, as well as a number of aunts, uncles, and cousins. No grandparents, unfortunately. And obviously, Silas is his husband. He isn't estranged from his family and loves them deeply, but he always felt rather detached from them, like they didn't really understand him and vise verse. He always felt closest to Silas.
Cosme has two adopted mothers, an adopted sister and a niece. He is very close with all of them and loves them dearly. He spoils his niece rotten ;)
Nkululeko has a father (a human from the Sunset Savanna) and a mother (a Sally Lightfoot Crab beastman from the Land of Dawning), as well as a three younger siblings who he adores and several cousins. He's especially close with his father.
Timo is an orphan. He was not fond of the girl's orphanage he grew up in at all and felt very isolated from the others, and he did not get along with the adults there. He really wanted to find work to get out of there, so he began looking around and found a couple of ads for Silas' business and applied. He did end up babysitting Finn because [insert lamentations spoilers here], and during that time, he got pretty close to Silas and views him as a father figure (he will never admit it out loud he feels too embarrased) and views Finn as his lil brother. It's kind of found family, but also kinda not at the same time.
Tagging: @theleechyskrunkly @cyanide-latte @the-banana-0verlord @officialdaydreamer00 @jovieinramshackle @cynthinesia @oya-oya-okay @skrimpyskimpy
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savagewildnerness · 1 month
I keep seeing your violin videos in my recommendations and I just wanted to say that you're really talented! How long have you been playing?
Hello Anon ☺️,
That’s so kind of you. Thank you so much! I don’t consider myself a musician, so it really means a lot.
I started playing violin when I was 8 years old. I only ever had free violin lessons in school. When we were 8, a violin teacher came to my primary school & we were told if we wanted to learn violin, we could “audition” (they were just testing for musical aptitude as we obviously couldn’t play yet!) & 4 of us were chosen. I just walked out of school one day with a (school lent us instruments for the first few years) violin, as I hadn’t told any of my friends or my parents they’d chosen me as I as worried my friends would be sad they weren’t picked.
I had violin lessons till I was 18, just under 10 years, just in term time. As I went through school, most children who had had free music lessons eventually gave up sooner or later. Or their parents could afford private lessons too. But I would just miss lessons for my 15 minute violin lessons once a week.
In my secondary school there were two sisters - one 3 years older than me & the other a year younger who were magnificent violinists (one ended up a conductor, the other a violist in an orchestra.) Their parents were musicians too (nobody in my family plays an instrument), they’d played since they were 3 & they were confident & really talented. The girl nearer my age always bullied & hated me & as a quiet child I always felt lucky not to be bullied more. But she did it. I never understood why she hated me. I still don’t understand why she hated me so much. She was way more popular than me & way more talented. Anyway, she was still an incredible musician.
I did get as far as grade 8 violin & my violin teacher told me she’d never got another student who had never had a private music lesson to grade 8, so I suppose it was something. But I always felt (& was) inferior.
When I was 12 (old for this!) I began private piano lessons outside school. My piano teacher taught those 2 girls too! When I was 13 she was going to reduce the number of pupils she taught, semi-retiring & since I hadn’t played long, she told my Mum I’d have to stop piano lessons. But then I had my piano lesson that day. I was still a beginner of course, but she said I played with such feeling that she couldn’t stop teaching me. I only got up to Grade 6 piano, but I enjoy playing piano too.
Anyway, I don’t know whether my violin tags just found you randomly (sorry!), but in case it’s via vampire chronicles (which inspire the improvisations here): I first read them around when I began piano lessons & always associated with Nicolas - as a child who played violin & knew I would never be as good as even others in my tiny school, let alone as good as people in the wide world. And yet, occasionally people said some nice thing about my playing. It didn’t seem to mean much, but it mattered still, because I loved music & I felt music & it meant a lot to me. I felt like Nicolas: like I could never be good enough, but I’d always felt deeply from & deeply connected to music. (I also danced as a child, so I felt music in how I moved to it long before I played violin.)
I am actually now a music therapist & though I still do not consider myself a musician (& there will always be way better music therapists than me too), I am lucky to be able to use my music, though it’s a lot of bashing cymbals & drums & singing silly sounds to tell the truth 😁😂😅. I work in different workplaces, with children & adults with disabilities. I work a lot with children who are nonverbal - some with profound & multiple disabilities, some with visual impairments, a lot who are autistic & well… a wide range. I am so lucky to be able to do what I do & work with the incredible people I work with - each so unique that my work is always so different & often very fun (& funny! Humour, as music is beyond words!) But I have never done anything at all personally creative, so sometimes it’s nice to do that, just for me, hence improvising.
As a child I was a horrible perfectionist too, but life taught me, perfection is impossible. You will never be the best at any thing & you likely won’t be even ‘very good’, let alone ‘great’ at much, or likely any thing either. However, what we can all be is: free.
So this longer answer than you wanted for sure is to say - may we all do whatever little thing, whenever we are able to to feel that little more free! 🥰 I wish that for everyone who may read this.
And - do things you’re bad at too! Sometimes I like to paint or draw & I have the same skill at drawing as I did when I was 7 (0 skill!) yet it can be more fun as there is no expectation of yourself, so you can actually be free like you were as a child. (Well, I wasn’t very free as a child! But you get the gist! 😂)
Thank you again for your question & for your kindness! And sorry for my longer-than-you-could-ever-have-wanted answer! 😇🎻
Do other people play instruments? I bet loads of you are incredible musicians, way, way better than silly me. I always wanted to play cello, saxophone & (random) piccolo too! But I can’t play any of those! 😅 I’d give cello a good try if cellos weren’t too expensive to own a cello when you’re not a cellist! 😂 That’s why I like my nice extra deep C string on my 5 stringed violin. That, and having that extra string can help if I’m working with someone who loves deeper sounds, or just in general - to have that extra range. ☺️
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tearsinthemist · 4 months
Want to learn something new
Want to learn something new in 2022??
Absolute beginner adult ballet series (fabulous beginning teacher)
40 piano lessons for beginners (some of the best explanations for piano I’ve ever seen)
Excellent basic crochet video series
Basic knitting (probably the best how to knit video out there)
Pre-Free Figure Skate Levels A-D guides and practice activities (each video builds up with exercises to the actual moves!)
How to draw character faces video (very funny, surprisingly instructive?)
Another drawing character faces video
Literally my favorite art pose hack
Tutorial of how to make a whole ass Stardew Valley esque farming game in Gamemaker Studios 2??
Introduction to flying small aircrafts
French/Dutch/Fishtail braiding
Playing the guitar for beginners (well paced and excellent instructor)
Playing the violin for beginners (really good practical tips mixed in)
Color theory in digital art (not of the children’s hospital variety)
Retake classes you hated but now there’s zero stakes:
Calculus 1 (full semester class)
Learn basic statistics (free textbook)
Introduction to college physics (free textbook)
Introduction to accounting (free textbook)
Learn a language:
Ancient Greek
Japanese (grammar guide) (for dummies)
Russian (pretty good cyrillic guide!)
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Jan 2, 2023
Want to learn something new in 2023??
Cooking with flavor bootcamp (used what I learned in this a LOT this year)
Beekeeping 101
Learn Interior Design from the British Academy of Interior Design (free to audit course - just choose the free option when you register)
Video on learning to read music that actually helped me??
How to use and sew with a sewing machine
How to ride a bike (listen. some of us never learned, and that's okay.)
How to cornrow-braid hair (I have it on good authority that this video is a godsend for doing your baby niece's black hair)
Making mead at home (I actually did this last summer and it was SO good)
How to garden
Basics of snowboarding (proceed with caution)
How to draw for people who (think they) suck at art (I know this website looks like a 2003 monstrosity, but the tutorials are excellent)
Pixel art for beginners so you can make the next great indie game
Go (back) to school
Introduction to Astronomy (high school course - free textbook w/ practice problems)
Principals of Economics (high school course - free textbook w/ practice problems)
Introduction to philosophy (free college course)
Computer science basics (full-semester Harvard course free online)
Learn a language
Japanese for Dummies (link fix from 2022)
Portuguese (Brazil)
American Sign Language (as somebody who works with Deaf people professionally, I also strongly advise you to read up on Deaf/HoH culture and history!)
Chinese (Mandarin, Simplified)
Quenya (LOTR fantasy elf language)
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Dec 26, 2023
Want to learn something new in 2024??
Beginner-oriented video on how to sail
This guy has so many videos on baking different types of bread. SO very many.
Coding in Python - one of the most flexible and adaptable high-level programming languages out there - explained through projects making video games
Learn to swim! (for adult learners. I don’t care if you live in Kansas or Mali or wherever. LEARN TO SWIM.)
Learn how quantum mechanics works. Then read some more about it
[Learn about quantum mechanics again, but in a more advanced engineering/mathematics class. Then read more about the math and physics of it]
Poetry Handbook, by Mary Oliver
Something I learned this year: how to sew a quilt (Here’s a very easy beginning pattern that looks amazing and can be done with pre-cut fabric!)
How to hit the ball in softball
Tutorial video on what is under the hood of most (gas) cars + weird engine sounds and what they mean
Full beginner mechanics technical training, if you want to go more in depth
Playlist on how car engine physics work if you want to go ultra in depth
Lecture series on architecture design through study of buildings
How (American income) taxes & tax law work (choose “audit course” at checkout for free class)
Pickleball for beginners (so you can finally join your neighbor/friend/distant cousin who is always insisting you join their team)
+ Para-Pickleball for beginners (for mobility aid users!)
School is so much more fun when there’s no tests:
American Law - Contracts
Shakespeare’s Life and Plays
Fairy Tales: Meanings, Messages, and Morals
Modern Poetry
World History [Part 1, Part 2]
Learn a language:
Arabic + Resource Guide compiled from Reddit (includes info on different dialects)
Chinese (Cantonese) (audio)
Urdu (frequently recommended course on Reddit) + Resource Guide
Yucatec Maya
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thedevillionaire · 6 months
🎶 MUSICAL NOTES — what type of music does your oc like? do they listen to music very often?
🔱 TRIDENT EMBLEM — can your oc swim? do they enjoy swimming?
🎮 VIDEO GAME CONTROLLER — what are three of your oc's favorite hobbies?
💍 RING — does your oc have any piercings? do they want any (more) piercings?
🎻 VIOLIN — does your oc play any instruments? what is their skill level (beginner/intermediate/advanced/virtuoso/etc)?
Ooh, nice choices! 🎶 He's (fairly predictably) classically inclined. He leans towards atmospheric and powerful - so like, say, Holst's 'The Planets', with a particular shout-out to 'Mars, Bringer of War'. Within the Underworld's own musicians, he favours Silver, who is a sort of folk-rock lyrical teller of stories. He's not what I'd consider particularly musically inclined, but he does enjoy a background soundtrack, and although he doesn't often listen with what I'd consider intensity or strong focus, he's not disinclined either. 🔱 Yes, but doesn't very often. Which is a shame, because fuck does this man look hot when wet. 🤣 🎮 This one has been answered here! 💍 Single piercing, right ear. He doesn't always wear an earring, though when he does, it's nearly always a simple stud. (Visible in my avatar, actually, though easily missed!) And no, he has no interest in getting any more done. 🎻 Sadly no, this is not one of his many talents. I have a lot of musically inclined OCs, but Cerberus is not among them. He took piano lessons back in his mortal years, and can read music at a basic level and play a bit, but it's not something he has any real passion towards, sorry to say.
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bcbdrums · 8 months
Heyy! I'm curious about your musical career, so here are a couple of questions if you don't mind:
Do you play any instruments other than drums?? And do you play in a band or you sing too and are a solo??
that's kind of you, thanks! and sorry for the slow reply! this got buried in my drafts.
i'm an orchestral percussionist. fave instrument is timpani, hence the avatar. i play all percussion instruments you'd find in orchestra or wind ensemble, big and small, and i also play drum set of course and have taken tabla lessons but don't consider myself a tabla player.
i'm a music teacher, and coming with that territory is the ability to play "every" instrument just a little bit. by every i mean, standard instruments you'd find in an elementary school classroom or in a high school band. so i also play piano, acoustic guitar, flute, clarinet, trumpet, baritone, trombone, violin, and cello. i do NOT consider my strings skills to be worth anything at all, i can just play the instruments well enough to teach a kid how from scratch. i'm better at brass than woodwinds.
basically i'm better than a 10 year old and better than most middle schoolers at all the things except strings, strings i consider myself a beginner. but there's a lot to be said for having the ability to understand all the instruments, how they work... that knowledge helps a lot so often times beginner-level doesn't appear to be beginner... oh yeah i guess i can play recorder and ukulele too. i can repair all these instruments and more if i needed to. ah and i'm a decent piano and guitar player i guess. can perform on those, but i'm very definitely a percussionist.
as to singing, i didn't really start singing until i started teaching. i get lots of compliments so i guess i'm good at it. i could definitely benefit from some professional training and not the one beginning voice class i had in college, lol.
i don't perform vocally... i sing for work, that's about it. and whatever you see me messing around with here on tumblr, which is just recording into my phone lol. i tend to only perform with orchestras and wind ensembles playing percussion, but for work again i've had to play all of the things in front of people. i've been on concert tour in england with a professional wind ensemble, that was fun.
this was very rambly aahhh i hope i answered your question! thank you very much for the interest!
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cherrytia · 1 year
As the world becomes more digitized, traditional forms of learning are also evolving. One of the most significant developments in recent years has been the rise of online learning. Online violin lessons for beginners have become increasingly popular, particularly in Bangalore, where many individuals have busy schedules that make attending physical classes challenging. This article will explore the advantages of online violin lessons for beginners in Bangalore and why it may be the perfect choice for you…
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sobeksewerrat · 6 months
🎻 VIOLIN — does your oc play any instruments? what is their skill level (beginner/intermediate/advanced/virtuoso/etc)?
For Kamille cus she gives band kid vibes
She does, actually!
Her parents enrolled her in piano lessons in some academy that is related to the church when she was young and she really enjoyed it. Plus, Kamille has always had trouble making friends, especially when she was a kid, so it was a chance for her to finally get along with the other kids in that academy.
However, she stopped playing after moving since she felt it was useless without any of her friends around.
As the story progresses, she starts playing once again since she finally has friends.
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