#bee biosecurity
20may · 1 year
Pollinator-friendly practices include crop rotation and diversity, reducing the use of pesticides, and restoring and protecting their habitat.
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Ensuring bee health is a goal of the United Nations food agency, especially in light of threats against them, including unsustainable agriculture, pesticide abuse, and intensive monoculture production.
Pollination is essential for the maintenance of plant biodiversity, the survival of the world’s ecosystems, with about 75 percent of crops – which produce fruits and other seeds for human consumption – depending, at least in part, on pollinators, including bees, FAO said.
Pollinator-friendly practices include crop rotation and diversity, reducing the use of pesticides, and restoring and protecting their habitat. Even the adoption of precision agriculture tools and innovation can protect bees, the agency said.
To help to better protect the pollinators, the agency hosted and co-organized on Thursday the second International Symposium on Biosecurity in Beekeeping, bringing participants up to date on the latest developments in bee biosecurity and the initiatives that the international organizations involved are applying in different areas of the world to ensure bee health.
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alexiusgoesrogue · 4 months
Status Update: Melbourne, Delays, and Wellington
The longest ride is done. It felt horribly long, yet I was surprised how quickly it was over. Probably because of the naps I took. If I remember correctly, we were served three meals during the whole 12h flight, as well as the occasional drink offer of course. But I was too tired to write anything down about them, nor did I take pictures. So no food review for this flight.
In itself, the flight was fine. But the hefty delay under which it started had stressed me. My ticket to Wellington stated the gate opens at 7:15am, leaving 45 minute to board, and another run through TSA, because of course. By the time of landing, I was losing all calm I had. I was close to crying because the disembarking took forever and I was becoming more overstimulated. But as it later turned out, the plane was waiting for us. I rushed through TSA (minus the confusion of the staff when I asked to hand search my Polaroid film), and nice employees directed us to the gate at every corner.
We waited for all passengers, and again, I had an empty seat next to me, aisle this time. But I didn’t find it necessary to switch over to that seat. And due to technical difficulties, we ended up with a total delay of roughly 40 minutes until takeoff.
As of the time I was writing this, I was watching the Five Nights at Freddy’s movie with shitty (but somehow better) headphones, and eating a Werther’s Original thanks to the lovely old man I sat next to.
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The flight was nice and short (compared to the two previous ones), and surprisingly, we were served breakfast. I had the choice between omelette, baked beans and sausage, or a fruit platter. And although I’m not a big omelette fan, I chose that because I wasn’t entirely sure what to expect on the fruit platter.
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Food Ranking:
Omelette: 5/5, absolutely tasty on its own already, I think it contained a bit of cheese. But sprinkling a tiny bit of salt on top made it taste even better
Potatoes: 3/5, a bit weird to handle (they were a bit firm, but brittle), and the taste was just fine
Baked Beans: 5/5, never had baked beans before, and these just killed it. Great flavour, no weird texture, and the sauce was great as well
Bacon: 4/5, decent bacon, meaning fine flavour and not completely burned or soggy with oil, it just had lost some of its original feel due to the reheat I think
Muffin: 3/5, fine dessert, not really sweet, but I was just too stuffed to really enjoy it, and the flavour was fine, but just not good enough to stuff myself full with
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The plane landed a bit chaotically on the runway right by the beach, but all went fine. We [the passengers] disembarked and headed for the luggage carousel to pick up our suitcases. Except mine didn’t show up, as well as several others. The first thing I got to do in New Zealand wasn’t going through border control, it was filing a missing luggage form along with about ten other people.
With that out of the way, the border control went by super fast. I handed them the form and keys to my luggage, and since my declaration file was made online as well as my NZeTA, the woman only needed my passport to check. I was actually a bit disappointed that she didn’t ask for my return ticket as proof, since I had made sure to print it out. After that, I was told to follow the line past the biosecurity checkpoint and a small beagle dog who was working there.
I was now officially in Wellington.
Bee was already waiting for me, and after a quick hello, we headed into town with the bus, ticket sponsored by him. We found our hostel and checked in. Unfortunately, not the same room, or the same floor. But we manage.
We did some shopping for foods I should try, took another break in the common room, and then got small bit of dinner at the McDonald’s next door because we were both too exhausted to bother cooking.
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beekeepingfiji · 4 years
Declaration of Biosecurity Emergency Areas for Varroa Mite (Varroa jacobsoni)
New Post has been published on https://www.beekeepingfiji.com/?p=4917
Declaration of Biosecurity Emergency Areas for Varroa Mite (Varroa jacobsoni)
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IN exercise of the powers conferred on me by section 77 of the Biosecurity Act 2008, with the advice of the Biosecurity Authority of Fiji and in consultation with the National Disaster Management Council, I hereby declare the whole of Fiji as a biosecurity emergency area for Varroa Mite (Varroa jacobsoni).
This Declaration is in force for a period of 6 months from the date of its publication in the Gazette.
Any movement of beehives, nucleus colonies, queen bees or used apicultural equipment within Fiji is strictly prohibited unless the Biosecurity Authority of Fiji provides prior authorisation for the movement.
Pursuant to sections 79(3) and 94 of the Biosecurity Act 2008, any person who contravenes any direction made pursuant to this Declaration commits an offence and is liable to the penalties prescribed under Schedule 5 to the Biosecurity Act 2008.
Dated this 5th day of March 2020.
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melbournenewsvine · 2 years
The homegrown agriculture fund betting on a bumblebee disruptor
Israel-based Arugga has up to 20 pollination robots working in Costa’s glasshouse tomato crop in Guyra, NSW, to replace manual methods and bumblebees. Cultiv8 can invest in Australian and global companies, but Mr Nutt says the fund seeks to invest in technology that will be expanded in Australia to improve productivity, the supply chain or the consumer. “Being in the Southern Hemisphere, it means these global companies can trial their product all year around,” he said. “We’re being recognised for being clean and green, access to the Asian consumer. There are many advantages we can add to these businesses which means we can usually win the deal.” The National Farmers Federation says over 170,000 workers are needed to alleviate a chronic shortage of labour across Australia’s food supply chain, a key theme of the August Jobs and Skills summit and a factor behind rising food prices. Farmers are also confronting a range of biosecurity issues from the deadly varroa mite placing Australia’s bee industry in lockdown to the threat of foot-and-mouth disease. Interest in agtech is heating up after years of under-investment as venture capital funds and family offices seek sustainable and impact investments. Mr Nutt points to the latest AgFunder AgriFoodTech Investment Report which shows investors pumped more than $50 billion into the sector last year, up from $12 billion five years ago fuelled by the trend towards digitisation, a drive from consumers to know where their food is coming from, and businesses embracing sustainability. The fund’s other key investments are Australian rural connectivity company Zetifi; SOOS Technology, a company reversing the gender of chickens before they hatch to reduce the culling of male chicks; and bee-free honey producer MeliBio. Asparagopsis can cut the methane emissions in the form of burps and farts from livestock when added to their feed rations, Nic Walker Cultiv8 has also backed FutureFeed, born out of a collaboration between CSIRO, James Cook University and Meat & Livestock Australia to explore the use of seaweed to reduce livestock methane emissions. FutureFeed boasts seven licensees across Australia, New Zealand, the United States, Canada, and Europe and has received investment from Andrew Forrest’s Tattarang, Woolworths and GrainCorp. “The technology can reduce methane by up to 90 per cent and improve productivity by up to 10 per cent,” Mr Quigley said. “Instead of that energy converting into methane and being expelled by the mouth through breathing and belching, it transitions to either meat or in the case of dairy cattle, milk output.” Like the listed tech sector, agtech hasn’t been immune from the impact of rising interest rates on the amount of capital flowing to early-stage companies. The managers said their space hasn’t seen the same aggressive upside as the broader tech scene due to its nascent positioning, but noted significant pullbacks in valuation in the alternative protein and e-commerce sectors. “The more tangible investments and earlier stage, seed and series A… we haven’t seen a large pullback at all,” Mr Nutt said. Cultiv8 has linked with investment management business Fidante to launch the fund, whose parent Challenger is the cornerstone investor in the first raise. It will have a target size of $100 million and a gross return target of 20 per cent per a year over nine years. Mr Quigley and Mr Nutt are also partners in the Sparklabs Cultiv8 accelerator program which has supported 36 start-up companies. Source link Originally published at Melbourne News Vine
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powertrust · 2 years
New zealand exporter
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This list is provided to help pet owners who want to export their pets overseas. Caring for pets and farm animals if you get COVID-19.Preparing for COVID-19 on a farm, vineyard, or orchard.COVID-19 information and advice Toggle COVID-19 information and advice submenu.Te Uru Rākau – New Zealand Forest Service.Protecting forests from summer wildfires.Forestry in the Emissions Trading Scheme.National Environmental Standards for Plantation Forestry.Aquaculture (fish and shellfish farming).Fishing and aquaculture Toggle Fishing and aquaculture submenu.Rural proofing: guidance for policymakers.Mental wellbeing fund for rural communities.Regional economic development funds and programmes.Future workforce skills for the primary industries.Environment and natural resources: funding and programmes.Funding programmes for tree planting and research.Fishing and aquaculture funding and support.Funding and rural support Toggle Funding and rural support submenu.Farm management, the environment, and land use.Beekeeping: loss survey, tutin contamination, regulations.Winemaking, standards, requirements, and testing.Plant products requirements and pesticide levels.Agricultural compounds and veterinary medicines (ACVM).Protecting pet rabbits from caliciviruses.Vertebrate toxic agents: making, selling, and using.Animal feed: preventing disease transfer.Pet food, animal feed, and nutritional supplements.Veterinary medicines and the ACVM Act 1997.National Animal Identification and Tracing (NAIT) programme.Protecting aquaculture from biosecurity risks.Plans for responding to serious disease outbreaks.Biosecurity border clearance: aircraft, boats, arrival, and clearance facilities.Long-term biosecurity management programmes.Mycoplasma bovis disease eradication programme.Pests and diseases we want to keep out of New Zealand.Find, report, and prevent pests and diseases.Importing research samples (excluding animal samples).Importing vehicles, machinery, and parts.Importing soil, rock, gravel, sand, clay, and water.Importing plants, flowers, seeds, and plant-growing products.Importing agricultural compounds and veterinary medicines (ACVM).Importing biological products and organisms.Household goods and personal effects importing to NZ.Border clearance: aircraft, boats, arrival, and clearance facilities.E-commerce: online selling of products overseas.Exporting live plants and laboratory plant products.Exporting wool, hides, trophies, and rendered animal products.Food safety training courses and events.Maintenance and cleaning products in animal product processing.Labelling and composition of food and drinks.Transport, wharf, and cold and dry store operator food safety.Poultry and egg processing requirements.Winemaking standards, requirements, and testing.Seafood processing, storage, and testing.Honey and bee products processing requirements.Dairy products processing, manufacture, and testing requirements.Food business Toggle Food business submenu.Food safety in natural disasters and emergencies.Fundraising, community, and social event food safety.Food safety tips for fishing, hunting, and homekill.Preparing and storing food safely at home.Food safety at home Toggle Food safety at home submenu.Tramping tips to prevent spreading pests and diseases.Hunting and gathering: biosecurity and food safety.Holding an outdoor event: tips to prevent spread of pests.Boating and watersports tips to prevent spread of pests.Outdoor activities Toggle Outdoor activities submenu.Taking home your trophy or hide from NZ.Take or send from NZ Toggle Take or send from NZ submenu.Arriving in NZ in your own boat or aircraft.Clearance of personal goods and mail to NZ.Bring or send to NZ Toggle Bring or send to NZ submenu.
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Te Papa about Bees: https://blog.tepapa.govt.nz/2021/02/01/new-zealands-native-bees-quiet-lives-of-desperation/
“The main reasons for the population decline of the native bees are climate change and the change of land use by us!
Intensive farming and overpopulation have led to the loss of most of Aotearoa’s native habitat. Additionally, we use herbicides and insecticides to reduce yield losses caused by pests and weeds. Unfortunately, the majority of these pesticides reach beyond targeted species and pollute air, waterways, sediments, and food.”
Ecology NZ, Native Bees: https://aucklandecology.com/2016/04/08/native-beeswhats-the-buzz/
For the Love of Bees, Native Bees: https://www.fortheloveofbees.co.nz/native-bees
Bees and Biosecurity: https://beeaware.org.au/biosecurity/
Bee Biosecurity NZ: https://www.mpi.govt.nz/biosecurity/how-to-find-report-and-prevent-pests-and-diseases/bee-biosecurity/
Bee Pathogen Infographic: https://www.mpi.govt.nz/dmsdocument/33349-BPP-Infographic-final.pdf
Bees becoming Endangered Article: https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/300494358/new-zealand-bees-may-soon-become-endangered-due-to-pest-threat-expert-warns
“The latest figures released by the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) show New Zealand has lost over 90,000 bee colonies over the last two winter seasons.”
Bee Colony Loss Survey: https://www.mpi.govt.nz/biosecurity/how-to-find-report-and-prevent-pests-and-diseases/bee-biosecurity/bee-colony-loss-survey/
Infographic 2021 Colony Loss: https://www.mpi.govt.nz/dmsdocument/50224-2021-Colony-Loss-Survey-infographic
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leanpick · 2 years
NSW limits bee movements after mite alert
NSW limits bee movements after mite alert
An emergency biosecurity zone has been imposed to stop the movement of bees across NSW after the deadly parasite varroa mite was discovered. The mite was found last week at hives near the Port of Newcastle, with a further detection on Saturday at hives belonging to a commercial beekeeper about ten kilometres away. Acting chief executive of the Australian honey bee industry council Danny Le Feuvre…
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grub-s · 5 years
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this hive was a beautiful hot mess and i feel a bit sad that we can’t keep bees with freeform comb in australia. anyway this was a really difficult task - transferring curved, branching, intricate comb covered with thousands of bees into straight frames, held in place by elastic bands - but we managed it okay and i did the best i could. what’s important is that the colony is going to be okay, and while i’m sad about the casualties - particularly of brood - i know it was my only option.
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jepeediaz-blog · 4 years
Report lifts lid on Australia’s international bug superhighway
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A new report has identified an international ‘bug superhighway’ capable of carrying a large variety of environmentally destructive overseas insects into Australia.
The study, led by the Monash University School of Biological Sciences, rated the environmental harm being caused by 100 of the worst overseas insect species and recommends a range of actions to keep them out of Australia.
The most dominant group of invasive insects by far are the hymenopteran insects — ants, bees and wasps — making them the world’s most environmentally harmful invasive insect species.
“Our report found that environmentally harmful bugs, beetles, ants and moths are most likely to hitch a ride into Australia along an international bug superhighway made up of imported plants, nursery material and the timber trade,” said report author Professor Melodie McGeoch from the Monash School of Biological Sciences.
“Australia is already grappling with large, destructive infestations of invasive insects,” she said. “It can’t afford any more.”
The report identifies the international trade in cut flowers and foliage as a high-risk pathway for more than 70 of the species studied.
Invasive Species Council CEO Andrew Cox said this is the first time Australian and international scientists have comprehensively analyzed which invasive insects overseas are doing the most environmental harm and could therefore threaten Australia’s natural environment if they breach the nation’s borders.
“Before coronavirus put the world into lockdown there were more than 50,000 merchant ships carrying goods across the globe and some 10,000 planes in the air at any one time,” he said.
“Ants, bees and wasps are habitual and versatile world travelers tiny enough to move around the world hidden in goods such as flowers and timber.
“Invasive insects can cost hundreds of millions of dollars to eradicate once they breach international borders. Queensland is already battling red fire ants through a $411 million eradication plan.
“Invasive insects can inflict massive environmental damage. Right now yellow crazy ants threaten Australia’s Wet Tropics World Heritage Area, the oldest continuously surviving tropical rainforests on Earth and the most biologically diverse region in Australia.”
The report’s 23 recommendations include:
Develop risk profiles and contingency plans for all high-risk invasive insect species.
Review biosecurity agency practices to detect and kill invasive insects as soon as they breach Australian borders.
Impose import conditions to reduce the risks of new invasive insect introductions in the country, especially via unintentional pathways such as contaminated shipping containers.
Fully implement Australia’s Invasive Ants Biosecurity Plan and establish a permanent national body to coordinate biosecurity measures on invasive ants.
Conduct a comprehensive risk and pathway assessment for other species groups such as animal and plant fungi.
Establish a national exotic and invasive species data platform that provides comprehensive, up-to-date information for risk assessments.
The Federal Government has been improving its performance in this area with the formation of the new Office of Environmental Biosecurity. The Government has recently developed an invasive ant biosecurity plan (only partly funded) and released a priority list of environmental biosecurity pests (a selection of the worst which only lists 17 insects). Much more work is needed.
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czhang11ubio-blog · 5 years
Andrews, B. (2018, October 18). Why Dandelion Seeds Are So Good At Floating. Retrieved from http://blogs.discovermagazine.com/d-brief/2018/10/18/dandelion-seeds-fly/
Angier, N. (2018, September 11). How Teeth Became Tusks, and Tusks Became Liabilities. Retrieved from https://www.nytimes.com/2018/09/11/science/tusks-teeth-elephants-genes.html?rref=collection/timestopic/Evolution&action=click&contentCollection=science®ion=stream&module=stream_unit&version=latest&contentPlacement=21&pgtype=collection
Campanella, E. (2017, February 09). Can this breath test tell if you have cancer or one of 16 other diseases? Retrieved from https://globalnews.ca/news/3238263/can-this-breath-test-tell-if-you-have-cancer-or-one-of-16-other-diseases/
Chapman, R. (2018, May 27). Are We Really Prepared for the Genetic Revolution? Retrieved from https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/are-we-really-prepared-for-the-genetic-revolution/
Crane, B. (2018, November 27). Trump Administration Policies Could Threaten Cuban Biosecurity. Retrieved January 4, 2019, from https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/trump-administration-policies-could-threaten-cuban-biosecurity/
Geggel, L. (2017, September 12). How Do Palm Trees Withstand Hurricanes? Retrieved from https://www.livescience.com/60393-why-palm-trees-are-so-flexible.html
Geggel, L. (2018, July 28). 23andMe Is Sharing Genetic Data with Drug Giant. Retrieved from https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/23andme-is-sharing-genetic-data-with-drug-giant/
Goode, L. (2018, December 06). Here's How to Take an ECG Reading With Your Apple Watch. Retrieved from https://www.wired.com/story/how-to-take-an-ecg-reading-on-apple-watch/
Mcneil, D. G. (2018, December 17). An Island Nation's Health Experiment: Vaccines Delivered by Drone. Retrieved from https://www.nytimes.com/2018/12/17/health/vanuatu-vaccines-drones.html
Normile, D. (2018, November 27). CRISPR bombshell: Chinese researcher claims to have created gene-edited twins. Retrieved from http://www.sciencemag.org/news/2018/11/crispr-bombshell-chinese-researcher-claims-have-created-gene-edited-twins
Offord, C. (2018, December 1). Diverse Forests Are Better at Accumulating Carbon. Retrieved from https://www.the-scientist.com/the-literature/diverse-forests-are-better-at-accumulating-carbon-65109
Rogers, N. (2018, November 15). Why 'Vampire Deer' Have Fangs, While Other Hoofed Mammals Have Horns. Retrieved from http://blogs.discovermagazine.com/d-brief/2018/11/15/isns-why-vampire-deer-have-fangs-teeth-while-other-hoofed-mammals-have-horns/
Stokstad, E. (2017, December 08). Controversial pesticides can decimate honey bees, large study finds. Retrieved October 27, 2018, from https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2017/06/controversial-pesticides-can-decimate-honey-bees-large-study-finds
Wilcox, C. (2018, June 27). Becoming Fearless: Study Finds Major Changes to Domesticated Bunny Brains. Retrieved January 6, 2019, from http://blogs.discovermagazine.com/science-sushi/2018/06/27/domestication-changes-bunny-brains/
Wood, C. (2018, September 12). World's Simplest Animal Reveals Hidden Diversity. Retrieved from https://www.quantamagazine.org/worlds-simplest-animal-reveals-hidden-diversity-20180912
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Save The Bees - Lynne Pearce
For my project I have decided to shift my focus slightly and switch from the environment to the topic of bees and the impact they have on our lives, I wanted to direct my focus to somewhere more specific than overall topic of the environment as that is a very broad issue. So to start of my research I found a scholarly journal titled ‘Save the Bees’ written by Lynne Pearce in 2008.
Honey has been a useful tool for humans for centuries not only being consumed as food but also because of its massive health benefits it can bring. “Whether spread on toast, swallowed in cough medicine or used to help heal wounds, honey's health-giving properties are well known.” The honey bees produce has been used in many different aspects of medical care throughout the years and has began to over take over from anti biotics “Dressing wounds with honey was a standard practice before antibiotics came into use. But since antibiotic-resistant bacteria have begun to proliferate in clinical areas, honey has come back into favour. (…) They can be particularly useful in the treatment of chronic wounds, such as leg ulcers and pressure sores (…) and on burns.” Because of these huge benefits and how it’s naturally formed honey has become more and more essential in modern day health care and more benefits are being found the longer it’s being used.
In the journal it is explained that, despite how beneficial the honey bees produce is for us, bee populations have been going down in alarming rates noticeably higher than they where in previous years,
“an already catastrophic decline in honeybee numbers has continued, with populations believed to be as much as 30 per cent down on last year. (…) Some believe it has been the worst harvest in three decades”.
There are many things that can contribute to both the rapid decline of the bee population as wells as bad harvest which can be caused by bad weather, which could be related back to climate change and the way fossil fuels and global warming has affected the earth. Another explanation for the declining population could be virulent viruses
“In the United States, colony collapse disorder is believed to be responsible for massive losses something the British Beekeepers' Association (BBKA) warns could emerge here. Most of the honey used therapeutically is manuka from New Zealand and Australia, where experts believe production is secure. Peter Molan, professor of biological sciences and director of the honey research unit at the University of Waikato, says: 'New Zealand has strict biosecurity enforcement that aims to keep out diseases that could affect bees”.
There is a lot research has been done into figuring out the issue of the declining bee population but there hasn’t been much noise about how we can prevent such issues which is why I wanted to focus my campaign around this issue and make my campaign more specific.
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agreenroad · 3 years
Mushrooms as Medicine with Paul Stamets at Exponential Medicine - YouTube
Mushrooms as Medicine with Paul Stamets at Exponential Medicine – YouTube
https://youtu.be/7agK0nkiZpALeading mycologist Paul Stamets shares his work exploring the diverse role medicinal mushrooms may have in activating our immune systems and helping treat cancer, to new data supporting the role of fungi in biosecurity and the health of the bees that pollinate our planet.Mushrooms as Medicine with Paul Stamets at Exponential Medicine – YouTube
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beekeepingfiji · 4 years
Declaration Biosecurity Emergency Areas forAmerican Foulbrood(Paenibacillus larvae)
New Post has been published on https://www.beekeepingfiji.com/?p=4913
Declaration Biosecurity Emergency Areas forAmerican Foulbrood(Paenibacillus larvae)
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IN exercise of the powers conferred on me by section 77 of the Biosecurity Act 2008, with the advice of the Biosecurity Authority of Fiji and in consultation with the National Disaster Management Council, I hereby declare the whole of Fiji as biosecurity emergency area for American Foulbrood (Paenibacillus larvae).
This Declaration is in force for a period of 6 months from the date of its publication in the Gazette.
Any movement of honey bees, beehives and bee products excluding extracted honey for commercial purpose, within Fiji is strictly prohibited unless the Biosecurity Authority of Fiji provides prior authorisation for the movement.
Any movement of any material such as bee keeping tools and equipment exposed or having any type of contact with honey bees within Fiji is strictly prohibited unless the Biosecurity Authority of Fiji provides prior authorisation for the movement.
Pursuant to sections 79(3) and 94 of the Biosecurity Act 2008, any person who contravenes any direction made pursuant to this Declaration commits an offence and is liable to the penalties prescribed under Schedule 5 to the Biosecurity Act 2008. Dated this 5th day of March 2020.
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African Tulip Tree Removal (Spathodea campanulata)
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Some Sydney LGA’s require a permit for African Tulip Tree removal and pruning. On this page we’ll review important information for planning your African Tulip Tree work. For more information about tree removal please refer to our Tree Removal & Pruning Guide.
The African Tulip is a fast growing evergreen tree native to West Africa. It is listed on the Global Invasive Species Database (GISD) as one of the top 100 invasive species.
The African Tulip has been cultivated and introduced to Australia as an ornamental tree. Commonly found along walkways and streets, it is admired for its large showy, orange-red with yellow fringe tulip shaped flowers.
In recent years the African Tulip has been acknowledged as a potential biosecurity risk. And while the evidence is inconclusive, some experts believe it is harmful to some native bee populations.
As a result, the African Tulip Tree is listed as an invasive plant in Queensland under the Biosecurity act 2014. In Sydney however, while it has been nominated for weed risk assessment, at present the research has not been done. Although it is expected to be up for review in the near future.
Tree Characteristics
Large evergreen tree growing up to 24m in height.
Tulip shaped, orange to red flowers (10-12cm long) with yellow fringes.
Elongated pods (up to 30cm long) split open to release hundreds of papery seeds.
Long compound leaves up to 50cm long and containing 7-15 leaflets.
Leaflets are oval in shape and arranged in pairs along the leaf.
Tree Removal & Pruning Permit
Councils in Sydney are removing the African Tulip Tree from reserves due to its possible biosecurity hazard. Therefore, obtaining a tree work permit shouldn’t be problem.
However, before you spend time and money applying for a council permit, speak to our arborist. A lot of LGA’s have an exempt tree species lists for trees where no permit is required.
It’s important to note, all LGA’s have their own restrictions. There are heavy fines for damaging a protected tree. Which is why it’s best to speak to our expert arborist who can help you navigate local council restrictions.
Cost of African Tulip Tree Removal & Pruning
The two cost components for tree work include (1) council permits, and (2) tree service and labor fees.
Firstly, call and speak to our arborist who can tell you if the African Tulip Tree requires a tree work permit in your area. Second, book a site visit and quotation. We will visit your property and inspect your tree, then provide a full written quotation.
Alternatively, if you’re not yet ready for a site visit and just want an approximate price guide, you can submit our Tree Price Estimator.
Please note, our tree quote tool combines multiple variables to generate your estimate. However, it relies on your accurate self assessment for important cost variables. Therefore, the estimate price is subject to site visit before a formal quotation can be given.
Call or contact our team today to get started.
The post African Tulip Tree Removal (Spathodea campanulata) appeared first on Standfast Tree Services.
Originally published here: https://standfasttreeservices.com.au/tree-removal/african-tulip-tree/
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uniofeastanglia · 6 years
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This week #UEA are at @defrauk’s #BeesNeeds Week in @CarnabyLondon, a celebration of #bees & other important pollinators! Here is #UEA's Dr Lynn Dicks with Lord Gardner of Kimble, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Rural Affairs and Biosecurity. Find out more in our Instagram Stories 🐝 https://ift.tt/2NC8F9V
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Global Organic Cosmetic Products Market Statistics, CAGR, Outlook, and Covid-19 Impact 2026
Scope of the Report: The worldwide market for Organic Cosmetic Products is expected to grow at a CAGR of roughly over the next five years, will reach million US$ in 2024, from million US$ in 2019, according to a new GIR (Global Info Research) study. This report focuses on the Organic Cosmetic Products in global market, especially in North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific, South America, Middle East and Africa. This report categorizes the market based on manufacturers, regions, type and application.
ALSO READ :  https://icrowdnewswire.com/2020/08/13/organic-cosmetic-products-market-2020-industry-trends-sales-supply-demand-covid-19-impact-analysis-forecasts-to-2026/
Market Segment by Manufacturers, this report covers Chanel L'Oreal International Estee Lauder Origins Natural Kiehl's L'Occitane Aubrey Organics BioSecure Procter & Gamble Revlon Burt's Bees Physicians Formula Lush Cosmetics Maesa Group Avon Products Coty Johnson & Johnson Nature's Gate Jurlique Dabur India Hain Celestial Benefit Cosmetics Fancl
ALSO READ :  https://icrowdnewswire.com/2020/07/20/makeup-remover-products-market-2020-global-industry-leading-players-market-volume-trends-opportunities-market-study-and-foresight-to-2026/
Market Segment by Regions, regional analysis covers North America (United States, Canada and Mexico) Europe (Germany, France, UK, Russia and Italy) Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India and Southeast Asia) South America (Brazil, Argentina, Colombia etc.) Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria and South Africa)
Market Segment by Type, covers Perfumes Makeup Cosmetics Others
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Market Segment by Applications, can be divided into Supermarkets/Hypermarkets Beauty Parlors/Salons Specialty Stores Online Channels Other
The content of the study subjects, includes a total of 15 chapters: Chapter 1, to describe Organic Cosmetic Products product scope, market overview, market opportunities, market driving force and market risks.
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Chapter 2, to profile the top manufacturers of Organic Cosmetic Products, with price, sales, revenue and global market share of Organic Cosmetic Products in 2017 and 2018. Chapter 3, the Organic Cosmetic Products competitive situation, sales, revenue and global market share of top manufacturers are analyzed emphatically by landscape contrast. Chapter 4, the Organic Cosmetic Products breakdown data are shown at the regional level, to show the sales, revenue and growth by regions, from 2014 to 2019. Chapter 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, to break the sales data at the country level, with sales, revenue and market share for key countries in the world, from 2014 to 2019. Chapter 10 and 11, to segment the sales by type and application, with sales market share and growth rate by type, application, from 2014 to 2019. Chapter 12, Organic Cosmetic Products market forecast, by regions, type and application, with sales and revenue, from 2019 to 2024. Chapter 13, 14 and 15, to describe Organic Cosmetic Products sales channel, distributors, customers, research findings and conclusion, appendix and data source.
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