slow-poke-50 · 7 years
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Ok everyone stop put the brakes on and rethink. You are a person that is going to run 26.2 miles this Sunday. Stop doubting yourself. Stop telling yourself oh what if I'm not as fast as I want to be. What if I'm last. What if I don't make it. Ugh I didn't train enough. I could have done better. People are watching me. there are many more and I'm sure we could go on. SO STOP tell yourself fck that. I'm going to do my best. I'm gonna smile the whole way. 😁tell yourself the only person I'm racing is myself. If someone passes you, tell them good job. Get it. Woot woot. If you pass someone. Tell them good job. See you at the after party, I'll save you a beer and pizza 🍕 Don't be your worst enemy and worry about what time you are going to finish or what others think. Run your race at your pace and pat yourself on the back. If you don't I'll pay you on the back and big hugs. Because you are doing something other people only dream of. SO PUT ON THE BRAKES and start your day over. And tell yourself. I'm a person of dignity and worth. Fck wat everyone else thinks. Today is better then yesterday. Love you all and can't wait to see all of you. #Run #Runner #SmilesAndMiles #RunHappy #FriendLessPete #BecauseIGiveAFuck (at Los Angeles Marathon)
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positiveevegan · 9 years
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What a cool day!😀 Felt great to be surrounded by people who CARE about, what's in their FOOD🌽🍅, HEALTH, the EARTH🌏, and BEES🐝! #becauseigiveafuck #marchagainstmonsanto #occupylongbeach #savethebees
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