#because you cannot relate to the kids that get killed and theyre tiktokers THEY DESERVE TO DIE!!!!
anyone who thinks slasher remakes post 2004 are good needs to be studied in a lab. or maybe theyre just straight and need to not talk about horror
#straight women will never understand horror rip to them but gays do it better#yes this is about the Netflix texas chainsaw#the gore isnt good its just cgi#bring back gooey corn syrup blood and killers that are actually interesting#i wont deny 09 jason was very sexy but hes not ken kirzinger and that movie missed the point of f13 anyway#but seriously ive seen clips of the new massacre and just....it looks so bad and all of those people need to die#im not gonna say tc3d was fantastic but it was easily the third best AND it had the respect of gunnar hansan marilyn burns and bill moseley#and it was a genuinely interesting story and like one of the few exceptions to the rule of 'victims arent everyday people'#which is the trend nowadays in slasher rip offs#this is going to be just as bad as leatherface 17#because you cannot relate to the kids that get killed and theyre tiktokers THEY DESERVE TO DIE!!!!#but they dont give leatherface enough personality to make him scary OR sympathetic#tc has always been terrifying because you KNOW bubba is a product of his environment but hes also SO BIG and strong that you cant get away#and you know this#old slashers were terrifying because theh could have happened to anyone#og tc is innocent kids on a roadtrip checking out an inheritance and they were normal humans for fucks sake one of them was in a wheelchair#new tc is a bunch of shitty influencers invading a town they had no right to be gentrifying#also its so fucking disrespectful to try to drop sally into the story#isnt marilyn burns dead anyway?#like yes it worked for Halloween because its fucking jamie lee curtis and shes just Like That and was set up for this#when she was in scream queens kicking ass like she always has#tc is too old and happened during the height of the serial killer fascination she would have run and never looked back#anyway i fucking hate new slashers (fear street and scream not withstanding because the franchise is still running)#and i dont think as long as theyre going to be bad and ignore the source they should be given money#especially by people who dont understand the draw of the source anywah 🙃#its about the revenge fantasies 👌 and the possibility it could be anyone#anyway i think i have to unfollow someone cause they just......are too straight to understand what makes a horror story good#also i have nothing against the collector it fits its genre really well but it is modern horror and idk if it should be called a slasher as#mucj as it is splatterhouse#but i digrest
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