#because wouldn't it be funny if he was in the demon realm when the system died on him and left him with this mess
tcfactory · 2 months
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Broken System
I love it when the System breaks and gets shut down permanently, but what if it left its marks on its main user? Shang Qinghua won't be able to get out of explaining this even if he really, really wanted to.
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666writingcafe · 8 months
The Conversation
Content Warning: allusions to Lucifer, which is NSFW
During our first tutoring session, Barbatos suggested that I find a quiet spot to practice meditating. I knew that the House of Lamentation wouldn't cut it, for the brothers act way too chaotic for me to be able to focus for more than five minutes at a time. Purgatory Hall would cause issues as well, for if I stayed long enough, I'd have to endure Solomon's cooking. Plus, I'd have to deal with a bunch of jealous demons, and I just don't have the energy to deal with that right now.
So, when I discovered a set of stairs that lead down to an abandoned coliseum the very next day after my lab, I knew that I had found my spot. Usually, I remain down there for a hour. If I stayed down there much longer, people would grow suspicious.
However, my plans tonight get thrown right out the window, for when I venture down the steps, I'm greeted by the sight of Diavolo staring up at the giant statue in the center of the room.
Great. I can't even have this place to myself.
I don't realize the thought escapes my brain until Diavolo turns his head and smiles at me.
"I didn't realize you knew about this place, MC," he states, beckoning me to join him.
"I've been coming here to meditate after class," I explain. "It's quiet."
"That it is. I come here to think sometimes." He pauses. "Do you know the history of this place?"
"If I remember correctly, this coliseum was here long before RAD was built." Diavolo nods his head.
"Most of it is actually a recreation of the original. It got destroyed in a war with the Celestial Realm."
"Before or after the brothers fell?"
"Before, back when my father was awake. I was merely a baby then." He pauses again. "I discovered Lucifer holding Lilith's wounded body just a few feet from here."
"How depressing." Diavolo chuckles. "What's so funny?"
"You can be quite blunt at times." I shrug before sitting down. Diavolo follows suit, and I have a feeling I'm going to be here for a really long time.
"You actually caught me thinking about my past," he states.
"In what way?" Diavolo sighs.
"There are times that I wonder if the choices I made to get to this point in my life were the right ones. Like, did I really choose the right path? Should I have followed in my father's footsteps and continued running things as they were? Should I have created this school? The exchange program?"
"I think Barbatos would tell you to quit doubting yourself."
"Barbatos can only see possibilities. I never know for sure if my decisions produce the best outcome or not."
"Why are you telling me this?"
"Because I know you have similar thoughts."
"Are you trying to connect with me?"
"Is there anything wrong with that?"
"Not necessarily. It's just that if we're looking at things objectively, I've been a nuisance to you from the very beginning. I was supposed to be a non-magical human exchange student. Nothing more, nothing less. I had no business getting as close to the brothers as I have, let alone interfere with your justice system or having your two right-hand men go behind your back and keep things from you."
"Not punishing the brothers ended up being the right thing to do."
"How can you be so sure of that? You said it yourself: you never know for sure if your decisions produce the best outcome."
"Do you remember what I told you about your destiny?"
"You thought that I was meant to influence the brothers in some way."
"Exactly. So far, you're succeeding."
"Which proves my point of me being a nuisance to you. A human shouldn't have so much influence over demons, especially the Avatars of Sin. What if they decide they've had enough of you ordering them around and wanted me to be their authority figure instead?"
"Then so be it."
"How can you be so relaxed about this? You are the Demon Prince, heir to the throne! Shouldn't that concern you?"
"Not if you're ruling beside me." What?
"You're being ridiculous."
"Am I? You have pacts with seven of the most powerful demons in the Devildom and the blood of angels flowing through you. I'd be stupid to not have you by my side."
"Lucifer was right. You think everyone's meant to serve you."
"Not true." He pauses. "Not anymore, anyway. By the time everything's said and done, we will all be serving you."
"That's it." I extend my arm out to Diavolo. "Pinch me."
"You heard me. Pinch me. I am either having a really vivid dream or an intense hallucination, because there is no way this conversation is remotely real."
"I'm not going to pinch you. I will, however, remind you about what happened the last time we were alone." I roll my eyes.
"You know that was Asmo's idea, right?"
"But he wasn't the one who said it to me. You were. Using your logic, why would I agree to your request?"
"Because you wanted Lucifer to suck your dick."
"I prefer that activity to be just between the two of us. When we're together, I want to be his only source of pleasure."
"Then you didn't want me alone with him."
"I will give you partial credit. There is a part of me that is jealous of how close you and Lucifer have become in such a short amount of time whereas I've had to work for several hundred years to get to that point with him. The main reason, however, is that I simply couldn't say no to you."
"Why, indeed. That is a question I've been struggling to answer myself. You don't have a pact with me, and you certainly didn't use other means of magic to get me to accept your request. The only thing I know is that, even if I had wanted to, I couldn't try to resist you." He pauses.
"The scary thing about that situation is that I didn't want to resist you. In that moment, you could have told me to jump off a cliff, and I would have done it, no questions asked."
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nie7027 · 2 years
So...with all that happened we are skippin on a very important detail
Eda said it very firmly so she probably was very young when Belos raised to power.
This is important because it connects with something I was talking last week about how easy once tyrants raise to power they manipulate everybody and establish a system that make it seem like it always has been that way!
The coven system has only been around for 50 years and yet people treat it like it's the norm!
It's straight up a cult/fascism/autoritarismo technique
And it's great Dana dared to touch on that topic considering the times we are living
So following that Dana is basing on that type of techniques we coul kinda make a rough timeline
So Belos arrived to the isles between 300-400 years ago (both the Edwardian era coinciding with our 1600s-1700 and Luz confirming time runs at the same place in the demon realm than it does in the human realm) and has been in power for 50 years.
It probably took him something between 50-100 years to gain enough followers who will support him to become emperor( Terras age fitting into this) and anytime before that he was throughtly ignored
In actuality it needs less time than that but I'm being hopeful with how strongly Phillip was rejected at first and because the golden guards line gives us another hint.
In Belos mindscape we can see 16 broken masks(assuming each mask belongs to a different Golden Guard) so there have been 17 golden guards so far.
Let's say the Golden Guards live an average of 15-20 years ( Belos made it sound like Golden guards don't last much with how he thought Hunter, who is barely 16 years old, was finally the obedient golden Guard he always wanted. Besides of that isn't the case then it's a good range of numbers to take into account those who took longer to rebel and those who Below discarded from the beginning but fuck thats still too young)
So Below has been making Grimwalkers for around 240-320 years aka it's been ~300 years since Belos killed his brother which fits with the timeline set by them arriving to the isles mid 1600s and starting to make a life there
All of this of course works with assuming Grimwalkers grow at the same rate human/withes do.
The book from where the Grimwalkers theory was born showed us a pic of a Grimwalkers growing arguably fast (whether it was fast or just a summarized depiction who knows) but I doubt Hunter himself or others witches wouldn't notice something is off if Hunter really developed quickly. We start retaining memory of our life by the time we are 5 years old so unless Hunter doesn't remember his whole childhood (I'm talking when he was 5-10 years old) and doesn't question it we can assume he grows up at a normal rate.
(Then again Hunter not questioning a completely wiped childhood sounds like something he would do... Let's trust others like Darius would question it then)
(There's also the possibility Below just has a bunch of developed Grimwalkers ready to use at any moment... But I don't wanna think about that possibility)
I don't know where I was going with this but I just want to say i find it funny it took Phillip like 200 years after killing his brother to be taken seriously.
No wonder he had to change his name.
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