#because while you can tell.... thats still On The Cusp Of Overt
gemsofthegalaxy · 1 year
tbh this has been said before. and it is controversial but i sort of want to say it again
the fact that tom n greg may very well be turning out as such classic queerbait where they use it in the marketing, and the storytellers and actors are asked about it and talk about it... and still in the show it's in this nebulous place, where it's fairly clearly told through intense moments, background props, and drug metaphors- yet is still on the cusp of too overt to be undeniable.
and then, like, a good amount of other fans are annoyed as us for caring even a bit about that?
and, i don't necessarily need them to be happy or cutesy. but just because suck session isn't 'about shipping' doesn't mean... that's not still... like, queerbaiting? And. human relationships are part of most stories, and are actually central to Succession.
Tom's relationship to Shiv has been one of his primary roles in the whole show. They get to be acknowledged as having a romantic and sexual relationship that is important and messy and fucked up. this is not notable or seen as "focusing on the shipping", it's just part of a good story- perhaps because they're 'straight'?
and people don't have to like it. it doesn't have to be "the point" of succession. i don't mind people disliking tom/greg, it's the fact that others act like it "can't be queerbait because you can tell they aren't going there, they were never that important and were never gonna make it more explicit than it already is", that's... what makes it queerbait.
wanting clarity of intent and narrative payoff with tom and greg when they are, in fact, used in the marketing and have had seasons of buildup is not 'watching the show wrong' or inherently bad.
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