#because tagging every one would be disorganized inaccurate and messy xD
Linked Universe X Reader Fairy Tale Collection
@luimagines . Second chapter in the act before it properly picks up into the title proper which is at the end of the act, gotta have that build and set up. It's short for that purpose only plus I don't want it to drag on too much.
Fun Fact: by Medieval Logic, Theaters would exist on LoZ, just be rare.
-Just an Anon on A Stroll 🐚/ Wintertime Storyteller.
Opening Act, Scene II
As Time predicted, you've all reached the village just before midday, it was idyllic and quiet, sleepy in the simple provincial way you hardly could experience back home. It's situated in between the Era of Time and Twilight, so the geography nor the culture had changed so much that you'd need to adapt quite yet, and strangely enough it reminded you a bit of the Kakariko in Legend's time or Four's Hyrule Town, with it's mix of local markets, a bustling farm an hour of it's gates, the citizens house's modest but charming in design and surrounded by the woods, it was a breath of fresh air to any weary travelers on the road, on the edges of being a town but not quite.
There was one very notable feature, though, a strong oak tree on the center of the square which a river cut through, and further out at it's outskirts a theater standing proud and tall, with a stained glass window above it's door in a crystalline, shattered array of rainbow flowers glinting against the early afternoon sun. It was enough to make you pause from where you've been examining the prices of potions and plotting how to best haggle for it's prices (a painstakingly learned skill, but one that's served you well, you send a mental thank you to Legend). Staring trasnfixedly at it with a tilted head, squinting.
The building stood proud and tall on the edges of the village, even above the town hall. Two story and almost like it's own miniature castle, it's walls painted a solemn gray and it's rooftop and structural beams made from dark wood, it's sign was oddly aged from what you could see from the stall though. You couldn't even properly make out the Hylian in it anymore from beneath the little carved raven holding a quill, from one of the windows of the upper floors, you swore you could see two prinpicks of crimson light.Though when you've blinked they were gone, and it could easily be attributed to the shadow cast by the rooftop, a wave of unease shot through your core and your hair stood on end as the very familiar cold of goose flesh overcame you, it made you rub your own arms to try and bring the warmth of the sun back but alas, twas a futile attempt.
Something about that place rattled you to the core with just a single glance, and you didn't like it.
"Cold deary?" Inquired the old lady, snapping your attention back to her and her wares, right, red, green and blue potions were what you were here for, the last ones a rarity but you've all gathered more than enough of the ingredients in between jumps so they wouldn't be as expensive, thankfully, she simply waved off your apologies with a knowing smile, "It's quite alright, must be the storm winds. The fortune teller did say weeks in advance to prepare for it will come today, so make sure to bundle up tight, they give anyone an awful shiver this far from the plains."
"Thank you." You smiled, gratefully passing her the necessary ingredients for the blue potions as she bottled up each of the potions from her cauldron, you catch Twilight's eye from where he's stopping Epona for a drink at the river and wave him over, someone will have to tell the other's sleeping in the open is off the table today, you see Hyrule come back with a pack to him and after a short exchange, it seems Twilight directed him to you. Good, the potions look to be of almost perfect quality from what you can observe, but it's always good to have a second opinion from the main group healer, "If I my ask, is there any nearby inn here we could possibly stay in until it passes? Or maybe a tavern?"
"Oh no, unfortunately not dear. My apologies." She shakes her head at you, finishing up with the red potions and moving on to the green ones, the sinking feeling in your stomach returns as she sighs, "A tragedy happened recently you see, monsters and bandits attacked our village in these recent weeks, while we mostly came unscathed. The inn was not so lucky and took some heavy blows when the men came to defend our home, the poor healer has been besides herself with overworking to fix up the injured, poor thing."
"Excuse me ma'am, if I may interrupt?" Interjected Hyrule as he reaches your side, polite as ever as he smiles, the old woman blinks in surprise but waves him on, "Did you notice anything off about those monsters? Anything unusual at all? And where is the healer if I may? They could probably use the help and I'm not half bad with injuries."
She bites her lip in though, humming to herself, while at it you pass one of the potions to Hyrule to observe, gotta make sure you weren't ripped off after all, "Well... There was an unusual amount of Wolfos and Stalfos for one, Wizzrobes too among the moblins, when the armored bandits were cut by our men. They bled black, like ink you see. The Wizzrobes were the ones to set the inn on fire, riding on beings with the head of a feline, body of a man and a horse's bottom." She sighs, moving onto the green potions, before smiling at Hyrule, "Almost though I'd die on the spot from fright, thankfully my granddaughter managed to grab me away to shelter. In any case, aren't you a nice young lad? Thank you for offering dear, but they should be fine, my granddaughter occasionally helps the healer in between her job at the tailor's. So they should be alright, you and your friends have bigger things to worry about than our woes as you seem like a burdened lot." She laughs, head raised high as she turns back, "If we all survived for so long, we aren't about to start lagging now! So don't trouble yourselves eh?"
You and Hyrule trade a look, your lips twitch at the light flush he gets from the old lady's words (because frankly they weren't wrong) before the good humor is tempered, Lynels weren't around in either Time's or Twilight's eras and between that and the black blood, you'd bet your trusty dagger that the Shadow was behind it, but why here? Why the inn? Hyrule coughs, "W-well, I wouldn't say it would be a trouble... If I can help-"
"Nonsense dear, really. It's quite alright." She sent him a stern look, shaking the ladle at him and making the Traveler rear back a bit, you chuckle, patting his head.
"It's alright 'Rulie, we should probably take her word for it before you get brained. Plus you need to rest a bit anyway." The road seemed to get more arduous as time went on and unfortunately, that meant more injuries, pushing Hyrule when he already did so much for you all would just be cruel. He deserves a break. "Is there anywhere else we can stay to wait out the storm, then?"
"Oh yes, you're quite in luck actually. You see the theater?" She nodded to it, you have been trying very hard not to think about it actually, you though to yourself, tensing up a bit, Hyrule looked over at the building with a blink before looking over at you with a small, worried frown, "The director is a very kind person, they're willing to offer shelter and food to any travelers and performers free of charge. I'm sure if you've talked you could work something out, their theater is the pride and joy of our little village, and quite cozy too backstage."
This all feels... Too convenient, or too suspicious, but hearing the distant rumble of thunder and spotting the circle of clouds in the sky, you soldier on and send a reassuring smile to Hyrule, no matter how uncomfortable the view of that place made you, you refused to let your companions sleep in the rain when it's the clearest option available, you then nod to the old lady, "I see, where can we find them?"
"Usually it would be in the theater, but it's closed today to give the actors some time for rest, so your best bet is beneath the square's tree. They like to sit there and tell stories to the village's children or anyone who'll listen until the moon is high in the sky." Chuckles the old lady, smiling merrily. It makes a part of you uncoil a bit, maybe you're just being paranoid, anyone willing to take the free time out of their day just to entertain kids can't be too bad right? (... Right? Though you've all been proven wrong before), So you nod and turn to Hyrule, handing him the rupee pouch with the payment for the potions, "Thank you then ma'am, can you handle it here, then find Time and tell him about this, Rulie? If he doesn't already know what's going on that is and if it isn't any trouble."
He shakes his head, taking it from you before placing his hand on your shoulder, leaning away from the old lady to talk quietly into your ear, "No problem at all, but will you be okay? You looked shaken back there. If anything we can just wait until the others are done."
You smile, gently squeezing his hand back, "I'll be alright, it was just something that was nagging at me. It's better if one of us try catching them now to talk or else we might miss them entirely before the storm starts and you're better with medicinal items, so let me handle it while you finish up here, okay?" He still doesn't look convinced, "Tell you what, if I run into one of the others. I'll ask them to accompany me, deal? We'll meet by the bridge anyway, so it will save time."
He still looks reluctant, worried in that way you knew Hyrule could get in the way he always made sure to round the members of the group up after battles to heal all of their wounds, in the way you, Legend, Time and Wild practically had to pin him down so he could take a break and let others handle it himself, remember him that he didn't need to keep pushing until he broke and had to rebuild himself from scratch like the kingdom he was named after, before nodding, albeit giving you a stern look and poke to the shoulder, "Alright, but you better be careful you hear? Healer's orders, everyone's well being is important in all ways."
You giggle, saluting, before nodding to the old lady an heading off with a wink, "Sir yes sir!"
Passing through the stalls, you spot Legend and Four at the blacksmith's, Wild and Twilight talking shop with the owners of spice and vegetable stalls, Calamity at their side a silent but observant shadow, eager to learn even if he wasn't the best cook, waving to them (and studiously pretending you didn't notice the sharpening of Twilight's eyes and the traded look with Wild, their instincts unparalled when someone they considered part of their makeshift pack wasn't at their best, you prayed to Farore they wouldn't worry much for a repeat of the Hateno Camp Incident was not something you wanted), soon you cross the bridge and reach the village square, following the sound of a strong and animated voice you presumably find the director.
They looked over all common, at a glance, almost bewilderingly so given the world you've been taken to. With long salt and pepper hair, black rimmed glasses, open dark and light gray coat over a black vest and trousers, they'd could pass by as a citizen in Warriors' castle town, the one notable feature was the blood red gem round their throat in a crimson ribbon and a similar crystalline, feather like ornament on their hair, they made animated gestures as they spoke to the small crowd of enraptured children, oddly enough their coat sleeves reminded you of sweeping wings, flapping this way and that as they made dramatic gestures.
"-The mirror shattered, and the hero could finally, truly, see himself again, returned to his true form and able to see his beloved once more after so long. Held in the arms of the witch at last, they walked hand in hand, towards freedom, towards a new sunset, the end." Concluded the narrator, chuckling themselves at the clapping and slight snickering from the children, they bow theatrically and clap their hands together three times, before winking, shrugging as they turned away, "Of course, that's not the end of their story or of their many many misadventures. Though I doubt any of you little rascals would like to listen..."
"Tell us another one! Tell us another one, Storyteller! No fair! You can't leave it at that" Cried out a little boy from the crowd, making the director laugh before their eyes set on you once they spin on their heel, even with such friendly visage, you can't help the slightly chill of discomfort on your skin before they look at the sky quickly turning cloudy, patting the boy's head after crouching to his side, they wink, "Tell you what, once the storm passes. You all come to the theater, and I'll put in a proper show for you lot, alright? Now scram! Shoo! Your parents must be worried about you little gremlins by now." They shooed them off, to the children's many protests,n qa before leaning against the tree with a smile, "Couldn't help but notice you there, let me guess, have business with little old me? Seems like an awful lot of new faces do, recently."
You take a deep, deep breath, steel yourself with the knowledge that you're all in a very public square, some of the children are watching curiously still and should anything happen, that you can see Wind, Spirit and Wars on your left just exiting the general shop with supplies, any of your friends would have your back should your bad feeling be true, "Yes, hello there, apologies for cutting in, it sounded like they were having fun." That much was true, children loved stories, so making them wait to hear more when they were so clearly exited was a small stab of guilt, the director only laughs, waving you off.
"Oh none of that, they get me almost everyday in the theater and out of it. So I can spare the time to talk to strangers." They offer you a low bow, "The name's Raven, everyone calls me that, now! What do you need?"
"Me and my companions were just passing by, but as you can guess, plans got a bit derailed."
"The storm, yes, plus the monster reports I'm guessing." They tilted their chin to the west, and once you looked over a cringe runs through you, the inn really was reduced to rubble... It reminded you of some of the ruins in Wild's time, for a second there. Yikes, the Shadow definitely did a number in it in compensation for not getting to the rest of the village.
"Precisely, we heard from the potion maker that you offered lodging and meals for travelers temporarily as a result."
"For a price, you'd be correct." They added, smiling and chuckling at your expression, "Oh no need to make that face, that's just how the world works. Though I'm not interested in money, stash whatever is going through your head back in the chest of your mind and slam the lid shut!"
You breathe a sigh of relief, so the old lady wasn't lying after all, though it makes that niggling feeling of unease rise up again, "I see, but then what-"
They raise an eyebrow at you, "Isn't it obvious?" They sigh, shaking their head with a disappointed tsk, "I'm a storyteller at heart you know. Even above my love for theater, is my love for stories, you can stay the night as long as you all stick around to listen to thirteen of my tales to completion as they are performed on our humble stage."
... You blink, "...That's it? That's all you want?"
The person crosses their arms in front of their chest with a hmph, chin raised, it makes the blood red gem on their neck all the more obvious and for some reason, compels you to look away, "I'm half offended that you said 'that's it' of all things, but I'll let it slide. Yes that is indeed all I want." They smile, it's a small, eager thing, they look to almost bound into place with excitement, and the sight made you smile, "Me and the troupe rarely get to perform for new people anymore, you know? The village is small and we rarely get any travelers nowadays. At best we are a pitstop unless something like this happens, can you blame me for wanting to capitalize on it? Boredom is as lethal as a sword to the head and heart I say!"
You giggle with an agreeing nod, "You're not wrong... But are you sure?"
"As a traveler on the road you and your companions would know best I wager, consider this a break for you all and a gift for me. I'm as sure as the sky is blue and the grass is green." They nod, before looking over your shoulder, smiling in amusement at something, before turning to you, "Your friend with the wolf pelt is looking this way, so how about this: You gather all of them and decide what to do, after that, you can all come to me before the storm starts with your choice, my doors shall be open for you."
"Thank you." You nod, before turning on your heel, true to form. Twilight was waving you over, Hyrule by his side and Time on the other, seems he already told them of the circumstances. Your wariness forgotten, you keep an eye on the sky and go forth to discuss the possibility with time.
You miss how the director smiles, teeth a bit too sharp, before they turn towards the theater, their shadow shifts just so, and a black cat comes to join their steps as they pull out a black book and the quill from their head. "Not at all dear, if anything... Thank you."
The clouds seemed to get darker as they wrote and murmured to themselves, a dense layer where there once was a sunny day. And had anyone looked too closely, they'd notice that with the sharp snap of the book closing, came the roar of thunder and the howling of winds.
Opening Act, End Scene II
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