#because she’ll never suffer like she did in that orphanage and with Frances
That scene in S2E2 after the fight where Ava asks Beatrice, “just your job?”….I’ve been thinking about it a lot because for the last 12 years, Ava has been told she is nothing but a job, a burden, an unwelcome responsibility to people in her life. She never mattered beyond, “I’m only here because you’re literally helpless and can’t take care of yourself,” or, “You have the Halo so we have to train, protect, and look out for you.” She probably doesn’t have many, if any, memories of a time before being paralyzed and therefore doesn’t remember what it’s like to be anything other than a problem to people.
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The fact that Beatrice, as “contained” as she is, recognized that and willingly stepped out of her own comfort zone to reassure Ava that it was about more than just the mission for her…that she genuinely enjoyed her time with Ava… It had to be one of the very few times anyone has ever said that she has value as an individual and is more than just a job, burden, or responsibility. It’s the second time that Beatrice tells her that Ava matters, in fact (S1E8 for reference), and I adore the writers (and actresses) for giving us such a heartbreaking but beautiful storyline for Ava and Beatrice.
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Credit to @lesbianjamies for the gifs
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bittermurmurings-a · 6 years
Angelique Latendresse
Born: ca. 1561-1562  Orléans, France
Edward could never find an official birth record for his wife. That should’ve been the first big red flag to cast doubt her shady backstory.
People did not keeps records of everything as they do nowadays, so Angelique can not be certain of her exact birthdate, but knows that she was a young infant was the French Wars of Religion, and her birth city of Orléans was taken over by the Protestants. Her family was slowly wiped out by the wars and the fanatic- fueled massacres that took place over the next few decades, leaving her without any surviving family except herself. She was found wandering the streets, a desolate and alone young child with her older and younger siblings by some friendly nuns, and they were all taken to a local orphanage.
They all met various demises eventually, her youngest and dearest to her sister dying the last in childbirth after having a son, but they all perished. Only Angelique reached the old age of 35.
She missed her family, but she didn’t need them. Besides, she had the fortune of being adopted out by a local apothecary couple with no children of their own, and was raised the arts and ways of magic and rituals. She might’ve grown up to be a good person if she wasn’t so power hungry, her desire to control wars, famine, disease and even human life was a strong call to her. Perhaps it was because of the own lack of control in her life and society, of how her own family died around her beyond her control, but Angelique wasn’t sated with being used as a puppet on a string.
She wasn’t a piece of imported exotic china, to be used for special occasions and then put up on a shelf.
She found out just how unwillingly to be toyed with when she got married in young love to a man who promised her the world while they courted, then smashed it underfoot and took it away from her as soon as their honeymoon was over. Angelique may had been young, but she was far from stupid, and one evening while she was considering what to do, her husband came in angry about something, and instead of just the harsh and demeaning words directed at her, he hit her. just once. But it was enough.
She’s not sure exactly how she decided on the specific course of action she took was best, but she remembers every detail of how she elatedly murdered her husband, first she hit him upside the head and tied him to a chair, and then spent the next several hours torturing him. She didn’t mean to actually kill him, but before she knew it, he was dead. Weak mortal scum. She left his body outside for the crows to eat in one of their farming fields, not exactly sure what to do with him, but knowing that he didn’t deserve a proper burial, when her thoughts on what she’d just done was interrupted by a visitor.
An old hag she would come to respect greatly and live under her guidance and become what she most wanted to be: powerful.
The old hag took her parents magic and twisted it into something cruel and destructive, and she found out that she was good at what she did; really good, better than her other pupils in dark arts that the old hag had fostered. Before long, she was creating darkness and destruction across the landscape, and that was the beginning of her darkness, her evilness taking deep root in her soul, and her knowledge of other being and realms was taught to her in secret by the old hag, being as she was the brightest and evilest of them all.
She spent the next ten years or so becoming more powerful and knowledgeable, and her any who daren’t not to acknowledged with respect would fall to bad luck, and those who insulted her ended up in ruin, no matter who it was. She loved to mess with a small village, make them think they were seeing demons and go wild to try and get rid out the source, when it was all Angelique playing with shadows and illusions. Her fun came to end one evening when she was accidentally spotted, and the town set upon her so fast that she barely had time to run, and she was assaulted with sticks, stones, pitchforks, anything they could throw at her, and she was shot once in her shoulder before falling to the ground in pain.
Her mind is hazy for a few moments, and the next thing she clearly sees is a man shouting at her, and holding a torch. For the first time in her life, she felt fear for her life. He spoke at length about how she was a witch and how she was going to Hell, and it gave her enough time to consider how to escape, and she had managed her bonds loose enough to where she could wiggle herself free and lob her curses at them-
but not before she was set ablaze.
It was her own rage and fury that kept her from rolling on the ground, spewing deadly curses and hexes at everyone in sight, not sparing anyone. She eventually collapsed again, this time a burnt and charred mass of melted flesh and flaky bone, unsalvageable even with today’s medicine, just after the old hag arrived, hearing Angelique’s screams from her own hovel.
Nearly everyone in the village was in some state of dying or death, by Angelique’s hands, and the old hag’s old and twist heart beat a few times at Angelique’s doing and suffering. She leaned down and pressed a kiss to Angelique’s forehead, and asked her if she wanted to continue living on earth or pass into the next life.
She choose the former.
The old hag does some lengthy and confusing chanting, and Angelique’s body is made anew, made new skin on her surface, restored to her beautiful and youthful self, strong and impervious to everything.
But, on the inside, she’s as fragile as a porcelain doll. Her one weakness. 
The old hag nurses her back to health, and praises her for her efforts, but also reminds her to not get greedy, and to know when to leave a situation  when it gets too much. And she takes her lessons wisely, soaking up all the next knowledge and experiences she could, all the while, she slowly spreads out her influence and mischief, expanding far beyond her birth city, and starts to travel first around France, then Europe to spread her tainted porcelain touch to all those who displeased her.
When colonies start forming in the new world, large enough to attract all sorts of people with the bounties of gold and new crops coming back to the old world, Angelique saw a chance to spread her darkness even further, and even moreso in a fledgling group of half- starving colonies. She wished her final goodbyes to the old hag, who was now even older and nearing the end of her own heavily extended life, and departed for the new world.
And it was just as open for the taking as she thought.
She corrupted and messed with many people, and she was beside herself with pride and accomplishment. In fact, she was so happy, she fell in love again with a dashing young indentured servant, who his former master she killed when he refused to allow them to marry. He turned out to be nicer than her first husband, and she stayed with this one for over a year, surprisingly happily married. Too bad he was so dashing that other women wanted him too, and he fell prey to their advances. She ended up personally killing him and the harlot she caught him in bed with, killing them slowly for hours, loving their delicious screams ad pain as they slowly suffered.
Though, this husband gave her more than just happiness. He also gave her a child, one that resided within her belly as she killed her unfaithful husband and his lover. She gave birth 8 months later to a girl that she named Mourning. Angelique tried to raise her herself on her own, but found that motherhood wasn’t exactly her calling, so she gave up her daughter to various neighbors, all of whom gave her back after she was reported doing strange things. Mourning was bounced inbetween foster families and her mother throughout her childhood, but she always felt a connection to her mother. Not that she loved her terribly, but if she was in serious trouble, she could feel her mother’s presence and strength within her.
Angelique took part in the Salem Witch Trials, using her influence to rise their already existent hysteria to new extent, and causing little events to spur them on. But, after that, Angelique found it harder to easily manipulate and fool people into believing witchcraft and that they were being cursed by an unknown force. Years went on, and Angelique returned to the old world for several decades at a time, still leaving her mark on backwards villages and countries that had yet to be modernized, though when the great civil war took place in America, she found the large amount of lives lost to be too enticing to ignore. She even had another lover, this time eloping and having another girl, naming this one Judith and the child met the same fate as her centuries older sibling.
She found America to be quite... appealing to her tastes.
Of course, she returned to Europe and Asia for the first and second World Wars, and enjoyed her stay there, but America was like a large playground for her, a melting cauldron of a country that she could toy with, all with the modern conveniences the 21st century had to offer. especially one Edward Park. 
Maybe it was the wealth and power that he had that attracted her to him, or maybe his same independence streak that matches hers, but she fell in love with him, his wealth and his power. Their marriage was brief but actually quite happy, and she was not exactly upset when she gave birth to another child, a son named Zorobel. But, she was upset when Edward found out her dark secrets and threw her out, and she left for the more tropical regions to escape her little family.
For as happy as she was, she didn’t really miss her ex- husband and son enough to go back. she new she had to let the heat on her die down. maybe one day she’ll go back, maybe when Zorobel is older and he can understand that Mommy was nearly 500 years old and was an evil witch that sometimes did business with an eldritch abomination. She would like to see her baby boy grow up to be a witch like her.
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